Member Reviews

A Special Thanks To Viz Media and NetGalley for the ARC.

Finally! It’s a title I have been wanting to review but have been backlogged due to other priorities. Haruichi Furudate’s Haikyu!! Is one of the most recommended Shonen manga for new readers, and one of the most popular sports titles on the market, inspiring many to take up Volleyball, tributes to the teams in real-life matches, an anime consisting of four seasons, four films, five OVAs, video games, etc. It has also won the 61st annual Shogakukan Manga Award in the Shonen category. Aside from all of this, be sure to sit back and enjoy my first dive into the world of Haikyu!!

You don’t need to be tall to fly! Something Shoyo Hinata aims to show the world as he chases after the dream of becoming the best Volleyball player in the world, after witnessing the legendary player known as “the Little Giant” compete at the national volleyball finals. After playing his first and last match against the King of the Court, Tobio Kageyama, Hinata swears to become Kageyama’s rival after graduating from middle school. But the guy he wants to defeat ends up becoming his teammate at Karasuno High School! The two will have to prove themselves capable of playing together if they want to have a future playing volleyball.

The dream of our protagonist is something very relatable, especially those who are in sports. Hinata’s loss against Kageyama fueled his resolve to defeat and avenge his loss against his newfound rival, the story gained depth as it started to get deeper into the first volume, discovering that he’ll be Kageyama’s teammate at Karasuno High School. It added an extra twist to the story, as the two former rivals have to learn how to cooperate and harness their combined skills.

The first three volumes do a great job of establishing the main characters, showing what motivates them, and what makes them stand out from each other. Hinata’s energetic personality and Kageyama’s precision and rigid attitude offer a different dynamic. It does, however, rely on some familiar sports tropes, but it offers unique moments and heartfelt moments to the story.

Aside from the story, the artwork is one of the manga’s strongest parts in portraying how intense sports can be (especially Volleyball, a team sport in two teams of six using not only their physical abilities but also their intellect and devise a strategy that helps them score points by grounding the ball on the other team’s court.) Furudate captures the intensity and how fast-paced Volleyball can be in his layouts and panels. A great eye for detail was put into each character’s designs mixes well with how expressive and distinctive they are. Finally, the Volleyball scenes are illustrated well, especially when depicting the sport.

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What a lengthy and nice package. I would describe this 3-in-1 edition as like one of those birthday gifts you look back on almost instantly. Art-wise, sometimes, better than the actual anime adaptation at conveying volleyball as a sport in all its glory. And when adding in how good the anime is, that means something. A feature to Haikyu!! is that it's world breaths of life, and I mean that highly. One thing I love so much about Furudate's writing is that the simplest moments have a deep and raw and super seemingly purposeful wholesomeness thrown in that always cuts deep. Taking the simplest tropes, like the joyful lead and sort of antagonist teammate who have to work together but it is not another Slam Dunk but rather has a individuality tied with volleyball that keeps it so entertaining. Furudate's writing makes you always smile and sometimes gives you slight tears. Add all accomplished here: breaking and reinventing tropes, building a vibrant world, and a unique and personal one while bringing notice to a underdiscussed sport. The only holdback, the series never really improves at, is in deeper writing. Haikyu!! is a joyful work for sure, but when it gets dramatic it can be a bit too used sparingly to a point where attachment to our leads depends less on the writing and more on their basic personalities. Regardless of this minor issue, Haikyu!! is definitely worth a read if you haven't. It is one of those manga that will keep you up all night.

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I have nothing bad to say about Haikyuu. I've been an avid manga reader since I was a pre-teen, and I'm 30 now -- in that time, I can count on one hand what sports manga I've actually enjoyed. Haikyuu (as I spelled it throughout my college tumblr years) is special. While volleyball is a large part of this series, there is so much focus on each of the characters and their own growth that I would argue it's more important than the sport itself. If you're not typically a sports fan but things like Sk8 and Blue Lock appealed to you, I think Haikyuu will share that same appeal.

I think the only thing that can make or break this 3-in-1 is the size of the physical book. I own the 3-in-1 X (CLAMP) volumes, and they're larger than a traditional volume and made with thick paper. They're sturdy. On the other hand, something like the Skip Beat 3-in-1s feel flimsy in comparison. If the 3-in-1 published copy feels like it can stand the test of time, I could definitely see myself buying the series that way.

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I love that this series is getting the 3 in 1 treatment from Viz. This is an amazing sports manga that follows our main character who is captivated by watching volleyball, and works hard creating a team with his fellow classmates. The series follows this story, and I can't wait to read more.

