Member Reviews

I liked how oblivious they were (even sitting next to each other! like ahh)
and the demon boss has a soft gaming heart and a cute alternate personality to match that only comes out when texting him. The highlight was watching him switch between an intimidating boss persona V/s nerdy gaming guy

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This was a fun take on a classic romance trope, complete with all the fan fave manga tropes - from severe misunderstandings to a confused confession.

While Nmura, stays true to the classic tropes there is a freshness in the characters that stops this manga from feeling tired or repetitive.

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PURE SUGAR! This was so cute!!!

The characters are very cute and I loved how dumb/dense Hashimoto is!! All of the misunderstandings were very funny.

I really liked Kuma and especially the big bro little bro dynamic he had with Hashimoto. It was really sweet and entertaining!

The chibis and in game characters were especially adorable even though the horse head had me a bit confused in the beginning not gonna lie hahaha.

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I really liked this a lot and will definitely read book 2! thank you for the early copy, I really enjoyed it!

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This volume was honestly pretty cute and could stand as a one-shot. The boss and subordinate type of relationship isn't really overplayed or used as a cliche "sexy" trope. I also really enjoy that they (eventually) talk out their misunderstandings, though there are many misunderstandings. This is mostly a comedy with slight romantic overtones. I honestly enjoyed them slowly becoming friends in real life to match how they are friends in the game. Also, whoever wrote this must also be a gamer, because there are no dumb untrue cliches about gamers in this story!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you to netgalley for giving me access to this Manga, this was so cute , hashimoto is literally the most oblivious person I have ever read about in Manga to this day ngl, it was a calm read but my only issue is that we never really got to know the characters, and they only ever talked about the game that they played together, never talked about each other's interests and also moving in together after like two months of dating is crazy to me because to me they don't really know each other like at all but other than that it was calm

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**Thank you, NetGalley, for sending an ARC of this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

Another great opportunity unlocked🔓!! This time, it's my first ARC review of a BL manga. Once again, I hope this will be the first one out of many 😂.

The translation and the quality of the art were amazing! I truly enjoyed reading this title. The general feeling of the story was quite light, with funny misunderstandings and sweet couple moments 💞.

We have a cute and oblivious MC, who loves gaming and hates his boss (at least that's what he says 😗, we all know from the title that things are not what they look like). He made a friend online and one day they decided to meet in real life. What could go wrong? Well, said friend turned out to be his boss (it's important to add that he's always complaining about his work when they play together). This caused a few awkward conversations and some misunderstandings, but their friendship survived and they got even closer.

The boss it's the first one to notice his feelings, and also the first to confess (he went for it without fear, it was really unexpected). They get together at the end, and everything went smoothly from the beginning. However, there's a third character that has a crush on MC. They play together online, and he's a highschool student. He confessed and MC didn't realize, it was hilarious but I felt a little sad for him. He never had a chance but his attempts were adorable 🥰. A lot of things could have gone wrong with the addition of this character, but the author knew what they were doing. I'm actually hoping for a side couple or a spin-off story for him 🥹!!

PS: This is a great manga to start reading BL, so why not give it a try? 👀

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Hashimoto loves playing a mobile game with his online buddy to unwind from work, especially his tough and high-maintenance boss. What if he finds out that his online pal is actually his real-life boss?

I found this story to be a delightful and enjoyable read! Although I’m usually not a fan of the miscommunication trope, the author skillfully made it incredibly cute. While I wish there had been more focus on how Hashimoto and Shirase navigate their relationship in the workplace after discovering each other's online identities, overall, I found it to be a delightfully fun and heartwarming story.

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Hashimoto likes to play a mobile game with his online friend to escape the stresses of work, mainly his demon boss… umm, turns out his online friend IS his real life boss 🤡 This is such a wild plot?? The two find out they’re coworkers following an in person guild meet up AND they meet another online friend. Things turn into an interesting and slightly odd love triangle / slightly odd group pairing. Overall, this was a messy but fun read with entertaining in game interactions 😂

Thanks NetGalley and Kodansha Manga for my arc!

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I thought it was super cute all the different, silly misunderstandings. They were all so oblivious for a long time to. It was a cute little story and I thought it was really endearing honestly.

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this was a fun and quick read! i did not know how badly i needed a story with a online friends -> IRL friends -> lovers plot until i read this.

- the characters are very lovable
- i really liked the author's take on the misunderstanding trope as it made the story even more hilarious
- my only gripes would be the overuse of "rofl", "lol" etc while they were texting in the in-game chat and that Hashimoto was a bit too dense, considering the fact that he was an office-goer

would definitely recommend!!

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the drawings are very nice and the best about this book. the story is cute and light-hearted and wonderful if you love introverted characters. I want to read the continuation!

