Member Reviews

Freya Marske’s Sword Crossed is an engaging blend of MM slow burn romance and mystery, set against a richly crafted historical backdrop with a touch of fantasy. As a fan of Marske’s previous works, I was eager to read this, and it didn’t disappoint.

The dual plotlines of romance and investigation are well-balanced, keeping the story intriguing without overshadowing the emotional depth of the characters. Marske excels at creating relatable characters, making it easy to connect with their journeys.

The seamless integration of LGBTQ+ themes into a historical setting adds a unique dimension to the story, making Sword Crossed a refreshing read.

Highly recommended for those who enjoy historical fiction with a twist.

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I absolutely loved every moment of reading this. I’ve loved Freya’s previous books so expectations were high and it did not disappoint. It tells the story of Mattinesh who needs his arrange marriage to go off without a hitch. Following a chance meeting, he hires Luca as his swordsman if anyone challenges the match at the alter.

These two start as enemies but develop into unlikely allies, with a pull growing between them. It was intimate but epic feeling too, full of tension and potential romance. The perfect read for an enemies to lovers sucker like me. Had a blast reading it.

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Hugely enjoyable low stakes fantasy set in a historic-seeming polytheistic world where LGBTQ relationships and marriages are accepted and welcomed as normal.

The main characters first meet when Luca executes a classic scam to extort Matti, who's family were once successful but are currently trying to save face from their crumbling business by marrying into money. Matti gets his revenge the next day when he not only engages Luca as his 'best man' - the swordsman to stand by his side at his upcoming arranged wedding - but also demands sword fighting lessons, dragging Luca out of bed early every day, much to his misery.

The pair are incredibly sweet together, their adoration clear to see, as well as having scorching chemistry. And Matti's sister and betrothed are great secondary characters, playing a key role in the story. The narrative gets a bit bogged down in the specifics of the wool trade and the machinations of the different guilds so can be a bit slow at times, but the joy of Matti and Luca spending time together is infectious.

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Freya Marske has a way of writing that pulls you right in. A magical romance that gives you a little bit of everything. Action, romance, suspense you've got it all. I found it very interesting to see in which direction the plot was developing. The characters were very well written, I especially liked how the author dealt with their mental health issues. I loved Mattis and Lucas dynamics, they both had their problems but managed to work through them together (at least in the end). Bonus points for the title and all the sword fight refrences with a double meaning. Fun and exixting love story with just enough spice.

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I enjoyed this book so much. The banter, the relationships (both romantic and platonic, the humour, the sexiness! It really had a little bit of everything woven into a really wonderful story. Marske has such a stunning way with words and some of the passages were truly beautiful. I loved the sword fighting lessons and the way they helped build all the delicious sexual tension. I loved the slight espionage element of the story and that all came to a head. I loved Sofia and Maya and their character arcs. I thought the independent and joint arcs of Luca and Matti as characters was also really wonderfully done.

And the wedding! The drama.

It was great. This was my first Marske story and it was such a great one I cannot wait to get into the trilogy she has previously written!

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Swordscrossed was fun and light hearted, written in an easy-to-read style with charming characters. I found myself frustrated in parts where I felt it lacked depth, but I think that's me looking for something in a book that wasn't designed for it (I rarely read things in the "cozy fantasy genre". Regardless, I found this an enjoyable read, with charming characters and an easy to root for romance.

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Action packed, witty, romantic, suspenseful. Swordcrossed is everything in one gorgeous book.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC.

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Such a great book! People will love this historical queer story

Powerful families in a guided society

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This book was so much fun!

Both main characters were so interesting and easy to fall in love with. I was invested in both their stories from the very start. As individuals they were perfectly rounded and together they were just magic.

The side characters were also great! I would have loved a smidge more of Maya and Sophia content but that’s literally the only remotely negative comment I have.

I enjoyed the overall story, it was interesting and easy to follow. The progression of Matti’s and Luca’s relationship was so well paced and beautifully written. I think the intimate scenes between the two of them were handled so well! It was great to see a couple communicate so openly a sexual preferences. These scenes also often included a dash of humour which I really appreciated! Sex is meant to be fun and exciting I feel like Freya Marske captured that perfectly.

Overall this is completely worthy of 5 stars and I will definitely be adding it to my reread list!

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Freya Marske is a great storyteller. This is a different society with guilds and powerful families which determine your trade. The love story between Matti and Luca was enjoyable to read. It isn't as thrilling as the Last Binding Series but it's a well told story.

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New Freya Marske with swords!! And wool?

Mattinesh Jay, Matti to his friends, is struggling to maintain the family wool business. After a run of bad luck, Matti as heir is just trying to keep up appearences until he can marry his problems away. His fiance is agreeable. She’s a family friend. They’ve known each other long enough to know this is a business arrangement. He needs the dowry, she (and her family) would benefit from the status upgrade.

