Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book which centred around 3 couples and the ups and downs of their relationships.
The Greek setting was beautiful and i really felt like I was there with them.
The characters were interesting and relatable with Emma being my favourite.
I loved the fact that there were real life quotes from married couples about their honeymoons between the chapters which really made me laugh out loud.
A brilliant book which was true to life and I would definitely recommend.
Thanks to NetGalley, Janet Fraser and Embla Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Romcoms are one of my favorite genres. I am so glad I was allowed to read an arc of this book! I loved it!

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After the Honeymoon is a novel by Janey Fraser. While this publication is out in June 2024, I saw it was previously published back in 2014 according to Goodreads. I am not sure if they are two versions of the same novel or the same novel republished, but I just went by the newer version that I read. This story follows multiple couples on an island in Greece, which was a lovely setting and easy to picture as an escape for the reader. The first couple is Emma Walker and Tom who have two children and were gifted a week on the island. Rosie is the owner of the cottage, Villa Rosa, along with her son Jack where the couples stay. The other couple is TV workout host, Winston and his new wife, divorcee Melissa who has two teenagers of her own.

There is a lot of chaos that comes from the different stories coming together. The pacing was really slow at first as the writing did not initially capture my attention. It did eventually get a lot better where I became more invested in the story and characters. I think there are elements that could have been omitted, but the overall story was nicely done. I did like how all the individual characters and their stories came together. I think this novel doesn’t stand out a ton in the large crowd of similar novels, but it was well worth the read. Overall, I think I will continue to read more from the author in the future.

**I give a special thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, Embla Books, for the opportunity to read this entertaining novel. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.**

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I’m not really sure how I feel about this one. I enjoyed several parts of this book and other parts I felt that the writing just didn’t flow and was very choppy. This made it difficult to connect and understand. The story was also becoming a little boring to me and found myself losing interest.

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This book offers a refreshingly different take on relationship stories, showcasing the complexities and realities of life that movies often gloss over. Sometimes, there is no "forever after," and this story delivers that dose of reality. The characters were intriguing, but I felt that Greco and Rosie's relationship fell flat. Their passion didn’t really come through on the pages, and there was a noticeable lack of chemistry between them.

The main plot revolved around Winston’s relationships with Jack and Rosie, which were far more compelling. The little honeymoon facts and anecdotes sprinkled throughout were a delightful highlight, adding a touch of whimsy to the narrative.

I’d recommend this book to those who believe in "forever after" but are also realists at heart. It was a fun read that offers a grounded perspective on love and relationships.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Embla Books and NetGalley for their generosity in allowing me to read this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was excited to read this at first, as the relationships were developing I enjoyed it but I didn't feel that invested in the relationships at all.

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A little mystery, some romance, this was right up my alley and I had to know how the end of the week would end. I also love this cover!
I was equally invested in the three story lines and I was turning pages to find out where they all end up. I definitely connected with both Emma and Winston. Overall, I would be interested to know people's opinions on the ending and how everything played out.

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thank you netgalley for the free e-arc. this is kinda white lotus but not, the setting of the story allows a nice background and a map of some kind. i liked the interwoven characters and how they come together while on the same vacation. i thought the pacing and writing were equally well done.

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After the Honeymoon had the most fabulous setting for a book that anyone could read. I always find books set in Greece to be extra romantic and fun to read. As I started the book, I was filled with excitement for what was going to be happening – the hopes of it being romantic and fun. The words did not flow off the page into my heart like I wanted them to.
For the most part I did like some of the characters in the story, but the rest were just there and not too interesting or even adding much to the book.
It was ok for me but not one I will be curious about what they are all up to after finishing the book.
Thank you NetGalley, Janey Fraser and Embla Books for the ARC of the book After the Honeymoon. This is my personal review.

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Emma no cree en el matrimonio. Pero después de años de que Tom se lo preguntara, ella finalmente le dice "Sí, quiero" al amor de su vida. Ahora, en una luna de miel sorpresa, de repente Emma se encuentra viajando sola cuando Tom cae enfermo, y comienza a preguntarse si esta broma matrimonial es todo lo que parece.

Acostumbrado a ser el centro de atención, Winston nunca supo cómo se siente una relación real, hasta que conoce a Melissa . Después de un romance vertiginoso, él y su nueva esposa viajan en avión a una pequeña isla griega en busca de la privacidad que tanto necesitan. Pero la llegada de los dos hijos de Melissa pronto interrumpe su felicidad matrimonial.

Rosie se mudó a Villa Rosa hace dieciséis años cuando quedó embarazada y se quedó sin hogar. Ahora dirige el lugar y, después de unos días fuera, se sorprende al volver a casa y encontrar dos nuevas parejas alojadas allí, y mucho menos un rostro familiar que despierta viejos sentimientos...

Al leer la sinopsis ya sabes que es muy posible que una de las parejas no logre su felices por siempre por lo que estaba preparada para la angustia, no lo que no esperaba era todo lo demás.

Hay romance, pero no de la forma que uno pensaría - no quiero darles spoilers- pero desde cierta perspectiva hay romance.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. The cover and title of this book attracted my attention.

I found the book fun, the connections between characters was enjoyable, well paced writing.

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After the Honeymoon, by Janey Fraser, will have you wondering if honeymoons are a beginning or an end. This romance has a little mystery and unique characters that will have you laughing, swooning, and sometimes cringing. I wasn't sure how Fraser would tie things up after all the connections were revealed but I enjoyed the ending. I want to visit Villa Rosa!
Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with the ARC ebook I read and reviewed. All opinions are my own.

