Member Reviews

A story about a girl that isn't sure she is capable of falling in love and a boy who likes her and wants to date her. This volume contains 4 short chapters. And while the tone of the book is light and lovely, I can't help but feel some type of way toward the male MC. He's too intense. It's borderline unhealthy/creepy...

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Curious about the anime, I picked the first volume to try. The story was cute enough, but I didn't get attached to it. FL is in interesting character, but ML kinda creeps me out. Like he is sweet and all, but he is too much. His actions are extreme to please her with no regards for his health. I am sure it probably comes from trauma or something, but still. I may pick up the second volume, but no rush.

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I didn't realise my request to read had been accepted so I missed downloading it before it was archived :'(

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This manga already has a Shoujo anime that you can watch. It was really cool for me to be able to read this and find out that I can experience more of their story together in the anime very soon. I really liked this introduction into their story. Even if Hananoi-kun has some red flags with how intense he is towards her. I feel like they could have a good relationship with more boundaries in place.

In their relationship trial together both parties are learning how to love someone and to figure out how to navigate what it even means to be someone’s BF/GF. I am curious to see what direction this story takes and while I want it to be cute and things go smoothly, it is possible that this takes a more intense direction and explores some of the rougher aspects of dating and relationships.

To start though I really enjoyed reading this first volume in the manga and I think both parties do a lot for the other and are learning what it means to be in love with someone. I absolutely want to read more.

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A Condition Called Love

A highschool romance where one tries to figure out what love is and the other comes on strong, as he adapts to what his partner likes. Hotaru and Hananoi enter a relationship under the condition that it was for a trial period. However, as they get to know one another, Hotaru develops feelings for Hananoi- who already had feelings for her when they were younger.

I read more of this series and will admit as it progresses it gets even better. At first it seems like it is a very one sided relationship, but Hotaru starts to think about what she can do for Hananoi too. Throughout the series, we do learn more about each of their past and see their growth.

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I’m glad I read this book without checking the reviews first! Of course, everyone will have their own interpretations about this story—but a lot of reviews of this book seem to insist Hananoi is a yandere, "serial-killer-wannabe" character. My reactions were very opposite. I can see where Hananoi could appear to be obsessive in his love for Hotaru—he’s certainly up-front about it, and persistent. But I actually really admired how Hananoi was always careful to ask about--and accept--Hotaru’s emotional and physical boundaries, since that’s all-too-often missing from mangas. Also, some of the examples of Hananoi’s yandere behaviour I see in other reviews are really quite out-of-context. For instance: yes, he does scrounge in the snow of the schoolyard to find her hairpin, but he’d known it held sentimental significance to her, and she’d likewise been looking under vending machines to find his lost earring. Hotaru thinks afterwards, "[He] knows what matters to me, and he treasures it even more than I do. If that’s what love is, it’s wonderful." Hananoi definitely doesn’t stalk her to a family event and drag her away, like I’ve seen some say—they’d agreed to meet at the family event and spend the day together! At the end of the day, Hotaru thinks, "It’s so good to feel special", and thanks him for his actions.

Anyway, all that aside, I really loved this book. I think it was a poetic and honest portrayal of youthful love (and the all-consumingness it can take on), and Hotaru’s characterisation in particular was very touching for me, as a person who also struggled with understanding the appeal of romance. Hananoi’s dedication and care to learning about Hotaru as a person and her interests seemed really sweet and genuine to me. I’m really looking forward to reading more of this series!

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This is a romance between two opposites: a boy who is passionate and impulsive, but also a people pleaser, constantly craving other people's affection, and a girl with a very rational approach to life and feelings, who fears romantic love might get in the way of her relationship with family and friends.

The first volume establishes pretty successfully what the two characters' inner struggles and conflicts are going to be, but at this stage, we don't know much about them as individuals. The female MC in particular is hard to distinguish from other shojo manga's "nice girls". I wonder if the next volumes will be able to fill in the gap.
My biggest question mark, however, is about the romance itself. The male MC exhibits some concerning behaviour, and it's implied this is due to feeling neglected by his parents. I wonder if this is going to be addressed, and gradually resolved (which would make for great character development), or if it's going to become an afterthought, or worse, something our heroine will have to put up with for the rest of the series.

