Member Reviews

Lyriana Batavia is third in line to the Seat of Power in Bamaria. Bamaria falls under the rule of the Lumerian Empire, survivors of a celestial war whose island sank in the Drowning. Now all Lumerians submit to the Emperor and his strict laws about magic. He decides what magic can be practiced and what powers remain forbidden. He decides who will die for possession of forbidden magic.

Every year, those of age must participate in a ceremony that reveals their magic. Those who reveal illicit magic are condemned to death. When Lyr finally comes of age, her ceremony uncovers something else entirely. Something that means banishment from the Empire.

Faced with death in exile, and leaving her sisters behind, Lyr has no choice but to accept a deadly contract. She has seven months to train as a warrior and pass the Emperor’s brutal test of strength—all without magic.

But when she’s forced to train with Lord Rhyan Hart, the man she’s secretly loved since she was a girl—a feared warrior in exile himself, forbidden to her in every way—she’s in danger of losing far more than her family, life, and country.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It took me a hot second to get into the book, but once we got past the two year time skip I was quickly sucked into the book.

At times I did find Lyr annoying and frustrating, especially with some of the decisions she was making - I wanted to yell at her - but they were in keeping with her character. I felt she was true to who she was.

I really appreciated the lack of power Lyr has, now I'm sure in future books she'll probably get a power up, but it's great to have a weak MC. So often the FMC is super amazing at everything right from the get go, so it's really nice to have a training arc that's legitimately a training arc. I can't wait to see how she grows.

At times the world building can be a bit confusing with all the names, but I didn't realise there was a glossary until the end - so that should solve any problems.

There's something about the book that feels different, and I'd definitely recommend a read - especially if you like to see characters grow and get stronger. Also I'm super fascinated to see how the romance works out, it's a part of the story but it's not the main focus!

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thank you to netgalley, the publisher, and the author for this arc.

4 stars.

while it took me a while to get through this book, i really did enjoy it. i've said it a million times before–i LOVE slow burns, and this definitely was one. i'm excited to see where this series will take us.

i really enjoyed the characters in this. lyriana was relatable—yes, girl, i also hate running. the main characters were good, the side characters were there, i'm sure we'll get to know all our enemies up close in the next book.
the only thing i had issues with sometimes was the dialogue. sometimes it was a little–and i hate using this word, but for lack of a better term–cringe-y. and i'm so sorry but the "who did this to you" was, apart from being overdone, poorly executed. 😭

but anyway, i really would love to read the sequel, and i would recommend this one to anyone who loves throne of glass-style fantasy with a cool magic system.

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What a wonderful book!! I am so mad it took me this long to finally start this series.

From the very start we are introduced to such an intriguing and engaging plot that is filled with twists and turns and non stop action as well as polictical aspects all set amongst some of the most beautiful and descriptive world building that it’s so easy to get a clear understanding of every little detail. I instantly loved Lyr the fmc and her character growth throughout the book the strength that she portrays from the very beginning as she finds herself keeping a secret oath to protect her two older sisters is just so well written. Every character is complex and filled with so much depth and even some mystery and just so well thought out the character development is really beautiful to see.

Of course my favourite is the potential love story that is slowly developing and as someone who loves a slow burn romance I am so invested in this one, the pining and the angst was torturously never ending but I am so here for it and can’t wait to see what’s to come!

I highly recommend the start of what I’m sure is going to be an epic series and I am so excited to find out what’s to come next!

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Daughter of the Drowned Empire is the first instalment into the Drowned Empire series by Frankie Diane Mallis.

Following 19 year old Lady Lyriana Batavia, third in line to the seat of power in Bamaria. We follow her story as her life gets turned upside down due her path not going down a route she imagined, unrest within the city (?), different political parties (this isn’t as heavy as it may sound, so don’t fret) and a potential forbidden love interest.

I was and still am, really intrigued by the world, the magic system and very curious to see where the story takes us in the rest of the books.

It definitely gave me Fourth Wing/Throne of Glass vibes and in the best way.

Thank you for Net Galley and Hodderscape for an ARC of this book ✨

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I love a good forbidden romance and this one was wonderful! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! Mallis' writing is strong and the characters were wonderful!

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Thank you NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton for this eCopy to review

I loved Daughter of the Drowned Empire and stayed up far to late finishing it. An easy to follow empire and magic system we predominately focus on Lady Lyriana (3rd in line to the throne), but their land is in unrest as they do not like her father being the ruler. At her revelation ceremony Lyr is revealled to be powerless after a horrific test to see if she has dark magic Lyr is going to be banished. Using her quick thinking she asks to become a soldier instead. I loved seeing how Rhyan helps her accept her weaknesses and how she helps her sisters.

It was fast-paced, with a good mix of politics, secrets, mysteries, fights, magic and of course romance. I cannot wait for book 2!

