Member Reviews

This gives a blunt and raw depiction of the life of an alcoholic teen. The book is written with true care and compassion and I was completely drawn into the character.
It’s a book that will definitely stick with me for a long time and I will certainly be recommending it to others.

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Four stars - An unfiltered portrayal of alcoholism and the journey to recovery through the eyes of a fifteen-year-old girl named Bella.

My thanks to Kathleen, her publishing team and Netgalley for the eARC

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This is such a raw and unflinching depiction of what living with alcoholism looks like. Glasgow has once again broken my heart only to put it back together again.

Bella's story is one I will think about for a long time and it was a pleasure to read this despite the heavy subject matter. There are so many questions raised and it's definitely one I will shout about to all my friends because I think everyone should read it.

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Unflinching and honest, this book felt like a slap to the face. Addiction and alcoholism is something that everyone seems to know about, but no one actually understands its impact. Glasgow writes about these issues with so much care, while still revealing the raw and ugly truth. While I can admit that I am probably a few years over the intended audience, the story still had a punch and had me feeling for Bella. I was rooting for Bella and her healing, even when she wasn’t rooting for herself. There were so many moments that were uncomfortable to read, but it only drove home the message further, the real struggle with addiction. Emotionally balanced and well written, this book is a real eye opener, especially for younger audiences, to addiction.

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A really affecting and blunt look at the life of an alcoholic teenager, how she got to her breaking point, and her time in rehab and after. A really brilliant structure, before, during, after, and beyond. Some really good familial and friendship exploration too. I'll think about this one for a while.

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The Glass Girl By Kathleen Glasgow
Release Date: 1 October 2024

Bella finds herself at a breaking point, feeling overwhelmed by the constant demands from everyone in her life. Seeking solace, she turns to alcohol, believing it eases her pain and makes everything more manageable. After all, doesn't everyone drink? And Bella assures herself she can stop whenever she chooses.

However, one reckless night alters everything. Excessive drinking leads to Bella being found unconscious on her mother's doorstep, her cheekbone fractured and her memory blank. Confronted with the harsh reality of her situation, Bella realises it's time to face the truth. For her, that means seeking help and confronting her struggles head-on by entering rehab.

This poignant and powerful story delves into the harrowing realities of teenage addiction and the arduous journey towards recovery. Through the eyes of Bella, a seemingly ordinary teenager grappling with extraordinary challenges, we witness the heartbreaking struggles, inner turmoil, and eventual path to healing.

The author skilfully crafts a raw and authentic portrayal of addiction, shedding light on the complexities of coping and the daunting transition from the safety of rehab back into the real world. Despite being a fictional character, Bella's journey resonates deeply, evoking a sense of empathy and genuine concern for her well-being.

The depiction of the rehab setting, with its emphasis on outdoor activities and the poignant Polaroid picture motif, adds depth and captivation to the narrative. The interactions Bella has with fellow patients, particularly the compelling character of Holly, further enrich the story, drawing readers into their shared experiences and struggles.

Ultimately, while Bella's journey is fraught with challenges, her resilience and determination leave readers rooting for her success and hoping for a brighter future ahead.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Oneworld Publications, and the author, Kathleen Glasgow, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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5 stars - a raw depiction of alcoholism and recovery from the pov of a 15 year old girl.

Bella is struggling due to the recent loss of her grandmother Laurel, her parents divorce and the pressures of school. The only thing that helps Bella get through this, is alcohol, or Vodka specifically. After a night of drinking and partying, she blacks out and her friends leave her on her mom’s porch to basically die. After being treated in hospital, her mom sends her to a rehab despite Bella’s protests, that she doesn’t have a problem. We follow Bella as she meets her fellow patients and her 30 day rehab stay, and also how she copes when her stay ends.

A beautiful but hard hitting and story that shows the consequences of teenage addiction and the road to recovery. The character of Bella is just a typical teenager who is just dealing with a lot of things teenagers shouldn’t have to deal with. This makes the story all the more heartbreaking as we learn all about her inner thoughts and feelings, and the build up to her drinking problems and her road to recovery.

I felt the author portrayed an honest and real depiction of addiction and how people cope when they leave the safety of rehab. Even though she is just a character I really wish Bella well for the future.

I liked the rehab setting of getting outdoors, the Polaroid picture aspect and I felt captivated by all of the other patients Bella meets, especially Holly.

If you liked this book or vice versa you may also enjoy Clean by Juno Dawson with a similar addiction and rehab story.

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Title: The Glass Girl by Kathleen Glasgow

Release Date: October, 1st, 2024


Bella's journey offers a raw and honest look at the struggles and triumphs of overcoming personal demons.

Bella is at her breaking point. Everyone in her life seems to need something from her, and she turns to alcohol to dull the overwhelming pain and pressure. It smooths out the rough edges and makes everything seem more manageable. Besides, everyone drinks, right? And Bella is convinced she can stop whenever she wants.

But everything changes one fateful night. After one too many drinks at a party, Bella finds herself unconscious on her mother’s front steps with a fractured cheekbone and no memory of what happened. This terrifying wake-up call forces Bella to confront her reality, leading her to a path she never thought she'd take: rehab.

Why I enjoyed It:

🌟 Relatable Protagonist: Bella is a character many will find themselves rooting for. Her struggles with addiction and the pressure of others' expectations are portrayed with authenticity and sensitivity.
🌟 Emotional Depth: Kathleen Glasgow doesn't shy away from the hard truths. Bella's journey is filled with heart-wrenching moments that will make you feel deeply connected to her story.
🌟 Hope and Redemption: Despite the dark themes, the book is ultimately about hope and the possibility of redemption. Bella's path to recovery is inspiring and beautifully portrayed.
🌟 Powerful Message: The Glass Girl delivers a powerful message about the dangers of addiction and the importance of seeking help, making it an important read for both teens and adults.

The Glass Girl is a gripping and poignant novel that draws you in from the first page. Bella's descent into addiction and her subsequent journey to recovery are depicted with unflinching honesty and raw emotion. Kathleen Glasgow’s writing is both beautiful and haunting, capturing the pain and hope that define Bella’s experience.

Bella’s character is incredibly well-developed, making her struggles and triumphs feel real and impactful. The supporting characters, from her family to her friends in rehab, add depth to the narrative and highlight the complexities of addiction and recovery.

The book's pacing keeps you hooked, with each chapter revealing more about Bella's inner world and the events that led to her breaking point. The journey to rehab and the challenges Bella faces there are portrayed with realism and empathy, making her eventual steps toward healing all the more rewarding.

The Glass Girl is not just a story about addiction; it’s a story about finding oneself amid chaos and pain. It's a must-read for anyone who enjoys deeply emotional and thought-provoking YA fiction.

Thank you to The Publisher Oneworld Publications | Rock the Boat ,The Author Kathleen Glasgow & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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