Member Reviews

A jigsaw of pieces relating to a cold case in which the convicted man has spent over a decade in prison. A successful writer at a watershed in his life becomes embroiled in the old investigation whilst re engaging with the police involved in the decade old murder of a young girl. Slowly the reader moves between past and present as the writer and policeman responsible for the apprehension and conviction of the felon question the old conviction.. A painstaking cold trail re examining every fact and decision reopens wounds, deceptions, secrets and lies . Crucial witnesses emerge who have in some cases innocently and others guiltily failed to reveal critical details that suggest a miscarriage of justice may have occurred. Several failed conclusions before a reveal that that is as astonishing as Many thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for this 5* read ARC.

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Having loved the Harry Quebert Affair, I was excited to be gifted an ARC of The Alaska Sanders Affair by Netgalley. This is a complex crime thriller with lots of twists and turns. Just when you think you have figured out who the murderer is, the author throws in some more complications! There are many time lines and points of view which kept me hooked and guessing throughout. It was also nice to follow the life of Marcus again, I hope we get to find out about the Baltimore Goldmans soon. Thanks #netgalley

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Another cold case mystery for old friends Sergeant Perry Gahalowood and writer Marcus Goldman, who previously solved the murder, later chronicled in a book, in The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair. The murder of beautiful young Alaska Sanders seemed to have been quickly solved and two suspects apprehended, one of whom is dead, the other in prison. But eleven years later, the case surfaces again, and closer investigation reveals a complex web of secrets and deceptions that will eventually lead to the truth. I enjoyed the previous novel, but found this one much too long and flabbily written. There are way too many red herrings and new details that just keep coming, so that every time it seems that what happened is becoming clear, there is another unlikely development that sends the action off in another direction. It seems like the original investigation must have been completely incompetent to have missed so many clues! Some may enjoy this labyrinthine unravelling of the truth, but I felt it was stretched out and just became tedious and annoying. There are also a lot of references to what happened to Goldman’s cousins, but this is never explained, and even though I read the earlier book I couldn’t remember, so that was another irritant. A big disappointment.

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This author has rocketed to the top of my favourite authors list. I adored the Quebert Affaor and this book did not disappoint. Superb story and so well written. Brilliant.

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Very strong contender for my book of the year!
It was great to be back in the world of Writer and Sergeant whilst delving into another mystery together. Although chapters alternate with differing points of view it is so easy to follow and each page keeps you guessing and wanting more.
Dicker writes with such beautiful prose that you cannot help but be fully engaged with this book and it is the epitome of one you cannot put down. I absolutely loved the relationship between Marcus and Gahalowood and the banter between them.
An absolute winner from me!
Thank you for this copy to read and review

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Naturally as a fan of Joel’s books and Harry Quebert being the start of that journey, there is always time to read the latest story. Despite the fact that I raced through this in a day, I felt unsatisfied. The story didn’t feel complete. It was tidy, that is the overwhelming feeling. Everything was touched upon but never explored. Key characters popped up and then down again. Sadly it felt like rewarding a Wikipedia page of the novelist Marcus Goldman. I wished it was as juicy as HQA, I wished I could fully dive into the world of New Hampshire and feel like I was living the story, but it didn’t quite get there for me. Enjoyable to read but nothing heart wrenching to write home about.

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I received an advanced reading copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley, Quercus Books, and the author Joel Dicker.
I found this book really frustrating! I remember enjoying 'The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair', so had high hopes. Unfortunately this seemed painfully similar, but a lazy version with one-dimensional and unlikeable characters. It also went on for way too long, and had a rushed and unsatisfying denouement. All in all, frustrating.

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Joel Dicker does it again with his sequel to The Harry Quebert Affair which is published in September. I do suggest reading Harry Quebert first just so the book makes absolute sense, but if you don’t then it’s not the end of the world and I’m pretty sure you’d immediately read it afterwards anyway. Joel Dicker writes with such character conviction that, as with his previous novels, you’ll automatically hit the internet to Google the background to this crime story believing it, and it’s characters, to be true. But here’s the big plot twist, they aren’t but he convinced you that they are. You also care about these characters and their relationships with each other throughout, as much as you care about the storyline.

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It's no secret that I am a huge fan of Joël Dicker, he writes a mystery like no other. I picked up The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair during lockdown and devoured it in 4 days, since then I've been hooked. Naturally when The Alaska Sanders Affair popped up on Netgalley my request went in immediately. Thank you so much @quercusbooks for granting me a copy.

In true Dicker style this story starts at the end, a murderer has been convicted and has been in prison for 11 years. However, slowly the case against him begins to unravel and we're left asking ourselves whether the right person was convicted.

Alaska Sanders was a beauty queen, an aspiring actress who displayed nothing but kindness to those around her. Who would want to kill her and what was their motive? Marcus Goldman and Sergeant Perry Gahalawood are determined to close the case once and for all.

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I really enjoyed this book. The plot revolves around a young girl who is brutally murdered and the man who is found guilty. The story is very carefully woven together, with lots of interesting details interspersed along the way. I liked the twist at the end - I never would have guessed who really killed her! Will definitely recommend to my friends and family! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance reading copy.

