Member Reviews

Love this introduction to this magical world and the town of Foxglove. Lucy and Benedict will enchant you into rooting for them before they event realize what is meant to be. There is twists and turns, love potions, high stakes and true love that will fix everything. If you like love stories and the magical creatures of all sorts this is a book for you. Thank you Netgallery, Callaghanwriter, and Kate Callaghan for choosing me to be an arc reader for this book.

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I adored this book!

The cosy vibes it gives off and the humour is amazing.

So many giggling and kicking feet moments!

I love how it’s set in a small town containing all sorts of creatures run by founding witch families and I could really picture how the town looked and felt with Kate Callaghan’s writing.

I really don’t want to give too much away it’s such a good book! Small bit of spice as well for all you spice lovers but also not too much so it won’t put off non spice readers! This book is for everyone who loves magic and romance!

Brief plot:

Lucy and Benedict have been rivals/enemies since they were children playing pranks on each other. When a prank goes a little too far the coven intervenes and arranges them to be bound in order for them to lead the coven.

How will they survive each other’s company and what has her mother and grandmother gotten them into!

With small town twists, turns and problems to solve how will they navigate the lead up to the binding , will it even go through?

I cannot wait for the next book! These are interconnected stand alone’s so no cliff hangers here! Makes a nice change! ❤️

Big thank you for NetGalley for allowing me to read this!

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"Lotions and Proposals" by Kate Callaghan transports readers to the enchanting town of Foxford, where magic and mystery intertwine in a captivating narrative. The story follows Lucinda Hawthorne, a determined translator on the cusp of becoming the High Priestess, only to find her long-time adversary, Benedict Matherson, vying for the same position. The plot thickens when a coven gathering delivers an ultimatum: the two must either bind themselves magically by All Hallows' Eve or face a vote that could cost them everything.

Callaghan masterfully weaves a tale of rivalry, magic, and unexpected romance. Lucinda and Benedict are both fiercely independent and driven, making their reluctant agreement to the binding ritual all the more compelling. The twist of a misfired spell adds an element of unpredictability that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. As the magic takes hold, Lucinda and Benedict find themselves intertwined in ways that challenge their perceptions and emotions.

The character development in "Lotions and Proposals" is exceptional. Lucinda and Benedict's evolution from sworn enemies to potential partners is believable and engaging. Their banter and the gradual unveiling of their deeper feelings create a dynamic and emotionally rich narrative. The mystical setting of Foxford adds a layer of charm and intrigue, enhancing the overall reading experience.

Callaghan's writing style is both vivid and fluid, making it easy for readers to immerse themselves in the magical world she has created. The pacing is well-balanced, with moments of tension, humor, and heartfelt emotion woven seamlessly together. The looming deadline of All Hallows' Eve adds a sense of urgency and excitement to the plot, driving the story forward.

While some elements of the story may follow familiar romantic tropes, the unique magical context and well-crafted characters set "Lotions and Proposals" apart. The blend of magic, rivalry, and romance makes for a thoroughly enjoyable read that will appeal to fans of fantasy and romance alike.

In conclusion, "Lotions and Proposals" earns a solid four stars for its enchanting storyline, well-developed characters, and the perfect balance of magic and romance. Kate Callaghan has crafted a spellbinding tale that will leave readers eagerly anticipating what happens next in the mystical town of Foxford.

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When I came across this title, I thought that *Potions & Proposals* was exactly what I needed: a romantic comedy full of banter and humor. Unfortunately, in the end, the story was not for me at all. This is probably mainly my issue, but I didn't feel a particular connection with the protagonists, especially Benedict, who shows himself to be jealous and disagreeable from the beginning even though Lucy wasn't his girlfriend—red flag.
I was probably expecting a cozier setting with a more gradual development. Instead, the obvious interest between the two protagonists is evident from the very first pages, with a scene that partly disturbed me given the hot kisses between a drunk Lucy and a very sober Benedict—red flag.
On the other hand, I appreciated the secondary characters who are well-defined and likable. I'm sure many others will enjoy this novel, but unfortunately, I couldn't get past the toxic masculinity of the male protagonist.