But a marriage means a wedding, means a chance for someone - say an ex who is still in love with your fiance - to challenge you, means Matti needs a best man. The kind who’s good with a sword. And he needs him Right Now.

Luca would just like some cash. And to not have to explain himself to anyone. Especially not a handsome groom-to-be who is desperate for an affordable swordsman. He didn’t plan on getting talked into sword lessons with the man. He certainly didn’t plan to like him.

But neither man is telling the other enough, let alone the Whole Truth, and as the wedding draws closer, the desire that is blossoming between them threatens to break through all carefully arranged plans. But even if the wedding and the challenges and all that manages to go off without a hitch, what about the secrets?!

I had just So Much Fun with this one. I think I read it in two sittings. I love sword fighting. I love this version of wedding protocol. I even loved learning way too much about the wool industry of this fictional city! The fashions, the family dynamics, the local political squabbles, the romance, and the swords, my god I loved all of it. Low stakes (comparitively to other fantasy haha) and high standards. This is my kind of romantasy.

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I was thrilled to receive this ARC, even though Marske's books are often hit or miss for me due to the plot. While I always adore the writing and characters, I usually find myself not fully invested in the story. However, the blurb for this book had me genuinely excited. Unfortunately, the plot didn't quite resonate with me once again. That said, the main and side characters were incredibly engaging, and I absolutely loved the relationships—both sibling and romantic. For that reason, I’d still recommend it. As expected, the writing style was impeccable.

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A slow start that deepens into a charmingly funny story full of political intrigue, romance, and law breaking antics.

Matti is the heir of his house, but it's not all what it seems. His family is deep in debt, and a chance encounter with the handsome con artist duelist Luca doesn't help things. However, it does kick off a bewildering set of events that may or may not be just what they both need...

I had a hard time getting into Swordcrossed at first as the plot progresses at a crawl and the descriptions are overly sexual in a jarring way. The pacing felt all over the place at the beginning, and it wasn't until about a quarter of the way into the book that I started connecting with the characters and feeling invested in their problems. However, once it picks up I was fully hooked.

This book is definitely spicy and explicit consistently, but it is also packed with a sweetness that had me smiling throughout (especially with all the twists at the end!). Matti is riddled with anxiety and at his breaking point, and Luca is full of fear that he masks with an exuberant layer of confidence he doesn't truly feel. Both characters are flawed, and I felt myself sympathizing with both which made the relationship even more worthwhile to follow.

I especially enjoyed the detective work that went on with Luca, Maya, and Matti. These scenes added an extra layer of adventure to the story and helped make this more than just another romance book. The house-breaking, adopted personas, undercover work, and clue gathering was such a fun element and I'd love to see what other antics Matti and Luca might get up to in future!

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Swordcrossed is an enjoyable, light-hearted read. I could see certain aspects of the plot coming from a mile away, but still found the journey to be engaging. I was strangely least drawn into the romantic sections of the plot - although this is not a fantasy novel, the worldbuilding is carefully crafted and intriguing. I found myself interested in the houses, their different gods, and the different trading networks. The characters likewise felt mostly well fleshed-out - there's a strong supporting cast in this novel. Although it felt like the reader spent the majority of the time in Matti's head, it was Luca who seemed to grow and progress the most. All in all, I had a lot of fun reading this, and although I was more engaged by some sections than others, it was a brilliant mood-brightener.
3.5 rounded up to 4.

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Mattinesh Jay, senior member and chronic overworker of Jay House, is soon to be married to Sofia Cooper - a business marriage that will give her a name and him the money he needs to keep his business afloat. The only problem? Her ex will not take no for an answer, and he can't afford a good best man in case of a challenge. His answer? Luca Pierre.
One thing that I really loved about this, and which Marske does very well, is the characterization. This is how you write characters of color well- names, cultures, skin color without being racist, a regard for religion. also it was so refreshing to read about a brown character who had a loving family but still struggled with the weight of expectations perceived, about a character who's implied to have anxiety and is respected and taken seriously, and about a world in which homophobia didn't exist. All of them were just really likeable and realistic and I was laughing right along with them.
I will say, this is not fantasy-based any more than the setting, in the sense that there isn't a magic system. it didn't affect my review of the book because I knew what I was in for, but if you're expecting a world or magic system somewhat like in the Last Binding series, you will not find it here.
That is to say - don't let this discourage you. If you like cute romances, Marske's writing, or Regency-esque wool trade, you might like this.
Thank you to Pan Macmillan for the ARC!

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With thanks to Pan MacMillan and NetGalley for the ARC!

This was a gorgeous solid romantasy book! I loved the worldbuilding and the characters so much, and the writing was lovely. While I did struggle a bit at the start I thought the book picked up very well and things kept moving.

