Member Reviews

you can literally never go wrong with a mia sheridan book. her books will always have depth and her writing is positively captivating. i ate this up and finished it in one full sitting. highly recommend reading this one!!!

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Mia Sheridan is one of my all-time fave authors, forever perched on my auto-read/buy list. So, when I heard she was dropping a new thriller, my excitement went through the roof! Her ability to weave magic in both thrillers and romance novels is a rare gem.

But, The Broken Places took a bit of a detour from her usual style. This one's more of a police procedural/crime thriller than her usual psychological suspense, and you can tell. While I give her major props for stepping out of her comfort zone, this book didn’t quite hit the mark for me. The emotional depth that Mia Sheridan usually nails was missing, and I struggled to connect with the characters and story.

Does this change my love for her? Absolutely not! She's still amazing, and I’ll keep recommending her books. This one was just a bit of a miss in her collection. It happens. I'm still pumped for her next release!

Heads up, though: check the trigger warnings before diving in. TW: murder, child molestation, drug use/addiction, prostitution, torture.

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2.5 ⭐️

I haven't read a Mia Sheridan romantic suspense in a while. While I usually love them, I wasn't a big fan of this one. It follows Inspector Lennon Gray and Agent Ambrose Mars as they investigate a string of murders connected to a specific drug found on scene. I could not get into the mystery surrounding the murders and drugs and I felt nothing for the romance. The plot had potential, but it was missing something for me.

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Murder, suspense, and romance rolled into one in this upcoming new read from Mia Sheridan. I wish I could say it delivered harder than the synopsis did, but it just fell short for me. I felt like it wasn't really hitting this author's strengths and the storyline just fell flat. It has such a strong, dark premise that could have gone the distance, but it just didn't connect for me.

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I am a huge fan of Mia Sheridan books, and this does not delude. You’ll love it, I don’t do spoiler but I assure you’ll find it breathtaking.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Montlake for the ARC.

🌟🌟🌟 3/5 stars

The Broken Places is about an inspector and an FBI agent who must track down the source of an unknown drug while fighting their attraction to one another. I typically love Mia Sheridan’s romantic suspense books, but unfortunately, this one didn’t grab me. I will definitely check out her next release!

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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3 ½ Stars for this twisted story

Although the storyline is really good, I had a hard time following it at times. I know that parts of the story are from people who are on lots of drugs ... back forth back forth, thud thud thud ... was just repeated too many times and I found a lot of those interviews just didn't make sense. There were lots of characters to keep track of, so it kept me guessing and I do love a good mystery.

Lennon is an Inspector with the San Francisco PD and she's investigating a series of murders where a purple pill with BB left at the scenes. Ambrose is an FBI Agent who is assigned to work the case as Lennon's partner. There is a serial killer out there leaving victims with terrified faces in death. But nothing is as it seems!

I received an early copy courtesy of Montlake through NetGalley.

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Mia Sheridan's writing style is captivating and engaging. I first fell in love with her work in Archer's Voice. When the opportunity to read her latest arc presented itself, I knew I couldn't pass it up. And let me say, Mia didn't disappoint. This book is unlike anything she's written before, and I was hooked from the very beginning. The plot is brilliant and unpredictable, keeping me on the edge of my seat. Mia added a twist that I didn't see coming, making the reading experience even more enjoyable. This book will continue to stay with you even after you read the last page. If you're a fan of mystery, suspense, romance, and thriller, then this novel is a must-read.

Thank You To NetGalley, Publisher Montlake @amazonpublishing and Author Mia Sheridan for providing me with an ARC of this debut Novel.

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I have read a handful of Mia's books and typically love them. This one is just ok for me. It is entertaining and a bit dark with some of the subject matter which can make it hard to get through at times. I will say that at around the 3/4 mark I started to wish I was done with it but pushed through to the end anyway. I did not guess the killer so it did surprise me in a way and kept me mostly entertained. I did not really feel the romance between Lennon and Ambrose like I normally do with Mia's writing. I am actually quite surprised that this book was so mid for me because I typically love books like this and I love most of Mia's writing. So, this was was good but not great for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a thrilling four-star read, honestly it could have been five, but I struggled way too much to get into this story, it was a little out there, but I enjoy reading stories that aren’t too serious, so I enjoyed that and the final third made the story for me, the first third nearly had me DNFing, I just couldn’t get into it. The setting was so well done, and that carried it in certain places, Lennon and Ambrose are oddly good together, and that adds something, but it is a little too much at first. There are thrilling moments in this story, so if you are after a gritty thriller and can keep going, then pick this one up.

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I have a deep personal connection with this author and her writing style. Despite my usual aversion to stories involving drugs, the way she portrays themes of longing and addiction in her books resonates with me deeply.

In the novel I experienced, I found myself completely drawn into the emotional suspense woven throughout. The author's ability to paint vivid scenes and evoke intense emotions kept me eagerly turning pages. Her storytelling created an atmosphere that immersed me in the characters' struggles and motivations, making their journey through turmoil and redemption feel incredibly authentic.

