Member Reviews

This was a twisted read, it was fast paced and held my attention until the end. I had not previously read Penny before and can't wait to devour more of her books.

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The Reunion Party by Penny Batchelor is an engaging thriller.
It was fast paced and had me hooked right from the beginning. It was a brilliant plot. Played out well. Very well written.
With lots of twists in this book to keep the reader guessing. The characters were brilliant, and all complemented each other well.
A very enjoyable story.

Thank You NetGalley and Embla Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This was a very tense and thrilling read from start to finish, it had me questioning who to trust throughout.

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The Breakfast Club get back together and every point of view gets an airing. These different perspectives made it a deeper reading experience than it otherwise might have been and added a great deal of value. I liked the writing style and felt the interplay between characters made for some interesting diversions from where the plot was ultimately headed.

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This is a little tough to review. This book moves quickly, but not with purpose and is hugely unbelievable but has some really nice characterisation.

I would think this is a gorgeous beach read.

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I loved the premise of this book but could not get into. I thought the writing was good and the characters were interesting but thought it went on too slowly

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Tania was killed 25 years ago in a car wreck. Her 5 old college friends get together at a secluded hotel to celebrate her memory. Things quickly go haywire and it turns into a reunion from hell with them fighting for their lives. This was an excellent read with some good twists and turns. I hope to read more by this author.
Thanks NetGalley and Embla Books for this eARC that will be published June 25, 2024!

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I do like a multiple POV book, it is interesting to read the same events from different perspectives. I also like seeing how the character's lives have changed and how they feel about their past.
I liked the short chapters in this one, each ending on a cliffhanger, I was definitely kept turning the pages. However, it did seem a bit unrealistic at times. No parent would realistically agree to hand their mobile over and be uncontactable for a weekend. The book started off well but became ended up too far fetched. The dramas between the friends when they were at university were overblown in my opinion leading to so many consequences that just shouldn't have happened if only people had spoken to each other.

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The Reunion Party, Penny Batchelor’s latest, features five friends reuniting 25 years after the death of their ringleader, Tania. Gathered at a remote boutique hotel where cell phones are forbidden, the group soon finds they are not alone, and this remembrance is about to take a dark turn.

Books where a group of former friends find themselves stuck in a remote setting with someone out to get them is always a fun trope, even if it is a common one. The setting of this book works well, and having alternating narration for the chapters helps move the plot along quickly. As the book progresses, it is easy to unravel how each person plays the role of an unreliable narrator. We learn everyone is hiding something, and questions remain about what happened to Tania.

While the book has entertaining elements, the plot takes some odd twists, and the characters could use more depth. After all, it isn't easy to believe Tania was a charismatic figure when she reads as flat, and Jeannie is a little too normal to fit the role of obsessed friend.

Ultimately, this is a decent read for anyone wanting a quick and light thriller, but the unbelievable twists and turns coupled with bland characters make it fall short of being a nail-biter.

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I thought this was a pretty average thriller. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. It had a lot of the things I look for in a thriller - short chapters, a fast pace, a close-knit group of friends/suspects.

I never really felt connected to any of it though. The book didn't really hold my attention until the end. The twists were fun in an unrealistic way. I wish the rest of the book had more of that.

I read an ARC of this book from NetGalley. All comments are my own.

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5 stars - addictive reading and a fun book to read. Absolutely loved it, the pacing was brilliant and the characters were fun to read along with. The solution was fairly surprising although I did guess just before the reveal. Otherwise a great thriller.

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I'm a sucker for a group reunion thriller type locked room thriller and it's very easy for them to all start to feel very samey but I didn't get that vibe from this one. The depth of the characters and insight into each of them with the multiple povs really set this book apart since I felt like I knew these people and was going through it with them. The twists were well plotted out and really enjoyable to discover. I literally flew through rhis in a night and couldn't out it down

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Solid Premise.…
When a death tears a group of acquaintances apart, everything fractured. After all, they only came together because of that one person no longer with them - Tania. Twenty five years later, comes a group reunion at a country house on the anniversary of Tania’s death and secrets will undoubtedly out. Tension mounting, atmospheric psychological suspense with a well drawn cast of characters and a solid premise where multiple character points of views are well woven although actual plotting could be tighter. Tense and immersive.

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This is great read. The characters were engaging and I couldn't put the book down. I would recommend this book for a book club or a friend.

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This book was well written. The plot was engaging and kept me wanting to read more to find out what happens next.

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This was described as a thrilling read and yep it loved up to the description

I was hooked. I have never read any by this author but will look out for other books by her

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4.5🌟!!!!! This was incredible. The writing was so captivating and told the stories of each of the characters so well I feel like i’ve known them forever. I loved the multiple POVs as it really kept you engaged and provided the overall story without it being biased from 1 POV. I did guess the plot twist from the beginning but not because it was obvious? I just sort of made my guess and turned out to be true. However, I was still shocked 😭😭. I feel like this story was just done so well and I really enjoyed it. Thank you so so much to Netgalley, Embla Books, and Penny Batchelor for this ARC. The Reunion Party is set to be published on the 25th of June and I highly recommend everyone to read this story!

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Thank you NetGalley and Embla Books for an early copy of The Reunion Party. The cover was Fabulous, the writing not so much. I liked the plot but it was a bit childish to read, like it was written for young adults. There was a good twist but the ending didn’t play out well and I was happy when the book was done.

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Almost an Agatha Christie whodunit with a modern setting.
The author does a great job with the pacing for the most part. The chapters are short and alternate between characters. I enjoyed the multiple POVs and the various perspectives of the events in the group's past life together. Having the friends view their group dynamics in different ways was very realistic but also showed that there was more secrets and bad blood between characters than at first glance.
While not all of them are likable, the characters are all well-developed. There were plenty of twists throughout the story; however, the actual ending was for the most part, predictable. However I did really enjoy the book.

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Jeannie decides to host a reunion for her University friends in her hotel to remember their friend Tania 25 years after her death.
The characters were likeable, the setting was great and I really felt like I was there with them.
I enjoyed the second half of the book more as the pace picked up and I couldn’t wait to find out the truth.
This was an enjoyable read with plenty of twists and turns and I did not guess the ending at all which is a sign of a good book.
Thanks to NetGalley, Penny Batchelor and Embla Books for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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