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This was excellent, 5 stars!
Intricately plotted with unexpected twists and a very satisfying whodunnit.
I enjoyed the characters, motivations and the atmosphere.
I generally prefer to read mysteries where the focus is on the crime, victim and method of solving, when the investigators are more impersonal, but this is the exception.
The pacing and build up felt spot on,
Would greatly recommend, a new favourtie crime author!

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This was well written and very interesting. I wasn’t sure about the style to begin with, but I soon got into it. It is an interesting take on solving a historic murder and it was well plotted. I haven’t read the other story but will seek it out. Recommended.

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Fans of Joel Dicker will know the structure that awaits them in this book. A long twisting back and forth tale with diversions, dead ends and time shifts. All are necessary to the plot which is a great rambling adventure. Marcus Goldman, the narrator, is engaging and good company. This book is book 3 in a series, but you do not have to have read the others to enjoy this one, and the solutions to the preceding mysteries are not given away. They are however flagged in a way that will make you want to read them next if you haven't already read them. This is a perfect holiday read, with universal appeal. SPOILER ALERT! I read crime novels to try and work out whodunnit. The satisfaction of a crime novel is reviewing the story afterwards and and marvelling at the author's misdirections, red herrings, and hiding in plain sight clues, knowing that if you had paid a bit more attention you could have solved the crime yourself. A satisfying crime novel is one you could have solved, but didn't. (Solve it too soon and you will give up on it) This however was not a solvable crime as there was not enough information to spot the perpetrator. If there had been you would have worked it out straight away and given up on the mystery. This left me feeling cheated at the end. If the ending had been clever the book would have earned a solid five stars. At the end I felt it deserved three as I was so annoyed with it. I will split the difference and give it 4. If this is something that doesn't bother you, you will love the book!

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I actually really enjoyed theis book. I have heard so much about the first book but never read it. That didn't stop me enjoying the sequel.
The book is a bit long winded, possibly due to the , these are the events happening now but hang on whilst I go back and fill you in on some history. I can see why but it did affect the pace of the book.
I did enjoy the relationship between "Writer" and "Sergeant". There were some very pertinent lines in the book re life and life in general.
The ending is nicely rounded off for those who like that.
A very good read and I can see it becoming a TV series/film too

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This book, despite the topic covered, comes across quite light to read. The style is very much in the first person and this made it chatty to read and easy to get into. The books picote around the original murder and this anchors it and makes the book flow well.
There is something almost personal about the book, as if it was written just for me. The tight structuring of the storyline into days before and after the murder, with days and dates of each ‘entry’ made clear makes this almost diary like and the more powerful for it. The book is almost cyclical, coming full circle and ending with the starting chapter topic which was reassuring in a way and made it seem like a neat ending, despite the drama to get there.

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I loved [book:The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair|19301797] and if you did too then you will enjoy this much the same I'm sure.

The format, and some of the characters, are much the same. The story involves Alaska Sanders who was murdered 11 years ago in a seemingly closed case. Two men were responsible, one dead and one serving time in prison. However, when Marcus Goldman arrives in town the case is about to blown wide open.

Much like TTATHQA, this is a long novel (around 560 pages) but don't let that put you off. This is a gripping novel which will keep you turning those 560 pages long into the night. The story, as always, is complex, layered and just when you think you know where its going, suddenly it veers off course.

Thanks to Netgalley and Quercus Books | MacLehose Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest reveiw. One of my best books of 2024 so far

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Another great story from Joel Dicker. I hoped I'd enjoy reading it as much as The Harry Qiebert Affair. Lots of artists and surprises that leave you guessing until the end

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It’s been such a long time since I’ve read the first two books in this series, I’d forgotten the plot and many of the characters Marcus was referring to. This didn’t detract from the overall storyline, but had I been able to remember, it may have enhanced things a bit.

The writing feels like old Hollywood noir slapstick in parts; some unexpected comedy duo teaming up to solve a murder. And I had a nice time with that, but would have had an even nicer time if the whole thing was half of the 600 pages in length at which it currently stands. The whole thing sagged towards the final third but did pick up pace again as we stumbled over the finish line.

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The Alaska Sanders Affair by J. Dicker, published by Quercus Books, picks up 12 years after the previous book The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair - the same character Marcus Goldman, when he is drawn to investigate the 11 year old case of Alaska Sanders. A thrilling mystery that is best read in order. Twisty and full of unexpected turns that had me guessing til the very last page.
Blurb: The body of Alaska Sanders is found on the shore of a lake near the quiet town of Mount Pleasant, New Hampshire. The young woman’s death rocks the small community, but the murder is quickly solved. Within days, a suspect is identified and soon convicted. Case closed. Or so it seemed. . . .
Eleven years later, Marcus Goldman, celebrity author and amateur sleuth, picks up a thread that will unravel not only the “open and shut” case of Alaska Sanders, but the very fabric of his best friend,–Sergeant Perry Gahalowood–’s life. Gahalowood, who led the original Alaska Sanders investigation, is hell-bent on finding the truth and setting the record straight. Teaming up with Marcus, he hopes to find redemption by solving the most intricate and trying case of his career.

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This was my first time reading a book from the author but I am delighted to say I thoroughly enjoyed the story and I look forward to reading more books from the writer in the future.

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