Member Reviews

Four star read for Potions and Proposals!

This book was a super cute and cozy witchy romance. It’s perfect for fall and has a great small-town setting. The grumpy witch and sunny rival have a sweet romance. I wish there were more pranks or tension before they fell for each other. Overall, it’s a fun and charming read. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a cute story!

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Review of Potions and Proposals by Kate Callaghan – 3.5 stars

Potions and Proposals by Kate Callaghan offers a fun, lighthearted read filled with magical mishaps and charming characters. The story centers on Lucy and Benedict, whose rivalry has escalated into a series of increasingly outrageous pranks. Their antics take a serious turn when their coven, fed up with the chaos, decides the best solution is a binding ceremony, forcing the two to cooperate or face being outcasted.

The chemistry between Lucy and Benedict is electric, and their banter had me giggling throughout. The progression from rivalry to reluctant teamwork was engaging, even if the plot sometimes felt a little predictable. It’s a perfect fall read, offering a cozy mix of magic, humor, and a touch of romance.

Overall, Potions and Proposals is a delightful escape for anyone looking for a charming, quick read with a magical twist. While I wished for a bit more depth in character development, the playful tone kept me entertained from start to finish.

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I just love when a book about witches actually has magic! I know that is something very silly to get excited about, but it is shocking how many witch books have no magic.

This was a very cute witchy romance book that isn’t a long drawn out love/hate relationship! The characters and their development were so great too!

I will definitely be reading more of Kate Callaghan’s books!

Thanks NetGalley and publisher for the digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I ended up DNFing this book. It felt too cringy to continue. I also think the name was a little too on the nose

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A very fun and cute romance

In the mystical town of Foxford, Lucinda, a translator, is about to become High Priestess. However, an unexpected cover meeting reveals that her nemesis, Benedict, is also nominated for the position. They are presented with a choice: become magically bound to one another or risk a vote that could end badly for both of them. Both eager to lead, they reluctanctly agree to the binding. That's when Lucinda's family cast a spell that misfires and links their magics together unexpectedly...

I absolutely loved this story! The witchy vibe drew me in immediately, and the romance tropes and relatable characters finished to convince me: enemies-to-lovers, arranged marriage, fated-mates... Everything was there to keep me hooked from start to finish. It was fun, intense and cute, everything I love in a good romcom. Lucinda is a very inspiring FMC: she's determined, strong and powerful. As for Benedict, he makes for the perfect love interest: devoted, respectful and intense. The sparks they made were exquisite and the romance really stole my heart. The spice was just whats was needed and the "political" plot was very gripping as well, with all the magical issues that got everything tangled up. All in all, a very exciting and intense romance.

I recommend this amazing magical romance!

"There was no way he'd allow her heart to be won by another. Not before he had a chance to claim it for his own."

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Im giving this book 3⭐ this book was really cute and was really nice to start this book in this month for this vibe this book is having for the Fall was over all cute and Witch kind of a vide which is good for this moment 😀

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This was such a lovely rivals to lovers story. The pacing was lovely, the story well formed, and the characters likeable. This is a really great book for the fall/spooky season as it's cozy and fun.

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This story transports you to the whimsical town of Foxford, where childhood rivals Lucinda and Benedict find themselves caught in a web of magical mishaps and long-standing grudges.

I’m typically not drawn to romance-heavy plots, but the mix of witches, vampires, and other magical beings added a fun twist that kept me engaged. The playful tension between Lucinda and Benedict was a highlight—watching them evolve from (kind of) enemies to something more was both heartwarming and entertaining. I felt a little more depth could’ve made the side characters presence stronger.

The cozy autumn atmosphere made this story feel perfect for fall, with nice imagery of Halloween festivities and small-town charm. Though the pacing occasionally slowed due to some wordiness in the writing, the blend of humor, magic, and romance ultimately kept me interested.

this was a perfect lighthearted, witchy read that wraps you in cozy vibes, perfect for spooky season!

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I absolutely love this author. Kate can take you places that will have you enjoying the season. This is the perfect witchy book with all the fall/Halloween vibes. I can’t recommend her books enough!

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This was a cute romance that starts out with rivals and ends in HEA. I kept waiting for some horrible reveal or unexpected twist, but this book delivers solid romance throughout.

Lucy and Benedict have been rivals since forever. They went to school in this small town where most residents are magical but they still mix with regular humans. That being said, they still managed to play magical pranks on one another all through their formative years. This let to a big buildup of resentment and probably a lot of misunderstandings. Lucy is in line for becoming essentially queen witch but all that goes up in smoke when a prank ends up smearing the town’s name in a bad way. Now she somehow she and Benedict need to accept an arranged marriage and co-lead. I know - it kind of forces the rivals to lovers to new speedy places.

These two (as expected) have had feelings for one another for a long time and now they just have an excuse to explore those feelings, especially when Lucy’s family ends up accidentally swapping their powers. These two have good chemistry and we get good payoff in the end, leading to a satisfying autumn themed romance read. There are enough fun paranormal introductions to build a world worth more books, but this one was pretty expected.

