Member Reviews

Thank you for supplying this arc :)

This is the first manga I’ve ever read. It was an entertaining read. Although I could’ve done without the weird miscommunication and crush? I think it felt all unnecessary and I would’ve loved if it just focused on the main characters and their relationship. Instead of having a weird dynamic amongst the group.

I’m in between 2-3 stars.

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Great concept and happy the love was not instant but took time and build up to get to the final destination. Great art and writing.

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I was surprised how much I enjoyed this story! It was done really well. Hashimoto plays and online game with friends over the internet, but he's never met them in person. When it turns out that one of the other players is actually his boss, Hashimoto is horrified because he's spent a ton of time complaining about how awful his boss is.
But it turns out well, turns out his boss has been listening and actually taking the feedback. A friendship IRL begins and soon starts blossoming into something more. This is a fun and nerdy slow-burn, enemies-to-lovers while at the same time being a friends-to-lovers story.
The art is cute, the characters are developed well, and I can't wait to read another volume!

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I received an eARC of this title through NetGalley in return for an honest review.

I thought this story was super cute! It starts off with playing an online game and making a friend and turns into a surprising love story rife with misunderstandings.

I liked how the plot of the first volume was just misunderstanding after misunderstanding. It was really unique, in my opinion, and quickly became a bit. The characters are creative and not similar to each other, which I like. They all have different wants and objectives that push them forward.

The artwork was well done and matched the vibe of the plot and characters.

I would recommend this story to anyone looking for a low stakes cute story.

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This manga is super cute. It’s very slow burn due to an adorably oblivious MC. The complete misunderstandings that happen with the rival love interest added some comedy to the whole situation. Overall it was so slow burn that it did almost feel more like best friends but it was refreshing and cute.

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This is such a cute manga and I love the trope of meeting online and then IRL connections. I think the game avatars are really cute which pair well with the lovely art of the manga overall. The characters are enjoyable, Hashimoto is a bit of an airhead but its realistic that he wouldn't put two and two together when such a handsome superior has actual interest in him. Theyre slow build relationship is very sweet and I loved seeing them develop and learn more about one another as they spent more time together outside of the game. I'll be very interested in the next volumes for sure!

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Just like the title says, two men are friends in an online game but in real life they are emplyer and employee. They don't know who they are in the real life until something happens that makes them realize who they are and start falling in love.

There are a lot of misunderstandings, but they are funny ones so they don't bothered me at all.

The two main charcters are funny and sweet and the art style is simple but easily understood.

Overall a good romance with lots of comedic parts

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This one was so much funnier than I expected it to be and I had such a great time reading it.
A binge-able manga that draws out the well-known miscommunication trope to such ridiculous extremes that it becomes hilarious.

The MC is so painfully oblivious that it's outright funny to the point where you're sitting there giggling. The whole miscommunication trope is so well done and the plays in the language and dialogue to further said miscommunication are genius.

I really liked the ML, he was drawn very beautifully and had a softer but equally loving character. And I also really liked the second male character. I thought his crush was cute even though he's still a high schooler and it got kinda weird sometimes.

Overall this was such an enjoyable read and I'll definitely pick up the sequel because I have a feeling things will get really good.

Fans of and <i>Punch Drunk Love</i> (for the ridiculous but funny miscommunication and <i>Loving Yamada at Lv999!</i> (but make it gay) will find this manga a treat.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me a copy.

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This book was beyond adorable! I loved how different each character was, yet they all fit together so well. The absolute and complete obliviousness of the main character was a bit ridiculous, but I can't say it didn't make for a fantastic story. And I absolutely loved the gaming aspect of their relationship!

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I started this manga expecting a normal-boring reading but found an amazing title

It's a manga that relies completely on misunderstanding trope, lot's of reader don't like it but in this volume is written chef kiss. Aside from to the classic kind and naive protagonist, the two co-protagonists are well written and charismatic.