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Two couples. One island. Will it be the honeymoon of their dreams or trouble in paradise?

Emma doesn't believe in marriage. But after years of Tom asking, she is finally saying 'I do' to the love of her life. Now on a surprise honeymoon, suddenly Emma finds herself riding solo when Tom falls ill, and she's starting to wonder if this marriage lark is all that it's cracked up to be.

Used to being in the limelight, Winston has never known what a real relationship feels like - until he meets Melissa. After a whirlwind romance, he and his new wife are jetting off to a small Greek island for some much-needed privacy. But the arrival of Melissa's two children soon interrupts their wedded bliss.

Rosie moved to Villa Rosa sixteen years ago when she became pregnant and homeless. Now she runs the place and, after a few days away, she's shocked to come home to find two new couples staying there, let alone a familiar face that stirs up old feelings...

By the end of the week, none of their lives will be the same. But how will they cope after the honeymoon is over?

Está no es una historia de amor, es una historia de la vida. No todo siempre es de color de rosa, a veces estás arriba y aveces abajo.
Hay secretos, descubrimientos, entendimiento, aceptación y superación.

Tenemos la historia de dos matrimonios que están de luna de miel, piensan que todo será maravilloso en cambio los cuatro descubrirán que tal vez su matrimonio no será hasta que la muerte los separe.

Me gustó que hubiera varios povs para un mejor entendimiento de los acontecimientos.

Gracias NetGalley y a la autora por el ARC.

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Title: After the Honeymoon by Janey Fraser

Release Date: June, 11th, 2024


This book will have you laughing, gasping, and eagerly flipping the pages to see how it all unfolds.

How can one honeymoon cause so much trouble? Emma loves Tom, but she never would have gotten married if he hadn't insisted. And when Tom spends the entire week sick, Emma is left to entertain herself—perhaps a bit too much.

Winston, a breakfast TV fitness star, married Melissa after a whirlwind three-month romance. He's determined to keep their honeymoon private, but Melissa's two children arriving at the Villa Rosa quickly throw that plan out the window.

Rosie, who arrived at the Villa Rosa homeless and pregnant at seventeen, now runs the place sixteen years later. However, Winston's sudden appearance throws her into a tailspin. He might not remember her, but she has never forgotten him...
By the end of the week, none of their lives will be the same. But how will they cope after the honeymoon is over?

Why I enjoyed It:

🌴 Honeymoon Havoc: The setting of the Villa Rosa adds a charming and sometimes chaotic backdrop to the unfolding drama, making it the perfect stage for unexpected twists and turns.
🌟 Relatable Characters: Each character brings their own baggage (literally and figuratively), and you'll find yourself rooting for them even as their secrets threaten to unravel everything.
💬 Witty Dialogue: Janey Fraser’s sharp and humorous writing keeps the story lively and engaging, with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments.
❤️ Unexpected Romance: The interwoven love stories, with all their complications and surprises, keep the romance fresh and unpredictable.

After the Honeymoon is an absolute gem. Janey Fraser expertly juggles multiple storylines, creating a tapestry of romance, secrets, and personal growth. Emma's struggle with her new marriage, Winston's desire for privacy clashing with his new family dynamics, and Rosie's emotional turmoil all blend together seamlessly.

The characters are beautifully flawed and wonderfully human. Emma’s antics while Tom is bedridden provide plenty of comic relief, while Winston’s attempts to navigate his new role as stepfather add depth and heart to the story. Rosie’s backstory with Winston is a poignant subplot that brings additional layers to the narrative.

The Villa Rosa itself feels like a character, its history and charm seeping into the lives of the guests and influencing their fates. The intertwining stories and unexpected connections keep you guessing, and the final revelations are both satisfying and heartwarming.

With its blend of humour, romance, and a touch of drama, After the Honeymoon is a perfect read for anyone looking to escape into a book that's as entertaining as it is touching. Janey Fraser has crafted a story that is sure to leave you smiling and perhaps a bit teary-eyed.

Thank you to The Publisher Embla Books ,The Author Janey Fraser & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. The cover and title of this book attracted my attention. Both seemed like something I would enjoy. The best part of the story for me was the relationships explored. The writing was crisp and pacing was very good.

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After The Honeymoon by Janey Fraser
Release Date: 11 June 2024

Emma adores Tom, yet their marriage was more his insistence than her choice. With Tom unwell throughout their trip, Emma contemplates seizing the opportunity for entertainment.

Winston's marriage to Melissa, following a brief whirlwind romance, clashes with his desire for privacy as a TV fitness personality. Rosie, once homeless and pregnant at seventeen, now manages Villa Rosa after sixteen years. Winston's unexpected arrival rattles her, stirring up memories she never let go of.

As the week unfolds, each character's life takes unexpected turns, leaving them wondering how they'll navigate the aftermath once the honeymoon ends.

While enjoyable, there were certain aspects that could have been omitted to enhance the book.

Rosie and her affable fifteen-year-old son, Jack, stand out as the most intriguing characters. Jack's amiable nature starkly contrasts Melissa's two rude and obnoxious teenagers.

Overall, this book was a wonderful experience, crafted with delicate precision and overflowing with attention to detail and a captivating plot. It exudes brilliance, warmth, and upliftment throughout.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Embla Books, and the author, Janey Fraser, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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