Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for this arc!
Interesting concept, but I tend to prefer Mia Sheridan’s romances over her thrillers!
I’ll continue to read her novels though and recommend them!

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It's crazy to think the only Mia Sheridan books I've read are her mystery/thrillers, and I honestly can't get enough of them. You'd think she has been writing these kinds of books for years instead of this being her branch from romance because she is stellar in the genre.

When I first started reading The Broken Places, I'll admit it was sloooow. On top of that, I went in blind without even reading the blurb so I really didn't know what to expect other than just good writing.

As the story unfolded, I quickly became invested and ended up not being able to put it down. I thought the romance element was done really well, and I really just liked Lennon and Ambrose. I also thought the story of the homeless victims in San Francisco was depicted accurately.

Now, if you're looking for a story where the ending comes together and is incredibly believable, this isn't it. It's clearly fiction and is intended to be enjoyed as such, but it was fiction that you wanted to be real. You wanted to see people be able to get help like this. It left you hopeful. Mia Sheridan has done a great job branching out of the romance genre, and I can't wait to see what she has for us next.

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Mia’s thrillers are fun and while there is a bit of romance, it’s not enough for me! I want more. Either way, this was a fine book, just not my favorite.

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Mia Sheridan, you did this, you did well. I adored reading this story. It was beautifully well written and a fantastic read! I would 100% recommend this to other

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4.5⭐ 1🌶️

I’m officially in my Mia Sheridan romantic thriller era and I never want to leave. The Broken Places hooked me from start to finish and now I’m heading to Mia’s backlog to read the rest of her thriller novels…catch you in a few weeks when I come up for air.

Let me back up for just a moment and preface the rest of this review by saying if you’re here for the sweet, romantic, heart-wrenching side of Mia we caught in Archer’s Voice and Kyland, head back now because this is not that. However, if you enjoy a good thriller that makes you wonder until the very end and may contain some romantic undertones? Full speed ahead, friends. And honestly, I really think this novel (and all of her others in this genre I’ve read so far) just proves how versatile and talented Mia is in her writing. Two completely different sides and yet equally enthralling.

I really enjoyed the premise of this one–a mystery drug left at the scene of crimes in which the city’s “throways” appear to have attacked one another to a violent, bloody death. Mix this in with the heart-wrenching backstories we get on some of these victims, the social commentary on drug use, homelessness, and abuse, and the mental health treatment currently available for victims of trauma and I simply couldn’t put this one down. Mia went so much further than a simple murder mystery and unpacked a myriad of societal flaws, skewed viewpoints of those that struggle with trauma, and thought provoking “what ifs” regarding how to help and treat these gaping wounds.

The Broken Places brought forth themes of love, loss, downfalls, guilt, redemption, and triumphs. I felt so many emotions while exploring the stories of our MCs, as well as the rich side characters she spared no time developing. I laughed with them, grieved with them, felt my heart shatter a little further every time they seemed resigned to their trauma or woe-filled fate, and choked back tears as some finally found their happy ending, their overcoming. In the end, I left satisfied yet deeply uneasy, as while the overall consequences of a mystery drug such as this may not be 100% plausible…yet…it didn’t seem too far from a reality some day.

The Broken Places is a must read for anyone looking for twists, turns, thrills, and heavy emotions. It will have you gripped in a rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish and keep you guessing who the villain truly is and why until the very end.

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What a power novel!! If you’re looking for a thriller with huge twist and turns that is going to keep you on the edge of your seat this story won’t be for you. If you want to read a romantic mystery that has a few twist this is definitely a story for you.
But it’s not for the faint of heart. This story will tug at you. The abuse that some of these characters faced is absolutely heartbreaking, disgusting and devastating.
It’s so hard to write a review on this without giving too much away. It’s a bit futuristic and it almost feels like you wish it would happen just to help people. This is my first Mia Sheridan novel and I look forward to reading more from her.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC

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In this dark thriller set in San Francisco, Inspector Lennon Gray and FBI Agent Ambrose Mars team up to investigate a mysterious hallucinogenic drug affecting the homeless community. As they delve into the case, their mutual attraction and personal secrets complicate their partnership.

