Member Reviews

I absolutely adored this book. As a teacher, I'm always hunting for books that i can use in my classroom and this one is definitely one to be kept in all school libraries. The way emotions are despicted is both poetic and real. The imagery used describes the feelings we have inside perfectly and in such a way that it would be easy for anyone to understand and relate. It was an unforgetable read.

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I’m not sure what I expect from this book but it was totally different to what I thought it was going to be. The text is quite lengthy for younger children - my 5 year old lost interest half way through but my 8 year old was intrigued and it opened up questioning about rarer feelings/words such as Malice. I definitely think this is a book that would need to be reread a number of times and would be appreciated more and more as the reader got older.
I absolutely loved the illustrations, they are beautiful. I also loved the description of Memory and how relatable it was, I also loved the way it linked round at the end to finish the book off perfectly.

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This is an incredible picture book that gives such a lovely, in-depth exploration of different emotions in a really accessible way.

I loved the illustrations and the messages in "What Feelings Do When No One's Looking" and this is a brilliant addition to the series. Beautifully illustrated by Aleksandra Zajac, I loved reading about the different feelings liked doing and what made them happy - there is lots to discuss and lots of thought provoking-messages about how we all experience emotions differently. I particularly liked the relationship between Curiosity and Anxiety and how they can compliment each other.

It's a really thoughtful book, carefully written and beautifully presented - I can think of so many classroom uses for this, but also as a brilliant book to read at bedtime or for children to read alone. A wonderful addition to the bookshelves!

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A beautifully crafted book that explains emotions in a lyrical and imaginative way. This book is perfect for children and adults alike. The way Nostalgia, Gratitude and many other emotions are personified and explained is delicate and inspiring.

Definitely a book to re-read, there is so much to unpack and learn/remember in these pages!
A new favourite <3

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This is a beautifully written and illustrated book about different emotions such as patience, anxiety and nostalgia. Each feeling has its own story that explains the emotion in a child friendly and entertaining way. This is a fantastic tool for teaching emotional intelligence and awareness of emotions to help children understand big feelings they may struggle with or simply not understand.

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Cute fun read to talk about feelings.. it is something we can all relate to. The graphics are beautiful and attention grabbing.

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What an absolutely delightful book! My sons and I loved her first book (they asked me to read it over and over again... my three-year-old was especially taken by the adorable little creaturified feelings), and this sequel did not disappoint. The interactions between the emotions was the main thrust of this one, and while the text was significantly longer, my boys were still locked in. Oziewicz brings a depth to emotional literacy that is vastly underrepresented in the SEL trend of today!

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This adorably illustrated book personifies feelings, making them the characters in this book.

The author takes the time to give each trait its own little backdrop and story, which explains how the feeling is or how it comes about.

I think this book would be a great addition to any elementary library or classroom. I can also see guardians reading it to young children.

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What an incredible picture book! I really enjoyed the way each Feeling is portrayed both with the illustrations and their personalities. The book is written in a way that kids of all ages will be able to get some meaning from the story. I would love to use this for library time with 3rd-5th graders to open a discussion about how students feel about their own feelings.

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I used this book mostly for cozy area when kids need a little time to themselves and look at some picture books to relax.

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Such a sweet book. I love the educational aspect of it. Oziewicz did a brilliant job explaining feelings in a fun way that can help children understand their own feelings and how they relate to each other, how to deal with them, and that it's okay to feel all these emotions. It's definitely targeted for children 2+ years, in my opinion. The illustrations are absolutely beautiful- to the point where I'd buy an extra copy just to use them as art around my house! But they're not super vibrant (due to the tone of the story) so I wouldn't recommend to children under 2 as I don't believe it would hold their attention. That being said, I understand that this book isn't targeted for babies so it's perfectly fitting for the intended audience. Such a great book to have in the house and I would definitely recommend to anyone with children 2+ years old!

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#WhatFeelingsLikeBest #NetGalley

Initially, I was pretty confused by this book. I didn't feel like there was really a premise or a point to the story. However, as the story progressed, I grew to love the mini stories wrapped up into one book. While there still wasn't a moral to the story, I still had a lot of fun reading it.
I thought that the feelings featured within the book were accurately represented, but not in a cliche way. They were painted in a more personal and fresh sense. The author also took time to acknowledge feelings that aren't talked or recognized often, such as Malice and Worthlessness. This added to the uniqueness of the book.

Lastly, the illustrations. I had mixed feelings about them. Some of the drawings of the characters seemed kind of creepy, which was fine for me but might not be for a younger audience. On the other hand, the drawings of some characters were so cute and made me giggle, which I considered a win.

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I received an electronic ARC from Pushkin Press through NetGalley.
A picture book for all ages. Readers meet a wide range of emotions as different creatures who share a home. They are defined by their actions and interactions with their space and each other. Older readers will appreciate the story and connect with the feelings. The artwork is softly focused and captures each emotion clearly. A delightful read for adults as well as middle and young adult readers.

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I am a huge proponent in making sure my children know what their emotions are and what they feel like. I really enjoyed this book and its really unique illustrations.

I don’t think this is quite for my child yet, but I will keep it on hold for when they are older. Personally absolutely loved this book and will make sure to read it with my child once they are old enough!

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What would feelings do if they were little furry creatures?

This is a picture book for grown-ups and kids to help children build emotional intelligence and resiliency. I loved the charming idea behind feelings being expressed as creatures, the messages in this book were so meaningful and I’m sure it’ll be a perfect read for children to grow and overcome their emotions.

I loved the illustrations and expressions in this story, exploring how feelings and emotions work together. This author did a terrific job portraying these creatures and being able to correspond them with our feelings. This was a brilliantly crafted story for young readers!

🌱 📕 🌱 📕 🌱 📕 🌱 📕 🌱 📕 🌱 📕

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with access to read this book!

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There’s something really charming and unique about this one. It’s exploring emotions as though they were creatures. What do they like, what do they do, and how to they interact with each other?

I think the messages will be more meaningful for adults and teens, but children will definitely get something out of it as well. Emotional intelligence is so important and these types of books and messages will encourage kids to explore and engage with their feelings.

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This is such a brilliant and special story. In the same vein as the boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Macksey, this story if for children and adults alike. It feels like it was created to make everyone feel a little less alone.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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This isn't quite as I expected and the text is quite long and tricky for younger readers.
I like the illustrations and some of the explanations of different feelings but this just wasn't for me.

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Cute book exploring feelings and emotions and how they work together.
Thank you net galley for an opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The art in this book is so unusual and unique, it was originally what drew me to this book. The concept of this book was very interesting and I think older children would really enjoy it.

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