Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Canelo for the ARC of this book. I was intrigued by the premise because I typically love a second chance romance. I enjoyed parts of this but in the end it was just okay for me. I kept waiting for there to be a big realization for the couple and in the ends it almost felt like nothing happened. The main character navigates all of these complicated emotions and nothing really comes of it. I do think it was written well but the ending made it fall flat for me. Others may enjoy it more than I did though. I appreciate the opportunity to read and review it.

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Cute , endearing longing and easy read. Fairly typical for what you would expect, but enjoyed the over all intent

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Canelo for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I have some mixed emotions about this book. I felt the author did an incredible job in showing both Gem and Will's emotions throughout the book, and really holding the reader's attention - I found that I was strung along a little too much. I didn't see the point in delaying the "truth" being told. Towards the 75% mark, the book took a bit of psychological turn, with supporting characters really changing the trajectory of the book.

I think an epilogue would have tied the book up in a nice little bow, and given readers a sense of satisfaction.

Overall, a beautiful love story and a very captivating read.

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Unfortunately this wasn't the book for me for several reasons, but I will not give a negative review based solely on my preferences or my likes and dislikes. That being said, I admit that I did not finish this read, mainly because I couldn't connect with the characters, but don't take my review as a negative one -- please give it a try if it sounds good to you! I had a book hangover from the last book I read so maybe that's why this one just didn't connect with me. I suggest you take a chance! I'm grateful to NetGalley for the opportunity to review an advance copy of this book.

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Thank you Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

The writing of this book was excellent, I was hooked from the start. I enjoyed the flips back to 2019 as well as back to 2022, alongside the characters POV these were really interesting to see and allowed the reader to connect with all of the characters rather than just Gem.

I liked what was done with this book, I liked that we got drip fed information and didn't know how Will had ruined everything, basically finding out the same time as Will. It kept me turning pages.

I really don't like the cheating trope, however I think this was handled well - I just wish we got a bit more at the end of the book. A flash forward to July 18th 2023 would have been good for romantic readers, but the open ended nature of the book definitely gives scope to allow the ending we all want. Seeing Gem travel would have been great, maybe taking Di with her so they could really reconnect! But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself and there will be a spin off? That's the only reason I knocked a star off, I just wanted to know MORE.

I would easily recommend this though.

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Recuerdos perdidos. Amores perdidos. ¿Podrán encontrar el camino de regreso el uno al otro? Cuando Will se despierta después de un accidente automovilístico, ha perdido tres años de memoria. Todo lo que quiere es a su novia y amor de la infancia, Gem , a su lado. En cambio, nada es como lo recuerda.

Gem finalmente ha superado la ruptura entre ella y Will. Con una nueva vida y un nuevo novio, lo último que espera es una llamada para decirle que Will la necesita, el hombre que casi la destruye.

Mientras Will se recupera, está decidido a demostrarle a Gem que él es el hombre que alguna vez fue. Pero al descubrir los secretos de su pasado, ¿podrá reconstruir qué le hizo cambiar tan dramáticamente? Y, ante la elección, ¿Gem continuará con la nueva vida segura que ha construido o volverá con el hombre que solía amar?

Uff tenía muchas ganas de leerlo, la sinopsis me dejó intrigada y me atrapó, pero lamentablente no me gustó.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first read from this author and I really enjoyed it. It’s a different story from my usual reads and I’m glad I took a chance.

Will and Gem are the kind of soulmates you read about in romance books. Until a single night changes everything. Their love is shattered. I loved the premise of the hero losing three years of memories and while piecing them back together he’s trying to rekindle their story.

Plenty of emotional upheaval in this one.

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Cuando Will se despierta después de un accidente automovilístico, ha perdido tres años de memoria. Todo lo que quiere es a su novia y amor de la infancia, Gem, a su lado. En cambio, nada es como lo recuerda.

Gem finalmente ha superado la ruptura entre ella y Will. Con una nueva vida y un nuevo novio, lo último que espera es una llamada para decirle que Will la necesita, el hombre que casi la destruye.

Mientras Will se recupera, está decidido a demostrarle a Gem que él es el hombre que alguna vez fue. Pero al descubrir los secretos de su pasado, ¿podrá reconstruir qué le hizo cambiar tan dramáticamente? Y, ante la elección, ¿Gem continuará con la nueva vida segura que ha construido o volverá con el hombre que solía amar?

Tristemente no disfrute el libro, tanto la historia como los personajes no me gustaron.

