Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgallery and Kadansha Comics for an early release copy of My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie by Kano Ozaki.

This story has an interesting premise! Each Ghost that our main characters try and negotiate with are interesting to read about, My favorite negotiation with a ghost has to be the Zashikiwarashi (Zashiki-warashi?) the character design for them is adorable, the scene with the alcohol is cute and funny, I hope that the author keeps them around, they are one of the cutest characters. I like our main characters however I think I needed more time with them to really love them, I don’t think we get to know either of them to much in volume one. I would be interested to continue reading this series and see what other kinds ghost these two negotiates. Also the teaser about new characters? I’m intrigued!

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This is such a cute manga about two men trying to negotiate with Japanese ghosts, demons, and other otherworldly creatures to leave houses occupied by humans. The two men are opposites (kind of like a grumpy/sunshine trope), which creates a really cute dynamic!

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Fantastic beginning of a new BL fantasy / paranormal manga series. The art is absolutely gorgeous and it's great that the author gives some information on the mythological beings being mentioned or appearing in the story. Osuke is an adorable guy and Nijio more of a cool, mysterious character. They work well together and it's nice to see their relationship slowly develop. I do also appreciate that the author seems to take their time writing their romance. So far, nothing felt rushed, be dubious consent happens, which is great to see.
I'm excited to see the story go on and I'll hope to one day own a printed version of the manga.

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This new series has a really fun set up.
I really like both of our male leads, and I really enjoy their odd couple energy. Weaving in the yokai relocation element to the story just fed my soul in the best way. The cast of characters are quickly making their way into found family territory, and I am actually excited to see where this one goes. It could go a few ways, so I'm interested to see where we land.

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Thank you for letting read this.

I am like the concept of the ghost as roommates because at frist the other roommate beside Osuke and Nijio but they did gain a roommate which I thought he was cute. I do like how Nijio is starting to like osuke for be a scared and worrisome because of the jobs they get.

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Thank youI received a copy of this Volume from the publisher on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

First, I think the art style of this series is beautiful, it left a very strong impression on me and I wish I was more willing to continue the series just for that. Unfortunately I just don't feel very drawn or compelled to continue based on this volume.

The label of BL Romance definitely has me a bit confused, because there really isn't much romance at all. I'm not sure if the tension was supposed to be there but it genuinely felt like I was just reading about friends (if they could even be called that much). Neither character was giving much of anything. This in addition to the characters not feeling very fleshed out just makes it very difficult to feel engaged.
The pacing felt strange in the beginning because of how quickly we were moving through any worldbuilding we were given. I know it is difficult to find the balance, especially for the first volume, but it was disappointing.
All this being said, it is still a fun concept that I'm sure can improve in future volumes. I love the idea of the characters working as spiritual real estate agents and colleagues having to live together. I hope this series is able to deliver on the romance it promises.

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This was so fun? I need the second one like yesterday!!

If crack is treating itself seriously and it works out.

Im looking forward to their journey.. lets see how slowburn it really is.

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Really enjoyed the pacing of the storyline and the art style is beautiful. Can't wait to hear about the two new characters and more about this realtor business.

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Even though this a BL manga, I was happy to find out that the plot comes first in this case. It is a cute story about a young guy Osuke who became homeless due to water damage in the room that he had just rented. He doesn't know what to do and is suddenly approached by a real estate agent that tells him that he has a room for him for a very low price. The caviat that he will have to room with an aloof and heavily tatooed and pierced guy. Turns out the room is haunted and Osuke is the only one who can see and feel the ghost. And his scary looking roommate Nijio is actually a ghost negotiator/exorcist. I found this manga to be funny and exciting. I can not wait for later volumes to see how the relationship between the characters will progress.

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This was an enjoyable read. The plot's fun and the art is amazing. Since Asian countries tend to have elaborate spooky stories about spirits, I knew there was a lot you could do with this and I'm excited to see how the story develops in future volumes.

I wouldn't really classify this as BL yet - the MCs seem to have a nice relationship for now but it does seem to hint toward a romance later.

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Absolutely loved this story! I love the concept of them helping ghosts move on. and finding new places to live. Its an ADORABLE story and i cannot wait to read volume 2!

Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the ARC

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Really fun quick read with very amazing art.
I love the spooky, eerie vibes and setting. The cases feature a mix of traditional and modern japanese monsters as well as urban legends. It's really cool to see the range of superstitious beliefs come to life in such an engaging way. The main characters and their abilities are also interesting.
I will definitely read on when the next volume is released to see where all of this is going and learn more cool horror trivia.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for providing me with this ARC.

