Member Reviews

A lovely book ideal beech read
This book is a strange story of a woman who unexpectedly inherits a house in Ibiza when she gets there she discovers mystical happenings linked to a strange light under the sea .My mother and grandmother lived in Ibiza in the 1990s and reading this book bought up emotions I haven’t had in awhile this continued when the house the main character go inherit was in St Eulalia which is the town where they lived . There are lots of myths and legends surrounding Ibiza and the island is known as the last hippie hangout so it made sense to set The novel here
The mixture of magic and reality is managed and the magical elements wind gently through the story. Making them feel more believable.
The setting in Ibiza immediately brings back feelings of summer holidays and I think this will be an ideal book to read on the beach
The author has a clear easily read prose style making the novel a relaxing, enjoyable read

I love the science and the pseudoscience. It seem to make sense in the context of the story. Particularly love the description of how infinity is not infinite. L
There are quite a few parallels between this book and The Space Between us by Doug Johnstone if you enjoyed that book, I’m sure you’ll love this one
I originally copy of the Non NetGalley UK. The book is published in the UK on the 29th of August 2024 by Canongate
This review will appear on NetGalley UK, Goodreads and my book blog After publication it will also appear on Amazon UK.

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A beautiful and heart warming story from Matt Haig. Set in Ibiza, we follow Grace as she is left a surprise house and has to decide which direction her life will go next.

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Matt’s books are a feeling and I felt every one going with this book. It felt like a lot of soul searching for the main character. Making peace with life and living the best life you can with no guilt or regrets. Love, loss and living. Beautiful setting too, makes me want to go to Ibiza!

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Wow - I loved this book! I finished it in two sittings, because I was so keen to find out what happened. I felt it was a perfect mixture of realism, magic, and mystery. Perhaps the ending with the 'bad guy' was a bit rushed and seemed to come a little out of nowhere, but apart from that I loved it so much - definitely my top summer read so far. Also, it really made me want to go to Ibiza!

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Remembering all the hype about "The Midnight Library" I decided to read "The Life Impossible" by Matt Haig, having not read any of his previous books. The blurb makes it sound as though it is about an elderly woman discovering adventures and a new way of life in Ibiza. However, that is not really the case as this book deals with other modern issues such as social media and the environment. It is difficult to review this novel without giving away too much of the plot. There are some lovely characters and the locations are real places which can be found and viewed on map apps, but the reader will need to suspend belief.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Matt Haig The Life Impossible

Grace Winters, an elderly widow and ex maths teacher is wracked by guilt at her part in her young sons accidental death years before leaving her now sad and lonely . An unexpected bequest of a house in Ibiza from an ex colleague Christina who Grace had shown kindness to a long time ago, takes Grace out of her lonely existence to the vibrant colourful island of Ibiza. She quickly realises things are not what they seem and there was an ulterior motive in the inheritance of Christina's little house. Mysterious happenings and vague warnings lead her to befriend Alberto who introduces her to a mesmerising out-of-this-world underwater phenomenon that affects all who experience it.
A prospective development of an ancient rock raises serious environmental concerns and Grace soon realises she has a mission to use her newly acquired skills to help thwart the development.
A thoughtful and engaging tale that the author uses to subtly encourage us, the reader, to appreciate our world, to be kind and empathetic to others and to appreciate the little things. Not in a preachy way though- we sympathise with the characters and are able to suspend our disbelief at the fantastical elements of the story.
Another great novel from an author who has used his own trials and tribulations to inspire a story like no other. Oh, and Ibiza stars as an amazing setting too!

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I wasn’t sure about this book to start with. Having loved The Midnight Library, I couldn’t quite believe that Matt Haig would be able to match the quality of the writing. However, this is a gem of a read, thought provoking, original, full of present day topics and problems, and so uplifting. Grace is a great character, and it’s lovely to read how her life changes. She is so full self doubt, taking the death of her son, so badly, convinced that it was all her fault. She is in her 70s, feels that life has passed her by, and that she just blends into the background. When she is left a house in Ibiza, she decides to check it out, and this changes everything for her. I love the blend of magic, fantasy and life on a real island. I smiled, cried and found myself believing in the idea of such an extraordinary place. Loved it.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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The Life Impossible is another wonderfully written and heartwarming novel from Matt Haig.

