Member Reviews

I'm not sure I knew this was short stories when I requested it, but it was a fun break from longer novels. The stories in here vary based on theme and how they made me feel, but overall this was an interesting reading experience.

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A great introduction to the works of Marquis de Sade! I think some are daunted by older literary works but this book felt accessible as well as outrageously cheeky and insightful,

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I remember reading the Marquis de Sade when I was younger and enjoying it a lot. Every story was spicy and disturbing, and it felt good to read them, out of the look of the adults that would probably suggest the younger me to not read them. But these collection felt so bland and lifeless. Probably the very different reading experience and the years, makes this collection feel so boring. I couldn’t engage with most of them, I was repulsed but not surprised by the content as a first time Sade reader would be. I was expecting more.

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Witty, transgressive and accessible collection of Sade stories. As a Sade scholar, this really breaks down the intricacies of Sade for the everyday reader and allows an avenue to approach the misunderstood writer and thinker.

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Gothic Tales by Marquis de Sade is known for its intent to shock and provoke, but I found the stories more tedious than thrilling. While the collection aims to unsettle with its dark themes and transgressive content, much of it felt repetitive and lacking in narrative drive. That said, there were moments where an interesting message or critique of societal norms peeked through, offering some substance beneath the sensationalism. Overall, though, the stories didn’t wow me like I thought they would. I'll never look at Horse Chesnut trees the same way again though...

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I didn't know what to expect from this collection, considering that the Marquis de Sade was a rather controversial and provocative figure throughout much of his life, but I'm glad that I kept an open mind about reading some of his work.

Misadventures aside, the man was a uniquely gifted writer who wasn't afraid to graze the edges of what society thought was appropriate, and those attributes are on full display in Gothic Tales. In my favorite short, Florville and Courval, we see an unhibited woman unburdening herself as she confesses to her "sins", and in doing so, she finds freedom from societal expectations and normative feminimity.

The other stories seem to create an odd marriage of high-brow and hilarious, smart and, well, trashy (see: Self-Made Cuckold), but all of it is fun, and unlike anything else I've ever read. I was genuinely disappointed when I'd reached the end of the collection.

Gothic Tales definitely is meant for a certain kind of reader. If you watch SNL and find yourself clutching your pearls during each sketch, then this isn't for you. If you have an open mind and an irreverent senses of humor, then you should add it to your TBR.

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Some works are quite hard to review. Classic literature is hard to review. Short story collections are hard to review. Older writing styles are hard to review. This just so happens to be all three of those rolled up into one, so writing a review for it is quite the daunting task. If you want to study classic literature, you should give this collection a chance. It is pretty wild, even by today’s standard, but it is a unique work that intertwines sex and philosophy. The first story is the weakest in my opinion, and the strongest ones are actually often the shortest, but nevertheless, I admire the work for what it is and what it was during its time. It has some unique plots and fun characters, even though the writing style is a bit hard to get through. That being said, if you are into short story collections or old literature or weird stories or sexual misadventures or corny smut jokes or philosophical takes on societal relationships, maybe check it out.

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This collection of short stories is my first experience of reading Sade, and it is somewhat what I expected. There are 2/3 longer stories that are more philosophical/religious in nature and are concerned with sex in relation to morals, and the other stories are shorter and almost have the function of a limerick or a long form joke. The language was a bit archaic at times, and so it took a lot of concentration and made it slightly more obtuse to read. On the whole I think this is a good intro to Sade, however I don't think it's really my cup of tea.

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This is the first time that I have read anything from the Marquis de Sade directly and I have seen from my research that these tales are some of the most accessible of his work. Of course this is an author whose reputation precedes him but what I found most interesting about the short stories were how they were more concerned with the philosophical limits and constructions of virtuousness rather than violence or cruelty. These deal with still taboo themes of incest in many places but they often function as part of a wider philosophical analogy about goodness and the inherentness of morality. I think it's a wonderful translation and an interesting place to start if you want to understand more about the history of French philosophy and thought.

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I love anything gothic and this book was just that. I was drawn in by the cover and stayed for the plot! There were a few instances I struggled to get through but that was purely due to my inability to stay focused lol.

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This book drew me in with its electrifying plot and never let go. The story was filled with unexpected twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. The author’s ability to weave a suspenseful narrative with complex characters made for a captivating and thrilling experience. It’s one of those rare books that truly thrills and engages, making it a standout in the genre.

