Member Reviews

2.5 stars.
When I think of mafia stories, I think I am bout to get danger and morally grey characters.
I certainly got the danger, Jules and Rowan’s families are enemies so the forbidden character of their relationship brings spice and angst to the book. The retelling of Romeo and Juliet was more prohiminant than I expected, the hommage goes until most of characters names. Those who dreamt about a sapphic version of this Shakespeare tell will be thrilled. It meant : immediate chemistry and intense love that’s stronger than friends, or family, or even life.
To me, it was a bit furstrating because I missed all the parts I love reading a love story blossoming from bud to beautiful flower. Like I said earlier, I love mafia’s character because of morally grey characters.
I didn’t find it here, characters were either evil or mostly good. Rowan did dirty things, but Zimmer made sure she stayed clean enough for the reader. It is explained that Rowan is different from her dad, thanks to his associate teaching her, but this man is only mentionned and I would have needed to see it with my own eyes to be sold. In general, I wished for more time on a deeper level with the characters to really see their layers. The ending was satisfying but too good to be true, I expected characters to feel way more conflicted. Overall, this book has a good flowing pace, and the writing is good, but I wished Zimmer got her hands dirtier and bloodier. It's more a mafia book for beginners to me. Though, I have no doubt it will be satisfying to most readers.

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I really loved the forbidding romance between Juliet and Rowen. I loved how sweet, passionate and genuine their love was. However I still have mixed feelings about this book. With the love story being amazing. I for some reason felt myself procrastinating to read the second half of the book, despite it being packed with action. I loved how the first half of the book focused on getting to know the characters and them falling for each other. In the second half of the book, it still focused on their love story but in a different way which I think is why this book fell short with me.


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This book was one that I was really hoping to love. Lesbian mafia!?! Yes please. But with this story I was slightly disappointed. The character building was not there and the storyline though good, just didn't quite reach the mark. I'm giving this a 3 of 5 because it was good for a lesbian mafia story but not exceptional on execution.

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Jules and Rowen have fallen in love but their families won't permit it.

Their fathers run rival Mafia gangs, but now their love must be a secret. But when war breaks out between the rival gangs the two lovers must plot to bring down their fathers and put an end to this feud.

I felt this to be a modern-style retelling of Romeo and Juliette, (which I think is hinted at in the characters' names) with forbidden love, and the main characters having to show strength as well as betrayal.

Love the action in this, and at one point I was also scared for Rowen.

These characters are beautiful together and I love Jules's mum, who knew to stand up for her daughter and seemed to be one step ahead.

This novel had the perfect amount of spice with a great storyline that was an easy read.

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(2.5 rounded up)

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for allowing me to read this ARC!

Content Warning: murder, death, violence (including gun violence), assault, misogyny.

Rowan and Jules have some things in common, like being the daughters of two of Boston's biggest crime lords. But their fathers are deadly rivals, caught up in a dispute that has lasted for years, leaving many casualties in its wake -- and meaning that any contact between the two girls is strictly forbidden. When Rowan and Jules meet, though, they have an immediate connection, one that neither of them can ignore. Rowan, who will one day inherit her father's empire, is as tough as nails; Jules, who longs to live a normal life, far away from the violence of the world her family belongs to, has aspirations of going to college and having a career of her own, one that won't involved blood money. But as the two women keep seeing each other, they have to come to terms with the fact that it can't be a secret forever, and that their relationship could be the undoing of everything -- including their families.

This is another book I chose in an effort to venture out of my reading wheelhouse. Not that I never read books like Forbidden Girl -- a mafia lesbian romance -- but for the most part, I typically stick to historical fiction, lit fic, and fantasy. However, I've recently been craving a book that is a little out of my norm, something that is a bit more fun and a little less serious, and I thought this would be a perfect option.

If you're at all familiar with the romance genre these days, you'll know that mafia stories are a dime a dozen, particularly since the "dark romance" trope has become more and more popular. With that being said, I'm sure Forbidden Girl is not the first lesbian mafia romance, but it's certainly one of very few. I've talked about this a bit in some of my other reviews, but while heterosexual romances are allowed toxicity, complications, and darkness, nearly all lesbian ones are reduced to something soft and "unproblematic." I say specifically "lesbian," because this is not an issue that gay men face to the degree that WLW do -- their representation is often allowed to be a little messier, and a little darker, and a little more complex. So, I was very excited and intrigued by the premise of this story, which seemed as if it my hold something quite interesting in its pages.

Unfortunately, Forbidden Girl just didn't quite land for me. The writing is relatively faultless, quite well-done, although it's not my style -- too many witty zingers, not enough exploration of emotional depths -- and I do think that Zimmer is undoubtedly very talented. The plot is pretty thin, but as romances typically focus primarily on characterization and relationship development, this isn't much of a problem for me, unless it's actually nonexistent or too absurd. My main problem lies with Rowan and Jules, our heroines, and the establishing of their relationship: it happens off-page.

