Member Reviews

My Noisy Roommate reminds me a lot of that manga, xxxholic. But in BL, and I absolutely adore them!! It was such a fun read. I keep remembering the Zashiki Warashi in holic who was a pretty girl, but the counterpart of her in this manga is like a toddler boy. Lol. He looks so cute!

Definitely looking forward for more volume! I hope the next ones will also be available here in Netgalley. Thank you so much for the copy! Can’t wait to read more of it!

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I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one, but I really liked it. The mix of ghosts, urban legends, and comedy was really good. It reminds me of a more light hearted Ghost Whisperer or Medium. Osuke and Nijio have good chemistry and I like that we got to slowly see them become closer/friendlier. Since this is a BL, I assume they will end up together, but not much has happened so far. I like the forced proximity trope and the hand holding is cute.

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Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha for this ARC!

I have mixed feelings reading this because I saw reviews before I could start reading but it exceeded my expectations to be honest.

The story starts with Osuke losing his apartment due to a pipe leak then he meets a mysterious man who said that he is a real estate agent. The agent brought him to a beautiful apartment with a low rent the only catch is he will leave with a blond guy with a lot of piercings named Nijio (who Osuke thought is a delinquent). Unknown to Osuke, Nijio is someone who deals with ghosts and he himself (Osuke) is a good ghost vessel.

My fave part was the zashiki-warashi It's cute and we kinda have a bit of a flashback from Nijio's past.

This concept is new for me, a real estate agency that relocates ghosts.

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The title really drew me in and from the first chapter it really didn't disappoint.
I loved getting to learn everything at the same time as the main character does. The art style and the character design is freaking incredible and goes amazingly with the story.
I really enjoyed seeing the romance blend in with the paranormal and mystery elements. It has such a relaxing pace that even with some of the themes,it feels really cozy.
It was such an a entertaining volume and I will definitely read the next one to see how everything continues.

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A big thanks to Kodansha and NetGalley for the review copy!

Two specific points made this first volume work for me. First, I LOVE the thick outer lines around the characters and objects. Gives off a bold, energetic feel and looks very clean. The art style is definitely to my taste, and while it's not a deal breaker if they aren't, both of the male leads and their boss were super good-looking. It's a feast ~

Second point would be that this series is intended to be more than one volume from the start. BL is a genre that's dominated by single-volume works, and they get continuations if the sales/popularity warrant it. It's easy to pick up when this is the case; the first volume is self-contained and the rest expands on that initial story. My Noisy Roommate didn't feel like that at all! I really appreciated that the story didn't wrap up in a couple of chapters. I don't have anything against single-volume works, but it's nice to read a plot that's spread out and don't give you the satisfaction soon (even though we all know where things will go xD).

Overall, this was a nice nice initial volume! Anilist lists Tricornered Window as a similar work, but apart from two leads with high spiritual powers coming together and dealing with the otherworldly, I didn't see any other similarities in between. My Noisy Roommate is definitely more lighthearted. Definitely looking forward to the continuation!

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That was pretty sweet! Loved the ghostbuster but make it queer theme. The drawing style is also very pretty! Now I just need the next volume.

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This was weird and fun! If you like ghost stories, this is definitely a good choice for you. The humor is cute and the art is really nicely done. Osuke is adorable and awkward and Nijio is calm, cool and collected so their dynamic is entertaining. I like that Nijio isn't just a perfect, unfazed character but we find out he has his own issues too and working together is just as beneficial for him as it is for Osuke. It's a light story with a quick moving plot and lots of folklore/different ghosts that need to be "evicted." The real estate element and having the two MCs working to relocate or evict ghosts rather than exorcise/banish them is quirky and unique. Overall, I enjoyed this and will definitely continue with the series.

Thank you Kodansha Comics and NetGalelly for the digital ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Poor Osuke just graduated and wants to prove to his siblings that he can do well by himself. After just moving into a new place, he finds himself homeless after an unfortunate accident. A stranger offers Osuke a place to live on the condition that he must live with another person--a good looking man! After moving in with the strange hottie, Osuke quickly realizes that his new apartment is haunted and his new roommate might just be the only person he can turn to for help. Follow Osuke and Nijio as they interact with the supernatural.

This manga was a delight to read. Osuke was the right amount of naive young adult and wanting to prove himself as he adventures out into the world by himself. Nijio was the cool, calm guy that many could instantly fall for. The plot was filled with humor and explored a variety of different types of supernatural curses and yokai. Can't wait for volume 2. Hopefully there will be more developments between our two male leads.

