Member Reviews

I started this book going in blind. Mia Sheridan is one of my go-to authors.
She can write anything, proving her talent goes beyond romance. She is that good. I was so excited when I saw this book on NetGalley and was lucky enough to be gifted an ARC copy.

The Broken Places is a Romance Thriller novel with a complex story that addresses some important subjects.
It takes place on the streets of San Francisco.
Inspector Lennon is trying to solve a murder mystery involving a homemade type of drug that targets homeless individuals and prostitutes in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in town.
FBI Agent Ambrose is partnered with Inspector Lennon to help solve these cases.
Together they must track down the source of this drug and the connections between the murders.

The storyline is challenging and kept me completely absorbed trying to connect all the pieces. There are some surprises I didn’t expect. This novel is a must-read for those who enjoy a mix of genres that keeps you guessing until the end.

I enjoyed reading this book a lot and would recommend it to anyone who loves a mystery with a splash of romance.

Thank you to the publisher Montlake, the lovely author Mia Sheridan, and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest and fair review.

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I enjoyed this book very much! The characters were well developed and the storyline kept me engaged the whole way through. I’d definitely recommend this book to others.

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Lenon is on a case with an FBI agent Ambrose. It's seems to have a serial killer in SFB who kills drug addict.
I really wanted to love this book, I love Mia Sheridan, and all of her book, but I didn't like the subject neither than how was written the investigation.

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An interesting romantic suspense novel centered around Lennon and Ambrose, two law enforcement officers investigating a new street drug that causes bizarre behavior in those who take it. As the investigation continues, secrets and mutual attraction keep getting in the way. Can the case be solved while keeping their hearts protected?

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Mia Sheridan is the author of some of my favourite romance novels, and when I heard she had pivoted to writing suspense thrillers, as well, I was over the moon. Unfortunately, I was never able to fully invest myself in the story or characters. The distant, third-person narration inhibited me from growing to care about our main characters, Lennon and Ambrose, and the writing style itself was bland and lacked personality. I found myself consistently skimming complete blocks of text and having to go back to read sections over again.

The actual mystery itself wasn't too appealing to me, personally, and things only started coming together at the 90% mark in the story. The plot just developed too slowly for my liking and the ultimate payoff was underwhelming. This, when combined with the bland writing and characters, was the perfect storm for my disenjoyment of The Broken Places. I'm really disappointed about my response to the novel, too, because I wanted so badly to enjoy a book from a favourite author of mine.

Thank you to the publisher via Netgalley for providing me with a copy of The Broken Places by Mia Sheridan in exchange for an honest review, All thoughts and opinions are my own and are not influenced by any third parties.

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Very rarely do you find an author who writes so well across genres, but Mia Sheridan continues to surprise me with the depth and flexibility in which she writes. I’ve been a fan of hers since Archer’s Voice, and I was reluctant to read her in a new genre, but I am so glad I did, starting with All the Little Raindrops (which I loved). The Broken Places is another twisted, mind bending story that will suck the reader into a dark investigation. The story is fast-paced and initially may be confusing, but I ask that you hold on for a few chapters, and the story and characters will start to meld and make sense. There are surprises along the way to keep your attention and a feeling of “what’s next” throughout the story. Can’t recommend this book enough!

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The book was okay, but not really my type of book. Reading it was okay, but I did not really enjoy it. I didn’t like the plot and the characters

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I really enjoy Mia Sheridan’s romantic suspense books, but I struggled to fully connect with this one. I loved the plot line and I think it could have been an amazing story, but it fell flat for me. It almost felt rushed in parts that needed more and even with such a tough subject I struggled to connect with the characters. I just feel like it was missing something. The ending also felt very rushed. It wasn’t a bad read, but I feel like it could have been better. Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC.

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I typically love Mia Sheridan books. This one was really hard to get into. I couldn’t emotionally get involved and then there were random parts that were really confusing to me. Overall, it wrapped up and I figured out what was going on. Character development was also rough to me because they seemed very unbelievable. I did like the plot though.

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An intense and electrifying romantic thriller. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, and the suspenseful plot twists kept me hooked. Absolutely exhilarating!

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I kinda struggled to connect with this one, I felt like the characters lacked depth and were quite 2D. The story was intriguing but the ‘twists’ were predictable. 2.5 stars.

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Omg, I'm a huge fan of this author and I absolutely loved this book! Thanks Netgalley and to the publisher for this ARC

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This book was not for me. It felt like one traumatic even after another and I just didn’t connect to any of them. It became a bit repetitive and really didn’t do much for me story wise.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3 Addictive Stars 👀

When I saw this on NetGalley It was an instant click request and I was so thrilled to be gifted this ARC. Having read Archers Voice 💙 I was excited to read more from this author.