I’m a big fan of Haig’s work and much like previous novels, The Life Impossible is well written, thought provoking and perfectly balances humour with more serious undertones. I feel his novels are the literary equivalent of a warm hug. Plus, who doesn’t love such wonderful descriptions such as “He exuded suppressed emotion. He was a clenched fist of a man”?

That being said, this novel didn’t grab me as much as his previous works. I felt the characters weren’t as developed as they could have been, there was too much repetition when discussing La Presencia and its effects and the thriller aspect of the story involving the villain was - for me - far too rushed. I feel there is so much potential with these characters that it would have perhaps done the story justice to carry it over into two books.

Overall, a recommended read but not Haig’s best work (that would have to be either The Possession of Mr. Cave or The Last Family In England).

Thanks to NetGalley and Canongate for the ARC.

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Absolutely brilliant, loved it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me an advance copy, I will definitely be recommending.

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Thank you for my copy of this book to read and review.

The Midnight Library is one of my favourite books so I was really looking forward to reading this one.

I’m not really sure how I would describe this book, but it was beautifully written, original, a bit surreal and completely absorbing…I couldn’t put it down. I've already recommended this to anyone that will listen!

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At the start of this novel, Grace Winters thinks her life is already over..
Now in her seventies, Grace, who is a retired Maths teacher, has been widowed for some years and is still haunted by the memory of a devastating tragedy in her past, namely the death of her young son in a terrible accident in 1992. Then, out of the blue, Grace learns that she has been bequeathed a property on the island of Ibiza by a young woman who she knew briefly in the Seventies. Grace's curiosity is piqued: she is particularly baffled as her acquaintance with the woman was so fleeting and so long ago: what has prompted her to be remembered in her will so many years later?
As Grace embarks for the island she can little imagine the dramatic changes which is about to be wrought on her both physically and mentally as an incident while diving in the Mediterranean leaves her transformed in a way which is both ultimately exciting and unsettling. It is a world of magic realism. But what is the truth behind the strange power that seems to exist within the water? Has it affected other people in the same way that it has changed Grace? And how do events lead to Grace becoming involved in an intense and fiercely fought battle with the forces of evil?
To some extent, the degree to which you'll fully embrace Matt Haig's new book (his first novel pitched at an adult audience since The Midnight Library in 2020) will depend on your willingness to surrender to the magic realism which underlies The Life Impossible's premise. In some ways, I didn't. At the end of the day, I rend not to be the sort of person who believes people are imbued with superpowers after swimming in some funny water in the sea. The world just doesn't work like that. Ultimately, however, the winning argument at the heart of Haig's philosophy - that people, where possible, should strive every moment of life to the max - is a very compelling one. And, after all, if if I can accept ideas like a man living for over five hundred years, or a family of vampires or of an underlying secret network of dogs (all the basis for some pf the novels in Haig's impressive back catalogue) then why should I - or indeed, anyone - not enjoy this novel too?

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I loved this book and raced through it in a couple of days! It was just the right mix of fantasy and realism for me and the gorgeous descriptions of Ibiza was surprising.. I have never felt the urge to visit, but do now!
A lovely story of love, forgiveness and environmental activism.
Thank you #Netgalleyfor this ARC

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Just finished this gem of a book and I feel like I need some time to process it! Beautifully written, completely bonkers in parts but in the best possible way. This book made me stop and think about what is truly important in life and had some powerful messages contained within the story. I fell in love with Ibiza even though I’ve never been! To summarise, this was just a beautiful story with characters that I fell in love with (Grace and Alberto), a whole rollercoaster of emotions and a little bit of magic thrown in for good measure. I will be recommending it to everyone.

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Matt Haig can always be trusted to deliver a thought provoking and uplifting experience from the bleakest of situations and, situations don't come much bleaker than environmental destruction brought by unsympathetic development and uncontrolled tourism. The premise is completely unbelievable and I won't share it for fear of putting people off, but the easy and well constructed writing style means that the reader easily suspends disbelief and buys in wholeheartedly.

This book is a comforting read that helps to foster a feeling that maybe it will all be alright in the end and maybe there is a point. It was warm and comforting and I'm sad it's over.

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This is a fabulous book!
This is the third book I have read by Matt Haig.
He is one of my favourite authors now.

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A wonderfully uplifting novel that will make you appreciate the wonder of the life you are living.

Grace Winters, a retired mathematics teacher is existing in a world full of pain, regret and sadness. She is given a gift from a friend she once knew long ago and leaves for Ibiza to see if she can uncover the truth of her friends mysterious disappearance.

