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DI Helen Grace has got another tough case on her hands in the latest nail-biting thriller by M J Arlidge: Forget Me Not.

Everyone is on edge. Gang wars have gripped the city and with the police being under pressure, over stressed and under resourced, they are getting it from all sides. The force is under strict instructions to follow the rules, but Helen Grace has always marched to the beat of her own drum and defies direct orders and gets drawn into the case of a missing teenager.

Naomi’s mother is desperate and nobody – except for Helen – seems to want to help her. Yet, Helen cannot just turn her back on a woman desperate for answers, so despite knowing of the cost this investigation might take on her own career begins to investigate in secret – and discovers a tangled and twisted web of secrets, lies and deceptions that leaves her with more questions than answers. Yet, Helen refuses to give up until she has got to the bottom of this case.

The clock is ticking and time is not on her side. Can Helen find Naomi? Can she reunite a child with her mother? Or is Helen about to meet her match?

Heart-pounding crime fiction does not get any better than this. Forget Me Not is classic M J Arlidge packed with plenty of thumping action, jaw-dropping revelations and enough twists and turns to make a rollercoaster look underwhelming. M J Arlidge does not put a foot wrong in Forget Me Not, a clever, unpredictable and unputdownable crime novel that will keep readers engrossed all through the night.

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A gang drugs war leads to a shooting and the police are expected to put all their eforts into resolving the case. However DI Helen Grace diverts her team to the case of a missing teenager who she believes has been abducted...
Forget Me Not is the 12th book in the DI Helen Grace series. I read (and LOVED!) the 11th Book Cat and Mouse.
We meet troubled teen Naomi at the start of the book. She has been dumped by her no-good boyfriend and, now homeless, tries to settle down in a underpass for the night. A kind stranger rescues her but she finds herself in a dreadful situation, held against her will with another girl who has been abused.
Helen has a battle to face with her team and her superiors who all believe that she has her priorities wrong. Luckily she sticks to her convictions even though it puts her career at risk. We know of the danger and horror that Naomi is facing so Helen's passionate leadership is reassuring that there are people who care.
We see the police investigation, the suspects' suspicious behaviour as well as Naomi's terrible situation. The race against time to save the girls is hampered by the police's attitiude which ramps up the tension. Thankfully, the nature of the abuse Naomi and MIa face is not described in detail. In some ways though, this is worse as it leaves it to your own vivid imagination to fill in the gaps.
The chapters are short and the plot speeds along. There are some great action scenes alongside the relentless pursuit of clues and suspects. The writing style is easy to read and the characters are vivdly imagined. I love Helen and Charlie's characters as they fight for the vulnerable and challenge stereotypes. I am also familiar with the setting of Southampton and felt that the geography also contributes effectively to the plot.

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There is never any question that I will pick up anything MJ Arlidge writes and his DI Helen Grace books never disappoint. Forget Me Not is the twelfth book in the series, though it can happily be read as a standalone, and once again Arlidge has produced an edge of your seat fast-paced thriller with one of my favourite protagonists.

Helen has a new boss, a fast-tracked female Detective Chief Superintendent who is determined to prove her worth - and focuses on the escalating drug-related gang wars in Southampton. But Helen has other priorities - missing teenager Naomi who she suspects has been abducted. Helen is not afraid to go with her gut and ignore instructions, despite some opposition - what follows is a race against time to find Naomi, and some truly shocking revelations.

I am in awe of Arlidge’s ability to draw the reader in, keep them turning the pages (those short chapters definitely help the “just one more” feeling!) and create an ever-escalating feeling of tension. Helen is such a fabulous character and what Arlidge does so well is combine character with plot, and some deft handling of some complex societal issues, to create an utterly unputdownable read. I can’t wait to see what happens in book 13 - and if you haven’t yet discovered the series then you’ve got 12 books to add to your TBR ..…

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Another excellent addition to the Helen Grace series. Arlidge knows how to write a police procedural 👏🏻 Although part of a series, this can definitely be read as a stand alone.

If you love your thrillers fast paced, gripping and with gritty characters, then this one is definitely for you. The storyline had me from the first few pages, until the very end. I love D. I. Grace as a character. A strong willed, bad ass female inspector whose hunches are rarely wrong.

As well as the chapters which focus on Naomi, I was also so invested in the investigation side of things and how tiny clues are picked up and amount to huge breakthroughs.

I took half a star off of my rating as I felt like the culprit was revealed quite early on, as opposed to being a shock reveal near the end. The ending did also seem a little too rushed, but other than that - I loved it. I still have a couple of the series to get to, which I’ll definitely be prioritising now. If you haven’t read any of the Helen Grace series yet, I’d highly recommend!

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Forget Me Not by M.J. Arlidge is the twelfth book in the always excellent DI Helen Grace series of books. And even though part of a series, it is most definitely a book that can easily be read as a standalone – although why you would want to with a series as good as this one, I don know!

