Member Reviews

If you pick this up expecting another Hidden Pictures you will be sorely disappointed. The Last One at the Wedding is very different and very hard to put down. This was another binge read for me, I was so wrapped up in the story. I have seen many reviews saying this is a slow burning mystery, but for me it was a fast paced thriller, full of such unlikeable characters.

That is except for our main character Frank and his sister, Tammy and her foster child Abigail. Frank is a UPS driver who has worked as a driver for 26 years without an accident l he lives a quiet and simple life. He has been estranged from his daughter Maggie for the past 3 years, for reasons that will become clear as the story continues. Out of the blue, he gets a call from Maggie, inviting him to her New Hampshire wedding.

Now you know things won’t go to plan, and Frank soon starts to feel that there is something not right with her fiancée and his family. Things just don’t add up, but all Franks wants is to repair his relationship with Maggie.

My goodness, this sucked me in! a remote wedding, with lots of strangers and a man who wants to spend time with his daughter, Get ready to ignore what is happening around you and get lost in this book.

Thanks so much to Little, Brown Group UK for my advanced copy of this book to read. Get this one on your TBR, published on October 8th.

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Absolute masterpiece. Suspense after suspense. Nice plot twist that I didn’t see coming. Thanks to the author, publishers and Netgallery for this ARC!

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I found it hard to put this book down. Even though the build-up is slow, I whizzed through this book. I enjoyed the plot of the story and how it was told from only one POV. It held my attention throughout, and there were some unexpected twists along the way. Most of the chatacters were unlikeable, but then they were meant to be. The main protagonist, Frank, really grated on me at times. He was overbearing and irritating, but it fit in with his character. I did love Tammy and Abigail. They were the only bearable characters in this story.
Now I come to the ending, what a let down that was for me. It was so underwhelming compared to the rest of the book. I was disappointed with the way it panned out.
Overall, it is a mix of mystery and family drama. That for the majority, I did really enjoy reading it. I'd definitely recommend this book. You may feel differently about the ending than I did, and it's still a worthwhile read.

When Frank Szatowski receives an unexpected call from his estranged daughter Maggie inviting him to her wedding. He is delighted that she has reconnected with him. After meeting up with her and her fiancé Aiden, Frank takes a dislike to him and has a sinking feeling about the man and his family she is about to marry into.

Thank you, Little Brown Book Group Uk for my ARC.

My opinions are my own.

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Hidden Pictures was a great book. This is not. There was a lot that was not resolved or that seemed pointless and unrelated/unnecessary to the plot. I found the story jumbled and the resolution just didn’t make sense. I pushed through to the end but didn’t enjoy this book. If you’re looking for another book to the same standard of Hidden Pictures you’re going to be. disappointed.

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Frank hasn't heard from his daughter Maggie for 3 years. When she phones out of the blue to say she wants him at her wedding, he's over the moon. Once at the wedding venue, he starts feeling that something is very, very wrong. And he soon realises things really aren't what they seem.

I felt this was a bit of a slow burn. Most of the beginning of the book was Frank talking about his job, his life, his daughter, etc. Things don't really pick up until he gets to the wedding venue, and things start getting a little weird. Between the groom who seems depressed, the mother of the groom that no one ever sees, and the mysterious red-head who hints that Frank should run and never look back, it is apparent that there is something strange going on.
The storytelling was brilliant, and there was just so much happening that you just never knew what was going to happen next. I certainly wasn't expecting the wedding day to go the way it did.

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I absolutely loved this book. Jason Rekulak is fast becoming one of my favourite Authors.
This was not the book I expected as I thought there would be a horror element but it didn’t disappoint. It was a fast paced thriller that constantly left me questioning what may come next.

Frank and his daughter Maggie have been estranged for 3 years. Out of the blue Maggie calls to tell him she’s getting married and he’s invited. Frank is over the moon, hoping this will heal their relationship. The wedding is set on a beautiful secluded island owned by the Garner family. Maggie's future husband Aiden happens to be the son of a tech billionaire!