Overall, this book touched me personally, reminding me of the power of storytelling to explore complex human emotions. It's a testament to her talent in crafting narratives that are both emotionally resonant and thought-provoking. I look forward to exploring more of her works, as each novel leaves a lasting impact on me

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Mia Sheridan is one of my favorite authors and without a doubt on my auto-read/buy list. So when I saw she was coming out with a new thriller, I was beyond excited! I’ve enjoyed both her thrillers and her romance novels. It’s such a unique skill to be able to skillfully write in multiple genres.

With all that being said, The Broken Places is a very different book from this author’s typical style and unfortunately that shows in the writing. As more of a police procedural/crime thriller than her previous psychological thrillers, it’s once again a sway in genres. While there’s kudos due for stepping outside her writing comfort zones, this book lacked the connection with the readers that Mia Sheridan is so skillfully known for. There was an emotional depth missing, and I never quite could connect with the characters or the story.

Will this change my thoughts on this author? Absolutely not! She’s fantastic, and I’d happily still recommend her books. This was the one book that just was off for me outta her collection. It happens. I’ll still be excited for her next books!

Be sure to check the trigger warnings on this one before reading. TW: murder, child molestation, drug use/addiction, prostitution, torture

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read this digital ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The overall concept of this one is interesting. I had no idea where the plot was going to go, never could figure out the killer. I did think it got boring about 75% through and I rushed through the end to say I finished it, which is a bummer because I usually love everything Sheridan writes.

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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The Broken Places by Mia Sheridan was a great read.

The story begins with a podcast series of interviews with homeless drug addicts who have endured a hard childhood. Enters Inspector Lennon Grey and her new partner Ambrose Mars who are working solve a series of murders involving a new street drug.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mia Sheridan knows how to craft the perfect suspense/thriller+romance masterpiece.

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I liked this book because it's hard for me to hate anything by mia sheridan. it was dark and intense and passionate.

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4.5 Stars

Lennon + Ambrose

Lennon has been a cop in San Francisco for almost 10 years now. But she's still not used to seeing the horrible things see has to see every day.
There's currently ... probably ... a serial killer on the loose and the FBI sends Ambrose Mars to help in the investigation. Lennon is not happy about some stranger from out of town to come in and do her job. The guy is a bit weird but he's also growing on her ... a lot. But there are lots of mysteries and secrets left to uncover before we can even think about a happily ever after....


Well... I really liked reading this.
I love San Francisco and I love it when I get to read a book that takes me all over the city.
The story was great too - maybe a tiny bit weird or futuristic or fantastical or whatever you might call it. The whole hallucigenic part of it. But I still liked reading it.
I loved Lennon and Ambrose. I would've loved to follow their lives for a bit longer.

The book had everything a great suspense novel needs. It was very violent and mysterious and heartbreaking and so much more.

I really loved the epilogue!

I wouldn't mind seeing this on TV one day.

► THE BROKEN PLACES was a really great and mysterious and suspensy and heartbreaking San Francisco serial killer love story. I really enjoyed reading it!

Tiny little rant about words that are being used too often in a book. This time it is again CRIMINALIST - which is okay to use once or twice ... but after that just say crime scene people or something like that. I hate that word! Next: SINGULAR. I hate it. No idea why.

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A suspenseful mystery with romance. Definitely check Trigger warnings. It kept me captivated but I didn't find myself connecting with the characters at all.

2.5 stars rounded up.

Thanks to netgalley, the author and publisher for an E-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

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The Broken Places is a romantic thriller based around an FBI agent who must track down the source of an unknown drug - a hallucinogenic drug forcing the homeless to act our dangerous trauma role play - leading to murder.
Lennon (FBI agent) and her new partner Ambrose work closely together to solve these cases - romance and love blossoming between the two.
But is all that it seems romance and case wise?

When I first started reading this book I wasn't sure if I would enjoy the storyline - but I did! It kept me enthralled, wanting to know what the heck was happening and how it would all turn out in the end.
This book touches on homelessness, trauma, prostitution and drugs, and while it is a novel of fiction it does open your eyes and gets you thinking about what really does go on in our world, and all the people out there who need help.

A great first read for me by Mia.

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“The Broken Places” is a Romance Thriller set on the streets of San Francisco, following investigator Lennon and FBI agent Ambrose as they delve into a mysterious new street drug causing horrific deaths among the homeless and prostitutes in one of the city’s most dangerous neighborhoods.

I don’t want to reveal too much about the plot because it’s best experienced without spoilers! Initially, I was unsure if it was leaning more towards romance or thriller, but the twist around the midpoint really elevated the story for me! The plot has a futuristic/dystopian vibe with its crime storyline, which I found quite effective.

The book tackles themes like generational trauma, alternative therapies, addiction, and other dark subjects that are important to address. The storyline is challenging and kept me completely absorbed, trying to connect all the pieces. There are some surprises I didn’t expect. This novel is a must-read for those who enjoy a mix of genres that keeps you guessing until the end.

Thank you to Montlake Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC!

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