Member Reviews

Tanner has retired from the army and has been caring for his sick grandmother, she reveals a name and town before she succumbs leaving him in a quandary about whether to pursue this lead that may lead to his father. In Asheboro Tanner is drawn to Kaitlyn, a strong working mother but his drifting ways are a problem. Another interesting intertwined romance from Nicholas Sparks.

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You can’t really go wrong with a Nicholas Sparks book. This is a touching story about three people in Asheboro whose lives become intertwined. Tanner, a former soldier, arrives in town searching for his long-lost father. He meets Kaitlyn, a doctor and single mom, and Jasper, an elderly recluse haunted by his past.

This is the perfect choice for Nicholas Sparks fans (obviously!!) and those seeking a touching and uplifting read that emphasise family and personal growth.

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This is a five-star read that will have you reaching for the tissues. Honestly, I needed the emotional release that this story gave me, I love a good cry, and usually end up putting a movie on and watching it to cry along with it, but this story did it for me instead. I was sobbing, but in a really good way, and yes I know how odd that sounds, but sometimes it does you so much good to let it all out, and that is what this story allows you to do in spades. The character development was well done, sometimes it did go a little far, but I love knowing all the details so that was a bonus for me, there were a couple of bits that felt like it was trying to preach to me that I didn’t enjoy, but due to how amazingly well written and inspiring Jasper was, I couldn’t give this any less that five stars. This is a story about journey’s and as you read you are taken on a journey and its one you will adore.

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I feel like this book had everything. It had a bit of romance, intrigue about tanner and his journey to find some family, sadness regarding Jasper’s past and then the misadventure in the forest had me on the edge of my seat! It is beautifully written and the characters feel incredibly authentic and likeable- apart from the littletons perhaps! I enjoyed every minute of reading this and was sad when I’d finished it- always a sign of a great book.

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Whilst I have read and enjoyed most of this authors books I am afraid that this one fell short. I found the plot predictable and I found it difficult to engage fully with the characters. Unfortunately, for me, not one of the authors best.

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I'm a big fan of Nicholas Sparks so I was incredibly happy to be approved for this ARC! I struggled with this book and did feel it fell a little flat for me and wasn't what I was expecting.

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Firstly I would like to thank Nicholas Sparks , NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK | Sphere for providing me with a copy of ' Counting Miracles' to read and review. Due for publication in September 2024 . I was very excited to receive this upcoming new release as I have been an avid reader of Nicholas Sparks novels for many years.

The book follows the lives of three very distinct characters :
Tanner Hughes - an unsettled military man who is constantly on the move, but has come to town searching for answers about his past.
Kaitlyn Cooper - A doctor and single mum who has been hurt in the past , but is instantly attracted to the new stranger
And Jasper an 83 year old who is haunted by ghosts of his past and is now living as a recluse in a life of solitude with his dog Arlo.

Personally I was more engaged with Tanner and Kaitlyn's story , but I loved how the two accounts complimented each other perfectly . One being about an elderly man trying to come to terms with the life he's lived and the losses and grief encountered whilst in comparison the other being about a younger unsettled male just on the start of life looking towards his future.

It is a beautifully written and heartfelt work of fiction which I can truly see as becoming a new bestseller. The author genuinely knows how to pull at the readers' heartstrings and take them on a journey that spans time. Whilst from an early stage I realised how both stories would eventually intertwine - the magic was seeing how all the pieces would fall into place . As the miracle through the slow build up could only eventuate in knowing how fate could intervene to bring their lives together just when they all needed it the most.

There are many life lessons throughout and bible quotations / scriptures . Whilst some could see this as off-putting - I felt that they linked perfectly and demonstrated the inner thoughts of a man struggling to hold onto his faith when his world had been so cruelly torn apart.
Whilst I don't want to give away any spoilers as I feel this is a book that should be read first-hand, I will say that if you are looking for an emotional , profound but yet powerful read - This is the book for you .

#CountingMiracles #NetGalley

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This compelling novel dives into the intricacies of human emotions and experiences, focusing on themes such as love, faith, and the pursuit of self-discovery.

