Member Reviews

What I loved:
• Lucinda and Benedict’s evolving relationship kept me engaged. Character development of both these characters was nicely done.
• Vivid descriptions of Foxford painted quite a picture.
• I liked the unexpected romance angle.

What could’ve been better:
• I felt some plots were quite foreseeable.

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Thanks to Netgalley the author and publisher for an eARC. Foxford is a small town that is a sanctuary for many from witches to vampires to werewolves. Lucinda’s mom is stepping down as high priestess of the coven and Lucinda is next in line but her ability to rule is called into question. Lucinda and Benedict have been rivals since childhood and their latest set of pranks have caused issues for the town. They agree to be bound together for the good of the town but have some time to figure out how to get out of it or if this is what they both want. Magical spells, switched elements, seeing childhood pranks in a different light are just some things that occur. Cute witchy romance with childhood rivals with fun banter! Really enjoyed this one and can’t wait to return to Foxford!

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A cozy, witchy read set in a magical small town.

Lucy & Benedict had great chemistry and this was a super easy read. Enemies (but not like super enemies) to lovers. Despite being a bit quick from "enemies" to in love, it worked as a slow burn as they had been pranking each other for a while, so they did have chemistry, some tension even. Both characters balanced each other well, and their magical entanglement scenario was fun to see pkay out element wise.

Great side characters who didn't take away from the story, only push it forward- hopefully we see more in the next books as I'm looking forward to it.

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Potion and Proposals is a quick and sweet romance fantasy about witches and other magical creatures. It’s a very romance driven story where the two main characters really shine among the magical small town backdrop. The vibes are Halloween perfect, but in a cozy way. The biggest problem was that many of the side characters' stories and personalities never got developed, and they were hardly part of the story.

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4/5 (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

I enjoyed reading Potions & Proposals by Kate Callaghan (my first Advanced Reader’s Copy)! This book caught my eye because of the word “Potions” in the title (reminds me so much of my pharmacy classes were we mixed different ingredients to make a drug or product) and this being my first time reading paranormal romance. Also, there is a playlist the author created in the beginning of the book that puts you in the perfect fall/autumn mood while reading the book!

The story is about the enemies-to-lovers, Lucinda Hawthorne and Benedict Matherson, vying for a leadership position in their small town in which they soon realize they have liked each other all along. It was just too cute especially with all the tropes: arranged engagement, spell gone wrong (Freaky Friday magic swap), All Hallow’s Eve and more! If you enjoyed the shows Charmed and Sabrina the Teenage Witch, then you will have fun reading this book.

Thank you so much to the @netgalley, author and publisher for the ARC! All opinions are my own.
#PotionsandProposals #NetGalley

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

I loved this cozy witchy romance! Such a fun, quick and easy read!

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This was a fun read I wouldn't call it enemies to lovers but it did have the angst that they do have. It was a great contemporary fantasy romance and is definitely a different than most of my reads, but a great read nonetheless.

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I wouldn’t necessarily call this an enemies-to-lovers story; it's more of a dislike-to-lovers dynamic where the characters prank each other. It would have been more believable if the characters were a bit younger, making their pranks seem more playful and less childish. However, having the arranged marriage and all the other elements added into the story made me forget about the petty pranks after a bit, so it didn't diminish my overall enjoyment of the story.

It did take me a few chapters to really get into it, but once I did, I couldn’t put it down. The world and system were perfectly crafted—not too overwhelming and simple enough to follow easily. I ended up enjoying it way more than I expected.

Lucinda and Benedict's relationship was an absolute delight. Watching them fall for each other and grow together was incredibly enjoyable. Their witty banter was spot-on, often making me laugh and adding a wonderful layer to the book's overall tension.

The side characters were also brilliantly crafted. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them and seeing how seamlessly they were woven into the storyline. Although there seemed to be a setup for a conflict somehow, it never really went anywhere, leaving things a bit unresolved. Maybe that’s something for the next book? I can’t wait to find out.

The author masterfully balanced witchy, vampire, and wolf vibes with elemental magic, potions and spells, humor, romance, and coziness. The blend of these elements made the story feel magical and enchanting while still being light and enjoyable. Overall, it's a spellbinding read that became really captivating after the initial chapters.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kate Callaghan for the opportunity to read this. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Potions and proposals

We are introduced into the small town of Foxford where magical being as well magless reside.

MMC Benedict is a little grumpy sunshine with our MMF Lucy. They’ve had a long standing fued since school and it hasn’t stopped since they graduated school.
After a prank gone wrong Lucy is in trouble with the her mother(the High Priestess) and the witch council. Which in turn leads to them all questioning her soon to position she will be taking over of high priestess when her mother steps down. In a turn of events they decide to bind Benedict and Lucy to stop their fighting and see if he might make a better leader than Lucy.

