Member Reviews

wow I loved this book.
a new author to me but I will definitely look for more of her novels.
full of characters. with loss, love and emotion running through its pages.

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Title: Coming Home to Tuppenny Bridge
Author: Sharon Booth
Series: Tuppenny Bridge #4
Publisher: Storm Publishing
Genre: Women’s Fiction
Pub Date: July 8, 2024
My Rating: 3.3 Stars!
Pages: 393

Spring has arrived in Tuppenny Bridge. Daffodils line the cobbled streets and perfume the air with the sweet smells of the season. But for Bethany Marshall, returning home to Tuppenny Bridge is the last thing she wants to do, but she has no her brother Joseph died and she needs to settle things.
Her childhood home Whispering Willows, has been converted into a horse sanctuary and the house, as well as the animals, are now in her care. She knows she needs to sell the property before the past catches up with her. But the property needs to be repaired before it can go on the market. Selling is the obvious choice, until she meets the dedicated staff, the sanctuary's residents as well as the handsome vet, Clive…who was Joseph’s best friend.

As we near the end everything unfolds and all secrets are revealed

Story is described as
An absolutely captivating and hopeful read
Although more ‘family drama’ but does end hopeful!

Thank You NetGalley and Storm for granting me this fun early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for July 8, 2024

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This book took me through so many emotions. There is romance here, running through Beth and Clive but also the other village folk and helpers at the animal sanctuary. Under the whole plot, though, is sadness running along. There is so much loss in Beth’s life and people letting her down that even the joy and working out left a sad taste in my mouth. Inheriting a sanctuary for old horses and donkeys is especially poignant and goes some way to redeeming what start out as cold character traits in Beth.

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I had not read the other 3 books but I will now but you can read as a stand alone. There were some heart stopping moments with the rescue horses and the past. Money does not always bring happiness and parents have a lot to answer for . Also so called true friends. I love it. A story of finally finding happiness and the family you want. Read it

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Coming home to Tuppenny bridge is a heartfelt novel by Sharon Booth.
This was an ok read, which is why I rated it 3 stars. It wasn't bad, just average as nothing stood out for me. The story was ok, but a little slow in places and the characters were ok. Other readers might like it more than I did, so I would still recommend it to others.
💓 Thank you to netgalley, storm publishing and the author for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this visit to Tuppenny Bridge. Great to catch up with characters old and new.
Joseph had died and the horse and donkey sanctuary is under threat when his sister comes along determined to sell as quickly as possible. She dosnt want to be back reminded of the past and the hurt her brother Joseph caused. But is everything as it seems and can Tuppenny Bridge get its claws back into her life again.
Great read finished in one sitting and looking forward to another visit soon.

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“When Bethany learns that her estranged brother, Joseph, has died, she’s devastated. Returning home to Tuppenny Bridge is the last thing she wants to do, but she has no choice.

Making her way over the River Skimmer, rain coats the windscreen as she looks out at landscapes she hasn’t seen for over three decades. Happier times flash through her mind – birthday laughter, glimmering Christmas lights and her precious big brother, before he broke her heart. And now, with him gone, so is any hope of an apology…

To Bethany’s dismay, her childhood home, Whispering Willows, has been converted into a horse sanctuary and the house, as well as the animals, are now in her care.

Bethany has one goal in sight – sell the property before the past catches up with her. It’s not going to be easy: the house has been neglected, the stables are falling apart and then there’s Clive Browning, her brother’s best friend. His presence, at first unwanted, begins to stir up emotions in Bethany that she’s never felt before.

But just when Bethany starts to accept that there may be hope for a new beginning in Tuppenny Bridge, a shattering revelation comes to light, making Bethany question all she thought was true…“

Algo que me gustó fue la edad de los personajes principales, ambos están arriba de los cincuenta. Me parece perfecto que se muestre que a cualquier edad uno se puede enamorar, que el amor no es únicamente para gente más joven que para el amor no hay edad.

Hubo algo que no me gustó y fue lo de Clive con Jennifer, obviamente tanto Bethany como Clive a los cincuenta por lo menos se han enamorado una vez en su vida, pero lo de él con Jen todavía no había terminado por lo menos por parte de él.

Otro cosa que si bien no es necesariamente mala, hizo que por momentos se me hiciera un poco pesada la lectura fue la mente tan estrecha de la gente del pueblo.

Gracias Netgalley, al publicita y Sharon por el ARC.

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Muy conservadora la actitud de todos los personajes, por momentos se me olvidaba que es contemporáneo y no un libro de época.

Bethany tiene 54 años, está pasando por duelo por la muerte de su ex marido, además lleva años tratando de encontrar un lugar al que pertenecer. Recibió la noticia de que su hermano al que tenía décadas que no le hablaba, había muerto y tenía que regresar a su pueblo para poner en orden todas los cosas de Joseph.

Clive de 56 años es veterinario, amigo Joseph y tiene una idea equivocada sobre Beth dporque piensa que ella abandonó a su hermano.

Mi cara al ver lo que pasó entre el exmarido y Helena 🫤. No entiendo como Beth siguió siendo cercana a ellos. Los dos merecían ser infelices, no puedo creer que ella no viera la gravedad de lo que le hicieron y fue necesario que le hicieran otra cosa imperdonable para que abriera los ojos.

No hay desarrollo del romance, él estuvo enamorado por otra durante más de una década y empezó a ver a Bethany con otros ojos hasta el 60% y sólo porque lo rechazaron. Después de leer lo que Clive y Jennifer pasaron me fue imposible creer que él ame a Beth y que no tenga sentimientos por Jen, o sea la única razón por la que no están juntos es por la culpa. Si no hubiera pasado el accidente el hijo, ellos habrían terminado juntos.

Me gustó que los protagonistas fueran grandes.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A tender, sweet, heartwarming story.
I loved the writing and all of the characters!! It’s the 4th book in a series but can be a standalone. Now I’m going to read the first three!!
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was another lovely story in the Tuppenny Bridge series although it’s fine to read as a standalone if you’re not already familiar with the stories. Featuring Bethany who was long estranged from her brother Joseph and Clive who was Joseph’s best friend for many years. Brought together after Joseph’s death when Bethany is planning to sell his home and Clive is wary of her due to her long estrangement and her desire to close down the horse sanctuary she was unaware had been established at the home. Both are lovely characters who have been held back by their pasts and each has a sad tale to tell. Overall though this is an uplifting read with some wonderful characters, especially the lovely older residents and a lot of second changes along the way. 9/10

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