Member Reviews

When I applied for this arc I did so because Suzanne Wrights shifter series are my go to to recommend. So I knew it would be well written. I have also read the first in the Dark in you series but didn’t manage to get any further. So coming in at book 10 you might think I would struggle to follow, this book is easy to read as a standalone and draws you in to the world. Making sure you know enough to understand the world, follow and be invested in the plot. But not so much that it feels like an overloading on the past books. So brilliantly written. I also liked that there wasn’t the miscommunication trope and Ella wasn’t dramatic/over reacting to finding out about Vipers past.

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I had the privilege of reading the upcoming book in the "The Dark in You" series by Suzanne Wright, one of my favorite authors, before its official release date. As a fan of the series, I was captivated from the very first page and couldn't put it down.

This latest installment rekindled my love for Suzanne's writing and storytelling. The introduction of new characters added depth to the story, while the reunion with familiar faces felt like a delightful meeting with dear friends. The plot was gripping, and kept me turning pages on the edge of my seat.

Overall, I have no doubt that this book will be an instant bestseller. I am thankful to Netgalley for granting me access to this incredible read. Fans of the series are in for a treat with this latest addition, and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a captivating blend of dark fantasy and intriguing characters.

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I was so freaking EXCITED to get an ARC of this book I nearly peed myself! Once this baby uploaded, I dove right in, and I was so f**king HAPPY...but then I read the shitty circustances our heroine found herself in right off the jump, and then the tears came. And then the laughter and then the uncomfortable seat shifting to stop the ache, and then came more tears and laughter, and more shifting and thigh clenching....

Viper was devastatingly in love with Ella. My heart broke for him and what his "friends" had done to him and to Ella. To see how he longed for her, how he waited for her, watched over her, loved her from afar.... It was so beautiful. As with all of Ms. Wright's books, the banter was fan-freaking-tastic. Those bikers are freaking hilarious, and it was great to see couples from other books in this one.

Overall, this book did NOT disappoint. I was disgustingly happy to read this romance, and I was sad when it was over. I am definitely looking forward to reading more books about the Black Saints.

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I loved this book! Ella was mentioned earlier in the series as a friend of Levi, and there was a moment of sizzling chemistry when Viper accompanied him to Ella’s shop and saw her for the first time. This book starts off by explaining their backstory - and it’s not what you’d expect! The story is mostly set in Viper’s clubhouse, so there are only minor appearances from Harper, Knox and the gang. I really liked how, as with the last book, we get to know another group of fun characters, this time Viper’s club brothers, who all have secrets to hide. This gives a lot of scope for future plots and I really hope that Ella’s anchor gets his own book, as he is a really fascinating character! Viper and Ella make a great couple and, as ever, I’m amazed at how each character / relationship is so psychologically nuanced and original. I can’t wait for the Audible version to be released and know I’ll be listening to and reading this book over and over again!

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I just finished Viper by Suzanne Wright.

Viper is the story of fallen angel Viper and demon Ella, I have been waiting to learn more about Viper since we first met him in another couples book. I really enjoyed Suzanne’s spin on fallen angel’s and the 7 deadly sins I found it very unique. Viper is part of the Dark in You universe but it can be read as standalone.

I hope this isn’t the last we get in this universe!


I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review *

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I just reviewed Viper by Suzanne Wright. #Viper #NetGalley

Another 5 Star read from suzanne.
Ella an incanter and Viper (who has lots of secrets) are drawn together, but not everybody is happy about it. There's love, laughter and some amazing fight scenes. I couldn't put it down.

The characters were hilarious, endearing and fierce. I loved Vipers gang and really hope we get more from them in future books!

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These two have been an obsession of mine since the second we saw them interact in Hunted.
I have to say, I couldn't put it down, and I'm so thankful I got to read this as an ARC because it was a Suzanne Wright book, if you can't tell by how many times I reread her books, I'm slightly consumed with her stories and writing style.