As Frank tries to bond with his daughter and get to know his new Inlaws he starts to uncover some family secrets and in the process risks loosing everything.

The main character Frank is really likeable and I loved the way his character evolved.

A brilliant read full of suspense and intrigue. I would recommend this to anyone who loves a thriller!

Thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron publishing for the ARC. As someone who loved Hidden Pictures I was extremely grateful to be given the chance to read and give an honest review on this book.

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I was a big fan of Hidden Pictures by Rekulak and was hoping for more of the same insidious suspense from The Last One At The Wedding, unfortunately this was not the case.

The novel is from the singular perspective of father Frank reconnecting with his estranged daughter. I really sympathised with Frank, his kind hearted nature and constant drive to do right by his daughter tugged on my heart- which made Maggie all the more unbearable with her self absorbed behaviour.

I cringed through most of the book, all of the characters are unlikeable and narcissistic, so much that it became difficult to believe. I can't bear to think that nobody in a party of hundreds would blink an eye at a death, that all would happily continue to have fun moments after a body has been removed as if it never happened.

Last One At The Wedding paints Frank and his sister as the only decent human beings, every other character has mega money and thus are terrible people, or will do as they're told just for the promise of money.

The plot was over simplified, the entire basis being rich people bad, poor people good and parents being wilfully blind to their children. The monologues were repetitive and the main players were stereotyped.

The ending was wrapped neat and cutesy and I was just underwhelmed by the entire book. Not badly written but not interesting or clever.

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I was excited to read this one after enjoying Hidden Pictures by the same author but I’m sad to say that it definitely didn’t live up to its predecessor.

Our narrator, Frank, hasn’t spoken to his daughter in three years. So he’s delighted to receive a call from her asking if he would walk her down the aisle on her upcoming wedding day. Happy as he is to hear from her, he’s a little concerned, though, when he finds out she’s marrying a wealthy tech heir who she’s only known for a matter of months. Still, he casts his doubts aside and attends a lavish wedding weekend at the grooms family lakeside estate. What unfolds should be a weekend of wedding bells and bliss, but Frank gets more than he bargained as several chilling mysteries come to light.

This has a lot of what I normally enjoy about thrillers - first person POV, short chapters, a lakeside setting - but this was too slow for me and I didn’t enjoy the plot as I felt it was too predictable. All in all, there was just something about the storyline that I didn’t connect with. This might be for you, but it wasn’t for me.

Thank you to @netgalley and @LittleBrownBookGroup_UK for allowing me to read this early in exchange for my thoughts!

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This was an amazing thriller read! I loved Hidden Pictures so was excited to read this and it didn’t disappoint. It follows Frank who had a falling out with his daughter several years ago. She contacts him out of the blue - she’s getting married. He meets the groom and he’s not quite what he expected. There are certain red flags which only pique more at the wedding. Who is his son-in-law really?
Go in this blind, the less you know the better. The last half picks up pace and really packs a punch.

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This is a thriller suspense novel and i just loved it.
I liked all the characters especially Frank who is the father of his estranged daughter when a call out of the blue from her telling him she is getting married and they want him at the wedding but first he wants to meet her husband to be.
All it not as it seems when he goes to dinner he doesn't really like him then there is the wedding.
Lots of secrets all of the characters are done well many good people and many bad. You may not find out which is which until the end but what a ending.
I really enjoyed this book.

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This book begins with the main character, Frank, receiving a call from his daughter Maggie who he hasn’t spoken to in 3 years, to inform him that she’s getting married. Maggie is marrying into a very wealthy family who are well known throughout the community and have their fair share of secrets. As the book progresses, Frank becomes more and more suspicious of what could be going on within the family and we start to see the different twists unravel.

