Member Reviews

Great descriptive prose, but not over wrought. Large and fun cast of characters too, including female relationships which pass the bechdel test. Really absorbing world, and plot too, that builds and keeps your attention, and is genuinely interesting without being repetitive to general tropes oin the genre. I also appreciated that she was a 30 year old woman having an intensive magical action/journey (I feel like nowadays 'witchcraft' is generally written for a YA audience).

It was a little slow to start though.

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Ever since this book has been announced I was so eager to read it and I was overjoyed that I had received a proof while I was at work, that I started to read that day.

I adored this book from the very first page, Bella is a refreshing character that stands up for herself and others when against the odds, her relationship with the characters is heart-warming to read, and every interaction Run aka the handsome watchman, is so fun to read and watch them slowly fall for each other.

I also love the magic building in this book, all the different types and how different potions are made according to the person instead of everyone following the same recipe. And a cat named Jinx? Sold!

There were some twists and turns I loved, and I can't help but think there is going to be a sequel given how it ended, which I won't say no to.

Rewitched is a perfect cosy autumn read that I can't wait to hit the shelves!

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This was such a cosy autumnal read that i can't wait to revisit again when the nights start drawing in and the days get cooler! It gave such a warm and atmospheric feeling the whole time i was reading it. You'd think that would be boring or get repetitive, but there was just enough of an engaging and threat heavy plot to keep things interesting all the way till the end, and it was kind of a given that everything would more or less work it's self out in the end since the threat wasn't overly oppressive.
It really reminded me almost all the way through of a cosier, lower stakes, layed back version of Her Majesty's Royal Coven.
The characters were really fun and interesting, and generally seemed upbeat and lively, which made it at times seem like a bit of a sitcome (think Gilmore girls, Sabrina the teenage witch, charmed etc) - at least with how they were reacting and interacting with each other.

This was simply a lighthearted fun read, with witchy elements and romance thrown in too! It's definitely worth the read if you're in the mood for something cosy and light.

Thank you to netgalley, the publisher, and the author for giving me the chance to read this book early!

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Honestly cannot recommend this book enough, this was like a hug in a book and will be my go-to cosy Autumnal comfort read - was like it Her Majesty's Royal Coven met Gilmore Girls but set in London.

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Oh, what a wonderful story! The well written characters wound their own magic to deliver a warm, cosy story with just a little bit of threat, enough to keep the pages turning, I found myself smiling throughout and enjoyed it so very much

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Rewitched is an extremely cosy and heart-warming fantasy novel that I absolutely loved and recommend to lovers of the genre as the perfect fall read!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. I enjoyed this as a nice easy cozy read. However, I do feel like the book could have benefited by a little more in depth character development, in particular in relation to the romance department.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. This was a really nice and easy read, great location, great characters and a really good storyline. I enjoyed it.

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I’ve been subscribed to the author’s YouTube channel for many years and was very excited to see her novel pop up on here. Unfortunately, I have some mixed feelings about this novel. It started really great with a cute and whimsical atmosphere, but I think the pacing was a bit off. After 40% it had just reached the stage that the blurb described which made it feel like the story dragged a bit. In general, I think the characters would have needed a bit more work as they could appear a bit one dimensional and their reactions didn’t always make sense. But I nevertheless enjoyed the cute and witchy vibes and look forward to what Lucy Wood does next.

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It's October, Belle is celebrating her 30th birthday. She's also a witch. In order to keep her magic she needs to pass a test.
I loved this. I flew through it as there was enough mystery to keep me turning the pages.
The characters were fun and varied. Plus, who doesn't love a bit of magic?
I really hope that this might be the start of a series.

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I love this book so much I think I am going to have to read it again! It is a wonderful, mystical, magical story and I found myself completely immersed in Belle’s world. I think I may have shouted at some of the characters! Just so good!

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The genre of magic is one that I dont normally read. However, there was nothing of the occult about this book, and plenty of light hearted witchy magic. What an unusual character Bella is, strong willed but also doubting herself. With the help of a little band of people, including the lovely Artorius, she finds a way to defeat the coven, who are a bunch of greedy opportunists, and to find her own place in the world of magic.
Thank you for giving me the chance to read and review the book, which I found enjoyable.

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This is an enchanting book, pun fully intended! As Belle's 30th birthday is fast approaching, she discovers that she will have to undergo an appraisal of sorts, a test of her witchcraft and character, in front of her entire coven. Of course there's a snag - Belle doesn't really use her talent in her day to day life as the manager of a bookshop and her best friend has planned her birthday party for the same date! There's definitely toil and trouble ahead..
I absolutely loved this book. I especially enjoyed how well developed all the main characters were; Belle's mentor,Watchman and her family jumped off the page and I could vividly imagine them all.
Set in October, this is a perfect autumn read with a few twists I didn't see coming - I really hope there's a sequel.
Thank you to Netgalley and Pan Macmillan for the review copy.

