Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for the opportunity to read and review this.

I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I expected, and I am looking forward to the next volume.

Osuke is down on his luck, when the apartment he has just rented suddenly floods, and somehow finds himself being roommates with an eccentric Nijiom. He soon finds more than he bargains for, but soon quickly accepts his circumstances, firstly due to the fact that he has no choice, and secondly as a thank you of sorts to Nijiom.

I am very excited to read the next volume.

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I know the blurb said its if ghostbusters was bl so my expectations were already pretty high but my goodness was this perfect! It was such a great close proximity BL with all the spooky vibes without being too scary. I'm so curious how the relationship will progress from here because this volume was just filled with baggage and growing pains of getting to know someone so the relationship is very slow going so far but I just know it will pick up eventually and be solid. I will say though that blood kiss was super promising.

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При тези двамата всъщност е доста забавно. И общите им познати са големи гадини. Пичът с котките ми стана любимец :D
Отново темата за йокаи, която по стечение на обстоятелствата днес явно ми е на първа линия. Свежа, добре подредена история или поне първият том, този тук. Бих гледала аниме по това, бих се радвала и за нещо такова на пазара. Това вече е по-трудно, понеже БЛ-ът в България е тема табу, така да се каже :D

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Very quirky story. I liked the aspect of how they go house to house. The forced proximity and their initial dislike of eachother. How they work best together.

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ARC Review.

I was not prepared for how cute this was going to be. Finding out that you can see ghosts suddenly would be super wild, but ending up getting paid to live with a hot, possibly narcoleptic, guy who evicts ghosts doesn’t seem like a bad trade off. Their adventures and the building tension of their feelings made me immediately wish volume two was out.

I am definitely hoping for more romantic vibes in volume two but I think the development of their relationship actually makes a lot of sense and was really sweet.

This is my honest review.

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Ich habe mich über das Buch sehr gefreut. Es ist nicht nur fließend zum lesen sondern auch sehr spannend.

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Starving xxxholic fans, arise! This is just the opening volume so who knows how it’ll go from here, but so far I thought this was a really charming fish-out-of-water story about being flung into the world of the supernatural. Only a hint of romance in the first volume, but definitely has that sweetheart/tsundere vibe, too. BEAUTIFUL art, I enjoyed it very much. I will certainly keep an eye out for the next book!

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My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie, vol. 1
Genre: Fiction, LGBTQIA+, Romance, Sci-fi (Manga).
Rating: ★★★★ (4/5)

I thank NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for providing me with an advanced reader copy (ARC) of this book in return for an honest review.
"My Noisy Roommate" follows Osuke, an unlucky guy who lost his apartment on the first day of his attempt to become independent. However, soon a stranger offers him a cheap apartment, which only has two obstacles: living with an attractive young man and, well, ghosts.

Honestly, I'm not much of a BL reader, but I have to admit that it reminded me a lot of Kamisama Hajimemashita at the beginning. I think the tension between the two protagonists is well done and the "found family" almost at the end seemed adorable to me.

Something I'm really looking forward to in the next volume is knowing more about the childhood of both Osuke and Nijio. Although we saw snippets of Nijio's past, I would like to see it addressed more in the future.

Highly recommended for BL fans and lovers of the supernatural.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this manga's storyline, which felt refreshing and far from the typical clichés often seen in BL narratives. Although it maintains a PG rating, it is clearly aimed at a young adult audience. The artwork is stunning and complements the paranormal themes beautifully.

Kaho Ozaki deserves commendation for skillfully incorporating various ghosts and spirits from Japanese mythology into this first volume, which adds a unique and captivating element to the story. The balance between lore and humor is well-executed, creating an engaging and entertaining read.

Though the volume is relatively short, it manages to be both charming and fulfilling. The introduction of new characters towards the end adds depth and promise for future development. Overall, this manga offers a delightful mix of mythological intrigue and lighthearted moments.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the ARC.

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★ 3.5

This was a pretty fun and lighthearted story. I really liked the art, designs and the setting for the plot, but I can't lie that not only is the title pretty misleading, but the tags with which this book was advertised as, have left me a bit confused, too.