Yes, this is a romance, and we don't actually get to see their first kiss, first interaction, or how they came to really be attracted or interested in one another in the first place. It's around the 10-15% mark (I can't recall exactly) when they say "I love you." Other readers might not be bothered by this, but I was baffled by the decision. It felt like a cheap copout to have us already in the middle of their relationship, instead of letting it build and grow in front of our eyes. Isn't a romance half about the anticipation of the first time together, the first date, the complexity of being vulnerable?

It was particularly hard to believe that Rowan, who is extremely repressed with most of her emotions (at least, the ones that aren't anger), would be so easily vulnerable. We could say it's because it's "true love" and Jules unarms her, but if we don't experience any growth to get to that moment, it just falls flat. I really like Rowan's character: she's tough and no-nonsense, but there's obviously a softer core hidden within her, one she has to conceal mainly for her own safety. Jules was less interesting, the princess-type who doesn't have much personality going for her beyond that.

I think it would've been rewarding to get to see Rowan have to go through denial after denial, and it would have made sense not only because of her characterization, but because her romance with Jules is extremely forbidden in the first place. I wanted some back-and-forth, but Rowan and Jules never even argue or disagree, or at least not that I can remember. It was all smooth sailing, aside from the obvious disapproval from their families, and it disappointed me that once again, it seems a lesbian relationship is depicted as absolutely perfect, sunshine and rainbows all of the time.

There's certainly none of the darkness that mafia heroes are allowed; Jules and Rowan are both good people, who only ever act out of love, kindness, or a desire to protect one another. Frankly, it's boring. It would have been interesting to see Rowan more caught up in the gangster lifestyle, perhaps a little more enamored with it, in contrast to Jules's outright dismissal of it. Or perhaps to see her unwillingly drawn into the violence, but occasionally relishing it nonetheless. Anything else would have added a bit of complexity and depth to them, instead of making them seem so wholly virtuous.

Also, why is it that these sexy, contemporary lesbian romances are strangely sexless? There's about three sex scenes, I think, with Rowan and Jules, and they are extremely brief - typically less than a page. I found it a bit underwhelming, especially in comparison to the exploration of sex and chemistry that most heterosexual couples get in their romances. This is just a taste thing, as some people probably prefer less, some prefer more, but it's something I've taken note of that strikes me as a little odd.

However, there were a lot of moments where I did enjoy Rowan and Jules, and for that, I think it deserves two and a half stars. This book held a lot of disappointment for me, but I think my expectations were maybe a little different than what Zimmer was intending to deliver, so perhaps it's my own fault. The writing, as I mentioned above, was also very good, and I think Zimmer did an excellent job of delivering on the details of a gangster lifestyle, and it never seemed as if she were confused or perhaps a bit unsure about what she was writing about. The emotional beats aren't quite there (for the reasons I listed, and because there were times when I was slightly shocked by how Rowan and Jules didn't seem to really care that much about certain things that happen at the end), but I think many readers will find a lot to love in this book.

Not quite a success for me, but again, I must repeat that my expectations might've been skewed. Zimmer is a good writer, and I think she does a good job with making her relationships cute and sweet; this wasn't my cup of tea, but I can already imagine that there will be many people who love this book, and enjoy Rowan and Jules's playful banter.

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I had high expectations but they were spectacularly dashed straight away. I persevered (for some reason), but this is a weak, dull, cliche ridden waste of time. I'm not going to publish this review as I'll get shit from super fans for writing a negative review (madness), but the characters are barely sketched out, there's no real development and it's all as shallow as a puddle. The sex scenes are tacky and formulaic. I didn't enjoy reading this book.

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A delicious, steamy, sapphic retelling of Romeo and Juliet. Mafia daughters from rival families find love with each other.

I received an advance copy from Netgalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Juliette Calloway is the daughter of a Boston Mafia Boss. She spent her life trying to be as minimally involved in her family’s business as possible. Using her excellent skills at cunningly playing her controlling dad Patrick Calloway to get what she wants, Juliette even got to leave Boston for college. At school she got to experience life as a free woman. And that is all she wants. Being a woman uncontrolled by her dangerous dad. Back home for the summer she meets Rowan Monaghan, daughter of the rival mafia king and heir to the Monaghan throne. Sure, Juliette has heard of Rowan. She’s supposed to be ice cold and violent. Never would Jules have expected Rowan to be the woman she falls for. And falling she does.