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Potions and Proposals seemed promising with it's small town charm mixed with urban fantasy but felt there were a lot of things lacking.
The world building kind of felt like it was just there. We have the magical elements of witches, vampires, werewolves, etc but it felt just put out there in some sort of acknowledgement. Along with the magic system and even the town just felt like words written and no visionary to go off by.
The romance of the story felt very one dimensional. It seemed like it was set up to be an enemies to engagement to lovers but it felt very insta love with I have never been a fan of. Almost all of the scenes you could just feel they were drawn to each other, which is fine, if that's how it was set up to be. Also, they seem like teenagers with the remarks and pranks which at my ripe age of 27...I'm too grown to find this entertaining at their big age.

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This was a cute book with fun main characters and a great cozy witchy setting. The first half of the book was a strong 5 star read. The second half was disappointing and not what I expected from reading other books by this author. I kept waiting for a big conflict scene and kept guessing as to what big thing could happen next but nothing did. It felt like there was room for a great cliffhanger that would make me crave the next book in the series but there wasn’t one.

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My only regret is that I had read this in the fall! This is an enemies to lovers trope. It is fairly predictable, with very mild world building. I really enjoyed all of the tricks the characters played on each other!

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This book had a few cute scenes and interactions that I enjoyed, but it mostly felt like a few tropes glued together with a small-town atmosphere and some magic-related puns. The main characters' pranks pulled on each other were out of character/juvenile for their age.
Apart from the main romance plot, not much else was happening in the background. Some sub-plots had potential, but it wasn't fully explored. Additionally, there were some snippets of the world-building throughout the book but not everything related to the history was clear to me at the end.

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"What's life without a little Chaos?"

This book had me the moment I started reading it. It's so good, like "stay up until 3am to finish it because you're so wrapped up in the story" good. I couldn't get enough of Lucinda and Benedict. I'm a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope, but childhood enemies to adult lovers? My entire heart explodes! The fact that "Potion and Proposals" is written in a dual perspective just makes it so much better. I love being able to see and experience things through each character's eyes, especially in romance novels. I appreciate that Kate gave us the opportunity to learn about Lucinda and Benedict through themselves and through each other. Kate writes such well-rounded characters that you learn to love their flaws and understand why they are the way they are. They're just so real and relatable. It's one of the main reasons why I loved watching Lucinda and Benedict's love story unfold.

The romance and the spice? I mean... 🔥🔥🔥 I couldn't get enough of it! To be honest, I probably would have fell for Benedict instantly. He is so my type 🤣 My husband and I had a similar start to our relationship, so all of Benedict's actions, even the pranks, made my heart sing. Benedict also just aggressively pays attention to and cares for others and the people who are important to him, which is such an honorable and rare trait to have these days. Lucinda is the same way, and because of this, they never truly put themselves first. Pleasing others is in their nature, and that's exactly what creates the mess they're in and begins their story.

I have been a fan of Kate's writing for a while now and "Potions and Proposals" is a perfect example why. It's incredibly well written and believable. I could vividly see the town of Foxford while reading. Lucinda and Benedict, while they may have magic abilities, felt like real people going through real-life things and were perfectly flawed. I truly loved every moment of this book and I'm incredible thankful to have had the chance to read this arc.

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"Potions and Proposals" by Kate Callaghan is a wonderful adult paranormal romance set in the magical town of Foxford. The story is about Lucinda Hawthorne and Benedict Matherson. As they both fight for the position of High Priestess, their rivalry takes a turn when they are forced to confront their feelings and work together.

The novel has the classic enemies-to-lovers trope with a twist involving magic and coven dynamics. There is well-crafted character development and and emotional journey for the protagonists. The back and forth between Lucinda and Benedict is done with playful pranks and deep-seated care, and adds depth to their relationship making the eventual romance satisfying and heartwarming.

Overall, "Potions and Proposals" has an enchanting premise and endearing characters, making it a must-read for fans of paranormal romance and magical adventures​​. It was a great read and I am looking forward to what other books this author will come up with in the future.

