Member Reviews

I love this series about the Whispering Willows sanctuary, and the employees and families behind it, and around the area of Tuppenny Bridge.

Bethany is looking for a place to settle. After she finds out about the death of her estranged brother, Joseph, and goes back to her childhood home (as we discover) to sort out the house and possessions (as she thinks).

There is so much more to the story, she discovers that there is also an animal sanctuary attached to her old home, and that along with her home, she has to deal with the associated animals, and deal with the complicated relationships attached to this - whether to sell her home and get rid of the animals, or stay, She has so many decisions to make, and a lot of history to deal with - together with moving back to her childhood home, and the relationship history in the town that she needs to process.

The ending made me gasp!

Must-read if you've read the other books, to see the next step with Joseph's family, friends and animals.

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Bethany has arrived back in her childhood town as her brother has just died. She’s back to sell her brother’s house, but has just found out it’s been turned into a sanctuary for donkeys and ponies. Clive has been looking after the animals since her brother’s passing. She’s not happy and can’t wait to sell the place.

A lovely read about families, old and new friendships and a sprinkle of romance.
A perfect 4 star read.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy.

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Bethany returns to Tuppeny Bridge when she vowed never to return. She discovers her late brother has turned their home into a horse sanctuary but she cant believe how run down it's become. She then meets Clive a vet who's been helping run it.

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Oh I’d love to live in Tuppenny Bridge, how beautiful it sounds. This wonderful book was a delight to read. Love anything by Sharon Booth I find her books very relaxing. Although it was sad at times it makes you realise you can’t turn back the clock but you can look to the future with hope and happiness. I would definitely enjoy working at the stables especially with those breakfasts!

Thoroughly enjoyed this book thank you to Netgalley, Sharon Booth and the publishers for the opportunity.

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A lovely home coming story. Bethany has not returned to Tuppenny Bridge for more than 30 years and with very good reason, can the death of her brother change her mind? A story of community, friends and love.

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Such a hard beginning but delightful ending. The things that Bethany has to go through is tough but rewarding. This is a curl up with a cup of tea weekend ready.

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Somerset and Bethany Marshall is staying with her friend Helena while she is house hunting. When a sudden call to tell her Joseph her brother has past away she has to return home to Tuppenny Bridge in the Yorkshire Dales, it's been thirty years to long, she is not coming home for good and she has no plans to stay long.
Such a beautiful touching read as we read Bethany's story, heart-breaking in chapters along the way. I enjoyed every bit.

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This is a truly wonderful story set in a lovely community, with interesting people and lots of animals I fell in love with
the moment I met them. Watching hearts warm and grow despite tragedies that take decades to come full circle is
both challenging and rewarding. The backdrop of the Yorkshire Dales will draw you in to the tormented character,
Bethany and at every turn a heart is broken…until…
My thanks to Storm Publishing via Net Galley for the download copy of this book for review purposes.

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Back again in the idilic Village of Tuppeny Bridge. This time we follow the beautiful story of Bethany and Clive.
When Joseph passed away his horse rescue centre Whispering Willows is left to his sister Bethany.
When Bethany arrives in the village after being away for 35 years she wants to be in out out as quickly as possible.
Clive the local vet has been keeping the centre running with the help of Summer and a couple of school kids.
It soon becomes apparent that Bethany is going to be drawn back into village life and strikes up a friendship with Clive.
I love going back to Tuppeny Bridge and catching up with the locals. It good to read how the residents are moving on with life.
Full of love and friendship Sharon Booth never disappoints.
Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of Sharon’s fabulous book.

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"Coming Home to Tuppenny Bridge" by Sharon Booth is a heartwarming and deeply emotional journey set in the picturesque Yorkshire Dales. From the moment Bethany Marshall reluctantly returns to her childhood home, Whispering Willows, readers are drawn into a story rich with nostalgia, unresolved family tension, and the possibility of new beginnings.

The novel begins with Bethany's return to Tuppenny Bridge following the death of her estranged brother, Joseph. Booth paints a vivid picture of the town awakening to spring, with daffodils lining cobbled streets and the sweet perfume of the season in the air. This beautiful setting starkly contrasts Bethany's turbulent emotions as she grapples with her past and the memories of happier times now tainted by her brother’s absence.