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Middle schoolers have to work together to accomplish their goals. This is the first three volumes of Haikyu!! published again in an affordable, sort of shelf-saving capacity. This story is cute and has lots of cute boys running around playing volleyball and learning valuable lessons about life and teamwork. It's inspirational!

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If you love sports this is a must. Truely one of the best sports manga that you can get your hands on! Hinata is short in stature but has the athleticism, ambition, and passion to defeat his competitors. Hinata must become teammates with his rival. Haikyu is a fun, exciting showing the emotions and drive to win!

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Okay, I can see why so many people like this series. The characters are fun and the action of the game is really dynamic. The art works just as hard during those matches! I also like that this is a 3-1. The whole series is 40+ volumes, so this is a space saver for collectors as well as a good jumping in point for people like me, who have heard good things about the series for a long time, but had yet to give it a read.

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Haikyu! has been on my radar for a few years but I hadn't gotten the chance to really read it until now and I'm so glad I did! The 3-in-1 aspect really helped me sink into the story and it's just fun. Plenty of silliness, banter, team shenanigans--it's everything we love about sports stories and manga. Really excellent!

Thank you to NetGalley and VizMedia for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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If you've already read Haikyu!!, there's not much to report on this title. The main highlight for this volume is that it combines 3 volumes into 1, which is very helpful for libraries with limited shelf space who are looking into purchasing Haikyu!! for their collection, but are worried about committing to a series with over 40 volumes. I really enjoyed the format of this volume, and it will be very helpful to have a copy of this on hand in my manga collection in case the first volume is already checked out.

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Haikyu!! kicks off with an exhilarating introduction to Shoyo Hinata, a passionate and determined protagonist inspired by the legendary "Little Giant." Despite his short stature, Hinata's incredible jumping ability and unyielding spirit make him a captivating character. His dream of becoming a top volleyball player is both inspiring and relatable, setting the stage for a compelling sports narrative.

The story gains depth when Hinata faces a crushing defeat against Tobio Kageyama, known as “the King of the Court.” This defeat fuels Hinata’s resolve to improve and defeat Kageyama, only to discover they will be teammates at Karasuno High School. This twist adds an interesting dynamic as the former rivals must learn to cooperate and harness their combined skills.

Furudate’s artwork is vibrant and dynamic, capturing the intensity and fast-paced action of volleyball matches. The character designs are distinctive and expressive, enhancing the emotional impact of their interactions and growth. The volleyball scenes are particularly well-done, with meticulous attention to detail in depicting the sport’s nuances.

The first three volumes do an excellent job of establishing the main characters and their motivations. Hinata’s boundless energy contrasts sharply with Kageyama’s rigid precision, creating a classic yet fresh dynamic. Their development from adversaries to begrudging teammates is engaging, and the supporting cast adds further depth and variety to the story.

However, the series does rely on some typical sports manga tropes, which might feel familiar to seasoned readers of the genre. Despite this, Haikyu!! manages to infuse enough unique elements and heartfelt moments to stand out.

Overall, Haikyu!!, Vol. 1-3 is a promising start to a series that balances high-energy sports action with character-driven drama. Haruichi Furudate’s storytelling and art create an immersive experience that will leave readers eager to see how Hinata and Kageyama’s journey unfolds.

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This digital ARC was obtainable via NetGalley for an honest review.

Wow. I am embarrassed that it took me this long to read this manga. It was so good! Being that "Haikyu!! (3-in-1 Edition)" has three volumes in it I was able to get a good feel for it. I love the teammates, the banter, the lessons/themes, and even the sport! You know it's a good sports manga when it has you wanting to research that subject. I absolutely have nothing bad to say about it. I will definitely be watching this anime soon.

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I love Haikyuu so much and love passing it on to my tweens and teens who are looking for new manga to read. This 3-in-1 is going to make that even easier for the kiddos who are a little intimidated by how long the series is. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the first look!

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It's astonishing to me how well a story that involves a sport that's based on such movement can make pages seem so energetic. I love when manga comes in a 3-in-1 edition.

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Haikyu!! is a big fan favorite--especially of mine-- and this edition is a fun option for readers looking to purchase a hard copy while taking up less space, or a digital copy without having to wait between volumes. If a library doesn't already carry the individual volumes, this one is worth the purchase! The story itself is a delightful underdog tale of perseverance with a cast of hilarious lovable characters that is sure to get any sports-hater hooked on volleyball.

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I love this series. Hinata is such a powerful main character and he is someone you are rooting for to win because he wants to be the best and that is something many people, including me, can relate to. But my favorite character has always been a d will always be Oikawa and being able to see him portrayed in the books and not just the anime is great because anything that has to do with him I am here for it. This is a great coming of age sport story that is good for so many ages

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