Member Reviews

This was the fun, quick story I needed! After reading the first book in this series I was disappointed.. Check Out the Billionaire saved the series for me! It was a well written, nicely laid out story and executed perfectly. The Best Friends/Unrequited love between Cam and Tabitha is endearing. You feel the affection between them and also the tension Cam has by keeping a secret. This is a quick story filled with kindness, love, fun, quirky side characters that will make you laugh and most importantly a HEA.

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC of Check Out that Billionaire.

This book was ok. I understand it was a shorter book and therefore had to fit a lot in a short space of time but for me this was nothing too special. I love a friends to lovers trope and it was a very cute short book but I felt like some of the timelines didn't really add it and there was parts where I was confused.
I am excited to read "Shelve that Billionaire" as my next kindle read.

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Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the arc of this book. This is the second billionaire romance I have read that was a collaboration between Mia Sands and Danika Bloom. I really enjoy their collaborations and now want to read some of their solo book.s Check out that Billionaire if the second book in the Bookish Billionaires of Maple Valley series. This book is about Tabitha and her best friend Cam. This review is spoiler free but Cam has been hiding a secret from Tabitha that could ruin their friendship.This is a short light fun read. It does not have as much spice as the first book in the series but the book is very enjoyable. I read it all in one sitting. I love forward to reading the next book in this series.

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Another cute read set in a library! I enjoyed the previous book in this little series and was excited to quickly read another.

Honestly, I liked this book even more than the first! The authors did a great job establishing tension and backstory for the characters from the very beginning. I also loved the inclusion of more side characters. They added some fun and drama to the story. I fell more in love with Cam and Tabitha and was rooting for them the entire story.

Thank you Mia Sands, Danika Bloom, NetGalley, and Maple Laughs Romance for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The one constant in my life has been my best guy friend, Cam. He’s trustworthy, sweet, and his no-occasion, literary gifts blow every romance hero’s grand gesture out of the water.
Still, he’s my best friend. And while he’d make the most swoon-worthy love interest for another girl, I don’t see him that way. Until he shows up at my library book club meeting and reads the role of the hero in the best book series of all time.

When we reenact my favorite scene, all the book club ladies think I fainted because my mail-order corset was one-size-too-small. The truth is, when Cam touched my arm, my heart stopped. Then I discover he has a spicy romance novel by my favorite author hidden next to his bed. Now I can’t look at Cam without imagining him as the hero of my own love story.

I'm not normally one for the friends-to-lovers trope, because most of the time it just doesn't feel realistic. This short read does an excellent job of pulling it off, though! It was fun to read Cam and Tabitha realizations and the way they navigated tricky territory. This was a quick, cute, and adorable read!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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Another fun read from these series

This one is less silly and more cute than the first story. It is an equally charming and light hearted read, not too short not too long, and equally over the top. Both characters are lovely, their chemistry and easy way of being together is what makes the book a perfect one sitting read.

I received a copy of this in order to share my view on it.

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I really didn't like this book. I'm not sure why it was marketed as a novel when it's so short--I also couldn't find the title on Goodreads to review it. The writing was very basic and cheesy, and I didn't really click with any of the characters. The plot was interesting though, I just wish it had been executed better.

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💻Best friends: comfy, should they rock the boat?👩‍🏫

This short novella about best friends clueless about each other's romantic feelings was cute, steamy in bits, and I enjoyed the plot. The secrecy around male lead Cam's true profession was, to me, realistic. The book club's concentration on a single genre seemed a bit extreme but the club members offered some whimsical secondary characters, particularly Sylvie and Ruthanne.

I liked the more gradual development of this romance and the couple's friends and confidants background before they get to the romantic and steamy bits. For that reason, I preferred this second story in the series over the first but they both had good elements with different strengths. I would gladly read more by these authors.

Thanks to Maple Laughs Romance and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the story; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

I have posted my review to Goodreads, Bookbub and Barnes & Noble and will crosspost to kobo when the book is published.

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I requested both THIS book and the other one in the series "Shelve that Billionaire" at the same time. Both books for me sort of weren't my cup of tea. The author is an amazing writer, that I can see in both works. But the relationships in both books were not fully developed and then all of a sudden you have very graphic spice in the story. I didn't feel a connection in either book. I think that perhaps it needs to be hashed out a bit more, and more time spent creating a connection between the main characters so you feel more invested in them. Also, a disclaimer on the spice level would be nice too. It wasn't nonstop, but sometimes random and unexpected, and honestly... I wasn't aware it would be there.

