Member Reviews

“For you. Be gay. Do crime.”

How do I describe “Forbidden Girl?” Honestly, I’m not really sure. This story has a lot to it: It’s not only a mafia romance, but it’s a F/F mafia romance! Which is even better, if you ask me.
This is also a Romeo and Juliet retelling, but with lesbians! How EPIC is that?!
Needless to say, I went in psyched, especially after reading that dedication and the blurb. It sounded perfect and right up my alley.
I had to rate this two stars. And that’s mostly for the lesbian rep and references to Romeo and Juliet. If it didn’t have lesbians and those cute easter eggs, it would have been a one star read.
I DID really try to get into the book. But, from the first chapter, I knew this wasn’t for me. It doesn’t read like a mafia romance at all, something I was promised in the description. Nothing seems high stakes enough to constitute as mafia, even with the whole Juliet’s father thing (Sorry, I can’t remember his name at all.)
Anyway. Let’s get into it.
The plot was…. I’m not sure what to say. It has mafia moments, but none of it felt super intense or… well, “mafia-like.” I’ve read a lot of mafia romances, most of them straight, so I really thank the author for having a lesbian mafia romance! But, they all included more action sequences and moments that felt intense and super high-stakes. “Forbidden Girl,” just didn’t have that. And speaking of the title, the relationship didn’t feel very “forbidden.” Sure, we have the fathers not liking their relationship, but the girls don’t really care and continue the relationship no matter what.
Therefore, I just didn’t feel the whole “forbidden romance” vibes from this.
Most of the time, we actually saw them fighting for their relationship and they were never really cut off from each other. Even when they were apart and forbidden to see each other, they were still able to talk on the phone, so…
And why did we only get a summary of how they started their relationship? From the first chapter, I thought we would see their relationship start and both of them attempt to resist the pull they had to each other. Because, well, it’s forbidden, right? But, instead, we skip past that with a summary of how “it was impossible to resist.” Then we jump into the middle of their relationship the next chapter without seeing how it began.
This book needed more angst and mafia stuff. I’ll leave it at that.
I did like the characters. They were really sweet and sappy with each other, and had their own characteristics and defining features. It was easy to distinguish their POVs, which was great.
Some of the things the characters said were just so… there’s no other word, it was cringey. They often didn’t read like twenty-year-olds, and what is with all the “we’re so lesbian” comments? I don’t know, there were so many mentions of how “lesbian” they act.
We already know that. They’re literally in a F/F book. They’re LITERALLY dating women.
I think that gets the point across.
And the other characters?
I don’t know what to say. The mafia fathers just felt un-mafia like, if that makes sense. They had a weird, anti-climatic end, too, but I won’t spoil that for anyone who might want to read the book.
Juliet’s mom, (can’t remember her name, either), was refreshing and supportive. We love a strong mom character who carries a gun in her purse.
No complaints.
I also want to mention that a lot of the thoughts Juliet and Rowan had about men were very sexist. I understand that this is a book about girl power, but I kind of felt uncomfortable with how often they put down men. I’m not trying to say the author is sexist or that this book is inherently sexist, either, but I wish we had less mentions of men being stupid and ego-driven.
Not every man is like that, and I don’t think these comments and thoughts from our characters were essential to the story. They could have been removed, and I would have enjoyed this book a bit more.
This book has a seriously good foundation, but the execution was maybe a bit shaky. I wanted more page time for the beginning of Juliet and Rowan’s relationship.
The angst would have been very welcome in this book, as would the “will they, won’t they” aspect. I probably would have bumped this to three stars if these things were included.
However, I think people who want to explore a F/F Romeo and Juliet retelling with a bit of mafia flavor sprinkled in will enjoy this book a lot!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC

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UMMM EXCUSE ME WHAT???!!!?!?!? Not tis book was one that I really wanted the ARC for. It is a book that when I saw the cover I knew I wanted to read it. I also feel that it is a breath of fresh air. I love a good women power book. I love when women do what we normally see men doing and do it better. So with that in mind please please read this book. It will not be a regretted choice.