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This book gives cozy fall Gilmore girl vibes but with magic!

I really enjoyed the story, it was a quick read and very fun. It is one of those romances you can read in the fall to set you in a cozy mood or even after reading something dark just to bring some joy.

The first half of the book for me was very good, I think the story hit its plateau a little over halfway in and it was harder to stay invested in the story. I think I would have enjoyed it more if there was more substance to the plot in the last quarter of the book. It felt like there was a lot of build up to the whole dragon poison potion situation and I really felt like that could have carried the book home nicely but it fell short of the expectations.

I loved the slow burn and the variety of characters. Overall this book was a fun read and I really did have a silly goofy fun time! I would recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of practical magic, Gilmore girls, Sabrina, and Halloween town (quirky small town magic vibes).

Thank you to Kate Callaghan, BooksGoSocial, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC for an honest review.

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Potions and Proposals is a fun read for those who enjoy slow-burning, magical, small-town stories. Lucinda and Benedict are a fun couple who start out as enemies and fall in love after a forced marriage. I enjoy dual POV books as I feel they really make the story interesting, moving along a bit more quickly. I gave this a 4 out of 5 star rating as I really enjoyed the writing style as well as the characters.

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Potions & Proposals by Kate Callaghan.

Lucinda (Lucy) Hawthorne, a young witch that works at a library and translates old texts is bright (pun intended) and determined with an element of water. She is also in line to become the next High Priestess after her mom’s early retirement. Benedict Matherson, who turned Matherson Manor into a luxurious and classical hotel with the element of fire. These two have been pulling pranks on each other since they could remember. A misguided friend/enemy relationship. With Lucy’s last prank going too far and scaring hotel guests the coven decided that maybe Lucy is not right for the position of High Priestess and think another might be better. Benedict is nominated. (Why one prankster over another – kinda confusing) - but he has done a wonderful job in attracting new business to the town. (hmm…I’ll go along with it for the story) High stakes that if there is an election the losing candidate must leave town. (What?, Why?) No one wants to leave their home, so the coven suggests they both rule by becoming magically bonded together. Lucy’s Grams and mother create a spell to help Lucy find her love match before the bonding. So now Lucy and Benedict must deal with a backfired spell that switched their elemental magic.

I love the characters of Witches, Werewolfs, Vampires and even a Grim Reaper.

It is a cute, light-hearted, fun, witchy read. The characters are easy to love. I loved watching them realize their feelings for each other.

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Potions and Proposals
Release Date: August 24th, 2024

I want to say a big thank you to Kate Callaghan, BooksGoSocial, and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this as an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

Fans of Hallmark Channel, this cozy read is for you!

Favorite Quotes:

“I can’t give you fireflies, but I hope you’ll accept the stars…”

“In that moment, Benedict realized that eternity with her might not be enough.”


In the first book of the interconnected series, we are introduced to the town of Foxford, a sanctuary village for various supernatural beings lead by the witch Coven and their High Priestess. It is here we are introduced to Lucinda and Benedict for the first time and we learn of their rivalry with each other that started when they were children. After a prank goes wrong, Lucinda and Benedict must navigate their Coven deciding to bind them together for all eternity, or risk being banished from their home. We follow their story as they work together to navigate their impending binding and a potion mishap that causes some issues for them.

My Review:

Potions and Proposals is a quick and cozy read that I can’t say enough good things about it! Kate immerses the readers into Benedict and Lucinda’s love story, making it seem as if you are watching it unfold in person.

I love the main characters banter and rivalry with each other, and ultimately when they realize they each fell for each other. While this is a he falls first love story, she isn’t far behind. I think I can also speak for everyone and say that Benedict will become a fan favorite amongst many popular book boyfriends!

This is also a book that everyone can read and enjoy, even if you don’t enjoy reading spicy books. There was one open door scene, but it doesn’t take over the plot, just amplifies it.

Also, as it is the first book within the interconnected world of Village of Foxford, we are introduced to a lot of side characters that will most likely have their own story written in the future. While this book has a lot of side characters with their own subplots, it doesn’t overshadow Benedict and Lucinda’s story. Each of the side characters’ interactions with the main characters added to the plot and their love story, rather than taking away from it!