Viper and Ella, Ella, and Viper; I found their whole story so alluring and entertaining I didn't put it down, I read this book in a day (it was 5 AM when I ended). Their chemistry, their banter, the back and forth, the companionship, the friendships... gosh everything had me hooked.
I hadn't read a past-lives trope before, but this one is now the standard. Viper IS the book boyfriend of the month. And my sweet-but-dangerous Ella, the woman that you are, the perfect FMC, such an icon standing up to who you know is a dangerous being, that's my girl.

Suzanne, this is for you, please, I beg you, write 30+ books, every character, but especially my man Luka. I will read them all, everything you write.
This book was so fun, action-packed, and sexy that I will reread it for years.

Sidenote: I found some typos loc 278 (powersthat), loc 367 (defaultsmiler) ,and loc 410 (Iam)

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Absolutely Phenomenal.

I've been a long time fan of the Dark in You series. I'm amazed at how every new book that comes out the author manages to keep the stories so fresh and interesting! I've been waiting for Vipers story since he was first introduced in Rainis book! Again a whole host of fresh new characters have been introduced and I cannot wait to see where we are taken next. This story was fast paced, rich, funny at times and exciting enough to keep me enthralled. I absolutely loved Ella, I felt she was such a strong character and not one dimensional at all. Her and Vipers Back stories were intriguing and I genuinely couldn't put this down!

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WOW. The attraction sizzles between Viper and Ella from page one. The back story of Viper and his brothers, as he calls them, is intense. Even more so as the story slowly reveals Viper and Ella history and their betrayal by his fellow angels .

A great, sexy story of eternal love.

Ella is a strong demon incantor while Viper is an unknown angel in a motor cycle gang. As they come together people from their past and present rush to either kill them or separate them.

Thankfully love conquers all
A wonderful and well written book

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Once again i've been sucked into this world and only been spat out when i got to the end. Loved Ella and Viper, was just disappointed when it all ended

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This woman is an amazing story teller! I adore her so much!
Viper was so awesome. I loved reading it! As I love all written by Suzanne!
Viper is such an awesome hero I loved and felt for him so much.Ella was amazing as well and together they are one of my favorite Suzanne couples so far. I recommend this story a thousand percent.

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I have been a huge fan of Suzanne Wright’s books for a long time and when this book was announced I could not wait to get my hands on it! While I feel like ‘Viper’ had slight similarities to the previous books in the series, it definitely held its own and did not disappoint. One thing about a Suzanne Wright book is that they are always unputdownable. Our two main characters were lovers in a past life but were ripped away from each other due to forced circumstances. ‘Viper’ our MMC has spent centuries looking to reunite with his long-lost love. Once he has her in his sights, he implements himself into every aspect of her life. Some may say OTT but personally, I enjoyed it. ‘Ella’ our FMC was very strong-willed, and was such a great female protagonist! I really liked the dynamic of the characters and unravelling the mysteries of the book along the way. All in all, I enjoyed this book and I know the next one will be just as good.

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This book was soo good. I don’t think it fixed all of my problems but it really tried like hell. Lol I would read anything by Suzanne Wright so when I saw this pop up on my net galley account my heart started beating faster… I was that excited!

I have loved every single book in the Dark in you series and this one is no different. I have wanted a Viper story for a while. I’ve been intrigued by him and his club since getting glimpses in the previous books. His story was definitely sad but then happy again. The guys are soo funny, I love their banter. They are your typical idiots who are absolutely ridiculous, but their also bad asses. I also loved Lou at the end. He’s freaking hilarious. Already wishing for the next book.

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This was an amazing addition to the series. It was nice to get a break from the regular gang and get further insight into decendents. Viper is one of the big bad seven who has fallen and as usual when the big and powerful go outside the regular norms, the higher-ups aren't happy about it. When you look into the meaning of names you can totally guess which of the 7 fell and i wouldn't have expected any other angel. It was really great to see the complexity of his character and the strong love he has for Ella. The surprise at the end was so sweet Lilibeth should absolutely get her own story. It was great to see how different his curse is to regular fallen angels. It was sad about is former brothers and their betrayal but they came through in the end.

