Member Reviews

I wanted to like this book. but there was just a disconnect for me. It was a personal thing. Its probably why it took me so long to write a review as well, I hate leaving low reviews.

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If you’re looking for a billionaire romance, where he’s the super sweet protective golden retriever type, this is your book.

Chase Stone and his sister Alex are shocked when they learn their estranged father has left his multibillion-dollar company to them. But there’s more. It seems they have a half-brother out there, and he is also listed as a partial owner. Chase and Alex need to find their brother before someone else does, someone who may want to see their family empire fall.

They turn to Piper Maddox, their late father’s personal assistant, who he fired two weeks before his death. Piper is incredibly organized and intelligent, and she needs all the financial help she can get in her condition—yet she has zero desire to work for the Stone family again.

This was a heartwarming workplace romance, yet it’s also a very uplifting family story. I loved Chase and Alex's sibling relationship and how they supported one another. The slow and tender romance that blooms between Chase and Piper is not your typical billionaire romance. He is all about taking care of her. Besides the secret sibling, a few other secrets make things complicated, but it's so sweet to watch them play out.

Thank you @otrpr @CatherineBybee and @amazonpublishing for a spot on tour and a gifted book.

Thank you @brilliancepublishing for the gifted audiobook.

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This book was so great! I loved how the siblings came together after their dad dies to try and figure you who their mystery silbling is who is owed 1/3 of the business. They didn't try to cut them out but they have literally nothing to go on.

The hire back the assistant their dad fired knowing she would know things they don't for a company neither of them wanted anything to do with.

Its well written and I loved watch Chase and Piper get closer and closer even though Piper is carrying a baby from a one night stand. I loved it. It was a really fun and entertaining read.

4 stars

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I absolutly love my go to chick lit author Catherine Bybee.. you know when she rights it you will end with the feel goods.
This is the story of a girl
who cried a river and drowned the whole world....
wait no thats not right .
This is the story of one of the best secretaries in the city who works for a billionaire who suddenly passes away and we get new surprise billionaires.
This is not your typically billionaire romance and i really appreciated that.
this is the slowest burn romance of all time (hence 4 stars truly) its over 400 pages and IMO could be shortened.
But it was sweet, it was different and it was unique.
I also really like the author afterwards she does here because she tells you why the book is meaningful to her and its not just a fever dream she had once.
Read this in audio.. and i loved the narrators.. and i also have this as a book.. both were great.

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I finished All Our Tomorrows this week and loved it! This one came out this month and is on Kindle Unlimited, so it has tons of great reviews already! Chase, and his sister Alex, are shocked when they learn their estranged billionaire father left them his business. However, he was never an easy man and, in his will, shared that they have a half-brother who also inherits the company, and they must find him!

Chase then meets Piper, who was an ex-assistant to his father and he quickly falls for her. She is able to help Chase and Alex with all the internal stuff they have to take care of.

I just loved the dynamics of the storyline and all the characters. You know that so many characters are not to be trusted. The story reminds me of a good drama series like Dallas or Dynasty. And there will be a second book in the series that I am counting down to! I love all the secrets, and crazy money!!

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All Our Tomorrows by Catherine Bybee and narrated by Meg Sylvan is an audiobook I hesitated before requesting because the struggles of rich, hierarchical families is really, really not my jam (never seen an episode of the Kardashians, fact lol. However, and this is a huge however, I loved "When it Falls Apart" so I took a punt and really got into this title

Yes, it took a couple chapters, but the concept of an inheritance only being released on the proviso that the benefactors find their sibling, of whom they had no clue? Brilliant! Not to mention the whole Piper Chase malarkey, well!

Meg Sylvan gives an enigmatic performance across all characters and I am looking forward to more from Catherine Bybee, another delicious read!

Thank you to Netgalley, Brilliance Publishing | Brilliance Audio, the author Catherine Bybee and narrator Meg Sylvan for this outstanding ALC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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Catherine writes such beautiful stories of love, family, and found family. Chase and Piper are such fun characters and I enjoyed their witty interactions and the way they challenged each other. I could feel the chemistry between them, but the relationship felt like it progressed realistically and their HEA was hard won and sweet. This heartwarming romance raises some challenging questions regarding pregnancy, but handles them with sensitivity and care. The audiobook was an amazing way to enjoy this novel and the narration was spot on.

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This was good! Would make an excellent succession type movie/show. Really liked the pacing and the audio was excellent!