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The Gothic novellas in this collection, while not exactly to my taste, are well written and comparable to other works in the genre of the era.

I found the short stories included much more to my liking. They aren't Gothic stories, but are better described as fabliaux: short tales of irreverent and bawdy humor. Several of them had me laughing out loud.

Recevied via NetGalley.

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You know what makes this book special is how misunderstood Sade was and still is. But I get it why Sade must be considered dark and tantalizing and full of sins.

This is a collection of 8 stories namely
Eugenie de Franval
The Horse-Chestnut Flower
The Chastised Husband
Florville and Courval
The Husband who Played Priest
Emilie de Tourville
Room for Two
The Self-Made Cuckold

And some are good, some are okay but to be honest, they weren't shocking as I thought they would be. Maybe because I was reading them in an era where we are habitual to many dark and cruel things.
If Sade had been born now, he would have been a famous guy.

Thank you Netgalley and Pushkin press for this wonderful collection of stories and for making me acquainted with the legacy named Marquis De Sade.

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This is a fun collection and I think it will work well within our library's collection. Always nice to have a set like this to save some space too.

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I’m entirely at fault for taking this book entirely at cover value (and for not remembering sooner who Marquis de Sade is) because heavens, what a misleadingly titled book this turned out to be!

Maybe I’m wrong, but from what I understand, what makes gothic fiction is largely its atmosphere which has a prevailing mystery and terror, the setting and elements of the paranormal and supernatural. I had expected a book with such characteristics, only to be utterly blindsided by ‘ Eugenie de Franval ‘, the first short story which prominently features incest, paedophilia and toxic relationships.

Suffice it to say, this set the tone for the rest of the collection which also includes scenes of rape, kidnapping, gaslighting, adultery and more. So, rather than a collection of gothic tales, I think it would be more apt to describe this as a collection of red flags and trigger warnings masquerading as questionably “humorous” or didactic short stories. Or, to put it in kinder words, a collection of fictional works that’s the 2020s dark romance of the 1800s/mostly sadistic erotica but written in the way one would write impassioned philosophical contemplations between virtue and vice, piety and depravity.

Nevertheless, I could objectively appreciate the gorgeous writing and philosophical aspects of Gothic Tales. Marquis de Sade had a beautiful way with words and his critique of the society in his day gave much food for thought. For me, ‘ Florville and Courval ‘ best displayed these aspects, plus it had an emotional impact the other pieces in this collection severely lacked.

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This is my first Marquis de Sade book and it did not disappoint. I am a lover of all things dark and gothic but do warn that this may not be for everyone; check the TWs. Amazing prose with a few LAUGH OUT LOUD moments; such a delight.

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy/early read opportunity!

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Iconially this author is known for his passion and erotic themes within his writings. This is a collection of stories that give an insight into the author's signature style of writing. Told from the gothic these will be entertaining for many who enjoy such works.

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Thank You Pushkin Press and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review!

As a lover of gothic tales, this collection satiated what I look for in them; unsettling, dark, and well written! This was my first time reading De Sade, but certainly won't be my last!

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This is actually quite a tough book to review as de Sade is not the easiest author to read but I think if you're aware of all that's associated with his writings there are things to enjoy about it.

There's obviously lots of awful things in his stories, so go in with your eyes open and be prepared to be shocked and often disgusted.

That's being said, there are some turns of phrase that I found quite lovely and some social commentary that can be studied by reading his work.

I would recommend for those who enjoy gothic fiction with very dark themes.

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Honestly, the introduction is probably my favorite part of the book. I do feel like Marquis de Sade's stories are simply not for me, even though I understand his exploration of libertine philosophies and the implications of sadism as a concept.

That being said, this anthology is much more accessible and almost like a bedtime story compared to 120 Days of Sodom. I feel that if there's a Marquis de Sade book to read just to get the essence of the themes and ideas he espouses, this one is best to start off with since it's not very gratuitous (and I still wouldn't recommend it if you overall hate degeneracy no matter what, check out the trigger warnings).

Eugenie de Franval and The Horse-Chestnut Flower stuck with me the most, the rest are a little boring. Thank you Pushkin Press and NetGalley for the eARC, all opinions are my own

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