Rowan Monaghan is the only daughter of one of Bostons top mafia bosses. She spent her life being groomed for a future in crime working as a pawn for her dad Callum Monaghan. As much as she learned how to put the fear of death into people, she despises her life. At the birthday party of her best friends niece, Rowan meets the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen. She knows Juliette Calloway is the one woman she can never have, yet, Rowan can’t stay away. Faster than she could have fired a bullet, Rowan succumbs to her hearts desires. Now what?

I effing loved this book! It’s a modern retelling of the epic Shakespeare romance between Romeo and Juliette. While that may get old fast , Forbidden Girl keeps you on your toes and sweeps you away with passion and danger. I couldn’t put it down!

Rowan and Juliette each grew up in a classic mobster family. Juliette as the daughter that her father feels the need to control and protect all the time. Rowan as the fearless future crime boss she has no desire to become. Both women are working hard towards a future that will allow them to live as themselves. They do so in their own unique ways. Juliette with the help of her mom and Rowan is determined to carve out a life for her and Juliette by defying her dad.

When these two remarkable women get together, nothing can stop them. They do what they have to do, even if it means they have to burn some terrifying, familial bridges. Both Juliette and Rowan are strong independent women, despite their unfortunate upbringing. They each bring unique qualities to the table that enhance the other’s. Together they can take on the world, and that they do.

Because this is a retelling of a classic story, you can guess how it all plays out. The details of how that happens are addictive and even though you generally know what’ll happen Kristin Zimmer keeps you on your toes. There’s even a very spicy version of the infamous balcony scene!

Whatever you do, put this story on your TBR right now and let yourself be taken into the dangerous underworld of crime and undeniable love.

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Don't know what I expected from an R&J retelling given that I hate R&J but I did not enjoy this. Too much insta love for a book with not much romance.

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In itself, this is a great novel. There are two aspects of this story, the maffia part and the romance part. I really liked the maffia part of the story and found the story compelling, however, the book is advertised as a romance book and that it where it actually fell flat for me.
The book started and then made a time jump, which was already quite jarring for me, especially since it wasn't fully clear to me in the beginning that a time jump had happened. Plus, all the actual romance happened in that period. There was little to no tension in their relationship itself, as it just held strong throughout their trials, so even there was little in the romance department.
So if you're looking for a good maffia story or you don't mind that most of the romance isn't written down, I could recommend this book. If you're looking for a romance novel, then I'd advise to look at 'The Gravity Between Us', another book from this author.

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Forbidden Girl by Kristen Zimmer is an electrifying sapphic retelling of Romeo and Juliet, but with a twist. From the moment I started reading, I was hooked by the intense chemistry between Jules and Rowan. This isn’t your typical will-they/won’t-they story—these two are drawn to each other from the start, and I adored watching their bond grow and deepen.

Jules, the daughter of Boston's biggest crime family, vows to stay away from her father's business until she meets Rowan. Rowan, the second-in-command to her own father, Jules's father's deadly rival, initially wants to tempt Jules, but she soon finds herself falling deeply in love. Their love story is filled with spice, passion, and a perfect blend of hardness and softness, violence and tenderness.

Kristen Zimmer did an amazing job illustrating the many facets of these women. Both are fiercely protective of their loved ones and their relationship, showcasing a depth and capacity to love that is truly captivating. The layers to Jules and Rowan’s characters, along with their unwavering commitment to each other, made this a page-turner that kept me on the edge of my seat.

This is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a steamy, heartfelt romance with strong, multifaceted characters. This thrilling tale of forbidden love and fierce loyalty is one you won’t want to miss.

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This was my first FF romance ever and honestly it was pretty good. I love a fast paced book, and this book gave me everything I wanted and more. It was really entertaining, action filled and SUPER sexy.
I wish we had more about how they felt in love, so for that reason I give it 3.75⭐️.
If you love mafia romances, and sapphic books this book it’s for you 💕
Thank you so much NetGalley. Bookouture and Kristen Zimmer for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Romeo And Juliet. But Lesbian. With Mob Families. In Boston. Without Suicide. Seriously, that's most of what there is to this book, without going too deep into spoiler territory (as many other reviews have done, to my mind). Will this book be a Shakespeare level classic, nearly single handedly redefining literature for centuries to come? No. Is it an interesting spin on a tale that *did* do that? Yes. And honestly, for that reason alone it is one you should read.

Now, one flaw here that didn't quite raise to the level of a star deduction, but does deserve to be mentioned, is the casual misandry of the text. It is one thing to be a feminist and want equal treatment for both sexes - an ideal I too share. But when you go so far as to be so overtly bigoted against either sex... you've stepped too far, and this book does that a fair amount. Again, not so pervasive as to warrant a star deduction, but often enough that a discussion in the review is warranted.

Overall, an interesting spin on a beloved classic that does enough blending of classic tale and modern stylings to be entertaining on both levels. Very much recommended.

