Member Reviews

A tender and beautiful story about the human condition and how our childhoods shape our future.
Tanner, Jasper and Kaitlyn are either likeable or interesting characters.
Despite anticipating the darker elements in Jasper’s story, his back story was what made me keep reading this book and Spark’s prose.
Certainly a compelling read, and there is the strong romance; however this could easily be a compelling, shorter, slightly faster paced book and unsure if we needed the Bible verses.

I highly recommend this book to Sparks’ fans, romance lovers and slow-paced novel readers.

3.5 stars

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This was an enjoyable romantic novel from someone who is clearly gifted at telling stories like these. Not one which will live in my memory but a nice little story to keep me entertained

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3.5 Stars.

An enjoyable read. The book focuses on the importance of family and references Christianity/bible verses in the context of one of the characters.

Two stories run concurrently. At first I was confused by how they could be linked but I enjoyed how the story came together. It’s a light, heart-warming read.

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Thank you to @netgalley for the ARC

I was really looking forward to this read, as a massive fan of the notebook, I couldn't wait to read more of Nicholas sparks work.

Unfortunately this book just wasn't it for me, it was enjoyable enough but I just felt I didn't bond with the characters like I have previously with books ive read. It just felt a little flat. I was considering DNFing but wanted to stick with it for a fair review.

I felt I wanted to skip a lot of Jasper's parts of the story. I did like Kaitlyn and Tanner I just wish we had more depth with them it just felt very rushed.


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Nicholas Sparks has the exceptional storytelling talent of drawing you into the lives of total strangers and making you care about what happens next.
In Counting Miracles, we have the POV of three people. Total strangers whose lives end up entwining in ways you wouldn't have imagined.
Tanner Hughes, an ex-Army Ranger, is alone now. He's grieving the loss of his grandmother, the last of his family, and the woman who, along with his grandfather, brought him up after his mother died after childbirth. And she left him with a mystery: the name and possible location of his birth father, who he'd never known.
Kaitlyn Cooper is a doctor and single mum to two kids. She lives a peaceful life in Asheboro, content with her job and her charity work. She also keeps tabs on her teen daughter, who always seems to be up to something, and her young son, whose innocence she wants to preserve for as long as she can.
Elderly Jasper lives alone in his wooden cabin by the forest. Sure, he knows the Dr. and sometimes spends time with her young son, but he doesn't need anyone except Arlo, his faithful mutt. No one else in his life has stuck around, and most of those around him steer clear of him, allowing him to grieve a tragic accident that changed his whole life.
Twists of fate and another traumatic incident lead these three unconnected individuals through a journey of discovery and an unexpected but heartwarming ending.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK, for an ARC.

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This is a beautifully written story featuring Tanner Hughes, brought up by his grandparents after losing his mother giving birth to him. Growing up not knowing his father he followed in an army career and later went home to nurse his grandmother until her death. A cryptic message on her deathbed leads him to search for a father he had no idea his grandparents knew about and with only a name the search seems endless.

The story follows Tanner and his meeting a local family and becoming involved with their lives when the daughter accidentally crashes into his car. The telling of the story is just the perfect mix of romance, the search for the truth and a wonderful story about an old man who has loved and lost his entire family, while still trying every day to be the best person her can.

Highly recommend this book.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars

Tanner Hughes is raised by his grandparents after his mother dies in childbirth. As Tanner understands it, his father is unknown. In March 2023, his grandmother dies but she leaves Tanner a note. “Dave Johnson Asheboro, North Carolina. I’m sorry.” As anybody would be, he’s curious so he heads to North Carolina. After an unfortunate encounter or two with teenager Casey Cooper, Tanner meets her mother Kaitlyn, a divorced Doctor. He feels an instant connection and wants to know her story and she feels the same. Meanwhile, 83-year-old Jasper lives in a cabin on the edge of a national forest with only his Labrador Arlo for company. Jasper is haunted by his past, an incident that occurred decades ago. He hears rumours of a white deer, a rare albino, which has apparently been seen in the forest. He becomes increasingly concerned about the fate of the deer as poachers armed with rifles are hunting it. He is determined to do as much as he can to protect it. How do all these characters connect? What does fate have in store for them? Will they be counting miracles?

This is a nice story but the pace is way too slow for me as it goes to Asheboro by all points south and then some. I feel the story is too long as although all the backstories are good you get chapter and verse, talking of which via Jasper there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of biblical references. His story is probably the most interesting being very sad and especially tragic, and I like the old guys intentions, especially with regard to the beautiful deer . Underneath his taciturn exterior, he is a very nice man who is suffering. Tanner and Kaitlyn are very likeable too as are Kaitlyn‘s children.

