Member Reviews

As an Austen fan, I was intrigued by both the title and description of this book. It's an anthology of the Pride and Prejudice side character perspectives as well as a few other Austen perspectives.

I enjoyed most of these stories, they were unique and fun. I enjoyed the Lady Catherine one in particular, it was interesting to see her perspective and it made me understand her better. However there is one Emma story towards the end that ruined my mood terribly. There was a warning at the start but that wasn't even the issue for me, it was the twist at the end of it that made me feel awful and a bit horrified to be honest. Thank god it's not canon.

So unfortunately this particular one brought my rating down from a 3 star to a 2.5 (still rounded to 3 because the other stories are enjoyable.)

Thank you so much, to Warleigh Hall Press, Alice McVeigh and NetGallery for the ARC, these are my honest thoughts

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I just finished my first book by this author, and it definitely won't be the last. I had a feeling I would enjoy this one, and I was right. As a fan of Jane Austen's "Pride & Prejudice," I loved this collection of short stories that showcased the original characters. If you're a fan of "Pride & Prejudice," I'm confident you'll enjoy this book as well.

A big thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this novel.

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At the time I wasn't going to give feedback on this book because I didn't finish it. This book was a dnf for me I reread the first few chapters over and over to try and get into the book but couldn't, so I tried the other stories but it was the same fate. I love pride and prejudice and I have loved many spin off's from that story but this one was not for me. I could not for a connection with the authors take on these characters.

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I adored these short stories! McVeigh captured Austen's tone and her book personalities incredibly well, and mostly avoided flanderizing the characters as sometimes happens in extensions of the P&P universe (sometimes she was a bit on the edge with Lydia, though that could also just be Lydia's personality coming through too successfully...). I am the type of person who loves epilogues to get that bit more of the characters I love (and to indulge in happily ever afters), so these additional stories were absolute treats.

I have to admit I didn't realise that this collection also included some short stories for Emma, which I don't know as well as Pride and Prejudice, so I won't comment on.

But if you're a big P&P fan, you'll love this collection.

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I didn't enjoy this at all, none of the stories were very good and most weren't written very well in my opinion.

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Pride and Perjury is a delightful collection of twelve short stories inspired by my favorite Jane Austen book, Pride and Prejudice. McVeigh captures Austen’s wit and charm, offering readers a fresh perspective on beloved characters and events. The stories delve into intriguing “what if” scenarios, such as the true story behind Wickham’s elopement with Lydia and the secret thoughts of the Longbourn servants.

The short story format allows for easy reading, perfect for those who want to dip in and out without committing to a long narrative.

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I would have liked fewer and longer stories. I really enjoyed the author‘s take on Mr Bingley‘s sister, but the short story format meant it was hard to get involved in.

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I greatly enjoyed McVeigh’s work and creativity. The writing was superb and able to convey the romanticism of Austen’s works. The expansion of Austen’s world was a breath of fresh air.

This was my first time reading one of McVeigh’s books, and it will not be my last!

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This is a lovely anthology of 12 stories that all feel very unique and creative. This is clearly made by a Jane Austen fan, inspired by Jane Austen characters and stories, for Jane Austen fans. If you belong to that group, you will most likely enjoy this very much!

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Oh, these are fun! I’m not even a big Jane Austen fan and I enjoyed this “perjurious” revisit to these characters. I like to think Austen herself would’ve enjoyed this peek into the potential motivations of these fine folks.

Thank you to Warleigh Hall Press and NetGalley for an ARC of this book! This is my honest opinion.

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This is a delight for all Jane Austen fans to read. This collection of 12 stories of minor characters from the well-known novels. For example, Miss de Bourgh, the apothecary, and Mr Elton all give their perspective or reflections on the events and such enhances the stories. I enjoyed these expansions on the novels very much.

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I really enjoyed reading this. As a fan of Jane Austen I enjoyed this collection of reinterpretations of her stories. It was well written and I really enjoyed reading it. Though some of the stories worked better for me than others it was a good read.

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A collection of short stories inspired by Jane Austen's works, particularly Pride and Prejudice and Emma.
These are not retelling, but rather we find new tales from the point of view of the servants or the telling of facts that were only mentioned in Austen's novels.
These are well-written tales that will surely not displease the most avid Janeites.

I thank Warleigh Hall Press and Netgalley for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Una collezione di racconti ispirati alle opere di Jane Austen, in particolare Orgoglio e pregiudizio ed Emma.
Non si tratta di una riscrittura, ma di nuovi racconti dal punto di vista della servitù o della narrazione di fatti che nei romanzi della Austen erano solo accennati.
Sono racconti ben scritti che sicuramente non dispiaceranno alle Janeite più accanite.

Ringrazio Warleigh Hall Press e Netgalley per avermi fornito una copia digitale di questo libro in cambio di una recensione onesta.

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The short stories are ok. I was hoping that this would be the author’s rendition of Jane Austen’s work but it was too similar to the original plots for me. You do get some behind the scene activities with characters though (i.e., viewpoints and romances with servants). I’d rather just read Jane Austen’s books again.

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4.5 ⭐️ 🚫🌶️ 🚫🤬

Fans of Jane Austen’s work are in for a treat with this short story collection!

I felt transported back to the time I discovered Jane Austen’s masterpieces of literature. The author’s passion for Austen’s work, and staying true to it while creating a peak behind the “scenes”, shows tremendously.

I will definitely be recommending this to my classic loving friends!!

All in all, it was a delightful experience reading this collection and I look forward to reading other works by this author!

Thank you to the publisher Warleigh Hall Press and NetGalley for an Arc in exchange for my honest review.

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As a fan of Jane Austen I enjoyed this collection of stories. It is fun seeing aspects of novels we know well from different points of view, or reinterpretations from other fans.

Some worked better than others for me. Reading about George Knightley's youthful indiscretions was engaging, the Elizabeth/Darcy story told from the perspective of Miss Bingley less so: her character as portrayed was very different from my image after reading Pride and Prejudice.

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Thank you to Netgalley for a copy for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading this and will be picking up a copy as soon it releases. 💕
It was well written and I really enjoyed my time reading it. Though some of the stories can be hit or miss it was a good read.

Rating 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Twelve short stories that will surely give you the fix you need if you have finished reading Jane Austen’s books.
The writing pleasantly surprised me, and I enjoyed the different perspectives on the stories I love. The style of writing is very Austenesque, and I love it. Of course, no one can replace Jane, but this was a delicious read.

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Firstly, this is a brilliant idea, I did not know that this series existed.
Secondly, who does not want to get more glimpses into the characters in the P & P?
Thirdly. this collection is truthful to the original material.
Plot: 4
Prose: 4

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Thanks to Warleigh Press for gifted access via Netgalley. All opinions below are my own.

This is a cute collection stories about the Bennett family which gives us further insight into their personalities and some of the events that happened off page in Pride and Prejudice. They are mostly cute reading like things that may have existed, but ended up on the editing room floor.

We get a glimpse into the events of P&P from the housekeeper’s eyes and some insight to the flirtations of the staff, this story had Downton Abbey vibes.

There are stories of holidays and the giddiness of the girls over a Valentine, an Easter bonnet and a bit of scary fun at Halloween.

There is a suitor for Jane who is a poet, giving us a little more Jane’s personality and a bit of scandal. A story of Caroline Bingley’s inner thoughts about Darcy and frustration over Lizzie during P&P. As well as more of what went down with Lydia and Wickham to end them up where they did in P&P.

This is a fun little collection to yourself back into Austen‘s universe.

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