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This was such a fun book to read. Sarcasm and black humour runs through it even through the sad and the bad. This is a fantastical novel, however the author makes all the witchery and magic seem very normal. There is our heroine with a challenge to overcome in the world of witchcraft but also in her day job to make sure she can pay her rent and in her life with her flat mate. The romance is very cute and hold the book together well. This was a joy to read.

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Having followed Lucy Jane Wood for many years, as soon as she announced she had written a book I knew I had to read it and I knew it would be amazing.

Rewitched is easily now one of my all time favourite books. It was the most wonderful cosy, magical, nostalgia inducing read. This book genuinely felt like it was made for me, there was no part that I did not love. There was that special humour of Lucy's throughout this that constantly has me smiling and laughing.

I don't think I've ever related so much to a character before as I did with Belle. I turned thirty earlier this year and had that same panic of wondering what I had achieved in my thirty years of life. I loved how this explored the idea of rediscovering your potential and learning to believe in yourself.

I adored following the magical adventure that Belle went on and found the magic system and world so fascinating. It was so reminiscent of the worlds from my favourite childhood magical stories whilst still having fun unique elements. The story itself was also gripping and I flew through this.

Rewitched also had the best cast of side characters I've read in a long time and I fell in love with all of them. They all had such individual distinct personalities and were all lovable in their own way.

Overall this was such an exciting and inspiring yet comforting read that I would recommend to everyone. I can't wait for my special edition preorder and of course for Lucy's next book!

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In this wickedly cozy fantasy, a young witch is in danger of having her magic taken from her if she fails to appreciate it and live up to her potential. Rewitched is a quick and easy read with some really compelling characters (I want to say Jinx) and a brilliant ending. Would recommend to anybody looking for a warming autumn read!

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Rewitched is a cosy fantasy following Belle, a witch facing the possibility of losing her magic. I don't generally read about witches so this was a different kind of story for me, but the world building made it easy to sucked into the world of witches and magic. The writing makes it seem like you are really experiencing the magic and like you are part of the coven.

I really liked how this book addresses the issue of feeling like you are not enough and aren't worthy of good things, while using the backdrop of magic. Belle's feelings felt very realistic and they were described very well throughout.

The book was, however, very slow to start which made it difficult to get into. Once the story really started to get going it was a lot more interesting and a quick read, but getting to this point was slow.

Overall, Rewitched is a cosy fantasy with magical world building and realistic characters who you can't help but root for.

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First how beautiful is the cover of this book
I loved the story it was sweet happy witchy
I don’t read much about witches so this was a little different for me but I really enjoyed it getting to know the characters finding out how they use their magic the adorable book shop which I would love to own.
Belladonna was my favourite she’s so sweet strong and amazing I loved her name too.
No spoilers here so struggling to write the perfect reviews let’s just say it’s amazing and a must read

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When Belle received her powers at the age of 15, she had endless plans for how she would use them, and what her life would become. But now she is 30, and facing a test of her powers that could see her lose everything. Is it too late to realise her true potential?

Rewitched creates a rich and intricate world of magic, as the fantastical backdrop for the all-too-relatable problems facing Belle as she reaches her 30th birthday. I loved the way this book’s magic is envisioned, and the cinematic writing that lets the reader feel as if they’re a part of it. This is such a cosy and comforting read, and I loved the way that Belle gets to work on herself in this book … with a little help from some brilliantly imagined characters. I liked that we get family and friends as well as romance, although I did particularly enjoy the slow-burn of Belle and Rune’s enemies-to-lovers relationship.

This one wasn’t quite a five-star read for me, but I enjoyed it very much. I was hooked from the start and remained so until the end, and I couldn’t wait to get back to the story whenever I had to reluctantly put it down. If you’re looking for a magical read, I can definitely recommend this one.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'Rewitched' by Lucy Jane Wood.

'Rewitched' tells the story of just turned 30 year old Belladonna (aka Belle) having to prove her magic to a bunch of old farts whilst also learning about how important her family and friends are to her and how intertwined witch life is with her own. Belle is such a strong lead and throughout this book I just fell deeper and deeper in love with her. The side characters were well written from Ariadne to Rune and my man Arty - I will fight to protect this old man with my life. And the mini twist in this tale was so unexpected to me, I loved it.

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