Lo que más me disgusto fue como todos tomaron la palabra se Will como si fuera un neurólogo y supiera de lo que estaba hablando, o sea estamos hablando de un tipo que se transformó en otra persona, que los trató horrible y aún así lo reciben con los brazos abiertos

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This is a great little love story. Somebody I Used to Love is a fast, engaging read. I liked that the ending was up for interpretation.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this book. It felt me feeling sad but also happy at the same time! It's definitely a rollercoaster.

Highly recommended for anyone who loves a heartfelt story about second chances and enduring love.

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Definitivamente Gemma y Will se merecen el uno al otro.

Me molestó como todos perdonaron y aceptaron con los abrazos abiertos al idiota de Will. No entiendo como le creyeron, o sea sólo tenía una idea de lo que pudo afectarle y hacer que cambiara de personalidad, pero nunca fue dicho por un doctor que era correcta su suposición. Todos son unos crédulos.

No me gustó la parte en donde el perdón viene acompañado con dejar que esa persona que te lastimó este en tu vida sin importar cuantas veces te lastime. Gemma tiene una madre que está deprimida, esa parte no es el problema, pero la señora no quiere ayuda, no intenta recuperarse y se la pasa lastimando a su hija; por más de dos décadas Gemma ha soportado a su madre porque Will le metió en la cabeza que como es su mamá tiene que perdonarle todo.

Spoilers ⚠️ ⚠️
Gemma y Will estuvieron juntos por más de una década hasta que él de repente cambia de personalidad, se la pasa tomando, se junta con gente que no es buena, le grita a ella, la trata mal y le es infiel con la novia de su hermano.

Tres años después ambos están con otras personas, pero Will sufre un accidente automovilístico y se olvida de esos años separados. La tonta de Gemma sigue enamorada de él y con el regreso del antiguo Will ella empieza a verlo, le fue infiel a su novio, pero esa parte me dió igual porque Richard no era exactamente un buen novio.

Luego Will se crea una teoría de que cuando tuvo el primer accidente y se golpeo la cabeza le afecto tanto que eso hizo que se volviera una horrible persona. Todos le creen y recupera su vida, no antes de hacer que todo lo que paso sea culpa de otros y no de él 🙄. El pobrecito fue víctima. Nunca se hizo respondable de sus acciones.

¡Ah! y al final es Gemma quien pide perdón y le ruega a él. Hazme el favor. Pero no sirve de nada porque queda con final abierto y no se sabe si volverán o cada quien irá por su camino.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the story of Will and Gem. After waking up from a car accident, Will realizes there is a 3 year gap in his memory. Gem, who has moved on and has a new boyfriend, receives a call about his situation. As Will starts his recovery process, he’s determined to prove to Gem that’s he’s the same man she fell in love with. However, Gem is torn between the man she was once in love with and her new life.
If you are a fan of a sweet, rip your heart out love story, then I recommend giving this book a read. I really enjoyed this book ❤️
Thank you to NetGalley and Eve Ainsworth for the opportunity to read this book before its release 🫶🏻

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I read this one in a day. Simply could not put down. I fell in love with the two main characters Will and Gem who are destined to be together but separated after Will started acting strange and they drifted apart. Three years later Gem is contacted when Will is involved in an accident, he has lost his memory and is convinced they are still together. I could feel the love these two had for each other hop off the pages. A feel good novel that is great for a summer read on the beach.

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Potential trigger warning: (skip if you don't care) - If I wasn't reading this for NetGalley, I would have DNFed as soon as cheating occurred.

If you're looking for a book where the characters have substantial emotional trauma with a lack of communication, then Somebody I Used to Love is the book for you. In the author's note, Ainsworth mentioned that she wrote this book during a difficult time. The emotions several characters go through are so strong, it makes sense that some first-hard insight may have gone into it. I was drawn to this second-chance romance because I strongly relate to the premise. I had two main issues with this book:
1. Gem, the female protagonist, had few redeeming qualities. Throughout all the timelines, her dialogue focused around her struggles with addressing her trauma. I understood why she loved Will, but I had no idea what she was bringing to the table aside from a major woe-is-me complex.
2. The plot centered around an unrealistic premise. Would you forgive someone if they treated you like absolute garbage? The only way to resolve actions so hurtful and heinous would be to introduce an equally wild explanation that I assume is unrelatable to most readers. It seems that Ainsworth really knows how to write emotions, so why not anchor this story to address a more reasonable issue?