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If an apartment is cheap in rent with plenty of space, there is always a catch. Osuke is trying to get by in the big city and prove himself; a leak in his apartment leaves him homeless. In a new place where the rent is much cheaper, he seems to have a bad habit, however, of attracting ghosts. His new roommate then reasons with them, helping ghosts and spirits find new homes. Some are adorable and sweet, while others don't know how to control their powers. And Osuke learns slowly how to gain independence while helping with these duties.
I think the art has a unique style with narrower character designs. It complements the stories quite well.

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This was a great opening to a new series. Osuke is in desperate need of a new home and winds up helping the aloof Nijio "evict" different types of spirits form their homes in exchange for housing. The manga was pretty light and fluffy but it included a lot of types of spirits in Japanese folklore which added to the intrigue. The romance is pretty slow burn and more background than the plot but the dynamic between the two main characters is really entertaining.

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Interesting BL that is sorta similar with a bit of mixture of Mob Psycho, Faded Picture Scroll and The Morose Mononokean with regards to showing Japanese mythology. I felt that volume 1 isn’t enough like I want more man like the art is pretty darn good! Thanks Netgalley and Publisher!

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Quando ho richiesto questo manga pensavo fosse semplicemente un BL, ma mi son ricreduta molto presto.
In questo primo volume il rapporto di convivenza-lavoro tra Osuke e Nijio è ancora alle prime fasi, e infatti muovono molto lentamente i primi passi verso la reciproca conoscenza, che è decisamente molto impacciata e goffa. Costretti a convivere in vari appartamenti e case, per riuscire a far traslocare fantasmi e Yokai dai luoghi in cui vivono i due andranno a conoscersi sempre di più finendo per conoscersi un po' meglio ogni volta.
Spero vivamente che il loro rapporto evolva presto! Una piccola minuscola scintilla l'ho già percepita!
Devo dire che non mi aspettavo molto, perchè come ho già detto me lo immaginavo un BL molto generico, e invece questa stramba storia di "scacciatori di fantasmi" mi ha acchiappata!
Inoltre ti permette di conoscere un po' meglio anche il floklore giapponese, coi suoi spiriti yokai vari.

Se mai arriverà in italia vedrò sicuramente di continuare la lettura!

Grazie Netgalley per avermi permesso di scoprire questo manga!


When I requested this manga I thought it was simply a BL, but I changed my mind very quickly.
In this first volume the cohabitation-work relationship between Osuke and Nijio is still in its early stages, and in fact they take the first steps towards mutual knowledge very slowly, which is definitely very awkward and clumsy.
Forced to live together in various apartments and houses, in order to manage to move ghosts and Yokai from the places where they live, the two protagonists will get to know each other more and more.
I really hope that their relationship evolves soon! I have already perceived a small, tiny spark!
I must say that I did not expect much because, as I already said, I imagined it to be a very generic BL, and instead this strange story of "ghost chasers" grabbed me!
It also allows you to get to know Japanese folklore a little better, with its various yokai spirits.

If it ever arrives in Italy I will definitely continue reading!

Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to discover this manga!

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I really enjoyed the concept for this manga - I haven't seen very many manga with the ayakashi or yokai concept. There are a few games and anime with this idea, but I've not seem anything quite like this. The characters are good for an introductory volume and it's easy to see their different personality types - they have an opposites attract relationship. You can also tell the direction it's going to head because of the angst they've built up in such a short amount of time. (not to mention it's advertised to people who like Fangs and Dragon's Betrothed -manga all about supernatural BL couples.) I like both of the main characters so far, and hope it doesn't take them too long to become a couple, even though their relationship dynamic is good so far. They already have the feeling of a will they won't they relationship - which I think is amazing to be done in such a short amount of time. The manga panels have a creepy aspect to them, not quite horror, but the way they were drawn was slightly disturbing.

Overall, I liked this manga and I can't wait to see where the series goes.

Thanks to #netgalley for an e-copy of #MyNoisyRoommate to read and review.

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This was a fun quick read, with great art! First time I’ve seen two mediums negotiate with a spirit haunting a school toilet to haunt somewhere else, and discuss the perks of fancy toilet technology for her new home 😂

A high school grad ends up in an odd situation living and working with a professional ghost/yokai/supernatural being evictor. Our MC is spiritually inclined to attract beings, and in some cases let them possess him. His partner is skilled in communicating with them, and either convincing them to move, or to evict them by force if they are dangerous.

It teases a future BL relationship, with a couple plot-induced moments of mouth-to-mouth and handholding, and of course the forced proximity of living together, but nothing solid so far.
I wish we got some more character depth, as we don’t know either of them that well, but I had a lot of fun and enjoyed the various yokai haunting and solutions.

I’ve put the second volume on my list to read already, looks like it’ll be out in February 2025.
I received an ARC through NetGalley. This review is my honest opinion.

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First things first, I have to mention that the art work is amazing! Really loved the style and the appearance of the characters. Good vibe!