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This book was a good first instalment, fast paced, good relationship dynamics between the characters. I always enjoy a forbidden romance, and I liked the premise. Lyr hides her sisters forbidden magic but finds out she has none of her own and so she must train as a warrior, so intriguing.
I did find that there was a slow start and perhaps a little info dumping at times but that often comes with a new fantasy, so I appreciated the assistance to understand the complex world building.

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This was a great first instalment to the series, the magic is so unique and this world is archaic in its strict laws and standards. Lyr is an interesting FMC, I’m not sure i love her choices when it comes to Tristan, and she’s sitting on the fence of a love triangle which I kind of hate but the laws are restrictive, and this is keeping her apart from the man I think she should choose.

I still think there’s more to Lyr than meets the eye and I hope in book 2 more is revealed.

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A new action packed addition to the ever growing romantasy genre that I am sure will become beloved by fans everywhere.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Hodderscape for an eARC of this book.

I LOVED this. I'm literally frothing at the mouth for the next book. This was everything I want from the first book in a new romantasy series. It was fast paced, great world building, a magical warrior academy with an FMC that is the underdog and a MMC where giving in to his glaringly obvious feelings is forbidden.

This was delicious. I couldn't get enough of this and I am now obsessed. I couldn't get enough of this, and I am now obsessed and will be recommending this to anyone who will listen.

I definitely recommend for anyone who, like me, has been searching for the feels and the highs that Throne of Glass gave them for the past 10 years.

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Unique world building with rich relationships between characters and ALL the political intrigue.

When Lyr discovers she is powerless, she only has one option. Training at the military academy is brutal without magic but all the more so when her father's rule is in question and everyone is out to get her... Except her trainer who she's secretly loved for years.

The world is incredibly interesting but takes a while to get into with the depth of the world building. The appendixs at the back were helpful but unfortunately I only found them at the end.

Lyr is a very interesting character, strong loyalties to her family and her Ka and a resilience that is admirable. I liked how she knew what she wanted and proceeded to do what she could to achieve it.

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I seriously enjoyed this book! Gripped from the start, love all the characters, I definitely think this is going to be one of my favourite fantasy reads if the series keep going like this!

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I absolutely LOVED everything about this book, it had me hooked from the very first chapter.

This is a fantasy with PLOT, it’s interesting and original. I love that Lyr is flawed and slightly naive at times because her character development in this book in phenomenal.

The romance is also perfection, I’m definitely rooting for her partner - goodbye Tristan!

I struggled to put this book down, it’s addictive and magical.

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It was a bit slow to start of with but as a first book I understand the need to dive into the world building!

Excellent slow burn that I really enjoyed, sometimes the FMC decisions would really annoy me but I overall enjoyed reading this!!

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Lyr has kept her sister's forbidden magics a secret for years, but when she turns out to have no power of her own, her life is over. Her only chance is to train as an assassin.

This book had a reasonably good premise, but my goodness it was slow. Painfully slow. It took so long to get to anything good, I was bored. I finished the book, but it was a real struggle and I won't be picking up the sequels.

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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I REALLY REALLY loved this book. The world building and characters are so well thought out, very realistic and it sets the ground for an epic series which I can't wait to dive into in the next book (please don't make us wait too long!). Lyr is a brilliant FMC and we witness so much growth and character development, you can't help but love her. The love triangle is brilliant and I am totally invested in finding out how this will all play out.
I don't want to give too much away but concept, plot, characters, dialog, pace, action, character development and growth are all spot on. Massively enjoyed this one and genuinely can't wait for the next book. It will not disappoint fans of the genre!
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my review copy, all opinions are my own.

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Overall rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5

Spicy rating: 🌶️ 1/5

Fluff rating: 💖💖 2/5

Honestly I don’t know where to begin with this book. Frankie you absolutely knocked it out of the park with this one. Your best yet, hands down. I’d read your grocery list at this point if you published it and know it would slap!

The political undercurrent to this story is powerful and had me on edge the whole book. It was basically none stop action. Twist and turns that had me panting and left me unable to put this book down for 3 days. I felt like I could barely take a breath waiting for the next event to unfold.

The character growth and development was beautiful throughout. The angst and pining was never ending and such sweet sweet torture! We love a slow burn.

This is the start of an epic series and not one to be missed!!

Thank you again Frankie for the severe book hangover I’m now suffering. I genuinely feel I may perish waiting to find out what happens next but if your books are in the next life I’ll be happy to continue reading them there!

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This book did not disappoint! If you're loving forbidden romance, broody characters and an angsty/tense writing style this one is for you.
The plot was thought through well and I enjoyed the writing style - very well done for a debut novel!

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Wowowowwow what a book! Not my usual novel genre but it’s always fun to step out of your comfort zone and try a new reading genre and you might find up finding something you really love! I absolutely love the storyline and how our main character trains and fights for her powers and finds her own strength and love along the way!

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How have I not read this sooner?! World building is fantastic, the characters are complex, the main plot has the potential to be epic!

There is little to no spice, and I don’t miss it as it would not fit in the story at this point. The explanation is sometimes lacking for some terms but as the story continues it’s there between the lines:)


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