Member Reviews

The Last Visitor by Martin Griffin
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 1 August 2024

In the heart of the Atlantic Ocean lies Navigaceo, a remote island abandoned fifty years ago, now slated for documentation by Tess Macfarlane, a documentary filmmaker.

Tasked with capturing the island's untamed beauty, Tess and her team stumble upon a recent corpse, clad in their expedition attire. Suspicion runs rampant among the group as it becomes clear that someone has been on the island before them, and any one of them could be a murderer. With only five days until their return to the mainland, Tess must tread carefully, lest she becomes the next victim washed ashore.

This gripping novel offers suspense and intrigue, making it a compelling crime story. The setting of Navigaceo, with its isolation and desolation, adds a rich atmospheric layer to the narrative, skilfully utilised by the author to enhance the storytelling.

Griffin demonstrates a talent for captivating readers and holding their attention with compelling characters and a well-crafted plot.

I'm eagerly anticipating what this talented author has in store for us next.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Little Brown Book group UK | Sphere, and the author, Martin Griffin, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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I really enjoyed Griffin's first novel The Second Stranger after being intrigued by the synopsis and this was no different. Griffin clearly has knack for being able to draw the reader in and then keeps them hooked with brilliant characters and an excellent plot. Really looking forward to what comes next from this author

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Navigaceo is a tiny island in the middle of nowhere - in fact the Atlantic Ocean, to be precise - and was abandoned abruptly half a century ago. No-one has been there for decades, so how does a very recently dead body suddenly appear on the island?

Documentary film maker Tess is only there to make a nature documentary showcasing the beauty of the place. The last thing she wants or needs is to stumble upon a suspicious death!

The fact that the corpse is wearing a uniform similar to the researchers who are there alongside Tess means that someone must know something. But what Tess really needs to know is whether keeping a low profile and maintaining a vigilant approach will enable her to survive several days at close quarters with a potential murderer or murderers...

This is a suspenseful read and a good crime novel. The setting and the sense of isolation on Navigaceo provides an atmospheric element to the storytelling that is well utilised by the writer. The book gets 3.5 stars.

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