Final Thoughts:

Overall, this was a quick and cozy read and I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves reading paranormal romance. It was beautifully written and I thoroughly enjoyed reading every bit of it! Run, don’t walk, to preorder Potions and Proposals today!

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I really liked the premise of the story! It was fun, lighthearted, and I felt like it flowed really well. I also enjoyed the magic system and the inner workings of the covens, and other supernatural parties, as well as how they connected with other non-magic folk.

I do think the characters fell a little flat for me. I just wish they had been fleshed out a little more, and that there was just a tad bit more angst between everyone (lol).

I’d recommend to someone looking for a fun and light read!

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This is a lighthearted and fun "witchy" read. I enjoyed the world building, especially learning about the town of Foxford. The characters are quirky and lovable. I really enjoyed the slow burn between Lucy and Benedict. They have witty banter with my favorites tropes -enemies to lovers/slow burn-and some good laughs in between!

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Looking for a spellbinding romance ? Well this certainly ticks the box as the couple find themselves under a spell that definitely goes awry ! The couple are kind of forced into an arranged marriage but our heroines family want to"help" and that's the kicker dear reader because their magic gets mixed up and the race is on to correct it before their coven or the dreaded Order find out !
This was a fun and actually sweet story. The couple have never got along and have for years played pranks on each other and very quickly the reader knows that Benedict is really rather smitten by his rival Lucy. I enjoyed the small town vibes and the supporting characters added to the fun. Plus Lucy works in a library so what more could this old bibliophile ask for ?
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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I very much enjoyed this book. I’m giving it a 4.5 stars. I did wish there was a little more conflict in the novel. Maybe not such a simple fix to there major issue as well. But I enjoyed the characters and how they developed. It was a unique way of putting the three major fantasy characters together. Making a sanctuary town was really a great take for a book. I couldn’t give a five star just because I personally think a little more conflict would have been fun and there was a few typos. Not a lot of them so it does pull away from the story but there was a handful or two spread throughout the book. All in all a really good book and I enjoyed it!

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This is for the girlies that start decorating for Halloween right after the Fourth of July 🔮🧙🏻‍♀️
This book was SO. FUN. Omg. I’m not typically a contemporary romance reader, most of what I read skews to the darker side. However, the Halloween setting and witchy vibes drew me in and I’m so happy I requested this one.

Lucinda and Benedict are both witches living in the magical town of Foxford. Since they were little, they’ve been at each others throats, constantly competing and pranking one another. However, when they’re suddenly forced to bind themselves to one another or risk being cast out of town, their creative methods of getting out of it ultimately lead them even closer.

This story has something for everyone. Enemies to friends to lovers, a Halloween setting, paranormal romance, and a magical small town. The world building and magical elements are well done and easy to follow. The romance builds gradually and you really see their relationship come together in a believable, heartfelt way. Overall, I’m very excited to see what comes next in the Village of Foxford!

I loved every second of this book and I cannot wait for its official release later this month!

Thank you to @netgalley and BooksGoSocial for the eARC!

#potionsandproposals #arcreview

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Potions and Proposals was my first Kate Callaghan read and I can officially say that I am a big fan of her writing!

I felt so immersed in the world she has created and built strong connections to all of the characters. Even the characters that don't play much of a role in the story itself, which is something that many authors fail to do.

I rated Potions and Proposals 3.5 Stars, as it was the perfect cosy fantasy read. Those of you that enjoy tension will love this book as it really draws out the inevitable love between the two main characters Benedict and Lucinda. There is the perfect amount of emotional and physical connection between the two of them that builds over the course of the story. It really makes you feel invested in them both as individuals and as a couple.

When I reached the end of the book I found myself wishing that a bit more would've happen. At stages it felt like it was building up for other things to happen but then they just weren't mentioned again. Maybe that was done as a way to set up some of the plot for the next book? I guess I'll have to wait and see, as I will most definitely be continuing on with the series!

Overall, it was well worth the read! I most definitely recommend it!

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