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Forbidden Girl by Kristen Zimmer was such an enjoyable FF Mafia romance!
I loved the journey both characters went through together.
The writing was amazing and the story held my attention!
This is my first book by Zimmer and I’m pleased to say I loved it!

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Kristen Zimmer
Forbidden Girl: An addictive and completely gripping FF mafia romance
New Release
July 2, 2024

The captivating tale of Jules and Rowan will immerse you in a mesmerizing world meticulously crafted by the talented author, Kristen Zimmerman. This remarkable story has been one of the most captivating reads I've encountered this year. The dynamic between the two female protagonists exudes an electrifying energy, while the fast-paced storyline keeps you eagerly turning the pages. The inclusion of second-person characters adds depth and intrigue, making the book a truly engrossing and enthralling experience. I am ecstatic to have had the privilege of delving into this narrative, which introduces a truly unique individual to the enchanting realm of sapphic literature. Furthermore, I greatly admire the author's candidness and authenticity showcased in her Instagram videos, which further heightened my anticipation for this exhilarating and spicy tale. In all honesty, this story surpasses even my wildest dreams. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the author and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy of this exceptional book. Mark your calendars as this extraordinary masterpiece will be available on July 2, 2024!

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3.5-4 Stars

Let me preface this by saying, this is a good, if not great book, it's just not the book I wanted! I found myself struggling to finish it because I just wasn't invested in the story. It both starts and ends too quickly. We see our main love interests meeting and then it flash-forwards to they're in love and just realizing it/about to admit it to themselves and each out. I think to be truly invested in this story I needed more of how they truly feel in love and the first times and the awkwardness.

The middle of the story was great, and I did find myself easily getting through pages and intrigued what was coming next. The ending felt too rush, the big catalyst scene was what felt like 4 pages long. I wanted more.

All in love, I'm so grateful for this ARC and being able to read this story. There are true and beautiful moments in this story and the father/daughter relationships are incredibly compelling.

This is a story I haven't personally read before and and glad I did. If the premise intrigues I say read it without hesitation.

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This book was hard to put down. It's my first by this author, although I'd heard of them before, but it certainly won't be my last.
The story was well-written and captivating, with an interesting plot and great main characters. At first, when they got together at the beginning of the book, I thought nah, it's probably not going to be my cup of tea. Turns out it's was the whole pot of tea and then some! I was right there with the characters, feeling with them and rooting for them. The spice was spot on, too.

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FF Mafia romance with hints of Romeo and Juliet, so cleverly written.
Their attraction was instant and for each of them there was no doubt about what they felt for each other.
Such a step away from the typical mafia romances I’ve read and for that I applaud the author as it pulled me in and kept my interest from the start.
I literally devoured this book in a day.
Thank you NetGalley, the Kristen Zimmer and the Bookouture for this ARC, all opinions expressed are my own.

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The sapphic Romeo and Juliet we didn’t know we needed! Well reminiscent of but modern and maybe a little less death.

This is my second book by this author and I am ready for more! It took me only a bit to really get into the story, I wish we got to see more of the initial contact between the MCs. The author more than made up for it though through their interactions and chemistry throughout. The spice was done right, not only was it hot but it also flowed with the development of their relationship. Both MCs were relatable and their love believable.

If you’re into sapphic mafia romance then definitely give this a read! Jules and Rowan will have you swooning as well as rooting for them.

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Would I recommend this book? OMG yea go and get it now. I was addicted to this book reading it one sitting. The story line is gripping the characters amazing with lots of sexy fun. Am amazing summer read

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Forbidden girl was indeed addictive and gripping.

Romeo and Juliet is my least fav Shakespeare play but this version of them really made me enjoy the concept of R&J. This isn’t typically the mafia romance I would normally read and devour but it was a nice spin because it was actually enjoyable to see main characters who didn't like the life they were brought up in and doing something about it. ( there were basically anti-mafia which I didn’t mind because if were being so for real what’s the point of the pettiness).

Anyways, even though I liked Rowen and Juliet’s relationship I wish we got to see them coming together because I was kinda confused at the beginning, because it was when they 'first met' and then it jumped to them having already having established a “relationship”. Other than that I’m happy we got to see some normal moments between them ( those were really cute tbh especially the boat trip and when they went on the water In this whole book my favourite character hands down would be Maria ( Juliet’s mom) she reminds me so much of my Nonna (proud Italian's to their core and badass).

one thing that actually annoyed me ( def. just a me thing) was the back and forth of them being ‘ kill them before kill me” but then ‘second guess' but it honestly all checks out because they don’t want that life.. so I can’t even be mad.. because its prob conflicting being in that situation.

* if your looking for a mafia romance were the MC's actually detest the mafia I would definitely recommend and their lesbians a bonus*

thank you bookouture and netgalley for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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