Member Reviews

Viper and Ella...what can I say, WOW!!! I loved the snippets of these two characters previously, and I could not wait for their story! Viper knows Ella is his. He's been watching over her and slowly integrating himself into her life from the outskirts. Ella has a strong pull towards Viper every time she is in his presence, not knowing they have had a whole other past together. Angels and Demons shouldn't be together, should they? Viper's past is the reason Ella doesn't know who she is to him, and one of the many obstacles that seems to be getting in the way of their possible future. I love Viper and Ella's rapport, and how they were with each other. I also really enjoyed getting to know their families and how Viper's crew was automatically super protective of Ella. Many twists and turns, with some surprises at the end...I absolutely loved this book! I haven't found a Suzanne Wright book I haven't loved yet though, and this one is definitely my new favorite of this series!

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A fabulous return to the crazy, paranormal world inhabited by demons, witches, imps and all manner of hell beasts that hides beneath the bright lights of Vegas and now with Viper we can add badass fallen angels and bikers to that heady mix. Once upon a time Viper was an arch angel, until he fell to earth in search of the woman he loved who’d had been taken from him. He waited years for her reincarnation only to find she didn’t remember their past life, even as she felt some strange pull towards him but the Celestial beings who parted them in the first place weren’t about to let them have any happy ending.

I loved the introduction of new characters which brought new blood to one of my favourite paranormal series. The heroine Ella has been a recurring character throughout, but Viper was more of a mystery, surrounded by rumours, none he was ready to confirm or deny. His behaviour towards Ella might’ve seemed stalkerish but others would call it being protective and given their past could you blame him! Their overall story was fast paced with plenty of sizzle and smexy times, strong family dynamics and the wickedly delicious banter I’ve expect from this author all while ramping up the suspense as danger stalked Ella and while the majority of the world building for this series has already been done, Viper added its own block to that world…... or perhaps that should that be MC compound!

Suzanne, I hope the voices in your head keep talking and you never stop writing. You truly are one of the few authors that I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve re-read or re-listened to your books, so much so I could probably recite huge parts of them from memory but somehow every read or listen is like the first time all over again and they always brighten my mood and leave me smiling if not outright laughing.

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Having been a fan of this series for a long time I thought Viper and Ella’s story was the perfect progression. I loved all the cameo’s from other characters in the series as it tied the story together perfectly and the portrayal of the relationship between Viper and Ella is perhaps the best in the series for me, as it evoked so much emotion to read everything they had been through and see them pull through it together in the end.

A huge thank you to Netgalley and Little, Brown for the ARC copy in return for my honest review!

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Obsessed!!! As always Suzanne Wright has blown me away with this book. I absolute loved it - Viper is definitely the new book boyfriend. Excited to see what comes next.

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This story is a mesmerizing blend of romance, supernatural elements, and heart-pounding action that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The story revolves around Ella, an incantor who uses her powers for good, and Viper, the enigmatic president of the Black Saints' motorcycle club who carries the weight of centuries-old secrets.

From their first electrifying encounter, the sparks between Ella and Viper are undeniable. Wright's descriptive writing brings the world of the Black Saints to life. The stakes are high as old and new enemies threaten to tear Ella and Viper apart, adding layers of excitement and unpredictability to the plot.

This is a book weaves together romance, action, and the supernatural. It is a must-read for fans of paranormal romance. Ella and Viper's story is one of passion, sacrifice, and unbreakable bonds, leaving readers eagerly anticipating what Wright has in store next.

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I really loved this book, I’m a massive fan of this author and this was another great book in the Dark in you series. We were introduced to Viper and Ella in previous books and I was pleased that they were given their own book and story, the story was unique but fit in nicely with the rest of the series. New characters were introduced and some of my favourites from previous books made an appearance.

Cant wait until another book is released!