I was interested in this book after reading and thoroughly enjoying Hidden Pictures, and it did not disappoint. I think Jason Rekulak has a great style of writing which makes for an easy yet very interesting read. The suspense built up a lot as the book progressed and after around 40% I found myself not wanting to put it down. The characters were developed exceptionally well throughout the book which enabled me to connect with them and become invested in the plot.

This book was full of twists and turns and constantly kept me guessing. Overall I thought this was a great and very quick read, and I would definitely recommend! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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I was super excited to read this after reading Hidden Pictures but I feel like it fell a little flat for me.
It had a completely different vibe, which was fine. It was just unexpected.

The writing was easy to read and I flew through the book.
I wasn't too fond of the main character, he just seemed super unlikable.

I did guess the ending which was disappointing but there were still a lot of other twists I didn't see coming.

Thank you to NetGalley and Little Brown Book Group for this ARC.

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The characters in this book are incredible, everything about this book is written so well that it seems impossible that it felt so slow to read.
I enjoyed this very much and loved that unlike so many books of this genre I didn’t know where it was going from one page to the next.

Read this if you want a ride that doesn’t let up, just be prepared to hold on in slow parts.

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The Last One at the Wedding is a slow burn, psychological thriller with satisfying twists and turns. I loved the psychology and personality dynamics underpinning the story, and the author did a wonderful job establishing an undercurrent of tension sitting below the seemingly mundane. The writing was detailed and engaging, and I found myself reading with fascination.

The second half of the book quickly built to a quick pace, and I did not see the twists coming. Maggie, Abigail and Frank were such intriguing and nuanced characters, and the writing style was so immersive. I’d highly recommend for anyone looking for a highly binge-worthy thriller.

Thank you Little, Brown Book Group UK and NetGalley for a copy of this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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4.5 rounded up - it’s definitely the most engaging thriller I’ve read in a while, I couldn’t put it down! I think I have hidden pictures 3 stars but the writing style in this one was in my opinion so much better and I just wanted to keep on reading to see where it was going. Good cast of characters - not quite sure who is good and who is bad mixed in with wealth and privilege. I really didn’t mind the ending and the way things went but personally felt it was a little abrupt and could’ve done with a few more pages to completely tie everything up with a bit more closure.

Will be on the look out for this authors next book!

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I was so excited to read this after Hidden Pictures but unfortunately it was just too slow for me. I really struggle with books unless they grip me within the first few chapters and I just felt this didn't get there. So sad after loving the other one by this author

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What I loved about this story... This is the first time I've read a novel by this author and it certainly won't be my last. I adored the writing, which just pulled me in right from the beginning and didn't let me go right until the very last page. The past aspect of this for me was the suspense. I had to know what was happening and what was going to happen next. There were plenty of twists and turns that kept me at the edge of my seat. I honestly did not know what was going to happen next and what the characters, certainly Maggie, would do next...

Would I recommend... Absolutely! This is such a fun thrilling read you need to pick this up as soon as you can get your hands on it!

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Hidden Pictures was such a fantastic read, I was eager to read The Last One at the Wedding. Even though the two books are completely different - I wasn't disappointed. I devoured the novel in one sitting and was shocked at the twists the story took. Definitely one for crime / thriller fans of Harlan Coben and Linwood Barclay

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I enjoyed this book, Especially the slow burn story which really gave a great background to all of the characters. I just hated most of them. For me that’s not a deal breaker though. If it’s a good story I’ll still enjoy it, hence the 4 stars. I liked the twisty-ness of this story, it really threw me to be honest. I feel like I can’t say much without giving things away, the description for the book gives a good summary.

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This is my first read of Jason Rekulak. I completely enjoyed it.There was never a dull moment between those pages and I was fully invested in the story. I liked characters of Frank and Abigail, they were depicted so well. I felt Frank's emotions throughout the book.
I felt something was wrong with Maggie's character and it proved to be true. But the way author provided the detail explanation of characters stood out. I thank netgalley and littlebrownbookgroup for this eARC copy

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