What Grace finds in Ibiza shouldn't be believable but through the wonder and beauty of the story it truly is. Grace finds friendship and connection in the most unlikely of places and is on a constant journey of self exploration and forgiveness.

Explore the beautiful island of Ibiza through this truly mystical and wonderful story, enjoy the sunsets, the orange juice and eating watermelon on the beach, truly one of life's great pleasures. Even those that have no interests in mathematics will have a new understanding and appreciation of the significance of numbers by the end. I feel emotionally and academically satisfied after such a wonderful read.

This is a definite must read novel for all and any with the possibility of having an open mind and a love of nature. I devoured this novel in just a few days savouring my mental trip back to Ibiza a place I haven't been in decades which has now been added to my wishlist for our next adventures

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Many thanks to netgalley, the author and the publisher for approving my request to read this book.

I enjoyed this book, it was a bit odd in parts I have to say but nonetheless a good read.

The story centres on Grace a retired maths teacher who moves to ibiza after being left a house there by her an old friend.

I can't say to much more to be honest as I don't want to give anything away but I liked the characters in this book and its well written as are previous books I have read by Matt Haig.

Overall I found it an easy, uplifting story which I would recommend if you have read others by this author.

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I have never read Matt Haig and trust me, I will from now on! This book is a real breath of fresh air. I felt it gave me the escapism I needed. It’s a magical novel, filled with superpowers, humanness, and life with a thriller undertone? 

"To be human is to be scared of our own innate ridiculousness, so we do anything to reduce that ridicule. We clothe our bodies, we procreate behind doors, we hide every bodily function, we don’t cry in the post office, or sing in the street, and we try to keep our own ideas in line with what we are told we should think" The life Impossible, Matt Haig.

This is a story to remind us to live our lives to the fullest, to remind us that we are humans and make mistakes, and to remind us to enjoy the ‘little things’ because they are huge things. But we tend to forget and take things for granted: the taste of fruits, the sight of nature, the intelligence of animals, the wonders of the sea, the beauty of a sunset, the connection to the world and to others. 

I have been reading this past week while losing my sense of smell. And I have never really taken time to think about the fact that I can smell beautiful things every day. The honey suckles on the street, my favourite perfume, the sea, the food slowly cooking on the hob—how wonderful is it to have the power to smell? 

‘I want you to understand these moments. They are all around us on this familiar, alien planet of ours, every raindrop and scattered particles of light. Life sings and blazes. Even when we are numb to it, when we hide from it, when it’s too loud and painful to experience, when we aren’t equipped to feel it -it is there waiting to be cherished and protected, ready to give us at least one more blast of beauty before the night’ The life Impossible, Matt Haig.

This book is all about bringing us back to the present instead of focusing on the future or being tormented by the past. It is human to do so, but this book will help take us back down to earth and live the present moment a little more. Set in Ibiza, we get to find out some facts about the island and the myths, which I love! 

I recommend this book 100%. Thank you NetGalley, the publisher, and the author, for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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No one writes about the messy but beautiful complexities of humanity as well as Matt Haig in my opinion.

The Life Impossible is a stunning piece of magical realism that whisks you away to the island of Ibiza. I don’t want to give too much away but it’s definitely more fantastical than his previous books.

I was fully invested in Grace’s story. I found myself welling up whilst reading on several occasions. This book will stay with me for a long time.

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Grace has retired, well, gracefully if not carefully. She has been scammed out of her savings and lives quietly in a routine she is comfortable with but does wonder if there is more to life. When she is left a villa in Spain by an old friend, there is only one way to find out about the house and the more to life bit. Once there she finds out things about her friend as well as her own life that can make a world of difference to the world we live in both globally and personally.

Written as only Matt Haig can, this is a treasure of a read that makes you think about your own life and routine and perhaps pushing those boundaries a little to see what’s out there. A tale of fantasy (or is it), something ethereal that maybe exists in our own lives. A story like no other that would make a fantastic film. (For me I’m casting Meryl Streep as Grace, and Tom Conti as Alberto- which is how I saw them when reading this). It's different, it's brilliant, it's stunning. Most certainly a read to remember. We are connected to everything, we really truly are and to see the light you need to have seen the dark.. 10* if I could

For more reviews please follow me on Twitter (X) @nickisbookblog

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