Ella is an amazing character. Possibly the most un demon like in the series we have encountered but a perfect match for Viper. The best thing about this story is that there is a really great a mix of the past and future and it was nice to see further family dynamics. I absolutely love Ellas anchor he's a treat.

Can't wait for further instalments from this series.

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I received this book to give an honest review.

I have been waiting for this new arc in the series! Viper and Ella are a wonderful couple. I love how there is such balance in their relationship. It’s not a constant push pull for dominance or control.

Viper is the leader of the black saints (fitting name), and is great about being in charge, while knowing when and how to delegate. He’s dealing with a curse from his fall, but handles it with a hard earned ease, by being with Ella.

Ella is one of my favorite kind of female characters. Confident, without being in your face about it. She doesn’t need to constantly push for control, and handles change with ease.

Definitely a book you want to read! Can’t wait to see what’s next!

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I Absolutely Loved Viper and Ella so much and another amazing book written By Suzanne wright. It did not disappoint I love the dark in you novel series so much!!! You will Absolutely love Viper and Ella their story is Amazing and Beautiful!!!

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I have loved everything Suzanne Wright has written. She always has the check list of everything I want in a book. One of the best paranormal authors. Always has strong female characters and incredible banter between the characters.

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I absolutely adore The Dark In You Series and this book was no exception.
I have been intrigued by Ella and Viper since they were introduced in previous books.
Suzanne did not let me down with them.
The story is absolutely amazing.
I literally could not put it down at all !
If I could rate this more than 5 stars, I would!

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Viper is a fallen Angel, now leader of a motorcycle pack of other fallen angels. He is pure alpha, if he hates it’s strong and vengeful, if he loves he’s all in, strong and protective.
Everleigh was his soulmate but killed by celestial archangels to punish Viper for falling in love , now reincarnated as Ella but not remembering her previous existence she has very strong deep feelings whenever she sees Viper, he makes it obvious about how he feels about her but not telling her their shared history. Their bond is as strong as ever but forces are trying to separate them again.
An absolutely cracking story with scenes of love and dull on battles being so descriptive you feel you’re in the middle of all the action.
Great to reconnect with some old characters especially the scene stealing ‘Lou’ who remains hilariously bonkers.
A brilliant addition to the Dark in You series.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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This is book ten in The Dark in You series. While this book can be read on its own, I'd recommend reading the series in order so you have a general understanding of a lot of the side characters and the world.

This book focuses on Viper and Ella. We have seen Ella pop up in previous books but she is very much a peripheral character. We've just recently learned about Viper and his group of motorcycle riding fallen angels but there isn't much known about them.

I will say I never felt very invested in the story. I enjoyed it and the characters and learning about new demons and aspects of the world that Wright has created but I was never particularly worried or stressed with how things would work out. There are several large reveals in the book but the reader learns about them early on and by they time they are brought to light for all the characters it didn't seem to be a big deal. My feeling may have to do with the use of past lives as I didn't really feel much of a connection between Viper and Ella. He was essentially her stalker and when she learned about that, she was fine with it cause he knew her in a past life and was looking out for her best interests.

Excuse me, what? That's not okay!

That said I didn't dislike Viper. I felt that most of the book was from his perspective so the reader can understand all his thoughts and reasonings but even with that, I wasn't that invested. There wasn't much build up or drama between the couple which is nice but didn't seem realistic within the bounds of this story and all the large revelations. All the drama had to do with outside influences and the couple just kept bouncing along like nothing was dramatic or interesting with how their relationship began.

Overall I didn't really jive with this story but I do generally love Wrights books and I will keep reading everything she publishes.

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