The story follows Tanner Hughes, a former Army Ranger, as he embarks on a quest to find his father after the passing of his grandmother. Along the way, he encounters Kaitlyn, a woman who not only aids him on his journey but also becomes an integral part of his life.

The narrative masterfully explores the themes of faith, hope, forgiveness, and the potential that lies within oneself. It offers a heartwarming and emotionally resonant tale that delves into the complexities of human relationships while emphasizing the significance of finding one's purpose in life.

The novel's structure revolves around the interconnected lives of various characters who share experiences involving love, death, and faith. The author skillfully employs a range of literary techniques, such as symbolism, irony, allusions, comparisons, and shifting points of view, to effectively convey the overarching themes.

A pivotal character, Jasper, grapples with the weight of his lost family while simultaneously embracing the joy of his newfound connections. The appearance of the white deer, interpreted as a miraculous sign, leads him to the realization that divine intervention has not abandoned him. This event ultimately culminates in the arrival of Tanner, mirroring the biblical story of Job, who found a new family after enduring significant loss.

This book will undoubtedly resonate with readers who enjoy heartwarming romance, fans of Nicholas Sparks, and those intrigued by stories of genealogy and the search for loved ones. It serves as a beautiful homage to the transformative power of gratitude, offering a poignant reminder of its impact on our lives.

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Title: Counting Miracles
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Publication Date: September 24, 2024
Rating: 4/5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK | Sphere for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

A profoundly emotional read, Counting Miracles served as a breathtaking reminder that miracles of any size are always possible.

This story revolves around three strangers whose paths crossed and altered the trajectory of their lives. Tanner an ex-military man who has lived his entire life on the road, belonging nowhere; Kaitlyn a small-town physician and single mom who knows exactly where she belongs; and Jasper a recluse who had everything but lost it all and will never belong again.

This book is for you if you enjoy heartwarming stories about love, loss, and healing. The way that Sparks skillfully weaves significant life lessons into his story makes this an excellent book to read. From beginning to end, the story will captivate you, making you feel incredibly connected to the characters and their experiences. 

My only complaint is that I found Jasper's POV to be a little tedious for the most part of the book, excluding the flashbacks to his past but I loved Tanner and Kaitlyn storyline.

Overall, this is for anyone who strives to discover their identity and the meaning of true belonging and family. Undoubtedly, Nicholas Sparks is a master of heartbreaking yet uplifting novels.

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Okay, this is a beautiful story but I wasn't entirely convinced about this one for the first half of the book. There are two distinct stories going on. In the first story, Tanner is ex-military and in Asheboro looking for the father he never knew. His mom died when he was born and he was raised by his grandparents. On her deathbed, his grandmother reveals his father's name and tells him to look for him in Asheboro. And there's Kaitlyn, a doctor in Asheboro. Through a set of circumstances, Tanner and Kaitlyn meet and start a relationship. In the second story, there's Jasper. An old man lving in a cabin at the edge of the forest in Asheboro. At first the only link between the two stories is that Kaitlyn is Jasper's doctor, and Jasper is teaching her son to whittle little animals. Up to this point, the stories are running in parallel and I began to wonder how they'd connect. But Nicholas Sparks does what he does best and brings the two stories together very cleverly and very succesfully. The two stories weave together beautifully bringing all the characters together. It's a wonderful story and well worth getting through the slower first half as all the parts are put in place!
Thanks to Netgalley, Little Brown Book Group UK and Nicholas Sparks for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 Stars

Tanner is in his early fourties and he never settled down anywhere or with anyone. He's been in the military all his life. His dying grandma - who raised him after his mom died in childbirth - just told him that he has a father in North Carolina.
Might as well go there next...
On his first night in town he meets single mom Kaitlyn. It's insta attraction for both. But he's not staying long, right?
Then there's Jasper. An 83 year old guy who lives in a cabin in the woods with his old dog. Kaitlyn's son spends time with him learning how to whittle.
Jasper has been alone for almost 40 years. Something happened to his wife and four children back then.
Somehow all those lives will connect in this book and maybe some miracles will happen....