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Part Romeo and Juliet, part mafia rivalry, part steamy sapphic romance. If any of these appeal to you, I would recommend keeping an eye out for the release of Forbidden Girl!

Rowan and Jules are the daughters of opposing mafia bosses and when they accidentally fall in love all sorts of drama ensues. The beginning of the book felt a little rushed, with very little background or set up of the main characters or romance, however I found after a few chapters in I really didn't mind the lack of set up too much. There was still enough for me to easily enjoy the characters and the story itself.

It was a quick and enjoyable read, the relationship was cute and fluffy, and the story was relatively fast paced. It is frontloaded with spicy right out of the gate, and simmers down throughout the rest of the book. I do wish there had been a little more wrap up of the story at the end, it felt a little bit abrupt after so much had just happened around them. Both Jules and Rowan were fun and likable characters and they made me really root for them to overcome their obstacles and end up together. I also especially liked Jules' mum, she was independent and strong, but still soft and caring for her daughter which is really awesome to see when we so often have women who are one or the other.

Overall I did quite enjoy Forbidden Girl and I will keep an eye out for more stories by this author in the future!

• Forbidden Lovers
• Grumpy x Sunshine
• 'Touch her and die'

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this was not what I was expecting but in a good way! The writing captivated me and I really enjoyed how easy to follow the writing and timing of the plot were. This is definitely steamy so keep that in mind!

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I really wanted to love this book. The idea of an updated sapphic mafia Romeo and Juliet really captured my imagination. Unfortunately, like the original, I had a hard time buying into this love story. Because of the starting point of the novel, we didn't get a chance to see their relationship build up or understand why they fell for each other and were willing to risk literal death and give up everything and everyone they knew to be together. I think there was potential to really show why they were special to each other, and some of that came out later in the book. But it was really lacking for me in the beginning. Their relationship moved very quickly from secret hookups in bar restrooms to a first date to running away together. There was no longing, not building of the bond that would motivate to make such a momentous decision. That aside, it was a quick, easy read. It was fun and entertaining and I read it in a weekend. I just really wished for more depth and character development.

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Forbidden Girl is a story that will capture your attention from the very first page. Rowan and Juliet, the two main characters, are the daughters of the two rival heads of the Irish Mafia in Boston. I loved that there was no angst when it came to how they felt about each other. They knew their love was problematic for their families (to say the least), but that didn't stop them from loving each other with their whole hearts. The story moves along at a very quick pace, and it's really well-written with well-defined characters. I enjoyed this story from start to finish!

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Romeo and Juliet meets Boston crime families meets lesfic.

A fun mafia-princess lesfic—I’m not sure if I’ve ever come across this before—Forbidden Girl is a contemporary retelling of Romeo and Juliet, in which Rowan and Juliet are irresistibly drawn to each other very early on. How, given they’re daughters of rival Boston mobsters, are they going to be able to be together?

I don’t want to spoil this for readers who are bound to wonder how closely or not Kristen Zimmer sticks to Billy Shakes’s original, so I’ll talk in general terms. Both leads are strong. Rowan is the butch in the butch-femme combo, but mainly because she’s been brought up to be strong and the heir apparent. Juliet, the femme, has been sheltered from the family business; rather as an advanced economics student, she’s looking for a different path in her life. From those points on, the labels don’t hold so much as the traits of each girl are different but not clichéd per label. This makes the leads much more complex and interesting, and we see why their feelings develop and how.

So from this effective foundation, can Ms. Zimmer spin a gripping tale that immerses the girls and challenges their relationship? The answer is yes. What we get is an enjoyable tale that features some great action, questions loyalty, and explores the ties that bind us. And sneaky plots to change the status quo! I’ve read a review that feels these could be more deeply developed. Possibly… but for me the balance was about right. This isn’t a mobster tale that features some romance; it’s a romance tale that features elements of mobster life. I think Kristen Zimmer has pitched it spot on.

4.5 stars for this reimagining of Romeo and Juliet that delivers. Thank you to the author, to the publisher, Bookoutre, and to NetGalley for the chance to read this and give my honest opinion.