I will add that both books the main characters were lovers of books and quoted books, and I loved that!

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Another nice novella from this duo. This one had a bit more spice than the last but again the characters were suddenly having sex after spending years not telling each other about their real feelings. Definitely a good book to get you out of a slump.

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I really enjoyed this novella. It is book 2 in a series, but to be honest is by far the better of the 2, and they can each be read as a standalone. The romance is evenly paced, and I must admit I am a sucker for a friends to more romance. Be warned the spice level in this book is ghost pepper, though you could skip that part if desired as it didn’t really add to the story.

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Check Out That Billionaire is the second book in the Bookish Billionaires of Maple Valley series, and it is just as cute and cozy as the first book, Shelve That Billionaire. In this sweet novella, we follow Tabitha, one of the three librarian besties that were first introduced to us in Shelve That Billionaire. Tabitha and Cam have been thick as thieves since they were 10. They have been with each other through it all and even have a weekly best friend date night.

When Cam joins in on a reading at the library and agrees to role play with Tabitha, Tabitha feels sparks. There are butterflies, she gets tongue-tied, and she thinks she just might have feelings for her best friend since childhood! This can't be though, because they're strictly supposed to be friends. Not long after does Tabitha discover Cam has been hiding secrets from her, and she starts having some doubts and questioning the integrity of their friendship. Can they work through the secrets and save their relationship?

This novel is so fun and cute! Tabitha and Cam are the perfect couple. They are silly, sometimes even corny, but they catch each other's vibe and that's all that matters! They deal with major internal conflict throughout the read, and it was truly delightful to see them come up with a mutual resolution. Ruthanne the Brash was my girl! I absolutely loved her character and she fit in so perfectly!
I loved this cozy, fun short story, and I am looking forward to the next installment. Hopefully Amelia gets her own storyline!

Thank you NetGalley, Author Collective 20, Danika Bloom, and Mia Sands for this fun ARC!

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Check Out That Billionaire by Danika Bloom/Mia Sands
Book 2 Bookish Billionaires of Maple Valley
Release Date: 10 June 2024

Tabitha and Cam, friends since childhood and absolutely inseparable, have always been just that—friends.

However, as they role-play a scene together, Tabitha begins to realise that her feelings for Cam might be changing. She starts to wonder what it would be like to be more than just friends.

This novella follows Tabitha as she grapples with these new emotions while striving to preserve the amazing friendship that she has always shared with Cam.

"Check Out That Billionaire," the second book in the Billionaires of Maple Valley series, is an absolute pleasure to read.

Though a quick read, it packs a punch with chemistry that leaps off every page and characters that have us smiling.

I highly recommend this series if you're looking for a fast, feel-good read.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Maple Laughs Romance, and the authors, Danika Bloom and Mia Sands, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Title: Check Out that Billionaire by Mia Sands, Danika Bloom

Release Date: June, 10th, 2024


Tabitha and Cam have been inseparable since childhood, but now Tabitha finds herself seeing him in a new light. Despite their deep bond, she's never considered him romantically until he unexpectedly shines as the hero in her beloved book series during a library book club meeting.

As they act out a scene together, Tabitha's feelings for Cam begin to shift, leaving her questioning the nature of their relationship. When she discovers a steamy romance novel hidden in Cam's room, her desire to explore a romantic connection with him intensifies, but she fears risking their friendship.
As their dynamic evolves, Tabitha grapples with her growing crush on Cam while striving to preserve the special bond they share.

Danika Bloom and Mia Sands have done it again!
This series is such a delightful find! I'm completely drawn in by the short format, yet the stories are incredibly well-developed.

The chemistry between Tabitha and Cam is electric, and I can't get enough of their dynamic. Plus, the tension between them adds such an exciting element to the story. It's got all my favourite tropes wrapped up in one neat package.

If you're in the mood for a quick, swoon-worthy read, I highly recommend giving it a try!

Thank you to The Publisher Maple Laughs Romance,The Authors Danika Bloom, Mia Sands & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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