They have many obstacles to work through in this book and you wonder if they will be able to fight for the things they want.

The story unfolds in the quaint town of Foxford, where both magical beings and non-magical(magless)residents coexist.
The main male character, Benedict, is portrayed as a grumpy yet endearing individual who shares a tumultuous history with Lucy, the female lead.
Following a mischievous prank that goes awry, Lucy finds herself in hot water with her mother, who also happens to be the High Priestess, and the witch council.
This incident prompts discussions about Lucy's future role as the next High Priestess, leading to a decision to bind Benedict and Lucy together in an attempt to quell their ongoing conflict and assess Benedict's potential as a leader.
As the story progresses, the characters face numerous challenges and obstacles, leaving readers to question whether they will be able to overcome these hurdles and fight for their desires.

Enemies to lovers
He falls first
Freaky Friday with elements
Witches, vampires, and werewolves

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[First, I would like to thank the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to review this ARC with honesty.]

Okay, I loved the idea. I loved the town and the fun events that are peppered in throughout the book. I liked Benedict and Lucy getting into and now they're in hot water with the town.

It was a cute story (a little dash of rivals to lovers as they never actually hated each other) filled with the mystery of getting their magic fixed. My biggest grief would be the actual romance, I would have loved to have seen more of a build of with these to as they have exceptional potential with the whole is he really a bully or is there more to it? Not to mention the backstory of Benedict's own family. Lucy's family actually had me irritated more than anything. Overall, it was fun, it was binge readable and I would continue reading the series or more from the author.

My Rating: 3.5 Stars (rounded up)

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Potions and Propasals is the ideal cozy and witchy romance! I loved the characters and the dynamics between them. This is a great read for cozy light magic fun! I’m looking forward to more!!

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Enemies to lovers? Check.
Arranged Marriage? Check.
Forced Proximity? Check.
Witches, Vampires, Wolves? Check, check, & check.

This is such a fun read and incredible introduction to Callaghan's world. The banter and action kept me turning the pages and the character development was so perfect.

The relationship between Lucinda and Benedict was so fun. I loved watching them fall in love and earn each other. Their relationship was so fun to read, the banter between them was perfection and had me laughing and was a great aspect to the tension in other aspects of the book.

The side characters were impeccable here. I loved being introduced to them and seeing how they were interspersed to the storyline. I'm looking forward to seeing more of them in the future. The twists and turns were also perfectly done.

Potions and Proposals really pulls you in from the first page, and the small-town, spooky, love story keeps them turning. Fans of Juliette Cross will truly enjoy this Author and her work.

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This book was such a cozy paranormal story.
I'm kind of a sucker for a good enemies to lovers story, so this one made my day!
Lucinda is a witch, and is about to be nominated to replace her mother as head of the coven. But, as she soon realises this, things backfire. Thanks to a prank gone too far, she ends not only risking her place, but almost bounded to Benedict, her nemesis.
Benedict is also a witch, who has had some tragedy in his life, and mostly due to hard work made his life in his small town. He is caught by surprise by the need to be bound with lucinda, but as we soon come to understand, he is not so upset as she is.
After this 'sentence' Lucinda's family make a potion/spell to try and help her by showing her true love, and that ends up not only switching her powers but getting her closer to Benedict. So they must learn to tolerate each other and work together to avoid disaster.
They are enemies who throughout the book (and not instantly) become friends and lovers. They grow into loving each other (or maybe discover that they had some supressed feelings all along, that they ignored most of their lives)!
The banter between them is awsome, and all the little misfortunes and bumps on their road are well thought and make this story jucier.
I'll be waiting for the next one in this series!!

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I'd actually seen this book on netgalley for a while and had been skipping over it because I don't usually love reading books that have magic in them, especially when they then also contain other paranormal creatures such as werewolves etc.

However, after reading and enjoying 'Careful What You Witch For' by Emma Jackson a few weeks ago, I was in the mood for more small town witchy stories and I'm glad I did end up applying for this arc.

Benedict and Lucinda have been playing pranks on one another all their life, often using their magical abilities to aid them. But when they go one prank too far, they're forced into an arrangement that gradually has them accepting their true feelings for each other.

I really liked both characters in this because of the nuances that kept them on the edge of the stereotypical categories that they normally would've fallen into.

Whilst Lucy always has her head in a book and seems like she'd come across as someone who'd blend into the background, she's also able to put her foot down when needed to not let herself be walked all over.

