Member Reviews

The story of Halley and Henry. After a chance encounter while she is on holiday in Oxford, Henry sets out to track her down, by contacting all the Halley Harts he can find. A fun read and I liked how it was told from both points of view.

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This was a great romance read. Very cute and I loved the chemistry between the characters. Definitely a good one to add to your list!

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Ultimately, this book was fine. It was cute, I loved the premise of trying to find all of the Halley Harts, with a good amount of epistolary storytelling. Sometimes it's nice to have a comedy of errors, even if there were almost too many errors for my liking. I'm reviewing this a while after reading, and unfortunately I'm just not finding it super memorable? I read a lot, but the fact that nothing about this book really stuck with me is making it hard for me to generate a lot of excitement for it for others.

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Are You My Halley Hart is about the relationship between Halley, a Stanford Astronomy PhD student, and Henry who is a history postdoc at Oxford. The book has an interesting meet cute where Henry tries to find Halley after meeting her by contacting every email that could potentially be Halley. Overall, the characters were likable the book had some interesting concepts typically not seen in other romances. Although it initially drew me to the book, the premise soon got old because Henry found Halley very fast, and the rest of the book relied on a long distance relationship to build conflict and tension. I think the reliance on this trope weakened the potential of this book and took away from any interesting plot points. The whole rest of the book was just fluff, and not just any fluff, but fluff that happened when the two characters weren't even together. In addition, there was a desperate search for cheap conflict, and the miscommunication trope (Halley flew to England to surprise Henry at the same time Henry flew to America to surprise Halley) was used in order to keep the audience drawn in to the boring, slow part of the book. But I still liked the book, it was an easy read and something cute and light to end your night with.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher (Joffe Books) and the author for sending me this ARC for an honest review.

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Are you my Halley Hart? is a cute, bicoastal romantic comedy, a story of a long distance relationship and the complications of dating across the pond. It is a very fast read since a lot of it was told via email exchanges and text message threads. It has some miscommunication but honestly it was very light on complications outside of just distance. I liked the characters but they were very surface level, not much with their backstories or their thought process. A quick and easy read.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It's a wonderful book!

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"Are You My Halley Hart?" by Claire McCauley is a charming rom-com that had me hooked from the start! 🌟 The story kicks off with a cute meet-cute in Oxford, where Henry and Halley share a magical, albeit brief, moment. When Halley leaves without a trace, Henry embarks on a hilarious quest to track her down, emailing every Halley Hart he can find. Their long-distance relationship unfolds through emails and texts, adding a fresh twist to the romance.

While the slow burn and constant near-misses might test your patience, the witty exchanges and Henry’s endearing determination make it a fun read. Perfect for fans of quirky, feel-good love stories!

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I loved this book with all my heart - it had me in constant awe while reading!

Henry and Halley have an initial meet cute in Oxford during a holiday, and then continue to have a series of meetcutes; this ends the day with Halley kissing Henry. Henry than desperate to find her contact every Halley Hart trying to find this one girl he can’t stop thinking about.

There were moments when the pace was a bit slow for my personal liking but overall a lovely story and would recommend!

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First of all, our two main characters are intelligent, well-adjusted, mature people. Yay!

Henry’s search for Halley doesn’t actually take up a lot of the story. Once they connect via email, we get to see their emails and text messages, as well as narrative from both of their points of view. As their correspondence brings them closer together, they make plans to meet. Those plans are constantly foiled, and we are frustrated right along with them at all the near-misses.

When they finally do get together, it’s the stuff romcom legends are made of. But, of course, the happiness can’t last forever, and their happiness is interrupted. Both are miserable without each other. Given the type of book this is, I don’t think it’s too much of a spoiler to say that we do get a happy ever after, though not without a little bit of family meddling and some refreshingly mature soul searching.

The varied modes of storytelling keep the story fresh and progressing nicely. The constant interruptions of plans to meet kept me engaged in the story. All in all, a fun read.

Possible Objectionable Material:
Drinking. Reference to sex. Sex, though not descriptive. Swearing (I don’t remember any F-words).

Who Might Like This Book:
Those who like rom-coms, especially ones where the protagonists have lots of obstacles to getting together. Those who like astronomy and history.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an advanced reader copy in exchange for my opinion.

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I read The wedding hitch earlier this year and absolutely adored it so of course I had to read this one! First note i would like to make is when i downloaded and read the book it had a different name and to be honest i'm not sure I would read the story with the new title.. that being said the story within is absolutely lovely and had me entertained throughout. I really enjoy Claire McCauleys writing style.

Great plot and great characters, Highly recommend!

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This book was an extremely slow burn. It started with insta-attraction and delved into a long distance relationship that was experienced through emails, texts and FaceTime. I can rarely get into an insta-love story and I really don't care for long distance romance. Due to both tropes, I couldn't connect with the characters. However, I did chuckle at all of the Halley Harts in the world!

When I downloaded the book, it was called Once In A Lifetime with a tagline "You only get once chance at love...don't you?" which I preferred to the updated title and tagline!