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Thanks to Catherine Bybee, Brilliance Publishing, and NetGalley for allowing me to listen to a free eaudio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Me, considering whether or not to request this book: on one hand, it's about disgustingly rich characters, a trope I don't care for. On the other, it's Catherine Bybee, and I have yet to read a bad Bybee. Mmmm... okay, let's give it a shot.

And it was good! Loved the characters, loved the mystery, loved Piper's dilemma. Still don't care for the richer-than-god trope, but I understand its ex machina uses. Usually that trope means the characters are immediately unrelatable, but Piper's frugality countered it, along with Chase and Alex's somewhat-discovery of their father's wealth.

Chase was a sweetheart, but I feel that he put Piper on too high a pedestal. She could do no wrong in his eyes, and once he'd decided he was into her, he was IN. Done. Ready for it all. No hesitation, no misgivings. Some uncertainty would have humbled him a bit.

In that vein, the only blemish on Piper's character was that she had doubts about her pregnancy. Well, and that she had a random hookup. Otherwise she was a little too perfect.

Overall, while the characters were a bit too squeaky clean, they were likable and endearing, and I still have yet to read a bad Bybee.

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I also read this book in addition to listening to the audiobook. The audiobook was even more amazing as the narrator did a fantastic job of bringing this wonderful story to life. This book had me in a chokehold for two days. I ignored my family. in order to listen. LOL
Catherine Bybee knocks it out of the park on this first book of this new series. It's so well written. She did an amazing job of appealing to the readers emotions. The characters were fully fleshed out with lots of great character growth. Chase and Piper had great chemistry. Piper was a personal assistant to Chase's late father. She was fired by his father before he died. Chase and his sister inherited the estranged father's entire estate and business. Chase and Alex are scrambling to figure it all out. There a minor mystery to solve and Chase and Piper have to work together to figure it all out. This was definitely one of my favorites from this author. Huge thanks to Brilliance audio and Netgalley for allowing me to listen and review this book.

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Another amazing read by Catherine Bybee.
I listened to the audiobook version of this title. Author did a good job but her voice was annoying at times.
The characters are well developed. Deep and complex. Combine that with life altering decisions and events… Bam! You have a bestseller on your hands.
The HUGE cliffhanger at the end had me racing to Google when the next book is coming.
We have to wait until NOVEMBER!!!
Every book I’ve read by Catherine Bybee was really good.

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I originally found Catherine Bybee through NetGalley and enjoyed her The D’Angelos series. This is the start of a new series called The Heirs. Chase Stone and his sister Alex are estranged from their father who runs a multibillion dollar hotel empire. The two heirs have been successful in their own work lives but this is a new level for them. They are surprised to learn there is an illegitimate half sibling who also inherits with them. Piper Maddox was the personal assistant for their father and knows more about the company and the people within. Piper works with Chase (and Alex) to run the company and search for the missing sibling. And of course attraction flares between the two.

Billionaire boyfriends is not a trope I read often and Piper’s trope is one I read even less. But Bybee is up to the job of making the story interesting, and it is fun to watch the romance grow. Piper is a spitfire and I like her no nonsense manner in dealing with Chase and others. I enjoyed Chase’s interactions and relationships to his sister as well. The book completes the romance for the pair but the business storyline is ongoing. I’m assuming the next book will be about Alex or the sibling and I will look forward to it.

I listened to the audio book narrated by Meg Sylvan and found her easy to listen to. My audio book included a bonus chapter from a previous book by the author called, Not Quite Dating (November 2012). The main character from that story is a side character in All Our Tomorrows. I’m new enough to the author that I don’t know if having character crossovers between series is something she often does. My local library didn’t have the previous book so I was pleasantly surprised to see the book available to read or listen to on KU and I’ve already downloaded it.

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From the moment I heard Catherine Bybee was launching a brand new series, I was so excited! As a longtime fan, I was thrilled to get the chance to dive into the audiobook of "All Our Tomorrows". Let me tell you, it was an absolute masterpiece! The premise and storyline were refreshingly original and utterly addictive, keeping me hooked from start to finish.

The narrator? Simply phenomenal! She brought every character to life in the most vivid way. Speaking of characters, the entire cast was brilliantly crafted, each adding depth and charm to the narrative. I was completely engrossed in the various situations and issues they navigated.

If you're on the hunt for a contemporary romance that will captivate your heart and mind, look no further. "All Our Tomorrows" is a 5-star gem that you won't be able to put down! I can hardly wait for the second installment to see where this incredible journey takes us next!

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