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Suzanne has done it again, she had me hooked from the very start and doesn’t let you go. The Dark I you series is my favourite of all her boooks, but I love everything she has written, she has the perfect balance of action, adventure, chemistry, steam, romance, humour and urban fantasy in one neat addictive package. Viper is a wonderful addition to this series and as I’m greedy I as always can’t wait for more. I’m an autobuy auto read fan of Suzanne’s and once you read one of her books you will be too

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Thank you Netgalley and Little, Brown Book Group U.K for this early reader's copy. Every time I eagerly wait for Suzanne Wright book and her entire universe of amazing characters . In this book we are going to know about her intriguing character named 'Viper' . It is the tenth book in her 'dark in you' series. This book tells us the story about the main characters ' Viper and Ella' .
What I really liked about this book that it starts from the past life of Ella & Viper and show us the glimpse of their past relationship . I really loved this book. Thank you Suzanne Wright for this amazing book.

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As always with Suzanne’s Dark In You series, the latest book Viper was absolutely amazing. I love that we finally got Viper and Ella’s story and it did not disappoint. The chemistry and banter between these two was 🥵 and the past lives aspect was a great spin to this story.

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Suzanne Wright writes paranormal romance like no other and I thoroughly enjoyed this read!

This is the love story of Ella and Viper who were introduced previously in the series, but in my opinion you don’t actually need to read the series to enjoy and love this book…but I still think you should, as I don’t want you to miss out on a fantastic series and you will appreciate the cameos.

Jumping back into the series for me was like having a night out with your best friends. I knew it was gonna be a good read and Suzanne didn’t disappoint. I couldn’t wait to find out more from this world and there was a surprising amount of new worldbuilding for an established series. I knew I’d be getting paranormal romance with some twists and hot spice. It was a great night of reading, and yes I did stay up all night to read it.


Thank you to the publisher, author Suzanne Wright and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced reader copy. This is my honest review.

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Excellent addition to the author's Dark in You series. Ella and Viper are so hot and steamy together. I love how Ella just gives attitude back to Viper when he wants to take over. She's no shrinking violet...and Viper adores her for it (even as he would like to protect her from his enemies). I like Ella's sister, Mia, and Viper's "brothers" in the MC (note: this is not an MC romance, as this is not your typical MC). I do wish we had more time with the original characters in this series, but I enjoyed when they were there. There's plenty of danger, fighting, bad guys, spells and enchantments, fun, witty banter, and steam to keep me reading past my bedtime. I've actually read this book twice since I received the eARC.
Highly recommend.

Many thanks to Piatkus Publishing and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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Continuing series with new characters this is welcome back for Suzanne loved Viper good characters and sizzling scenes. Was a shame we didn’t see more of the original characters from the series. My only gripe I thought it was a bit to long some unnecessary scenes.

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I was lucky enough to receive this book as an ARC. While I love all of Suzanne’s series, the Dark in You is a particular favourite, and I was super excited to read Ella and Viper’s story. Once again, Suzanne has written an amazing book (I read it in one sitting) that pulls the reader in, completely immersing them in this paranormal universe. Viper was an amazing addition to the series, and it was great to officially meet Ella (peripheral character, she’s been mentioned as a friend of Levi’s for some time).

Ella and Viper are a brilliant couple. Fallen angel and a demon (he F E L L for H E R). Viper instantly became one of my favourite MMCs (challenging Levi and Maddox for the role). He’s committed, devoted, obsessive (stalkerish, some might say), protective and possessive – all whilst respecting Ella’s ability to stand up for herself. Ella was brilliant. She was clever and quick, she was patient and understanding – esp. with Viper, she was loyal to a fault. Their relationship was really precious.

The book contained some of my favourite tropes (spoilers!) and I’m really excited to see what comes after this. I’d love to see a book about Luca (my man slayed) but I’m also still hoping for Ciaran’s story (Khloe’s twin, my man’s F I T).