The Broken Places is a crime detective novel that makes for a dark thought provoking read!!

“The world breaks everyone and afterward, many are strong at the broken places.”

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul “

Read this if you like :
* Crime / Detective novels
* Thought Provoking Reads
* Current Topics
* Little bit of spice 🌶️
* Likeable Characters

Without giving to much away The Broken Places literally submerges us into the streets of San Francisco alongside the transients and they’re not pretty …and someone is murdering them with a particular unique drug.

In comes detective Lennon and her new partner FBI agent Ambrose Mars . Quickly the two of them hit it off and we follow them into the dark world of street life and at times the realism with the filth and lack of humanity feels to familiar in todays society. Together they try to use their experience and smarts to track down a killer that takes them where no one feels safe 👀

What is interesting about this story is there is discussion of the use of Ketamine Hallucinogens to help treat addictions, mental health associated with trauma which is the second novel I’ve read that dives into this new form of treatment which does give some sort of hope in the real world .

I really wanted to love this novel as Archers Voice by this author I really enjoyed and I do understand they are completely different from each other, but I just felt The Broken Places lacked some compassion and at times a bit racist 🥴

However I am a bit of an outlier so don’t let my review stop you from reading this one as it is a bit informative at times and you may just love it !

***Trigger Warnings Addiction, Homelessness, Prostitution , Rape at times graphic descriptions****

Thank you NetGalley , Montlake and Mia Sheridan for this digital ARC 🙏

Respectfully Another Read by Angie

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Lennon and Ambrose. Reluctant partners investigating a tragic and gruesome crime. But not everything is as it seems.

Maybe Ambrose is exactly what Lennon needs to throw her off balance, and be there the catch her when she needs someone most.

Mia’s prose is both haunting and beautiful, an amalgamation of the best and worst of humanity in an unforgettable narrative in The Broken Places. As Lennon and Ambrose investigate horrific murders, it’s not only mystery and suspense that shroud the narrative, but the brilliant spark of a new romance and attraction between two complex characters. The exploration of trauma and its effects are deep and insightful. I’ve never read a novel like this, one which explores the implications of trauma and society’s views of this in such an interesting way.

The Broken Places is a gripping thriller representing the sad reality of some of society’s most vulnerable, the harmful views society holds of them with a sad lack of empathy, and those who attempt to undercut those whose role it is to help those in need. But Mia represents the few who care, who acknowledge the systematic issue underpinning society and its beliefs and showing how powerful of an impact empathy and understanding can have.

Mia’s understanding of human nature and psychology clearly underpins The Broken Places, depicting, while harsh, realistic and authentic representations of those experiencing homelessness, those struggling with drug addiction, those in sex work and those living with complex trauma. Mia’s prose is both empathetic and reflective, gently making you question your own beliefs of those working in sex work, those who are homeless and some battling addiction, and how each person has their own unique and tragic story and history that are deserving of being heard and acknowledged. My heart wept for so many who have been abused and taken advantage of. But Mia writes what we wish all could truly have, justice for those who have been victimised and brutalised. And while not all can happy a happy ending, Mia shedding light on these atrocities and raising awareness of similar crimes that plague society is powerful in and of itself. A powerful representation.

To simultaneously depicts such brutal situations authentically and sensitively, it is Mia’s skilful prose that interweaves fiction and psychology, allowing us a glimpse into the mystery and suspense of Lennon and Ambrose’s investigation.

The Broken Places is a testament to the strength of the human condition and how there are so many ways that people manage and deal with trauma, and some who are able to overcome trauma, and what’s more beautiful than that. Trauma is complex, but not all are afforded the means by society to overcome that, and that understanding is fundamental.

Mia leaves us with a strong message. Compassion and understanding and grace are so important. And those with trauma, there is hope and love and trust in the world that you are so deserving of, and healing is possible. This is a reminder that regardless of circumstances, everyone is worthy.

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The premise for this book sounded so interesting. The execution was not well done, there was such a lack for emotions even with the traumatic events occuring. I just did not connect with anything. I kept reading for the final reveal, but nothing exciting came of it. I was disappointed.

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Mia's stories are a must read - great plots and pacing. I fly through them. However, this book didn't capture my attention as other romance ones did. It's still excellent. I just didn't love it as much as her other works. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The Broken Places by Mia Sheridan
Rating: 3/5
Release Date: 29 October 2024

In this dark thriller set in San Francisco, Inspector Lennon Gray and FBI Agent Ambrose Mars team up to investigate a mysterious hallucinogenic drug affecting the homeless community. As they delve into the case, their mutual attraction and personal secrets complicate their partnership.