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When Jules said, I wish I had some weed, I answered to the screen in my hand, I wish I had some too... Because Rowan took that damn jump and since this book was giving this Romeo and Juliet vibe I got worried there for a minute.

Rowan is trapped in her father's gang business and she hates it, of course she does, because unlike her father Rowan Monaghan has a heart.

Juliet Calloway (or Jules) is, on the other hand, kept out of her father's gang business which seems fine by her until she meets Rowan.

These two fall for each other rather too quick, and tbh that's not something I'm used to. They sneak out, have sex (lots of it he-he) and it feels like nothing else is going to happen in this book. I'm all for sapphic smut but damn, I needed action, I needed sweat, drama, and even blood. And holy guacamole I got all of that with a BANG.

Forbidden love caught in literal crossfire of deadliest rivalry between two families. Now the question is, will the love survive?

I'd say Forbidden Girl is a light FF mafia romance with plenty of steam and humour (I'm pretty much obsessed with the writing, caught me laughing so many times), it will keep you slightly tensed but surely will not aim to wound or break your heart. I'm still getting over how perfect Rowan and Jules are to each other, so much kindness, understanding, and love. At times I wanted some more blood, violence and darkness but hey, it's all those dark romances talking in me and if I'm being honest, Forbidden Girl was a very much needed read for my, recently stabbed from all sides, reader's heart.

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The cover of this book made me want to read it immediately! She is your father’s deadliest rival. You’ve been taught to hate her. But what if you can’t resist her?
Read in 2 sittings, if sleep hadn't prevailed I would have devoured in one. Too marks!

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I was provided an ARC by the publisher through NetGalley.

Rowan (Romeo) is the daughter of a Boston mob boss, the head of the Monaghan family. Jules (Juliet) is the daughter of a rival Boston mob boss, the head of the Calloway (Capulet) family. In this modern, Sapphic adaptation of Shakespeare, the two are drawn together in a fiery romance, where love is declared early on, but obstacles to staying together abound.

The mafia princess trope is new to Sapphic lit, and it's a fun sub-genre. Unfortunately, this book didn't quite measure up to some others I've read. Because the characters get together quickly and the "conflict" involves how they can stay together, the plot doesn't follow a typical romance, which would be fine if the conflict included a good amount of tension. But most of what occurs is easily resolved in terms of the relationship. Because of this, I had trouble staying engaged.

Another issue is the opening chapter, or prologue. Somehow, these two rivals meet at a child's birthday party and it's not clear how or why. Each of their POV sections end with a paragraph that basically tells us that they have become lovers. It felt like a summary and not something that was well developed.

There was a lot of promise in a Romeo and Juliet retelling, but this one doesn't quite measure up.

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Very easy sapphic read!
I enjoyed the hints of Romeo and Juliet but turned on its head, I think this was so cleverly done.
One thing that impacted my experience was just not a ton of emotional depth, very insta love vibes which I didn't think set them up success as far as believing in the chemistry. Maybe more development of how they got there would have helped - it was nothing to everything.
The end action felt rushed, they planned this whole thing for a couple pages of action. I think that could have been more detailed or at least maybe the fallout of that more detailed. It needed something else.
I will say I am very happy with the plot points though, I like when the drama comes from outside the relationship not inside and this gave that. They didn't do the back and forth thing much and their communication was clear which I loved.
I really loved Juliet's mom - great side character to balance the warring families
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Overall I liked the idea of the book (sapphic version of Romeo and Juliet) and the main characters and it was a good read. However, I think a bit to much mafia, guns and violence and way to little romance for my taste to really love the book. A longer epilogue would also have helped since that is now way to short to make me happy.

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I do not think I am the intended audience for this book but written as a modern day lesbian mafia Romeo & Juliet I gave it a go. Especially as there are people raving about it.
It took me a while to warm up to it but when it was finished I could have read more.
There's a fair amount of sex and trying not to be caught sleeping with the enemy.
I always love a TARDIS mention and did I catch an Jane Austen reference?

There is no epilogue - but a 5 months later in my book is an epilogue in all but name.
This shows us life goes on and sometimes the tedium of everyday life is all we've been wanting in life.