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This was amazing! I was initially attracted to the cover and the art style, but the story and the plot were even more interesting that I completed it in one sitting! The blonde Nijio and our protagonist have such a cute relationship! And the whole premise of relocating ghosts to their orignal habitats or better homes is so intriguing and fun!

The ghosts themselves were so different. I loved the Little ghost who just wanted someone to play and helped Nijio to overcome his past and further strengthen his relationship with the MC. The MC and Nijio have a very cute dynamic. In the beginning things might not have worked especially when the ghosts were aggressive and the MC was so vulnerable and had no knowledge of his abilities but later on they both get to understand each other and make efforts to build their relationship which was very sweet!

I am excited to read the next volume where hopefully I'll get to see their relationship grow and who knows they might go on collecting more ghosts.

Overall it was a really fun read and if you like ghosts, supernatural stuff, found family troped and cute couples then this is for you!

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This is a fun BL manga, and also a little refreshing. It follows our main character who loses his apartment, and is in search of something new he can afford. He found a great offer, and reluctantly went with it. However nightmares seem to be affecting him at no end, which we later find out his him being haunted by ghosts, and its his roommates job to rehome them. They start working together to get rid of them as a team. I am curious where the rest of the series is planning to go.

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A fun, slightly crazy manga, with a gallery of colorful characters! A pint of tenderness, yokai and *we hope* a lovely love story!

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I enjoyed this one! It was funny and spooky and a super-quick read! I am going to seek out and see if #2 is out yet. (I requested the copy of this book after release date)

I wish we got to see a bit more about how the business came to be, or how the main lead got his "powers* but I assume more will be revealed as the story progresses.

The Red Room was creepy!!! and also I'm curious if it was a nod to Twin Peaks at all (probably not, but the name made me think)

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Thank you to Kodansha and NetGalley for the eGalley to review!

This was honestly a refreshing manga to read. Osuke, our main perspective, is determined to live on his own but can't find an affordable apartment that isn't, well, complete trash. While ruminating on his problems out loud, a real estate agent overhears him and tells him he has a place he can rent for the $300 he has on him--on the condition that he live with the mysterious and stoic Nijio. Suddenly, Osuke is being stalked by a spirit taking up residence in his room and it's revealed that Nijio works for the shady real estate agent as yokai/ghost relocator and that Osuke is the perfect work partner for him because he attracts the very yokai/ghosts that Nijio tends to scare off.

It's a fun story with interesting takes on the mythology of Japanese yokai/ghosts and how to deal with them. It's also definitely going to be a slow-burn romance, as this first volume rightfully takes the time to show that our two main characters are complete strangers that happen to now be in a working relationship relocating yokai/ghosts to better homes. There is no frankly insulting "but we're both dudes!1!" whenever something intimate happens between them and there are no qualms about their constant hand-holding that's a plot point for the story (Nijio can't get the ghosts to talk to him unless Osuke holds his hand, because Nijio scares them while Osuke attracts them). Only "this doesn't mean anything" or "it's not because I like you" because, well, they're strangers who've known each other for a few days. I appreciate that and I can't wait to see how their relationship grows from strangers to coworkers to friends (it's getting to this point by the end of this volume) to eventually lovers.

If you like supernatural manga with a side of romance, give this one a try. I know I'm going to personally keep up with it and it's going on my recommendation list.

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Love Manga’s for a fun quick read and this one fit the bill. The artwork was amazing with an interesting storyline. A nice mix of “real life” and supernatural. What would you do if there really were monsters under your bed 😱 while being in love with your new housemate?! 🤣.It was a really creative concept and the chemistry between the two main characters was awesome. Can’t wait for the next instalment!

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My Noisy Roommate is like xxxholic manga from Clamp. But in BL. It is such a quick read. Definitely reminds me of Watanuki from Holic during his first gig. The storyline is a bit creepy for some parts but at the same time, I kinda want more from them. Like for that Yuki-Onna and the Red room. The Zashiki Warashi one is too cutee🥹😭

Hope to read the next volumes!

P.S the art is such a chef kiss😘

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3.5 stars
A very promising start! Love the art and the story involving a real estate agency concerning the rehabilitation of ghosts is very interesting, It really makes you want to see what will happen next.

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