I found "My noisy roommate" a pretty odd title given that the roommate in question isn't noisy at all and actually is barely even at home... I wish the supernatural part of the story was better advertised instead of focusing on the roommates part and how hot the supposed ML is. The supernatural setting was actually pretty fun and refreshing and it leaves enough room to pump out more lore about the characters. How did the ML enter this world, what lead him to it, why he's so powerful, how do the MC's powers work, why were they dormant all this time etc etc. I just feel like it's a shame that this isn't marketed more as a modern supernatural story because from the outside it just looks like another BL with a fun cover and pretty art.

Oh and speaking of that, this is advertised as BL and i'm a sucker for slow burns but there's not even indications of romance flourishing in this volume so it was a bit of a let down... There were, honestly, plenty of occasions that could lead to a show of any kind of feelings, i mean, they're living together and even sleeping under the same futon, but there was really nothing to hold on to... I wonder how the story will progress in this aspect, I'm curious and I hope they don't just drag it out and then dump all of the romance bits at once... Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see them start slowly, not clicking instantly or a case of love at first sight, I just expected any kind of hint of any kind of feelings, be it romantic, of self discovery or whatever else.

I also wish we'd see more of their daily life. Sure them working together is important for the story, but if you're gonna give your series a title that centers on the fact that the characters are roommates, you ought to show them being roommates more often...

Putting these aside, the story is actually pretty fun. It's not exactly spooky even tho it deals with curses but it's also not a goofy gag story. I want to learn more about the two main characters, we already got a tiny glimpse at their upbringings but i hope they can be more fleshed out in the following volumes.

Overall, this is a pretty fun story but I think it could've been advertised better, starting from that title choice, and if you're looking to read this because of the BL tag, you might need to hold on to delusions for now and keep your expectations low.

The art is great and pretty unique so that's definitely a bonus.

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Osuke & Nijio
Rating: 4.6 ⭐

- Roommates
- Co-workers
- Paranormal
- Manga
- Yokai/Ghost
- Self Discovery

This was so cute and I want more, like now! Osuke is unexpectedly homeless and is just trying to prove that he can live on his own, when he's approached by a strange man that gives him a place to stay. The one stipulation is that he will have a roommate, Nijio. Now, these two left out a tiny detail about the ghost real estate business and that they were basically testing him out to see if he would be a good fit to work with Nijio. I liked that there isn't an insta-love or insta-friendship. These two are tentatively getting to know each other and working towards being friends. Hopefully a relationship blossoms in the future from their time together.

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Very fun and cute, I love that the MC's are growing a friendship instead of insta-friendship. I love the yokai and Zashiki-warashi is a HIT! I love them, especially when they weigh in on situations that they don't need to! Keen to get into the next volumes!!

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It is a good first volume. It gives a good introduction to the premises of the story and the focus on Japanese ghosts mythology is a great hook and a nice backdrop for the characters' romance.
The characters are still quite under-developed but there's space for depth that might come in later volumes.
All in all, it's a lot of fun and very cute from the get go and it makes you want to keep reading on.

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Thank you NetGalley for the chance to read this. It was a solid manga/graphic novel. My only complaint is that I wish it was longer!! But over all really good. I enjoyed the interactions they had with the monsters/spirits. And it’’s sweet that they’re kind of a relocation service for them.

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This story has potential and I would like to see where this series goes.

It starts off a little slow and disconnected, but once the facts are established, the story picks up quickly. It is much like a cross between JiuJitsu Kaisen and Bleach. You have two guys that are trying to help spirits move on to a better places while they work and live together. Nijio sends the spirts away while Osuke attracts them. Nijio’s powers are too strong so the yokai dare not go near him, but when Osuke becomes his roommate through unfortunate circumstances, it all works out. Except, Osuke is very sheltered and rubs Nijio the wrong way half the time.

Again, I would love to see how this story plays out and how the two become romantically entangled.