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Forbidden Girl is a fast-paced sapphic romance that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Zimmer has once again demonstrated her prowess in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with authenticity and emotional intensity. The familial rivalry provides the perfect balance of intrigue and romance, ensuring that the feud's drama complements rather than detracts from the central love story. It’s a page-turner I couldn’t put down, needing to find out how it would all shake out. I highly recommend Forbidden Girl if you're looking to be thoroughly captivated by an intense and passionate tale.

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I needed something sapphic to read and this was it. It was short, spicy, sweet, gripping and at times funny. There’s not enough sapphic mafia romances out there and we need more.

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A modern take on Romeo and Juliet, the sapphic/mafia kind. Rowan Monaghan and Juliet Calloway are bound to inherit the dealings of their respective criminal families. And while Jules is staying well clear of her father’s affairs, Rowan is deeply involved. And then they start having an affair- secret of course. Good characters, well written and entertaining book. And of course a very different end from Shakespeare’s play.
It also seems to me that Rowan borrowed some of the author’s twitter persona :).

Thank you for the ARC.

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This book was unexpected, neither good nor bad, just different from what I had thought it would be. That being said I enjoyed Rowan and Juliet's story, it was sweet and the sense of humor did not disappoint so that made up for my expectations being shot down (my issue not the author's). I hope you enjoy it cause it is well worth the read.

Thanks Kristen for writing this story, I had fun reading it!

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This book was certainly a different read for me, but I found it to be highly enjoyable and very entertaining! We didn’t have Romeo and Juliet, but we had Rowan and Juliet. Rowan was the tough butch who was being groomed to take over for her father, the kingpin. Jules (Juliette) was a beautiful blonde, an intelligent economics major. She had been forced to live the life her father chose for her. The ladies found each other and bonded, in spite of the violence, confrontations and family drama created by their rival fathers. There was going to be no denying the steamy, passionate desire they had for each other. This book did bring us a lot of adventure, romance and some humorous moments.

The dynamics of the family rivalry was well established and both ladies were forbidden from seeing each other because of the hatred between the fathers. Rowan’s mother had died when she was young. Raised by her father, he maintained so much control that she was forced to be accompanied by bodyguards every time she went out. Jules’ mother was loving, understanding and did all she could to soften her daughter’s situation in dealing with her father. His hatred of Rowan’s father equaled his rival’s.

The tension had been building for years between the two families and the violent culmination was bound to eventually happen. Kristen Zimmer presented an exciting conclusion to this story, but no spoiling the fun for others who are sure to enjoy this adventure.

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The most unhinged retelling of Romeo and Juliet,
I love the attitude this whole book just radiates and it had absolutely everything I should have loved, but I just didn’t. I want to preface this with “it’s not you, it’s me” which this very may well be, I think this just wasn’t really for me.
The romance was pretty steady the whole time, I’m very glad there wasn’t any drama, miscommunication or third act break up, but I do love more to be going on. Paired with the plot and action being quite slow and spaced out it just didn’t really keep my attention. I’d have liked to have seen a lot more of their relationship growing and developing, and them fighting for each other, this felt a little flat and predictable.
A very original and unique new Romeo and Juliet, just make it lesbian and mafia? This is such a weird take but I was riveted by this idea.

‘I don’t make love, I fuck. But she makes me want to learn’ </3

The writing was a little rushed and fast paced to the extreme yet the pacing of the story was really slow, which made it a little odd to read. It was also quite choppy and not very well developed, with no real depth to the characters or especially the story.
I do love how subtly it hints at the original tale, if you look for it you can find so many hints but on the surface it’s so original.
A very modern book, they’re funny and I love their rapport and personalities in general, and Juliet’s mum is an icon and I love her.
I wish I’d loved this, and I definitely did love moments, but it wasn’t a great read for me.

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I was hesitant about the story kickstarting with little background but it was a GREAT READ! The dynamic between the characters themselves as well as their familial relationships kept me invested the whole time. The ending was not as I expected but I was happy with how it turned out!

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