With short, punchy chapters and a fast paced and tension filled plot, this is a gripping thriller that kept me on my toes from beginning to end. I’m a huge fan of this series and Forget Me Not did not disappoint in the slightest. In fact, I would go as far as to say that this was M.J. Arlidge’s best one yet!

As a gang war grips the city, DI Helen Grace defies the direct orders of her boss and takes on the case of a missing teenager. Keeping the investigation secret, Helen begins to uncover a disturbing trail of questions that lead to even more missing people – who all appear to have vanished without a trace.

With a powerful and complex plot and a storyline that keeps you guessing throughout, Forget Me Not is an exciting, adrenaline fuelled thriller that’s taut with tension as DI Helen Grace finds herself in a race against time. Can she pull the pieces of the puzzle together in time to find the missing girl before it’s too late? Or could it be that, this time, she has finally met her match?

Helen Grace is a fascinating character who keeps on going from strength to strength. I’m always excited when a new book by M.J. Arlidge is released and this one was even better than I hoped it would be. A more character driven story than usual, Forget Me Not has strong female characters at its heart and is a book that I would highly recommend.

With a strong cast of supporting characters and an interesting but flawed female protagonist in DI Helen Grace, Forget Me Not is an excellent addition to what is already a wonderful series of books.

I can’t wait to see what M.J. Arlidge has in store for them next!

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M.J. Arlidge has crafted another tense thriller in his brilliant DI Helen Grace series. At the beginning of the latest book, Forget Me Not, Helen is approached by a concerned mother whose daughter, Naomi has disappeared. Naomi hasn’t had the best relationship with her mother recently, so this could simply be the case that Naomi doesn’t want to talk to her. But there is something that makes Helen worried and she is determined to find Naomi before it’s too late.

I really felt frustrated for Naomi’s mother when it appeared, at first, that no one was prepared to listen to her, or take her claims that her daughter had gone missing seriously. You can see, that despite the differences they’ve had recently, how much Naomi’s mother still cares for her daughter, and I was so glad at the way how Helen took hold of the reigns and drove the search for her daughter.

The tension really begins to get going in the book with the scenes told from Naomi’s point of view. Naomi is being held prisoner after being abducted, and there is another woman being held with her. Her fear comes through on the page in M.J. Arlidge’s writing. I was rooting for Helen to find her, but it really did feel as though time was beginning to run out. The novel takes a particularly dark turn as Helen comes to realise who could be behind the disappearance. This is what makes the book so tense as the book races towards the finale, and it seems that Helen is facing an obstacle at every turn in her fight to get justice, and to find Naomi.

This book has echoes of events that have taken place in the news recently, and I thought M.J. Arlidge handled this part of the book really well. It kept me on the edge of my seat as I was reading, as I wondered how Helen was going work around the challenges she faces.

Forget Me Not is another excellent Helen Grace thriller. After finishing it I am wondering now where M.J. Arlidge is going to take this series and Helen next. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Wow, wow wow!

How have I not read this series? Forget Me Not is the 12th instalment of DI Helen Grace series.

I went into this brilliant police procedural without having read any prior books in the series. As a first time reader of this author, what I can say is that this book kept me on the edge of my seat and I couldn’t put it down. I will definitely be going back to read them all now! Suffice to say that I think it can be read as a standalone.

Forget Me Not follows DI Helen Grace who is a tough, take no nonsense, strong-willed DI. The book tackles tough, realistic and timely themes - gang wars, corruption, pedophilia and systematic abuse of power.

Short sharp chapters create a high tension read. Following a lead of a missing teenage girl from a distraught mother to an escalating drug war and shooting make for an engrossing and compulsive storyline. I loved DI Helen’s dedication to her job, choosing to follow her gut instincts over office politics and putting her position in jeopardy from her superior in favour of following the evidence and piecing together all the clues.

Overall, its brilliantly paced and cleverly plotted. I hope we see more from this series … but not before I’ve caught up with the previous 11 novels, and I cannot wait! 🥰

💌 Huge thanks to Tracy @thebookdealer and m_j_arlidge @orionbooks @netgalley for having me along on the book tour 💌

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Oh Helen, I have missed you! I’m a huge fan of Matthew Arlidge’s Helen Grace series. Kawasaki rider, Helen is a hard-headed, stubborn D.I. and not one to bow to pressure either internal or external. She’s not always been lucky with her superiors, but then she doesn’t do herself any favours in that regard either. This time her new boss is a woman. Chief Superintendent Rebecca Holmes is a fast track graduate with an impression to make and a career to enhance. She knows what will impress her superiors and she wants to make sure that the team dances to her tune. In this case, her focus is on prioritising a crack-down on the Southampton drugs was waging throughout the city that has resulted in an on-street shooting. She wants 100% effort from D.I. Grace and her team on this one.