Overall, I don't feel very strongly about this first volume, and the art style doesn't do much to differentiate itself from other manga in the same genres.

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*ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review*

I really enjoyed this unique take on a shojo manga high school romance. We're following these two leads who are both flawed and trying to figure out what being in love really means. Highly recommend for fans of this genre.

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Ah! Such a cute start to the story! Someone always lives alone in these shojo mangas it cracks me up. I can't wait to read more of this story, this was such a great start and I'm now invested in the main characters! I need to know what's up with Hananoi, why his classmates talk badly and why he's so randomly in love with Hotaru. I can't wait to see where the story takes these two!

For fans of the "dating trial period", I'm coming over and oh your parents are overseas?, and crazy acts in the name of love tropes then this is for you! I'll definitely recommend this series.

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I haven't read many mangas in my life and therefore I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this one as much as I actually did, but the description sounded interesting and so I requested it. In the beginning I felt like I had made a mistake starting it, but as I kept reading, the scenes became less cringe and way more cute, and I also found myself blushing different times. The male love-interest is literally everything I could ever ask for as a boyfriends, and I also felt really represented by many of the female main character's thoughts and worries. In fact, I loved the discussion around feeling like you're not able to fall in love or differentiate platonic love from romantic one. The ending had me tearing up and I can't wait to get to the second volume.

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Thank you NetGalley for an ebook of this manga!! :)

Super cute manga that made me want to fall in love myself! The art was truly beautiful and I could feel the artist’s emotion through the drawings and the character’s eyes. It was a very quick read! (Which I love) The plot didn’t seem to progress much and reading it, sometimes it felt like different part of the story were the same as other parts. Otherwise, it was an amazing manga!!

TW: ~Fainting~
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Manga, Graphic Novel
Age: 12+
🌶️: 1/5
🔫: 0/5
🤬: 0/5
⭐️: 4/5

(Review copy and pasted from Goodreads)

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**Thank you to NetGalley and Publisher for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

I thoroughly enjoyed this first volume in the series. I felt that it sets up the main plot well (how to fall in love when you don't know what that feels like), I like the main leads, and I also appreciated that both of them seem to have their own demons that they'll work through together going forward into the series. Overall, I really liked it- will definitely be continuing the series!

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I did enjoy this shojo/slice of life manga. I think this is one where I need to read more of the next volumes. It was cute but a little awkward at first, but first loves usually are.

Hotaru is kind and was helping her classmate after a breakup and he ended up telling her he had feelings for her. She hasn’t really had feelings before so they go out on a trail bases and it begins their trial relationship so that Hotaru can figure out if she truly likes Hananoi.
I am not sure if this is going in an asexual route or just a girl trying to figure out what love means yet. I think I would enjoy if it went a gray sexual avenue where she loves but it takes kind of certain way or something like that. But also, would enjoy seeing Hotaru grow and learn how and who she loves.

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Really cute! I'm always a big fan of romance mangas. I love seeing the way the relationships develop.

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The synopsis on the back of the cover does not match the content inside the book, so it feels like false advertising. This manga would have you believe it's a cute, fluffy, high school romance, but it's actually about a super creepy stalker! Honestly, I would have been happy to read "Joe Goldberg: the Manga," if it had been advertised as such, but the misleading synopsis earns this manga one star from me.

The girl in this story has no interest in romance. The idea of having a boyfriend never even crosses her mind. She's just a kind person who offers a stranger her umbrella, and that's when she inadvertently picks up a stalker. The guy she offers her umbrella to is super hot and popular at school. But he has a secret: he's a creep, the type to fall immediately "in love" with any random girl who pays him attention, until she figures out how obsessive he is and dumps him. This guy waves ALL the red flags. The main character simply shared her umbrella, and the next day he shows up in her classroom to make his "love confession" in front of everyone. She turns him down - having, again, ZERO interest in boys - but he shows up in front of school at the end of the day, waiting to walk her home, anyway. He won't take no for an answer, so she agrees they can hang out until Christmas Eve and see if her feelings change towards him.