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This is my first book by the Author and based on this offering won't be my last

Viper a 'fallen' Archangel has been searching for his mate, taken from him lifetimes ago - she is now within his reach .
But due to the actions of his former Archangels she has no memory of who and what he is , will she accept him as he has become ?.
Ella is an 'incantor' using her magic/powers to protect innocents but when she sees Viper , the head
of the Black Saints, across a bar she finds herself falling hard .......... but he is the last man her family and
Anchor will accept .
As their relationship progresses he is just waiting for the right moment to reveal their past life but events bring the matter to the fore -
he can no longer wait to reveal his secrets for someone is out to kill both of them - can she accept him as he has become ?
When she finds out that she is pregnant there is no way of hiding their relationship - the Celestials will come for her and her baby , death
their preferred option ,
Viper will do anything to protect them both , even at the expense of his own life ............. he might just be surprised by those willing to
step up and help when he needs it the most

This is a brilliant fantasy read - fast paced with twists and turns aplenty , characters you become invested in and can relate to ,
the worldbuilding outstanding

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my ow

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I loved this book!

Although, I did not read the other books in this series, but I loved Viper so much. The fated mates, fallen archangel/demon, and just everything about this book was perfect. Ella and Viper were so cute and I absolutely devoured it, and hated having to put it down to do anything else until it was finished.

Summary: Ella, an incantor, feels an electric connection with Viper, a gang leader and fallen archangel, amidst growing threats and secrets.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC of this book.

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Saying that I read this book is putting it mildly. I devoured it completely in just a few hours! Once I sat down and started reading the first word, I didn't get up until I reached the end. It was worth being sleep-deprived the next day. This story started great already and it kept getting better.

Viper is the president of an MC club, and rumours say he's a fallen archangel. Ella is an incantator and deal with supernatural issues both for the humans and for the demons population of Las Vegas. However, since she met Viper, she keeps having strange dreams and she can't keep her distance from him. Viper is full of secrets that he can't reveal yet. He's just waiting for the perfect moment to come clear about the truth—about Ella's past. Not everyone is happy for the two of them to be together, both angels and demons have their opinions about their relationship. It's up to them to fight for it and to stop the people who are trying to break them apart.

I'm a huge fan of the Dark in You series, and I'm so glad that book after book, the series never disappoints, although Knox and Harper will always be my favourite couple.

Thank you NetGalley and Piatkus for a digital ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I received this book as an ARC. I love everything Suzanne writes and this book was no exception. Ella is an incantor (magic wielding) demon and Viper is a fallen archangel and leads his biker crew (fellow fallen angels). Viper knew and loved Ella in her past life prior to her being killed and had been looking for her since then. When he finds her again he falls to be with her (aww). But the uppers don’t like him stepping out of line so the couple has to deal with celestials as well as some truly bad hell born demons who are wreaking havoc at the same time. Viper’s biker club is one of my favorite parts of this books. His brothers have hilarious interactions throughout the story. Ella and Viper’s relationship feels solid from the beginning, there are plenty of hot scenes between them and zero angst. I love how protective he is of her even though she mostly doesn’t need it. We get cameos from lots of our favorite characters from the dark in you books (including Lou), and the book definitely sets us up to want to see the story for all of Viper’s brothers. Can’t wait for more!

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I tried to read this but I wasn't a huge fan. It didn't grip me quick enough to keep me wanting to finish the book. Maybe I will go back to it another time.

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I have been looking forward to reading this book since we were introduced to Viper in Fallen and it didn't disappoint. Suzanne has once again created a great cast of characters who are funny, dangerous and a little insane. This book has quickly become one of my favourites and I have read it twice already.

I love Ella and Viper and their story, and that not even death could separate them.

Thank you so much for the ARC NetGalley and Little Brown Book group.

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I love Suzanne Wright and the Dark in You series.

Unfortunately, this one fell a bit flat for me. While I liked Viper, Ella just didn’t capture me the way the other fmc’s in this series did. While I liked the story, I wasn’t really invested in their relationship or characters. It also didn’t really feel like a Motorcycle Club. The fact that when Viper wanted to talk to all of them together he called for “a meeting” instead of “Church” (which is what a meeting is called for bikers), really took away from the whole MC thing.

I’ll still continue to read this series because I love it, but was disappointed with this one. I would love for Teague’s clan to be next. At they made an appearance too!

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