I do enjoy how the story starts to connect although aspects of it are certainly predictable. If you don’t mind the authors style it is a lovely story and the ending is a slice of magic. It’s an easy read which will appeal to those who like slower paced character driven stories.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Little Brown Book Group UK for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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When I first read the overview of this book there was just something that drew me to requesting it and I’m go glad I was approved.
I have never read a Nicholas Sparks book before as I usually go for mystery thrillers but oh my I laved everything about this book and have now purchased more books by the author to read in the future.
This is a read that has everything the storyline is just perfect, the writing is amazing and the pacing is superb, the characters are all so real and believable.
This was a book that tore at my heartstrings and I just sobbed as the book came to the end, it really did have such a profound impact on me and it’s a story I will always remember and right up there with all my favourites.
I’m trying hard to do justice as to how beautiful and brilliant the book is and not making a good job of it so in conclusion I just urge you to give it a go as it really is a wonderful read and one not to be missed I loved everything about and am sorry to finish it. Many thanks to Nicholas Sparks for a superb 5 star read and I look forward to reading more from you.
My thanks also to NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group, Sphere for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Ive read a few books from this author in the past so I knew this book would be good. I absolutely loved this book, it is so heartwarming and a real joy to read, The characters are brilliant. You will struggle to tear yourself away from this as you need to keep reading as you will be desperate to find out what happens next and how it ends. I can definitely see this book being a best seller. I will definitely recommend this book.

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Tanner Hughes was raised by his grandparents after his mother died during childbirth. He's never known the identity of his father. On her deathbed his grandmother gives him a name, setting Tanner on a voyage to find his father.

It is quite a while since I've read anything by Nicholas Sparks. After reading a few of the author's books you have an inkling of what to expect and this is probably why it's been a while since I've read one of his novels. Counting Miracles lived up to expectations, with all the usual hallmarks you would expect from Nicholas Sparks.

I liked the main character, Tanner Hughes. An army brat, raised by his grandparents, he's never settled down. Once he left the army he continued to work in various security roles abroad. On her deathbed, his sole surviving relative gives him the name of his father, a man he knew nothing about. With time before his next contract starts, Tanner decides to visit the town of Asheboro, the possible home of his father. Tanner's upbringing has given him a strong moral compass and we see this in the interactions he has with a teenager shortly after he arrives in Asheboro.

The interactions with the teen result in Tanner meeting Kaitlyn, a single mother. The chemistry between the two is instantaneous. You know immediately what the outcome of this meeting will be, and you also know that the progress won't be smooth sailing. The majority of the turbulence originates from Kaitlyn. I couldn't warm to her character, finding her to be a bit erratic and demanding.

Alongside the possible relationship is a second story featuring a loner, Jasper. Something in his past has left Jasper physically scarred, to the degree that he covers his face on the rare occasions he ventures into town. Over time we slowly learn Jasper's backstory. The novel alternates between Tanner's story and Jasper's story. While this regular switching keeps the interest flowing, for much of the time I couldn't see a connection and felt as if I was reading two completely different books.

There are highs and lows in both stories as the main characters battle with the problems that are thrown in their path. For one of them, danger lurks as they try to do the right thing. Eventually, the story lines merge and the two separate stories make sense in this wholesome tale.

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As always, Nicholas sparks has succeeded in making me sob all the way through a book. I don't know how he does it!

The twists and turns, the lovable and relatable characters, the idyllic settings... It's all classic Sparks *chefs kiss* that will leave you feeling so full up of emotions and pure love, faith in humanity restored.

In Counting Miracles, we have three main characters and their points of view, strangers who are brought together in an unforgettable way.

Sparks storytelling is just sublime, the way he's able to weave these stories together with shock conclusions and twists that make you gasp out loud.

I'd definitely recommend this and if you haven't read anything by Nicholas Sparks yet, what are you actually waiting for??

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Wow, just wow. Another absolutely amazing, heartwarming, emotional read by Nicholas Sparks. I finished this book with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. It is such a touching story.

Thank you so much Nicholas Sparks, Little Brown Book Group UK and Netgalley for letting me read this ARC

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I have read several Nicholas Sparks’ books previously and they never disappoint. He has the ability to write from a woman’s perspective as well as any woman, which is rare.

When Tanner stops in Asheboro in the USA trying to find his father his beloved car is smashed into by a young girl – out without her mother’s permission. Tanner finds himself feeling sorry for the girl and ends up taking her home. When he meets her (single) mother, Kaitlyn, he is immediately smitten – but Tanner is only passing through – trying to find his father before going off to work abroad. Meanwhile Jasper is living on his own in Asheboro. Horribly disfigured from a fire that killed his wife and family his only friends are his Dr, Kaitlyn, and her family and a mysterious white deer he feels drawn to protect.

This is a cleverly crafted story which I thoroughly enjoyed.