Likewise, although Benedict comes across as tall, dark and dangerous to most, he has such a caring soft spot towards Lucy and we get to see his vulnerabilities quite a number of times throughout.

I never used to mind third POV stories before joining bookstagram, but I've definitely become more aware of it over these last few years. And I think at some points this feels a bit confusing because of it... I think there may also have been a few tense changes as well. But overall, this was a cosy read that was giving small town, everybody's-in-each-other's-business vibes and I enjoyed it throughout. I thought Benedict's brother, Peter, was a fun addition and there are a few other characters/side plots that were intriguing, which I'm hoping means there'll be more related books to come!

*ARC received for an honest review.

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Potions and Proposals is the first book in a new cosy magic town series.

If you're already planning your autumn witchy books this could be a firm contender!

Both our protagonists Benedict and Lucinda are witches and the town contains a mix of regular non magical people and then witches, werewolves, grim reapers etc.

It has an arranged marriage, a childish/prank filled enemies to lovers and elemental magic.

I liked this but I wasn't completely convinced by the switch up from hating to loving. I do think this series has a lot of potential though as it's laid excellent foundations of lore. It really could be expanded in lots of directions and I would be interested in continuing the series to see what happens in the world.

This book comes out in August in paperback but is available on kindle unlimited now.

Thank you to @netgalley and the author for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

#bookstagramuk #netgalley #potionsandproposals #arcreader #arccopy #autumnreads

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Set in the Village of Foxford, Lucy Hawthorne and Benedict Matherson always seen to bring out the worst in each other! Lucy has trained for years to take over as High Priestess from her mother but the pranks Lucy and Benedict have pulled on one another are making waves that neither of them expected!
When called into account for their actions the two agree to try and work together for the good of the Village, even if it means being Bound together on All Hallow’s Eve, a fate that neither wants or expects. How on earth can two people who can’t stand each other possibly live and rule together?
Add in a fabulous cast of characters, from family and friends to mortal enemies and the zany and sometimes dangerous adventures begin with unexpected results for all. Join the Village of Foxford and enjoy this wonderful witchy romp! I greatly enjoyed it and will be looking for more books by Kate Callaghan!

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Ever since I saw this cover while i was browsing netgalley, i knew I had to read it for myself. The concept of a romance centered book revolving around magical creatures and fantasy really drove me to pick up this book, and let me tell you I had the most absolute fun reading this. When you add a small town with an enemies to lovers romance, you’ve officially had me hooked. Lucinda and Benedict have become one of my favorite comport couples thus far, and I can totally see myself reading this again when I need uplifting, and recommending it to some of my close friends. One thing I loved about this book was how realistic the romance was between Lucinda and Benedict. It didn’t feel rushed, nor pushed just for story purposes. It felt like they truly saw one another and fell in love in the process. If you’re on the hunt for a feel-good story, with banter, enemies to lovers, and mythical characters, this story will not disappoint.

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I received this as an ARC with the impression that it wasn't going to be released until August 26th, but apparently that's just the physical release. The ebook was released July 23rd! Surprise! It's on KU!

What a super cute and cozy, witchy read! Lucinda and Benedict are absolutely precious. This was such a fun and lighthearted fantasy romance. I love the Freaky Friday vibes! This book is tons of fun with lots of loveable characters- Perfect for the upcoming autumn season! I know it's like the millionth time I've mentioned fall, just accept it because that's all you are going to hear for the next several months! ❤️🍂🍁

Freaky Friday
Rivals to lovers
Forced marriage
Forced proximity
Elemental magic

Thank you @callaghanwriter and @netgalley for providing me with an opportunity to read and review your book!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Potions and Proposals has everything you could ask for in a witchy romance! I loved the characters and the dynamics between Lucinda and Benedict 🔥 💧 Talk about enemies to lovers! This is a great quick read for when you’re in the market for something light and full of magic!

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When I initially picked up this book, the idea of a magical arranged marriage combined with magical mishaps sounded super cute and intriguing. The book was definitely cute, but it was a bit more of a slow-burn than I had anticipated. I did enjoy the banter and prank war between Lucy and Benedict, but that combined with the annoying nickname from childhood and the forced proximity made it feel a little too "Hallmark" for me. I did like the twist on the spell - that instead of drawing her partner to her, it swapped her magic for Benedict's and basically forced them to look past the surface and see the real person due to their forced proximity.

I will admit, I kept waiting for Emerson to be revealed to be the culprit behind the spell and/or a bad guy, but I like that he seems fairly genuine. Hopefully we get to see more of him in future books!

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