Now, let's talk about the genre of this manga, "sci-fi-Fantasy" "BL Romance". It definitely has the fantasy part with the ghosts and it has like a goofy-silly display of horror. The BL Romance is not really present. You can see some tension and confused feelings coming from Osuku but nothing major. Let's hope the BL will become more present in the next volumes.
The key words I would use after reading this are ghost-like fantasy, adventurous, funny, lighthearted and light bl romance.

Now what was my opinion on this story?
This manga has a nice creative concept. A fun plot with some great elements and loveable characters but it was lacking in a way. It was really fast-paced, especially in the beginning, which made it harder to really connect with the story. It was still an easy and enjoyable read. The ending was in my opinion cut off a bit too abruptly. I was confused thinking "huh- is this where it ends?' I am really curious about how their relationship is going to develop since we didn't really get to see any obvious romance ! So that part definitely makes me crave for more.

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New apartment with a very, very hot roommate. Ghosts are real, and are very attracted to Osuke. What could possibly go wrong?

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me a copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.
In My Noisy Roommate by Kaho Osaka, Osuke loses his home and moves into what seems like the perfect apartment. The only catch is that he has to share the space with the mysterious, mildly scary, and very hot Nijio. The story follows our two MLs, Osuke and Nijio as they go around chasing supernatural beings and figure out their bizarre living situation and how to cohabit.
This was such a fun read and I enjoyed every bit of it! The concept is unique, creative, and well-executed. The story stood out to me because it incorporates a lot of urban legends accompanied with background info at the back of the book, which I appreciated as a novice to Japanese lore. I also loved the side stories of some of the ghost friends we met in the story. Will admit, a few creeped me out, but I’m a certified wimp /.\
Our characters Osuke and Nijio work super well together and I just love the opposites-attract archetype. Osuke is cute and has a big heart, while Nijio is grumpy on the surface, but is actually the sweetest person who isn’t afraid of a little skinship (queue the giggles and kicking feet here EEP!) Although there’s not much romance in this first portion of the series, there’s definitely the build-up! The stones are set in place and I’m eager to see what’s in store for them in the next volume!

My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie perfectly blends comedy, fantasy, and romance. It’s such a heartwarming (and funny) experience witnessing our two ML’s warm up to each other. I highly recommend it to those looking for a light-hearted escape˗ˋˏ ♡ᩚ ˎˊ˗

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Thank you to Kodansha Comics and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie, Volume 1 by Kaho Ozaki is a Boy's Love manga that blends romance with the supernatural. The story revolves around Osuke, who has lost his home and needs a place to stay. He finds a new place, but there is a catch - an attractive blond guy named Nijio is already living there. Osuke and Nijio are about to become roommates whether they like it or not. But there's one more surprise - ghosts are real and Nijio is the Japanese equivalent of a ghostbuster!

Overall, My Noisy Roommate, Vol. 1 is a great Boy's Love manga that will appeal to fans of Supernatural or Fruits Basket. One highlight of this book is the art. The artwork is great and up to par with the best of romance mangas. Another highlight of this book is how the development of the relationship between the two main characters. The pair start off as strangers and perhaps even enemies but eventually become friends and perhaps more than friends. One final highlight is the plot. I couldn't stop reading this book! If you're intrigued by the synopsis, or if you're a fan of manga in general, I highly recommend that you check out this book, which is available in bookstores now!

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I was pleasantly surprised by this new series.
It has super natural monsters, a potentially homeless mc and like the title suggest, a hottie.
The “ hottie” in question works for an agency that helps relocate these supernatural beings to a new residence. Unfortunately because of his strength he has a hard time completing some jobs because the spirits tend to stay away from him. Here is where out MC comes in, because he’s down on his luck, kicked out of his apartment, and eventually looses his job he’s a the perfect candidate for interacting with the spirits. The first volume of this series made me curious about where these characters journeys might end up. I can’t wait for the second volume of this series.

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I was looking for a fun book to read in my spare time and this was perfect for it. It's fairly lighthearted and the concept is fun and easily expanded upon if the author plans a longer series. I liked the character designs and the personalities attached to them. Their interactions are charming, and the antics the jobs entail push the two mcs closer together and forge trust through the experience. I will be recommending this to my manga-loving friends!

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I went into this manga blindly after seeing the title. It didn't disappoint. It balances comedy, lighthearted moments, and more emotionally charged moments very well. There's an underlying tension between Osuku and Nijio, but it's definitely a slow burn!
I would describe this story as a Japanese Ghost buster agency meets Yaoi.

I liked the art style, and the characters are loveable. As the story progresses, I'm hoping that Osuku will grow more confident in himself and that we get some deeper emotional development between Osuku and Nijo.

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