Member Reviews

DNF at 20%
I was originally excited going in to this book, but I couldn’t connect to the characters; they weren’t written well- very tell and not show. They could’ve used some back story before jumping right in to meeting each other, I just couldn’t make myself care about them. They didn’t have chemistry and the way that D.J. pushed himself onto Markell was not for me at all.

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I loved this book. Dustin and Taylor were lovable characters that you were rooting for to get together throughout the book. They way they care for one another and their dynamic is wonderful to see. I love how running jokes about being a bad tipper and the phrase "penny for your thoughts" pop up throughout the book to show the little inside jokes with one another. The book is split perspective between Taylor and Dustin which I really liked. I loved how I was able to see how they thought of one another and the world around them. This book is filled with an adorable romance that you won't regret reading and it is a story that is centering around finding joy and love with someone.

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This was something. I loved so many little things about this book. The queer rep in this was fun and great. I like the relationship aspect and how both of them knew what they wanted and what they weren't willing to give up for a relationship. I thought this was a good quick queer read.

I got an e-arc of this book on NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I loved this. It is a nice and quick read; honestly wish it was a tad bit longer but that is because I loved the characters and wanted more of them. It’s legit impossible to find poc mm romance so this was so refreshing from normal white mms. I enjoyed the workplace drama as well.

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Really enjoyable Black, queer workplace romance! I love that it was an older main couple and the wider side characters added a real sense of community. I feel the chosen family aspect is hugely important and would be relatable for many LGBTQIA+ people. There were a couple of elements I didn’t enjoy, such as the judgement from Dr Taylor regarding challenging family dynamics and the use of the miscommunication/third act break up trope. However, I felt these characters grew in such a short time together and overall was a short and sweet romance that I would definitely recommend.

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I really enjoyed this book! As someone who works in higher education, I felt as though the depiction of the politics, the accreditation stress, and the potential HR scandals was accurately depicted. I loved both main characters. I felt as though they were distinct from each other but meshed well together. I loved the other characters we met- friends, parents, cousins, etc. Call me a hater, but I love when we meet a character and we know our goal in life is to hate them with our whole being. And we had one of them! I love to hate on the "bad guy."

This book was amazing. I highly recommend it to people who enjoy workplace romances, MM romance, and Beyonce fans. Don't forget to check out the acknowledgement page. It was touching.

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