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It seemed the perfect time for a witchy book and this was a cute, fun read. Benedict and Lucinda have pranked each other for two decades. Unfortunately the witchy powers that be have had enough, and come up with an interesting proposal. Lucinda’s family, trying to help get their magic wires crossed and Lucinda and Benedict have to deal with the consequences. Which forces them to be closer, which forces them to realise maybe they don’t dislike each other like they thought.
Overall I had a good time, my one critique is the story felt overly long. It was easy to read and kept my interest piqued.

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It was cute. I think it definitely works great in the current fall season. I would loosely use the term “enemies” to lovers. It felt easy going. I would liken it to Legends And Lattes vibes.

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Okay, I’m undecided with this one! This books was kinda more of a rivals to lovers but not really rivals?! I like the story and the plot, and especially the world building! Just couldn’t find chemistry between the two of them not even the side characters tbh… I think Lucy had more chemistry with her family than ben.. but overall it was cutesy and perfect for fall season!

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Looking for a fun witchy romance to kick off your fall reading? We’ll look no further! Potions and Proposals is wholesomely wicked! It’s available now on KU and where you buy books!

Benedict and Lucinda have been enemies since they were kids. Each trying to outdo the other in their retaliation. But when things go too far and the security of the coven is threatened, everything is about to change for these two.

Now they are forced to work together to fix a spell gone wrong, not to mention “bound” in a forced betrothal designed to bring an end to their shenanigans.

I adored both Benedict and Lucinda and the chemistry between them is wonderful. The setting is cozy with just enough turmoil between the witches, the wolves and the humans to be interesting and have some stakes.
There is also:
One Bed
He falls first
Forced proximity
Arranged marriage
Extended family
Secret Grimoires
A grim reaper
And lovable pets

Don’t miss this one!
Many thanks for access to an ebook via @netgalley for review purposes. Opinions are my own.

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My first reaction is in regards to the cover, it is adorable!! This was such a cozy, fun, fall book. It was a great blend of magic, fantasy, and romance. I loved the descriptive writing, I felt as if I knew the setting as I was reading. Thank you for the opportunity to read this!

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I am obsessed with the village of Foxford and the people that live there. It’s interesting how all the different types of people live together in the one community, but the most interesting are Lucy and Benedict.
From the moment you meet them you think you know their relationship dynamic but only after an incident at the manor it must change. From that moment I was hooked and didn’t want to put the book down and I’m so glad I didn’t.
I can’t wait to visit the village again.

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If you're on the hunt for a cozy, witchy read with an autumnal vibe, Potions and Proposals by Kate Callaghan is delightful!. This book offers a perfect blend of romance, humor, and a touch of magic.

The story revolves around Lucy and Benedict, two childhood rivals whose playful pranks and witty banter drive much of this story. Their journey from rivals to lovers is both fun and heartwarming. Benedict is obsessed with Lucy!! The banter and pranks between the two characters keep the narrative light and entertaining, while their growing trust for each other made the story heartwarming.

The enchanting town of Foxford is alive with witchy vibes, potions, and elemental magic. The world-building was good, painting a good picture of the magic system and Foxford's unique atmosphere without overwhelming the reader. I also really enjoyed getting to know the side characters and am really interested in reading Faye and Peter's story next!

The writing is generally enjoyable, but at times, it felt a bit too wordy. There were moments where I wished the author had been more concise, as the pacing occasionally slowed down. However, this minor issue didn’t take away from my overall experience.

All in all, Potions and Proposals is a fun, cute read filled with magic, romance, and charm. If you're looking for something cozy and mystical, this is the perfect book.

I would like to thank NetGalley, BooksGoSocial and the author for providing me with an eArc of this book in exchange for an honest review. <3

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Whimsical and comforting, 'Potions and Proposals' offers a paranormal rivals-to-lovers romance set in the mystical town of Foxford. While the world-building remains minimal, this cosy, autumnal fantasy - with its playful gothic charm and enchanting magical backdrop - serves as an ideal escapist read during the spooky season.

Writing Style:
The prose is contemporary and accessible, ensuring the narrative remains light and engaging. The pacing is well-calibrated, maintaining a steady, gentle momentum throughout.

The quirky cast of upbeat supernatural beings enriches the community spirit surrounding the protagonists. Although the development and interactions between Lucinda and Benedict are somewhat surface-level, their undeniable charisma ensures they are compelling romantic leads.

Humorous and entertaining, this book is not particularly rich in emotional complexity but delivers a sweet, heartwarming, and thoroughly enjoyable experience.

'Potions and Proposals' is a delightfully uplifting addition to the cosy fantasy genre. Its seamless blend of magic and romance makes it an ideal choice for readers seeking an easy-going, mystical novel - particularly on the lead up to Halloween.

-Supernatural romance
-Cosy Fantasy

-Reluctant allies
-Arranged marriage
-Magical mishap
-Small town romance
-Elemental Magic

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is such a cute fall read! I absolutely adore the town of Foxford and I’m excited to get into more characters and their stories! I wish we got a little more of Benedict and Lucy pranking each other. But overall this was a fun read. It was light, funny, entertaining, and gave me Halloweentown vibes!

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One of my favorite books is "The Hating Game" and "Proposals and Potions" fills that void for me. It wasn't a bad thing but it also wasn't anything to really write home about. I adored Benedict and believed his emotions were sincere. This is the second Kate Callaghan book I've read and will probably look for more.

Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the review copy. All the above opinions are my own.

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