“The Broken Places” delves into significant themes such as generational trauma, alternative therapies, and addiction, addressing these dark and important subjects thoughtfully.

I kind of struggled to connect with this one, I felt like the characters lacked depth. The story was intriguing but the ‘twists’ were predictable.

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It was really hard to connect to this book and stay interested.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I saw Mia Sheridan and romantic suspense and I just had to read it. Unfortunately, it wasn't the greatest reading experience from this author for me. It was just lacking the feeling and emotion that I've had with her previous books. Definitely check trigger warnings, as it does deal with some darker difficult topics. Somehow this one ultimately fell flat for me and just lacked that spark/connection/investment that I needed from it. Definitely still worth the read if you've loved this author. If you haven't read from her before, I don't think I'd recommend starting here, as it just didn't live up to the hype/potential.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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To fully enjoy this book, you'll need to suspend your disbelief significantly. It took me some time to get there, and even then, I'm not entirely sure I managed to, though I can't deny that I found parts of it enjoyable. That said, I'm not much of a thriller or suspense reader. I've been exploring them more lately, but at heart I'm still a romance and fantasy reader. So, perhaps I'm not the ideal target for this kind of story.

You might wonder, if you enjoy fantasy, why did a thriller feel so implausible? The difference lies in the setting. We are not talking about a chosen one battling dark forces with their pet dragon, this book is grounded in a real city, grappling with real issues that many people face today: abuse, addiction, violence, and homelessness. The story touches on traumatic experiences that, unfortunately, happen to real people. And here's where it lost me, and I might be getting into spoilery territory, so tread with caution: the introduction of a miracle cure that could supposedly solve all of these problems. It felt like suggesting a pill could cure cancer. Hopeful, yes, but far-fetched. Until I see such a solution in real life, I'm inclined to remain skeptical.

Around 70% into the book, I began to sense a shift that didn't quite sit well with me. It started to feel like I was reading the story of a cult, told from the perspective of one of its devoted followers.

The topics this book covers aren't easy to digest. I'm an avid reader and have encountered these issues before, but rarely all in one place. So, if you're considering picking this up, I strongly recommend checking for trigger warnings first.

So, did I like it? I'm honestly still processing that. The book had me hooked; I can't deny that. The mystery is compelling and kept me guessing almost until the end. I figured out the twist just a couple of chapters before the characters did, which speaks to its unpredictability. There's also a touch of romance, which I always appreciate. I'm really not surprised, since I've read other books from this author and know she has a knack for it.

In the end, if you're not as much of a realist as I am, I think you'll find this book enjoyable. It has its merits and is far from a bad book. It's just that for someone like me, some elements were a bit too much to fully embrace.

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I usually love this author's romance books. But from here on out, no more Mia Sheridan suspense novels. They just aren't for me.

DNF 30% or so in. I picked this up several times and just nope. Couldn't do it.

It was weird and boring. Couldn't hold my attention. I don't know if the writing was just lazy or needed some major editing. I don't normally comment on stuff like that when I get an ARC (as I expect errors and things to change) but it was enough notice that I had to read things more than once. Came across as disjointed, not fully thought out. Repetitive. The MFC drove me insane. I didn't feel any connection. And by chapter 12, I didn't care to try to push through, any longer.

If you decide to read this, I wish you the best of luck. And hope you have a better time with it than I did.

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This book was captivating, gripping and unexpected. It was a wild ride and the ending was sweet and closed the story perfectly.

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I've read a lot of books from this author and she does not disappoint!.