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loved this romance and her mom wants her to date this guy she has these amazing friends who are all dealing with different relationship issues . loved that she found her way in the job and found love

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I enjoyed reading Are You My Halley Hart? by Claire McCauley. You will fall in love with all the characters. I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely. Happy Reading!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book for free in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

This was a fun and enjoyable romance. I was drawn to this book because of the cover. I hadn't heard of Claire McCauley before. With that being said, I thought she is a great writer and would read more books by her in the future. Pick this book up if you're in the mood for a delightful romances !

Many Thanks again to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book in exchange for my honest review.


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If you are a publisher or author who has questions about my reviews (as well as questions about my stats, reach or engagement), please free to email me. I am also open to requests for book reviews from authors or publishers. Thank you again for taking time to read my review, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

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3.5 stars. This is Claire McCauley's sophomore novel after the Wedding Hitch (which I really enjoyed). Thank you so much to the author, Joffe books and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book early! I loved the premise of this book. This is about a woman named Halley and a guy named Henry that meet one day in Oxford. They keep crossing paths that day, but she is leaving that night to go back home to San Francisco. She leaves without exchanging contact information, so he emails every Halley Hart he can find in search of her. They find each other online and then try to make a relationship work, despite being worlds apart. Halley wasn't my favorite character at first. She doesn't seem into the romance situation at all in the initial encounters and she just feels a little prickly. However, as the story goes on, we get to know her a little better and see that she's not as aloof as she seemed. The romance did feel rather instalove though. The trope of "if something can go wrong it will" is one I really dislike in movies and books and that definitely happens here as the couple makes multiple plans to reunite. Furthermore, the pacing got a little slow in the middle. Despite those complaints, I thought the mixed media in this was great (emails, texts, etc.) and it was a sweet read. I would've liked if Henry would've moved a little bit more on her behalf, but he was restricted by family obligations that made sense. Overall, a cute story!

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When American tourist Halley Hart accidentally drenches shy academic Henry Inglis in an Oxford coffee shop, he is smitten. Yet after several chance encounters and a kiss, Halley disappears in a taxi, forgetting to leave Henry her phone number. Although they spent just one day together, Henry can’t get this stunning astronomy student out of his mind. He is determined to find Halley if all he has is her name and a pair of sunglasses she dropped. To do so, he must email every Halley Hart in the world until he finds his Halley.
A sweet romance which blossoms through emails. I must admit to finding there were some patches where the pace was slow. The story follows their romance over a long distance, so it would have been good to have them together more often.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a super cute romantic comedy. It was my first read by Claire McCauley and it won't be my last.

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"Are You My Halley Hart?* is a delightful rom-com that promises to be the perfect beach read for summer 2024. This novel is a captivating blend of serendipity, humour, and romance, making it an irresistible pick for fans of feel-good love stories.

The plot kicks off with a charming meet-cute in an Oxford coffee shop, where American tourist Halley Hart accidentally spills her drink on the introverted academic Henry Inglis. This chance encounter sparks an immediate connection, culminating in a fleeting kiss that leaves Henry longing for more. However, the story takes a twist when Halley disappears in a taxi, leaving Henry with nothing but her name and a pair of sunglasses to remember her by.

McCauley’s portrayal of Henry is endearing. His journey from a shy academic to a determined romantic is both heart-warming and entertaining. Fuelled by his desire to find Halley again, Henry embarks on a whimsical quest, emailing every Halley Hart he can find. This quirky and modern twist on the classic search-for-love trope is both humorous and touching, showcasing Henry’s unwavering hope and determination.

Halley, on the other hand, is a vibrant and intriguing character whose brief interactions with Henry leave a lasting impression on him—and the readers. Her spontaneity and charm make her an unforgettable figure, and McCauley’s skilful writing ensures that the chemistry between the two leads is palpable despite their limited time together.

The narrative is peppered with laugh-out-loud moments and witty dialogue, making it a joy to read. McCauley balances these light-hearted scenes with deeper, more emotional beats, creating a well-rounded story that resonates on multiple levels. The backdrop of Oxford adds a layer of charm and sophistication, enhancing the romantic atmosphere of the novel.

This is a swoony, uplifting, and thoroughly enjoyable romantic comedy. Claire McCauley has crafted a story that is both heart-warming and hilarious, perfect for anyone looking to escape into a tale of love, chance encounters, and the magic of finding “the one.” This novel is sure to leave readers with a smile on their face and warmth in their hearts.

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Solid 4.5 stars. This was such a sweet, romantic story. Halley and Henry's meet-cute is adorable, but then they get their wires crossed and don't get to have a dinner together. They do, however, share a kiss.
This results in Henry emailing g every Halley Hart @address he can think of, trying to find her.
Of course, he does eventually find the right Halley, his Halley. They have many roadblocks along the way, missed communications, and just downright silly things happen.
The side characters are delightful, and I would love to see Viola's story next, please,

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Unfortunately this one wasn't really for me. I didn't really feel connected to the characters or their relationship and I was honestly a bit bored. 3 stars because there was nothing particularly wrong I just didn't vibe with it

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