Member Reviews

I love all these new stories from the world of Naruto! The artwork is great and the plotlines are fantastic. It's so nice to see old favorites like Kakashi and Guy with new a new generation.

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It sure makes one feel a certain age when a book you used to follow is now featuring one of its characters in retirement along with the child of other characters in the original story, but here we are. That aside, I enjoyed reading "Naruto: Konoha's Story--The Steam Ninja Scrolls." I feel like that title could have been more brief, but it's a huge IP. Perhaps I enjoyed this more for Gai & Kakashi's retirement (mis)adventures, but I think that shows how this title has a lot of things to offer to many types of readers.

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A fun installment in the post-Naruto storyline. It was nice to see how Mirai has grown up and how the village has changed. Kakashi and Gai were the best parts.

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