Would highly recommend 🥰

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*Thank you to NetGalley, Montlake Publishing, and Mia Sheridan for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review!*
I want to start off by saying I’ve ready many Mia Sheridan book, starting with her romance and into the more recent romantic suspense novels. I think Mia is wonderful at crafting a story I’ve never thought of & honestly, these suspense novels definitely creep me out a bit…they’re really dark! But again, that’s a testament to her ability to write compelling stories. I applaud her ability to freak me out, haha.
With this particular book, I think my hang ups were entirely personal, both of them being issues with the pacing of the romantic aspect of this book, as well as general interest in the suspenseful aspect. Without getting into spoilers, I didn’t really believe in the connection between our two main characters, nor did I feel very attached to our main character, Lennon. Despite being told things about her and learning more about her life, she felt very 2D to me, as did Ambrose. I will say that later in the book, I began to feel that connection strengthen, mostly based on events they experience together.
As for the suspenseful aspect, what threw me off was again, the pacing. I do think the issues within the book are absolutely necessary to talk about and unbelievably complex. And I enjoyed the way everything came together, even if it wasn’t exactly to my liking as a reader, in terms of how the story flowed. I think Mia is an extremely talented writer, and I will definitely pick up her next book. This one just wasn’t for me.

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I was given the opportunity to read an ARC of this novel from Montlake, NetGalley and the author.

I did enjoy the idea of this novel and found the murder investigation to be fairly interesting. I don’t know if it’s typical but where I live the word detective would have been used instead of inspector so that kept throwing me as well. I also had not heard of an FBI agent partnering with a local police agent. Maybe I just don’t hear of this enough but that kept throwing me.

I didn’t feel that the reader had enough history on the FMC and the MMC. I wanted to know a little bit more about them but also understood the stories importance of jumping right in. I am a reader who loves to know about the characters I’m following but that is just a personal preference.

The pacing of the novel was also a bit odd and sometimes hard to follow. There were parts that flew when discussing the murder however other times it felt like it drug on with no pertinent information.

I did like the slight romance bending into the story but also felt as if it took away from the severity of the crime that was being investigated. Overall this novel was not for me but I know some will absolutely love it!

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↬ review: 4 stars ☾ ❦
i need to read more romantic suspense because this book was phenomenally thrilling, emotionally packed, and so unexpectedly good. it felt like a fever dream, but in a good way.

mia sheridan has a knack for diving deep into the emotional trenches, but she does it with grace. the characters' backstories are heart-wrenching and inspiring, showing that even in our broken places, there's potential for growth and love. the writing is chefs kiss. it's smooth and engaging, pulling you effortlessly into the story. the author has a way of making the characters' pain palpable, their joy contagious, and their love utterly unconventional and beautiful. the pacing is just right, with enough twists and turns to keep you hooked yet allow those tender moments to fully resonate.

maybe it's because i've read only a few romantic suspense novels in my life, but i adored the experience. was it totally believable? not really, but that didn't matter. it's a journey of healing, resilience, and finding love in the most unexpected places. it's a testament to the fact that even the most broken hearts can be mended.

thank you, netgalley and mia sheridan, for the arc in exchange for my honest review. it means a lot to me, and i appreciate it.

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you can literally never go wrong with a mia sheridan book. her books will always have depth and her writing is positively captivating. i ate this up and finished it in one full sitting. highly recommend reading this one!!!

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Mia Sheridan is one of my all-time fave authors, forever perched on my auto-read/buy list. So, when I heard she was dropping a new thriller, my excitement went through the roof! Her ability to weave magic in both thrillers and romance novels is a rare gem.

But, The Broken Places took a bit of a detour from her usual style. This one's more of a police procedural/crime thriller than her usual psychological suspense, and you can tell. While I give her major props for stepping out of her comfort zone, this book didn’t quite hit the mark for me. The emotional depth that Mia Sheridan usually nails was missing, and I struggled to connect with the characters and story.

Does this change my love for her? Absolutely not! She's still amazing, and I’ll keep recommending her books. This one was just a bit of a miss in her collection. It happens. I'm still pumped for her next release!

Heads up, though: check the trigger warnings before diving in. TW: murder, child molestation, drug use/addiction, prostitution, torture.

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2.5 ⭐️

I haven't read a Mia Sheridan romantic suspense in a while. While I usually love them, I wasn't a big fan of this one. It follows Inspector Lennon Gray and Agent Ambrose Mars as they investigate a string of murders connected to a specific drug found on scene. I could not get into the mystery surrounding the murders and drugs and I felt nothing for the romance. The plot had potential, but it was missing something for me.

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