I highly recommend this to people who liked Marske’s previous books, or those looking for a queer romantasy with easy to follow worldbuilding. I found this to be a quick easy read, and I can’t wait to read more from Marske.

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This was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed Freya Marske's previous novels and this was no exception. The style is fun and vibrant and the characters have a lot of spark to them.

The world-building was solid and well done without being too heavy or dry. There were a few moments where the plot dragged a little bit but it always quickly picked up again. I loved the dynamic between the two main characters and how they juxtaposed against each other. The ending felt a little meh to me but it was still pretty good and fitted the story.

Overall I really enjoyed this and had a great time whilst reading it.

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This book was great fun - swords, romance, secret plots, hidden identities, betrayal, dancing, tension, interfering families, and did I mention swords?? Lots of swords. Sweet, silly and heartwarming.

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After reading The Last Binding trilogy and absolutely loving it, I was being excited to read Swordcrossed, but, it did mean I had really high expectations.

I am so happy to be able to say this book lived up to every one of those expectations. The relationship between Matti and Luca grows slowly but blindingly, you feel the pair of them fall in love whilst both weighed down by known and unknown secrets. The way Freya Marske writes the scenes between them is a level of intimacy that I haven't seen rendered in text in a long time. She made the most ordinary things sensual, made my breath catch at the heat and heart in some scenes.

Past the relationship there was the world building which was expertly don't, with deities and guilds and geopolitical histories. But... Nothing was too heavy or too dry, she gave you just the information you needed to enjoy the rich world she had created.

And finally the mystery -- it was just enough to keep the intrigue going, and as a person who is a member of the current guild of Weavers, spinners and dyers, she was about 95% correct with her wool processing knowledge!

This book was so good it's made all my other 5* reviews pale in comparison. Definitely check it out!

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Thanks Netgalley & Tor UK for the e-ARC

I had high expectations of this book as the Last Binding trilogy is among my favorites, and this one did not disappoint.
The setting is a second world, but without magic or anything supernatural. Rather, it is a made up world with a historical feel, but better in terms of gender equality and queer rights, though there are still many issues. Most important, the position of people with House status (Houses are wealthy trader families) in comparison to people without a house, and while this is not the focus of the book, the inequalities are highlighted and the MC's father is in an important political position because he wants to do something about this inequalities.

The MC Matti is drowning under family pressure. His House's wool business is on the verge of collapse and the only way to save it is for Matti to marry Sofia Cooper, a second daughter of a very wealthy house who'd bring her own fortune into Matti's house. Matti is not particularly excited about the marriage, but he's very dutiful and likes Sofia well enough. I loved Matti's characterization as the dutiful son who takes everything upon himself and his character arc of realizing he has to live for himself too and not take everything upon his own shoulders.

The only thing standing in between Matti and saving his family is Adrean Vane, the son of his father's employee, and poet. He is madly in love with Sofia, and is convinced she loves him too but is forced to marry for status instead, despite Sofia repeatedly telling him she's not interested (I really appreciated this plotline). A tradition in this world is that in a wedding, you can challenge for either of the people getting married and you'll fight a duel with either the other person getting married or their best man and if you win, this means the gods are against the marriage and most likely it won't go through. Adrean happens to be an expert duellist and plans to challenge for Sofia. Since Matti can't fight, he'll need to hire a best man. I liked this part of the world building, it felt fresh and original, but also believable within a historical context. The book doesn't go deep into history, but does imply that in the past duels were typically to the death whereas in modern day this is rarely the case and a lot of duels are more for show, though the ones at a wedding are still taken very seriously.

Luca is a swordsman new to town, running away from his problems, and he's the best duellist Matti can afford with his limited budget. Their relationship starts off at the wrong foot as Luca had just conned Matti out of a significant sum, but Luca tries to salvage this by throwing in free sword lessons on top of his services as a best man, and over these lessons they grow closer.

They also begin investigating some strange happenings within the trader houses, people running schemes and aiming to destroy Matti's house for their own gain, and I liked this subplot. Luca is great at investigating because he doesn't really care about breaking and entering or conning his way inside.

The romance starts primarily physical and over the course of the book it develops into romantic too. Matti is engaged to Sofia through most of the book, and he does sleep with Luca during this time. In this book's world, a business engagement doesn't really count in terms of cheating, not through the marriage, but I can imagine some people might be uncomfortable with this. I personally didn't mind so much.

I also really appreciated the side characters in this, especially Sofia and Maya (Matti's younger sister), and I liked how Sofia's character was handled as Matti's fiancée. She's not in love with him either though she does like him as a friend, nor does she like Adrean who claims to be in love with her. She's clever, helps in the investigation and saving Jay house later on and she and Matti part on good terms (how exactly is a spoiler but I really liked how it was resolved).

Would recommend this book to fans of Freya Marske's earlier work, queer romantasy and queer historical romance. I'd say it feels more historical romance than fantasy.

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