The bonus detail at the end explaining yokai and other items for readers who may not know about Japanese culture and folklore is a nice extra touch. The artistry of this manga is also well done. I would recommend for someone new to BL and Japanese culture.

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This was such an interesting story! I loved the dive into the paranormal! The main character passing it off as sleep paralysis was a great idea! I actually expected this to be more slice of life but was pleasantly surprised by the paranormal action!

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This was so cute!
Osuke is on his own after graduation and when he comes back to his hours old apartment it’s been flooded! Out on the street he is approached by a quirky man who gives him an offer he can barely refuse after hearing about him basically being homeless. Live in this luxury apartment.. but with a catch.

Osuke is introduced to a world of yokai and has to live and work with Nijio - his angry looking roommate who is really hard to read!

I really enjoyed this first volume and would love to continue if there are more in the series! The main characters relationship is funny and sweet and I’d love to see if they gain more yokai spirits along the way.

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The book subtitle says it all ─ The Roof Over My Head Comes with Monsters and a Hottie. The story is off to a great start and I really enjoyed the art style. I will be back for volume two.

I received a digital copy of this manga from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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**My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie** delivers a delightful mix of supernatural intrigue and BL romance, perfect for fans of both genres.

The story kicks off with Osuke, who, after losing his home, finds himself thrust into an unexpected situation. Just as he's settling into his new apartment, he’s unceremoniously evicted, only to be offered a seemingly perfect place under rather peculiar conditions. Enter Nijio, a stunningly attractive blond who is as enigmatic as he is charming. It turns out that Nijio is not just a roommate but also a guardian of sorts, tasked with managing the supernatural phenomena that seem to follow Osuke.

The manga’s charm lies in its ability to blend the everyday struggles of finding a place to live with the fantastical elements of the supernatural. Osuke’s initial excitement about his new apartment quickly turns to bemusement and intrigue as he learns that his new living situation comes with both supernatural beings and a strikingly handsome roommate.

Nijio, with his mysterious aura and unconventional beliefs about the supernatural, adds a refreshing twist to the usual roommate dynamic. His interactions with Osuke are both humorous and endearing, with the chemistry between them developing amidst the chaos of ghosts and otherworldly creatures. The romantic tension between the characters is a highlight, offering fans of BL a satisfying blend of flirtation, emotional depth, and lighthearted moments.

The artwork complements the story perfectly, with dynamic illustrations that capture both the eerie and romantic elements of the plot. The supernatural elements are well-integrated, adding an extra layer of intrigue without overshadowing the developing romance. The balance between humor, romance, and supernatural drama makes for a compelling and entertaining read.

For fans of BL and supernatural themes, **My Noisy Roommate** offers a delightful escape into a world where the mundane and the magical collide. The combination of a charmingly flawed protagonist, an enigmatic and attractive roommate, and a host of supernatural occurrences creates a story that is both fun and engaging. If you enjoyed series like **FANGS** and **The Dragon’s Betrothed**, this manga will be a welcome addition to your collection.

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When Osuke leaves home for the first time, unfortunate events happen, and he is kicked out of his apartment on the first day! He then gets an offer from a real estate agent for a room but with a catch: he has to room with Nijio, who deals with the supernatural as his job, and Osuke gets looped in!

I enjoyed this a lot. The story has a balanced blend of comedy, mystery, with supernatural elements. It was paced well, with each chapter dedicated to a new assignment.
It was cool to see the different types of yokai presented. I appreciated the variety shown! Not all of them are creepy or violent. There’s also an explanation of each yokai at the end of the book.

Osuke's nice personality and his aloofness compliments the mysterious and stoic Nijio, creating a lot of comical moments.

The art style was beautifully detailed with crisp, clean line art and excellent shading.

Are you looking for an easy to read, cute story that involves beautiful art and hot male leads? Check this out. But if you’re easily disturbed by monsters, ghosts, and the supernatural, then maybe not. I personally did not find it scary at all, but there were a couple of creepy images.

Thank you to Net Galley and Kodansha Comics for providing this free review copy. All my opinions are my own.

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