I really enjoyed reading this. I have read every single Nicholas Sparks book. And I know he's a religious guy, but it was never as bad as this time. This book is so full of faith and bible verses and god talk and ugh. I just constantly wanted to stop reading. I just hate religion so much! But it was a NS book so I just had to read it. And it was adorable and exciting and heartbreaking and just beautiful - like all of his books.
I just wished he would've used less bible verses and all that stuff.
It was a very American book. Too much bible and military talk.
He should maybe think a tiny bit more about his international readers... but pff. He can do and write what he wants - and I will keep on reading it all!
Another thing. What is it with americans and their drunk driving? In every second book there are people drinking two bottles of wine - like here - and then they drive home? What? Why? I don't want that in my books - it's way too dangerous! Stop it! Write and drink more responsibly!

► COUNTING MIRACLES was such a sweet and heartbreaking yet heartwarming story. Just a beautiful book! Read it!

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"Counting Miracles" by Nicholas Sparks falls short of the emotional depth and engaging storytelling his fans have come to expect. The characters lack the usual depth, and the plot feels predictable and uninspired. While Sparks's signature themes of love and redemption are present, they don't resonate as strongly, making this novel a less memorable addition to his repertoire.

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"Counting Miracles" is a story that focuses on 3 main characters, with the chapters alternating between them. It tells the story of Kaitlyn, a doctor with kids who hasn't had a significant other in quite a while. Jasper, an elderly man that has been through the ringer for his whole life. And Tanner, an army man looking for his long lost father. The book is very well written and doesn't give much away at all, which I love! It's captivating and a real page turner to find out how all their lives intertwine and the ending is a real tear jerker!

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I must admit that this is only the second time I have read something by this author but I'm really glad I read this one.

The whole book is beautifully written and the characters are so cleverly portrayed and brought together. Have to admit Jasper was my favourite out of the three main characters

Highly recommend.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read an advanced digital copy in return for an honest review.

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This was a page turner for sure and I absolutely devoured it. There were a few laugh out loud moments and also the usual tears (happy and sad) that you would expect from this author. It’s a 5 star read from me

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This is a truly touching book that is beautifully written.
It is an atmospheric, emotional and vulnerable read that will draw you in quickly and stay with you for a long time afterwards.
I’d definitely recommend it.

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Counting Miracles is an absolute joy of a story, engrossing and page turning. The writing is superb, emotions are very real and characters that have depth and wonderful individual personalities.
Tanner an ex vet whose mother died in childbirth has been brought up by his grandparents, the grandfather was in military serviced so never settled in one place, Tanner followed his footsteps serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. On finishing his service he looked after his very ill grandmother who when dying told him the name of his father and that he had lived in Asheboro.
Kaitlyn and divorced Doctor and mother of two works very hard to help the Asheboro community especially those in poor circumstances. She regularly visits Jasper an elderly man with many illness that her young son is friendly with. Jasper had a good Christian life that was taken away from him overnight when he lost his whole family.
As the lives of these characters interlink a wonderful story begins to emerge, the characters seamlessly woven together.
I adored this tale, at is heart is the goodness and unselfishness of people despite their trial and tribulations. Emotional but uplifting this book deserves to top every bestseller chart.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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This isn’t my first book by this author, and it won’t be my last. I did find some of the bible sections slightly off putting but on the whole I really enjoyed the book, though I’d have liked to see Josh getting proper comeuppance for his behaviour!
Overall, it’s a lovely story and all the characters feel real; that’s one thing I really like about Spark’s books.

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Wow if you are after the usual Nicholas Sparks romance then this is not it but I loved it more than any of his other books. I enjoyed how the three characters in the plot lives come tied together in the end. It made me feel so happy. A very good story tied in a nice little bow.

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A typical Nicholas Sparks novel.

Tanner has been on the move all his life. He never felt the need to settle down somewhere. The chance to find out about his birth father brings him to a small town.

Kaitlyn is juggling life as a single mom and a doctor and lives in the same small town Tanner is visiting.

Jasper is an old man who lives alone with his dog. He has faced immense loss in his life which has stolen his will to live.

An event brings all three of them together in an unexpected way. Their encounter will reveal past secrets, hope, love, and loss.

It's an easy and quick read. However, I personally preferred Nicholas Sparks' novels from the 2000s than the recent ones.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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