Thank you to NetGalley, Canelo, and the author, Eve Ainsworth, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Canelo for the ARC

I really enjoy the amnesia trope and this didn't disappoint! It was raw, heartbreaking and sweet. A romance novel where we slowly get to uncover how a relationship fell apart. Will they be able to move on and reunite or is the rift to large? Now that our fmc finally has moved on and found a new boyfriend, how will all this affect her?

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This was an emotional read featuring Gem and Will who were childhood friends before becoming a couple until three years ago when Will suddenly changed leading to the collapse of their relationship. Now both are in new relationships but a head injury caused by a car accident leaves Will with amnesia and stunned to find out Gem is no longer part of his life and he is determined to find out what changed.

It was great to read both perspectives of this as the impact of Will getting back in touch with Gem reopens old wounds and she struggles with her feelings for him whilst Will can’t understand the world he now lives in and wants everything back to how it was. It was also enlightening to have chapters focussing on the history of their relationship whilst wondering just what happened to lead to them splitting. Both characters are lovely and the impact both past and present have on them is moving and the additional story of Gem’s troubled relationship with her mum really strengthened the overall tale. 9/10

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Eve Ainsworth crafts a poignant tale of lost memories and rediscovered love, as Will awakens from a car accident with three years of his life erased, including memories of his former girlfriend, Gem. Through Will's journey of self-discovery and Gem's struggle with past heartbreak, the narrative explores themes of redemption and second chances. Despite the slow pacing and occasional lack of clarity, the emotional depth and relatable characters make this a compelling read.

Thank you to NetGalley, Canelo, and the author, Eve Ainsworth, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Eve Ainsworth intricately weaves a tale of lost memories, lost loves, and the enduring hope of finding one's way back to each other. The novel opens with Will awakening from a car accident, finding himself lost of three years of memories, including those of his girlfriend and childhood sweetheart, Gem.

Through Will's perspective, readers witness the frustration and confusion of trying to reconcile the person he is now with the person he once was. His unwavering desire to reunite with Gem serves as the driving force behind his journey of self-discovery and redemption.

Gem, on the other hand, has painstakingly moved on from the heartache of their breakup, carving out a new life with a new boyfriend. Yet, when Will reappears in her life, she is forced to confront unresolved feelings and confront the possibility of reopening old wounds.

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Somebody I Used to Love by Eve Ainsworth
Release Date: 27 June 2024

After waking up from a car accident, Will is stunned to discover a three-year gap in his memory. Eager to reunite with his girlfriend and childhood sweetheart, Gem, he's taken aback to find that everything has changed. Gem has moved on from their breakup and now has a new life and boyfriend. However, when she receives a call informing her of Will's situation, she's faced with unexpected emotions.

As Will strives to recover, he's determined to prove to Gem that he's still the person she once adored. To do so, he must unravel the mysteries of his past and understand what caused such a significant transformation. Meanwhile, Gem finds herself torn between her newfound stability and the possibility of rekindling her past love with Will.

“Somebody I Used to Love” presents a brilliant concept that is exceptionally well executed. The love story is filled with intense emotional push-and-pull, putting you through the wringer in the best possible way! Gemma and Will were relatable characters, that were still flawed at the same time, making mistakes and grappling with difficult circumstances just like we all do.

Eve Ainsworth's powerful storytelling will keep you gripped. Highly recommended for those who enjoy a love story with a twist.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Canelo, and the author, Eve Ainsworth, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Canelo for this ARC.

Will and Gem were together for over ten years and very much in love. They both knew they had found the one.

Then suddenly over night Will changed and became an awful person who seemed to have alienated all his family and friends although it takes a while until we find out what he actually did. So Gem and Will broke up and both found new partners. Life went on. Three years later, Will is involved in a car accident and sustains a head injury. When he wakes up, not only does he not remember the last three years and thinks he's still with Gem, but also his personality change seems to be reversed. Should Gem believe him and get involved again, and what about their new partners?

This is an intriguing premise, and we're routing for Will and Gem to find back to each other, but the way there is slow and painful, because we also apparently need to explore childhood traumas on the way. We don't learn until 66% in what caused Will's personality change, and until 88% what really happened with that car crash. Plus whenever we think the way is clear now, someone else throws a spanner in the works, trying to forcefully keep them apart, with lies if necessary.

This is an emotional story about traumas, secrets, grief, forgiveness and second chances which I really tried to like, but I got very impatient at the end. It was bad enough to have to go back and forth in time and from POV to POV to finally get all the answers, and then we get an inconclusive ending? Why not provide an epilogue for some time later?

I liked Jack though, he was a nice brother.

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