The boy is honest, at least, about his intentions. He tells the girl he is "intense" and "crazy." She admits she finds him "tenacious" and "extreme." Suddenly this guy is everywhere she is. He stands outside her house for literal HOURS every morning so he can be sure to walk to her to school. He hovers and eavesdrops when she's with her friends and then records information about her to use later. He stalks her to a family event he was not invited to, and insists she leave with him instead.

He has no real personality or interests of his own. The second they start their trial date, he starts changing everything about himself to try and fit into some ideal guy just based on what he *thinks* she would like. He gets rid of his earrings and cuts off his long hair, even though she never asked him to. He's never real, never really "himself."

His actions and words are both constantly creepy and over-the-top. This is her first "romance" so she asks what girlfriends and boyfriends are actually supposed to do together. His response is, "Be buried together." O.O She looks at her phone and he's blown it up with like 15 missed calls in the last 30 seconds. She loses a hair pin and he spends the night at school, digging through the snow to try and find it. She suggests they make a list of fun things to do together, like trying new food. He writes "MAKE YOU MINE" but then hides the paper so she won't see it. He sees another boy simply talking to her and his face looks like MURDER. I fear for that guy in coming volumes.

If you want a light-hearted, fluffy, sweet romance, this ain't it.

If you want to watch a teenage serial killer in-the-making...enjoy!!! lol

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A normal high school girl, Hotaru, who’s uninterested and clueless in love unwittingly draws the affection of a fellow student, Hananoi-kun, who hopelessly falls for her.

Hananoi-kun is a handsome guy, don’t get me wrong. But as they say in Japan, his affection is kind of omoi (heavy), especially at the beginning when Hotaru has no interest in him. If he wasn’t good-looking, I’m not sure what he does would fly very well. But as this is shoujo if I put those concerns aside, it is a charming, sweet, slow-burn romance about first love and falling slowly. Hotaru kind of reads as aromantic, but since this is a romance manga I’m interested in seeing if this continues or how their relationship shifts. I also have a feeling we’ll learn in future volumes why Hananoi-kun loves love and why Hotaru is rather disinterested in it.

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A Condition Called Love is a cute and simple love story. Hotaru is sixteen, but hasn't fallen in love or ever felt anything alike it. Instead she enjoys her life with her friends and family, which is great by the way, since love is so overrated in shoujo. She ends up helping a school mate, a boy called Hananoi. Hananoi then suddenly declares his love for her and wants to date, but Hotaru of course doesn't feel that way. The two become friends and soon Hotaru wants to try to fall in love with the guy. Gladly Hananoi is weird and not your sexy boy man of the year. This makes the story more credible, but I still wish more time was used before any feelings arise. I'm not a fan of insta love.

The art looks nice, quite realistic. Hotaru is plain and wonderful, so normal. Hananoi is almost normal too and they are also normal together. Hotaru's friends are nice and no one is nasty to her, which is a miracle. This makes the story harmonic and also, cute. The series is still ongoing and now 15 books long, so I hope Morino takes her time with the characters.

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The manga is super cute! I love the idea of a girl who doesn't think love is for her, trying out dating. The artwork is really nice too.

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This was adorable!! I love cute slice of life mangas and this was perfect. For the first volume it really set the tone of the rest of the series and it will definitely be one I continue! It’s so fluffy and lighthearted. It’s really a feel good manga that allows you to turn your brain off for a little while and just relax.

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Thank you net galley for giving me access to this manga, I loved this so much it was so cute and so warm. I loved how the characters communicated with each other even when they couldn’t fully understand why the other was behaving the way they were . Definitely recommend and I hope to read volume 2 when it comes out

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