Bethany’s initial goal is straightforward: sell the property and leave the past behind. However, the discovery that Whispering Willows has been transformed into a horse sanctuary complicates her plans. The neglected state of the house and stables symbolizes the neglected relationships in Bethany’s life, and the presence of Clive Browning, her brother's best friend, adds another layer of complexity. Clive’s support and the emotions he stirs within Bethany challenge her resolve and hint at the possibility of healing and love.

Booth excels in creating a cast of characters that feel real and relatable. Bethany's journey is one of personal growth and forgiveness, and readers will find themselves rooting for her as she navigates the revelations and challenges that arise. The shattering revelation that makes Bethany question everything she thought she knew adds a compelling twist, keeping readers engaged until the very end.

Fans of Heidi Swain, Cathy Bramley, and Milly Johnson will find much to love in "Coming Home to Tuppenny Bridge." Booth’s storytelling is imbued with warmth, humor, and poignant moments that highlight the importance of family, community, and second chances. The depiction of village life is so vivid that readers will feel as if they are walking the streets of Tuppenny Bridge themselves, immersing in its charm and the lives of its residents.

The novel is a beautifully crafted tale of love, hope, and forgiveness, perfectly suited for those seeking a cozy, feel-good read. It captures the essence of finding home in unexpected places and the enduring power of reconciling with the past to embrace the future.

In summary, "Coming Home to Tuppenny Bridge" is a gorgeously written, emotionally resonant story that will leave readers smiling, shedding a tear, and ultimately feeling uplifted. Sharon Booth has created a gem of a book that celebrates the tender shoots of new beginnings amidst the rich tapestry of village life. This is a must-read for anyone who enjoys heartwarming stories with a touch of romance and plenty of emotional depth.

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Another great entry in the Tuppenny Bridge series! Coming Home to Tuppenny Bridge is a warm, cozy story, perfect for curling up with at the end of a long day. Although the characters can at times be frustrating, that's what makes them feel real and human. Definitely would recommend this one!

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This was a nice, heartwarming read. Bethany, estranged from her family, and having never settled anywhere arrives back to Tuppenny Bridge for her brother's funeral.
When she returns to her childhood home, she is surprised at the changes made. Bethany has a lot of decisions to make, and what does her future hold when she puts the ghosts of her past to rest?

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Bethany returns to Tuppeny Bridge after her estranged brother dies, she learns the house has been turned into a horse sanctuary. she wants to sell it but will she?

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This books was heartwarming, and heartbreaking and everything in between at the same time. Expect to experience suspense, to be tearful several times, feel anger at human cruelty, and feel hope from coming to terms with the past and realize that your duty in life is not to carry your family burdens as yours but to accept them as they are in order to move on.

Bethany Wilkinson is forced to come back to her hometown after her brother died, there is so much pain in her past that her life has been forever shaped by her early experiences leaving her adrift. Her journey as she faces lost friends, neighbors and possible love might help her heal if she only lets herself appreciate the opportunity to have a second chance in life.

Every character had a story to tell and a lesson to teach. It was a reflective and interesting at the end.

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Poignant story of learning from loss & missed chances🏘

4.5🌟 stars
I found Sharon Booth's latest addition to her Tuppenny Bridge series a really good yarn, incorporating romance, a bit of mystery, a lively ensemble of village characters and a moving story of a brother and sister who never got the chance to reconcile with a surprising twist. There's always something happening in this village, the pace is good and I definitely felt an emotional connection to the lead characters.

Coming home to her hometown is not anything like she expected when female lead fifty-something Bethany shows up in Tuppenny Bridge on the day of her older brother Joseph's funeral. A quick visit to sell the family property is what she wanted but the village and its residents take her in, the mystery of her brother's behavior and commitment to a horse sanctuary intrigues her, and she finds romance and friendship despite the bad memories from her childhood.

I liked Bethany more as the story unfolded and she opened herself to the community. Clive, the local vet who was her brother's best friend and support, is a very sympathetic male lead, especially in the way he avoids trying to impose his own ideas and desires so Bethany will be free to decide for herself. There's a bit of a rethink about her life and relationships towards the book's end that surprised me but made a lot of sense.

Bethany's ruined relationship with the brother she loved is a central element and the reason Bethany left the homestead and lost contact is slowly revealed. Their blighted relationship was one of the sadder parts of the plot.

If you've read the earlier books in the series, you'll appreciate the updates and reappearance of principal characters from those stories. But this one could be read as a standalone and there's no cliffhanger in sight!

Thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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Another in the Tuppenny Bridge Series. A bittersweet story with some interesting characters. Not my favorite in the series, but still a good romantic read.

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Having read the other books in this series it was a real treat getting to carry on finding out about some of the old characters and new ones such as Bethany and Clive.
Bethany is back after her long estranged brother dies. She does not want to be back but as the story unfolds that changes. I enjoyed finding out the back story behind some previous characters and how the rest of the story unfolds.

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Bethany comes home after finding out her brother had died, so she comes to take care of their family home. She finds out that he had turned the place into an animal sanctuary though, so she had horses and donkeys to deal with, plus finding out the house and stables are in a horrible state. She comes with the idea of being able to sell quickly but the workers and the local vet all want to place to continue. With bad memories of her family, she just wants to leave. Finding out that her best friend, who also married her ex-husband, held back letters just angered me for her. Sad to think what could have been without well intentioned meddling. Would recommend. Hard to put this one done.

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Coming Home to Tuppenny Bridge by Sharon Booth certainly had a hold on my heart from start to finish. I basically read it throughout the day. I was so caught up in the lives of Bethany Marshal, Clive Browning and the animals in the shelter I did not want to stop. To say I felt a lot of emotions is an understatement. My pulse quickened, my throat tightened and tears were often welling up in my eyes. I truly became invested in the hearts and events of the characters and felt I knew them like friends when I turned the last page. This novel covers numerous heavy emotional topics such as abuse, suicide, emotional control, friend and spouse betrayal, animal cruelty, etc. and Ms Booth certainly delivered them respectfully but truthfully on all counts.

Bethany has been contacted by a friend of her estranged brother Joseph and told he has just died. She is devastated even though she has not seen or been in contact with him for many years. She left their home deeply wounded by an event that involved Joseph. Betrayal hit her heart fiercely and anger became the fuel that led to her escape. Feeling abandoned by her mother who died when she was young, betrayed by her brother she adored and trusted, and frightened by her bully father whose meanness spilled over to the animals she loves, she has no choice but to get away from Whispering Willows for the sake of her sanity. But with all the trauma baggage she carries, starting a new life is not easy and future relationships never seem to quite pan out.

Returning to Tuppenny Bridge (to attend Joseph’s funeral and look after his affairs) is the last thing she wants to do. Even though Whispering Willows belongs to her, she wants to sell it as quickly as possible to distance herself from the pain she has known there.

Bethany’s past relationship with her brother is heavily explored. Growing up she adored her much older brother who often defended and cared for her during some trying times. But something terrible happens that changes her feelings towards him that drives her far away. As a result, her prompt departure and harsh attitude to never look back or contact him again is something she will have to live with— now that he is gone. For she will never be able to make amends. But once she arrives and begins to learn what her brother has been doing all these years—she comes to appreciate his kind heart and mission in homing abandoned and abused animals.

So her return home becomes an opportunity for much-needed restoration. As Bethany spends time at Whispering Willows and encounters a network of people who have been helping with the animals, her heart begins to soften to the issues they are facing. This part of the story really clutched at my heart. One of the people who play a major role in the shelter is Joseph’s friend, a loving vet named Clive. I really liked him, his gentleness and caring attitude. He is the very opposite of many who have played a part in Bethany’s life. Where they were manipulative and selfish, he is free spirited and supportive. A relationship grows between them. And a transformation begins. As truth is exposed, everything turns around.

This is a wonderfully written and moving story. We get to see some familiar faces from the previous books in the series and it was lovely to follow their new developments. I appreciated Bethany’s difficult journey and was both sad and happy with the things that transpired. This story shows the consequences and dangers of interfering in others’ lives. And the destruction of anger. Life is too short to hold on to hurts. But there are some happy moments at the end and a huge revelation time for Bethany that brings healing. Everything comes together in a fresh new way. Plus love is on the horizon as she finds her home in Tuppenny Bridge. 5 Heart-Filled Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for my review copy.

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This is the 4th book in this series but could be read as a standalone although I recommend reading from the beginning for maximum enjoyment. This was the series that first introduced me to this author.

This was a heartbreaking yet heart warming at the same time poignant instalment where we got introduced to new characters as well as reconnected with old ones as we return to Tuppenny Bridge which like the title of the book makes the reader also feel like they are coming home when they arrive in this beautiful and much loved village with such a lovely community feel.

I really hope we are going to see more in this series and that this won’t be the last book so we can see how the characters lives continue to progress

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