Lennon, worn down by her experiences, finds herself both fascinated and unsettled by the charming yet enigmatic Ambrose. As they uncover disturbing truths and their relationship deepens, Lennon must confront her limits before the investigation takes a personal toll.

“The Broken Places” delves into significant themes such as generational trauma, alternative therapies, and addiction, addressing these dark and important subjects thoughtfully.

However, I struggled to connect with this book, finding it emotionally detached despite the traumatic events depicted. The story felt largely emotionless, even in its darkest moments. My main motivation for continuing was the desire to unravel the ongoing mysteries, but ultimately, the revelations were not particularly surprising or impactful.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Montlake, and the author, Mia Sheridan, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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The Broken Places is about Inspector Lennon Gray solving the murder mystery behind a homemade drug that is being used to target the homeless and prostitutes in San Francisco. The pill looks similar to a drug used by a doctor who has been helping trauma and addiction patients heal.

The Broken Places is an atmospheric experience placing readers in the central part of the city’s most dangerous neighborhoods of San Francisco. There were several mentions of the recent dangers associated with San Francisco helping readers find connect with recent incidents.

Podcaster Jamal Whitaker interviews individuals who have experienced trauma hoping their story helps someone else. There’s a connection between these individuals and those who have turned up dead.

FBI Agent Ambrose Mars gets partnered with Inspector Lennon. He’s new to the task of working violent crimes. Inspector Lennon doesn’t like the idea of training a new partner, yet misses having one. Ambrose complicates the partnership when they cross boundary lines.

There is some romance in this murder mystery. Mia Sheridan navigates a challenging storyline very finesse. It begins slowly illustrating all the pieces while also hiding a few surprises. Once the big picture is revealed the progression of the story begins to unfold at a much steadier pace. I found myself absorbed in the process so glad to finally connect the pieces.

This book doesn’t read like a familiar Mia Sheridan book about romance. Mia Sheridan tackles a storyline that has not been addressed before. The concept is new and unique. I believe it will become quite the buzz. I enjoyed merging a place like San Francisco with its recent headlines and drug testing. It gave this some authenticity. I can’t tell you how many references were made regarding recent events about drug use and crime that had me wondering what’s happening in our world.

The process to unraveling the true intent of this story wasn’t an easy task. Mia Sheridan still wrote with purpose. This was a thought provoking story that had a variety of angles that all tied to one theme. It was connecting those angles that took time to see the full picture. Once the picture comes into focus your mind will be alert to a new light. This book is so much more. Its offering of healing and pain also offers closure and acceptance. Each had an agenda drawn from the same angle but with different results.

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Title: The Broken Places by Mia Sheridan

Release Date: November, 5th, 2024


"The Broken Places" by Mia Sheridan is a gripping tale that combines the suspense of a mystery with the emotional depth of a romance, set against the backdrop of San Francisco's shadowy underbelly.

Sheridan, known for her compelling storytelling, delivers a novel that is both a page-turner and a heart-tugger, making it an irresistible read for fans of either genre.

Inspector Lennon Gray is a seasoned investigator who has seen the dark side of the city she serves. When a new case involving a dangerous and mysterious drug surfaces, she is thrust into the heart of the transient community, where the harsh realities of life are on full display. Lennon's resilience and determination make her a relatable and admirable protagonist, whose journey into the city's broken places is both harrowing and enlightening.

Enter Agent Ambrose Mars, a charming and somewhat enigmatic FBI agent who becomes Lennon's partner in the investigation. Ambrose's innocence, despite his experiences, adds an intriguing layer to his character, making him both a puzzle and a beacon of light in the darkness they navigate. The chemistry between Lennon and Ambrose is palpable from the start, and their evolving relationship adds a romantic tension that complements the suspense of the mystery.

As they delve deeper into the case, the duo uncovers a drug that is not only deadly but also forces its users into bizarre and dangerous role-plays, revealing the stark contrast between the city's glamorous facade and its hidden suffering. The investigation leads them through the city's underbelly, where they encounter the homeless and the lost, shedding light on the human stories behind the statistics.

Sheridan's skilful blend of mystery and romance kept me on the edge of my seat, as the twists and turns of the investigation are interwoven with the emotional journey of Lennon and Ambrose.

The novel explores themes of love, loss, and redemption, asking how much one person can endure before something vital is taken from them.

"The Broken Places" is a testament to Mia Sheridan's versatility as an author, proving that her talent for storytelling extends beyond the romance genre.

It is a compelling read that will appeal to fans of mystery, romance, and anyone looking for a story that offers both thrills and heart. With its richly developed characters, intricate plot, and the vivid portrayal of San Francisco's dual nature, this novel is a must-read for those who enjoy a blend of genres that keeps them guessing until the very end.

Thank you to The Publisher Montlake ,The Author Mia Sheridan & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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