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I really enjoyed my time with these characters. I found the miscommunication between the three to be humorous, and I love our main character’s, Hashimoto, obliviousness. The love of a video game at the very center was very cute and enjoyable. I look forward to see what’s going to happen next!

Thank you to Kodansha and Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for a review.

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This manga gives us a wave of sweetness, happiness and cuteness. The characters have an endearing awkwardness which makes them realistic and so likeable! From misunderstanding to misunderstanding, follow the development of a sincere and cute - and a little clumsy - love that will make your heart skip a beat.

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A really cute manga. The story and characters are not that deep but you do feel connected to them. The online game is a fun media to use for a meeting. The use of 'LOL' was a bit much but it does make sense to the story.

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This is a hilarious BL. It had everything rom-com BLs have handsome men, hilarious misunderstandings, and a cute love story.

Hashimoto is our main character, and he loves playing his online game with his friends. He even uses the chat to vent about work to the two people he is closest two. The title kind of gives it away but one of the players is his boss. SO, HE WAS COMPLAINING TO HIS BOSS ABOUT HIM!! They also meet another player that he is close to on the same day. It’s so funny. I also enjoy that it isn’t love at first site, or even set up to be love. They don’t even realize they like each other in that way until someone else is like hey you hang out a lot and I thought you were a couple. It was so well done and funny.

If you like BL you will like this. It’s cute and funny and heartwarming.

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my online friend is my boss
it was a pleasure to read my online friend is my boss. i really like the clean designed and minimalist style. the quiproquo was a fun one! it wasn’t redundant at all. all in all, i recommend this manga if you want a chill, cute and fun read!

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A nice story about a guy who has a secret online crush who he becomes close with
He confides him him how much he hates his boss only to realise the person he’s talking to is his boss!

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Honestly, I enjoyed this way more than I expected to. The title pretty much sums up the premise of the story but it basically follows the main characters as they play an online game and agree to meet up in real life for the first time, but things become awkward when they realize they actually know each other as boss and employee.

We have Hashimoto, the main male character (the employee) who is quite cheery and extroverted, but kinda dense; Shirase, the second male lead (the boss) who is kinda cold and doesn't realize that his direct and straightforward attitude can come off as harsh but interacting with the mmc warms his personality; and Kumada, a sort of side character, who, after meeting both in real life, misunderstands the nature of their relationship as boss/employee to be romantic and jumpstarts the plot for the rest of the story.

It warms my heart to tell you that this is great to read for anyone looking for a story with a queernormative atmosphere. I really appreciated how normal each male character felt in realizing their attraction towards the other. And it wasn't a question of "am I (morally) right for feeling this way?" but rather, "I need to confess my feelings immediately and know if they feel the same way about me" that had me swooning.

Beyond that, I was really routing for the main couple too. There are entire pages of different scenes that I loved from start to finish that I've gone back to reread a few times.

My only real critic for this story is that the online speak felt kinda cringy at times. For example, "lol" was overused so much it was distracting. But, aside from that, I loved seeing characters gush about their favorite game and structure their downtime to hang out in person or online to chat about it. It felt so cozy and relatable to see the fun, addictive nature of gaming.

And this isn't really a critic, but I think it's important to note that there is an underage character who has romantic feelings towards an adult character, so if the idea of this potential age-gap dynamic makes you uncomfortable, then this story probably isn't for you. But, to be clear, this story does NOT cross any lines or contain any actual problematic content.

Now, with all that said, I came across the one trope I usually hate and actually didn't hate it this time: the miscommunication trope. I don't read much of this trope because I find it absolutely frustrating to read, but that wasn't the case here! I think the miscommuciation was done in a funny and entertaining way that had me covering my mouth from laughing out loud all while flying through the pages. The characters actually spent time together and talk to each other without having to fight out their misunderstandings which I find deeply refreshing to read. And the characters' personalities seemed to really compliment each other well.

Overall, this story was funny, heartwarming, and a very fast-paced read. I finished it in two days and recommend it to anyone who needs something lighthearted and fun.

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Okay, but I'm low-key obsessed with this. I read this straight in one sitting.

First off - if you don't like miscommunication tropes, don't read it. Literally everything is a miscommunication. The whole book. HOWEVER I love it in this so so so much.

First of all, all three characters are vastly different and I'm here for it. And Hashimoto being so dense is hilarious every single time. Shirase is also adorable, in completely different ways. I think they compliment each other well, and it's HEALTHY. So freaking cute, I'm dying, I love it. Also mildly amused by the "we've dated a short time let's move in together" gay trope xD. And we shot down the underage kid. Fucking bless. I was so scared that was gonna be a thing and I was like "No please, please don't ruin this" and they didn't and I'm thrilled.

Anyways, I need more. I love this. So fucking wholesome. (Also, as a gamer, I am living for the game friends thing. I've also met my game friends IRL and it's so great. I love when media reflects wholesome and nice stories about games, not just stereotypical ones)

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