Member Reviews

Whilst I couldn't stop reading about Blu and Jace's, I'm not sure I actually enjoyed their toxic relationship develop and the horrible things they did and said to each other. I felt like Jace was very juvenile and tried to remember how men I'd spoken to around that age had been and it was probably quite accurate. I felt sorry for Blu and was happy to see her address her issues and get help towards the end of the book.
I feel like the reviews I've seen had put this book on a pedestal of a great love story but I think the better part of this book was Blu finally choosing herself to love and no one else, I don't feel like Jace got that same outcome but I felt less inclined to care about him the more of a shitty person he was

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I cried like a baby and I was not ready for this book to be so sad I think it’s illegal.

The ending made me cry even more her nit picking up the phone

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I found the chapter formatting in *Hue of Blu* somewhat confusing; I would have preferred clear indications of 'past' or 'present' rather than labels like "week 4, day 1." As the significance of this was completely lost on me and I found myself wondering what I had missed, if anything.

Despite this, Blu Henderson was absolutely captivating. At times, I almost didn’t want to like her, but her candidness and inner conflicts were so real that I couldn’t help but resonate with her. I appreciated that Blu's character remained consistent throughout the entire book, with the author never losing sight of who she was.

The storyline developed at a well-balanced pace, allowing the plot to mature without dragging. The writing was beautifully crafted, capturing the rawness of the situations so vividly that it felt like you were truly witnessing the events unfold before your eyes, rather than reading fiction.

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This book was so raw yet real I was captivated, I sympathised with blu and really loved the author showing the struggles women go through! Jace I loved at first but towards the end I realised he was toxic and couldn’t love himself. Neither of them could! I sobbed when she found her worth!

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I’d seen quotes from this book all over TikTok for months and I wanted to read it, but from I saw I didn’t think I was ready being in a weird state myself. I thought this would be the deep dive into a toxic relationship, and whilst it was, I found the majority of the story to be aggravating.

I hated Jace with every fibre of my being. The poor sad boy who felt like no one understood him and he was all alone. The only way for him to deal with this was to mess around with a fragile young woman so he felt good about himself. I’ve been in this situation and I feel like there are millions of other women that have too.

The author couldn’t have written the fuckboy any better than she did. My heart broke for Blu. I just wanted her to get the hell away from Jace and I’m so annoyed it took so long for her to realise this, but ‘love’ takes over everything.

I was very happy with the ending. With Blu coming to love herself and realise Jace was the destruction of her. The alternate ending in the book however did not need to happen.

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This book put me through the emotional ringer. I was laughing and crying the whole was through. It was a unique writing style I wasn’t used to but I loved it.

I think this story is relatable to SO many young females who have loved someone more than they love themself.

I would recommend this as it can say that for me it was a five star read *****

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I genuinely think it’s going to take me a while to get over the ending of this book. The final chapter choked me up completely and even made me teary, and I finished the book in a bit of an emotional flap. It’s so bittersweet and beautiful and the perfect ending to a really wonderful story.

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