I can't wait to read the sequels but I hope this excellent writing doesn't turn into endless and pointless series

only downside spoilers:
I was a little disappointed when the only kiss was censored

Non gli davo due lire invece è stata una lettura fantastica.

È un manga che si basa completamente sul trope dell'incomprensione, a molte persone non piace ma in questo volume è fatto benissimo. Oltre al classico protagonista gentile e ingenuo i due coprotagonisti sono scritti bene e carismatici.

Non vedo l'ora di leggere i seguiti ma spero che quest'ottima scrittura non si trasformi in un brodo allungato

spoiler dell'unico lato negativo:
Mi è un po' dispiaciuto che l'unico bacio presente sia censurato

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A light, cute, and fun read! ✨✨

But I couldn’t give it a 5 star. I think it's too fast (super fast-paced). I mean, this manga doesn't really explain things in detail and only adds a few funny and cute scenes to add connection to the story. So many cliffhangers, at least I hope it moves slower and makes the chemistry between Hishamoto and Shirase softer and clearer. :]

But the others so far have been very good! I like how the use of sentences in the game is really like in the real world, how the idioms, slang and jokes work. Including how excited Hishamoto was in playing the game, it was really funny and cute.

A worth to read!

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An equal amount of fun, an intense set of events. I had a good laugh and time with this manga. I enjoyed how it wasn't rushed, and at the same time, it took its time to build the story. Overall, I would reread this again ♡

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3 stars.

It’s cute and the art’s great. The pacing is a bit odd and I don’t like the whole teenager in love with an adult thing going on. Wish we got to see more of Shirase and Hashimoto actually being a couple.

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It was a fun read! There were some funny misunderstandings among the characters, especially their identities and relationship, but it worked out.

I'll be interested in reading volume two.

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This was an easy read that definitely had its moments, but I didn’t quite click with the love triangle. I think the story would have been better if we’d got to see more of the awkwardness of meeting in real life. It also didn’t help that the characters looked a bit too similar—I had a hard time telling them apart at times.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc.

I really loved this manga. It was super cute. The characters were fun. I enjoyed their in-game and real life interactions. I loved all the misunderstandings; they added some fun comedy. It was also nice to see how the two MCs work relationship benefited after learning they were in-game friends. I’d love to read more if there is any.

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This is the second manga I've read from Nmura and this time the title caught my attention--with it's promise of a terribly awkward situation, I was laughing even before I started reading and it did not dissapoint.

This is book 1 of the manga and it is huge at over 300 pages. I was also surprised to learn that this manga was originally published on twitter.

As appears to be characteristic of Nmura, the art is nice and the story is rather cute and funny, with a bit of romance at the end. The plot ultimately developed as I expected and seemed to wrap up nicely, so I'm not sure what to expect from a book 2 or subsequent volumes.

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Sometimes I pick up a manga just because the title interests me and that was the case here. I found this manga available on NetGalley, and as someone who is into gaming, I was intrigued by the title and the misunderstandings I was sure would ensue. This manga is an absolute delight! It is a fun romp, and if you've ever had a job where your boss was intense and you vented about them to friends, you will immediately relate to Hashimoto. Which, as I'm sure you can tell, will lead to hilarious situations. This manga does have some small romance to it which was cute, but I found myself mostly enjoying this for all of the awkward misunderstandings.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Kodansha for the chance to read this!

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I really enjoyed this one! Hashimoto was such a sweetheart and his obliviousness was so funny to see. I liked how the romance between him and Shirose build up from coworkers to friends, and how each of them realized their feelings. The art was cute, especially the one of the game characters. The trio was so silly and the misunderstandings caused by their communications were so funny as well!

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I knew when I saw online friend and boss I would like this. It was cute and entertaining till the end. I wish we could’ve seen the two more as a couple but I’m also glad they didn’t since I feel like when mangas do that it gets boring but this one didn’t get it boring at all. I would recommend this to everyone who enjoys cute simple romances.

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