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I haven't read anything by Nicholas Sparks before but I have watched The Notebook, so I had an idea that it would be a deep, emotional read, and was intrigued as to where it would lead.
Counting Miracles definitely has that small, olld town vibe going on that he clearly creates so well.
We start out with Tanner's story, and are quickly introduced to Kaitlyn, which descends into the
development of their attraction, however it is Jasper who is the true star of the book for me, and the backbone of the story development is his.
An emotional read that tugged on the heartstrings, and will no doubt go on to become another best seller.

Thank you for the ARC, I really enjoyed it

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Tanner Hughes was raised by his grandparents because his mum passed away when he was born and he became an Army Ranger like his grandfather. Tanner's lived most of his life overseas, he returns to the America when he finds out his grandmother is sick and before she passes away she gives him the name of a man who she thinks is his father.

Tanner drives to Asheboro, North Carolina, and his plan is to study old phone books and follow up any leads about men with the last name his grandmother gave him and could possibly be in the right age group to be his dad. Kaitlyn Cooper is a doctor in Asheboro, she’s divorced and has two children Casey and Mitch. Kaitlyn and Tanner meet, there’s a spark of attraction between them, but Kaitlyn doesn’t want to have a fling and with a man who’s only going to be in town for a couple of weeks and is returning to Africa. Tanner and Kaitlyn share the same ideal of helping others and giving back to the community and are fearful of being in a relationship and especially Tanner who doesn’t stay in one place for long.

Japser is eight three, he lives alone in a cabin with his dog Arlo and his land borders on Uwharrie National Forrest, he hears rumours about a white deer being spotted in the area, a creature that he’s been told by his father and grandfather is sacred and how it provides a spiritual message and guidance and he wants to protect it.

The tale is told from the points of view of Tanner, Kaitlyn and Jasper. Each of them have been hurt in the past, Jasper was burnt in a terrible house fire, he lost his entire family, he gets up every morning, his body aches and itches and Kaitlyn is his doctor.

I received a copy of Counting Miracles from Sphere Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I haven’t read a book by Nicholas Sparks in ages, I can remember sobbing while reading A Walk to Remember twenty two years ago and he hasn’t lost his touch or way with words and he writes with feeling.

A story about family and love, finding were you come from and a home, settling down and the future, animals and what they mean to people, whittling and kindness, forgiveness and finding peace. Five stars from me, some readers didn't like the biblical versus in the novel, I wouldn't class it as Christian Fiction, everything included in the story is there for a reason and you need to find it like Jasper did.

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I was really looking forward to this novel, and whilst on the whole I enjoyed the read and the concept and finished the book fairly quickly, for me personally, it wasn't my favourite read.
The book is written in the 3rd person and looks at three main characters;
Kaitlyn - a local doctor, divorced, raising her two children Mitch and Casey
Jasper - an older character, scarred in more ways than one with secrets from his past, living in a cabin with his dog, Arlo.
Tanner - handsome, single, ex-milatary, and on a soul serching missing since a bombshell was dropped by his dying grandmother.
The characters were all likeable and their stories linked together incredibly well; Casey crashed her car to introduce Tanner to Kaitlyn, and Kaitlyn is Jasper's GP. The link between Tanner and Jasper comes much later in the novel and aside from their stories, we also see a sloght change in Casey too.

For me, the book was heavily Bible related with sharing lots of passages, and whilst this didnt deter me from the book because it fitted in well, it wasnt my cup of tea.
Likewise the novel was heavily set on memories and again, my personal opinion was that it lacked a bit more current day interactions.

That aside, as with any novel from Mr Sparks, it was well written, descriptive and details and has the promise of film adoptions with its intricate story lines.

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Another beautiful romance novel by Sparks. When Tanner Hughes sets out to find his biological father he meets a small town doctor , a separated mother of two , called Kaitlin. After a brief romance Kaitlin gets cold feet fearing Tanner will move on again. I loved this one and couldn’t put it down towards the end. Sparks can write a romance novel like no one else.

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Although I enjoyed reading this book I felt it left me a little deflated.. I just felt the characters and storyline needed a follow up book to carry on with the story. Or that the book might have just had another few chapters.
My thanks to NetGalley and to the Publisher Little, Brown Book Group UK | Sphere for the early read

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sphere for my copy of Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks.
I loved this book. A lovely heartwarming story. Just curl up and enjoy this marvellous tale.
Oh and don't forget the tissues.

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As a long time fan of Nicholas Sparks, I was so grateful to get the opportunity to read this book!

This story was so beautifully written and I was an emotional mess reading this one! It was heartbreaking learning about Jasper and how he lost his family in a fire and navigating his life after that.

I really enjoyed reading about how Tanner and Kaitlyn met and fell in love and they were just perfect for each other.

I loved the plot to the story and could not put the book down. The twist was unexpected but still loved it.

So excited for whatever Nicholas has coming out next :)

Thank you to Netgalley for kindly sending me this arc to read and review

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