Member Reviews

I love reading classics - it’s one of my favorite things to do and I reread Jane Austen’s works at least once a year.

I also really enjoy Jane Austen Fan Fiction (JAFF), particularly, P&P reimaginings and sequels, and whenever I see a new title who’s synopsis catches my interest, I will read it (with varying degrees of reader enjoyment). Such was the case for Pride and Perjury - I also really enjoy short stories from time to time and was excited to start this.

I was pleased and impressed by how well written this collection is - the stories are engaging and the text is very appropriate for the time, Ms McVeigh successfully captured the tone of Austen’s writing. I very much enjoyed this and definitely recommend to Jane Austen fans.

Thank you to Warleigh Hall Press and NetGalley for the DRC

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Jane Austen fans will love these short tales that imagine the stories behind the story. If you are not familiar with Emma or Pride and Prejudice definitely read them first before enjoying these creative takes on minor characters and background information from the novels. I am looking forward to checking out the author’s book about Darcy next. Perfect summer reading. Highly recommend.
*I received a complimentary copy of this e-book from Warleigh Hall Press through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The book contains twelve short stories based on Jane Austen's 'Pride & Prejudice' & 'Emma'. There are nine based on P&P, & three for Emma, but I enjoyed the P&P ones the most. They were all rather good, but two stood out to me: the one from the view of 'Hill', one of the servants at Longbourn, & the story based on what happened to Anne de Bourgh following Darcy's rejection.

I've read one or two retellings or reimaginings of P&P by different authors & they do vary in quality quite a bit. With regards to these stories, I thought that the author captured Jane Austen's voice for the new characters rather well in most cases. It was a diverting, if short, read & a complete change compared to my recent reading choices. I very much enjoyed reading the stories.

My thanks to NetGalley & publisher, Warleigh Hall Press (IBPA), for the opportunity to read an ARC.

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This is a charming and well-written collection of stories. Some of the stories have new content; others are retellings of Austen's novels from another character's perspective. It was enjoyable to revisit Jane Austen's worlds from some new points-of-view (e.g., a servant's). It was also fun to see "worlds collide" as Austen characters interacted across novels. The writing style was very similar to Austen's, and I really enjoyed the original characters in the first story especially.

This was almost a five-star read for me. However, I found the twist in George Knightley's back-story very problematic. Caroline Bingley's diary entries also felt a bit out-of-character, in my opinion, and the narration in "Easter Bonnet" was occasionally jumpy, but these are minor quibbles.

Note: It did not impact my rating at all, but these stories do not have much focus on Darcy & Elizabeth or Knightley & Emma; they center on minor or original characters.

Austen fans looking for a quick, easy read in the settings they already know and love will enjoy this collection.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free eARC; this review contains my honest opinions.

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I really enjoyed this collection of short stories. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book so I was excited to see any reimagings and fresh perspectives. I do think the fact that some of the stories aren’t actually based off of Pride and Prejudice that the title should be changed. A couple of the stories were a bit slow and felt like filler but some of them were really well written. Novels and short stories like this are essentially fanfiction but because the novels they are based on are in the public domain they don’t fall under that umbrella. I might have to check out Alice McVeigh’s other works. Thank you to Warleigh Hall Press | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles and NetGalley for the arc of this book.

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I really love the idea of this book, but I think for the format I would much rather read it in a physical copy rather than an electronic copy. I love the depth of stories included within the world of Pride and Prejudice. I did not get to read the last based on Emma as I have not yet read that book. I do look forward to getting a physical copy to enjoy the stories and interwovenness with Jane Austen's work.

Thank you for the opportunity to read for a review!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! This collection of short stories gave me a new appreciation for the minor characters in Jane Austen's work (not just Pride and Prejudice!) and helped me to even possibly like/feel sorry for Lady de Bourgh, the Bingley sisters, and Mr. Elton! I was especially intrigued by the suggestion about Harriet Smith's origins. This is definitely a five star book if you're an Austen lover!

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"Pride and Perjury" by Alice McVeigh is a delightful collection of twelve short stories, the fourth volume in McVeigh's acclaimed Austenesque series. Nine of the stories draw inspiration from "Pride and Prejudice," offering fans a fresh look at beloved characters and events. Ever wondered about Wickham and Lydia's elopement or the servants' perspectives at Longbourn? McVeigh fills in these gaps with wit and charm.

The stories bring new depth to Austen's world, featuring entries from Lady Catherine's diary, insights from Miss Caroline Bingley, and even Mr. Knightley's musings. McVeigh's brilliant command of Austen's diction and tone, as praised by Kirkus, makes each story feel authentically Austenian.

While the number of characters and subplots can sometimes be overwhelming, the book's engaging narratives and clever twists make it a must-read for Austen enthusiasts. "Pride and Perjury" is a charming addition to McVeigh's standalone series, inviting readers to fall in love with their favorite Austen characters all over again.

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If you like witty Jane Austen variations with elevated language, this book is for you. The short stories are cute, quick reads.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC.

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I am very fond of short stories, of Jane Austen variations featuring Austen’s more obscure and ridiculous characters, and of Alice McVeigh’s work. So, I started this book with every expectation of loving it and I was not disappointed. What a charmer. I can’t wait to read McVeigh’s next effort.

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This is a refreshing and very funny collection of short stories where Jane Austen 's wit and sharp eye for detail are honoured by author Alice McVeigh. What a joy to accompany the arrogant Mr.Elton to Bath in search of a wife after his humiliation at being rejected by Emma. To read of the connivance and tactics and to meet Miss.Bingley again, older and anxious to be wed. McVeigh takes Austen's description or passing character and gives them dialogue and presence, providing a deliciously new angle to the stories we know so well. I worried about reading this book in case the stories were pastiche or too modern in voice. But I thoroughly enjoyed myself and would recommend to anyone who has loved Jane Austen books and wished there were more.

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Alice McVeigh draws on Jane Austen's novel in this collection of short stories, presenting the same characters and scenes from a different point of view.

Some of the stories will only appeal to Pride and Prejudice afficionados as they do not add much to the narrative but others flesh out situations that are just hinted at in the original books. My favourite was A Heliotrope Ribbon, which explained how Lydia had ended up running away with Wickham from the point of view of Colonel Forster who was entrusted with her care in Brighton.

Thank you to Warleigh Hall Press and Netgalley for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Janeites will adore these creative Austen variation stories by talented author Alice McVeigh. Recommended and thoroughly enjoyed.

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Absolutely Amazing short stories that fill in the background for my favorite Jane Austen novels! Even an epilogue to the novel Longbourn makes an appearance, albeit historically inaccurate.

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Please understand this about me, I have a small time hobby of reading any P+P based books, and so, the stories here that I mostly adored were those.

I felt as if I was back with old friends, hearing the story from their side, or seeing how things turned out after THAT drama, or even how that drama unfolded.
Very very enjoyable.
I enjoyed the other stories too, but I don't know the original text enough to be quite so fond of them.
An excellent read.

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