But Helen has other priorities. Her meeting with the mother of missing teenager Naomi Watson has led her to believe that Naomi is not just missing but possibly abducted and she knows in her heart that finding Naomi in the first few days of her disappearance is critical to getting her back. After that, traces are apt to disappear. So Helen focusses her team the way she sees fit and that inevitably comes back to bite her.

DC Charlie Brooks is also having a tough time. A new intake of DCs has left her with a sour taste as one in particular seems to come from that boys club who knows it all and can’t seem to respect a fellow officer when she’s a woman, even when that officer is their superior. It’s galling and even more so when the ‘lads’ come together to pressurise a new female probationer. Some of them think they have all the answers and behave as if they make the laws, not just investigate wrongdoers.

Sexism is still rife in the police force, it seems – and worse. M.J. Arlidge does not have to look far into recent news to find examples of dishonest and perverted behaviour and Helen’s missing person’s case turns into a nightmare of horrible proportions.

On the track of a depraved and violent perpetrator, she is prepared not only to defy her boss, but to work with an old enemy to get justice done.

Arlidge writes in short, sharp, explosive chapters and this has the impact of driving the pace forward quickly while ramping up tension at the same time. He contrasts Helen’s hot-headedness with Charlie’s more tempered approach and shows us the impact this has on their long term personal friendship. Helen has a short window to pursue her suspicions before her Chief Super bats her down hard and it’s clearly going to be a race to see who prevails.

Meanwhile Naomi’s time is running out and the reader understands only too well the impact that her imprisonment and additional abasements is having on her. It’s ugly, but M.J. Arlidge always implies rather than describes, so while the reader is revolted by such treatment, there are no graphic descriptions to further turn our stomachs, thankfully.

Verdict: Another sure-fire, fast-paced thriller from M.J. Arlidge. Forget Me Not is thrilling and engrossing. Helen Grace never disappoints and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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This is Book 12 in the Helen Grace series. I think I began with Book 2, then went back to read the series from the start. They do work as standalone novels, but I would definitely recommend beginning with Book 1, because you get to learn about Helen and her backstory in each book.
I read mainly female authors, but M. J Arlidge is one of my favourite male authors (along with T. M. Logan) and I will read anything he writes and I’ve never been disappointed yet.
Forget Me Not is straight into the action, as we meet Naomi Watson (15) just as she is being dumped by her junkie boyfriend Darren Haines (22). Her mother Sheila goes into the police station to report her daughter as missing and Detective Inspector Helen Grace takes a personal interest in the case.
Helen has worked at Southampton Central Police Station for over thirty years and is the leader of the Major Incident Team. She is an absolutely brilliant character and another of my favourites is her colleague Detective Sergeant Charlie Brooks, who has played a great supporting role in the previous books.
As with all of the novels, there are some office politics to deal with. Like any workplace, the police station has its own conflicts and rivalries. This time, there’s a new boss – Chief Superintendent Rebecca Holmes – who is a decade younger than Helen.
As well as the missing Naomi, there’s plenty of crime to keep the police busy. The feud between rival drug gangs is getting worse in Southampton. Seventeen-year-old Jason Matthews has been shot and things are in danger of escalating,
As always with a book written by the genius that is M. J. Arlidge, you will find it full of excitement and thrills – the definition of a page turner. Each story is fast paced, really dramatic and well-written, and I love the short chapters that make you think you’ll just read one more, then look up and find an hour has passed.
Forget Me Not is another stunning, rollercoaster of a read and I highly recommend it, along with all his books.

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If there’s anything I enjoy more than a good crime procedural, it’s a series of them, with a gutsy, female detective rising through the ranks and claiming her place amongst the upper echelons of policing.

DI Helen Grace is one such character, and in this, her twelfth outing, her creator MJ Arlidge has pulled out all the stops to deliver another riveting, fast-paced thriller that had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish.

Kudos to Mr Arlidge for combining a scintillating procedural with topical societal issues such as police corruption, organized pedophilia and patriarchy.

Helen has a new boss, a fast-tracked DCS ten years her junior, who’s determined to prove her mettle by bringing a halt to the escalating turf war between two local drug gangs. Helen, though, has other priorities: the disappearance of vulnerable teenager Naomi, whom she suspects has been abducted.

In pursuing the investigation, Helen has to contend not only with a supercilious DCS, who’s more concerned about optics than the powerful case Helen is building, but also the entrenched misogyny at all levels of the police force.

The unfolding narrative is addictive for multiple reasons, but mostly on account of Naomi, whose increasingly desperate voice from the filthy basement room where she’s being held alongside another, dying girl is heartbreakingly pitiful.

Interestingly, the identity of the abductor is revealed quite early on, which fooled me into thinking there would be no more twists to come. I couldn’t have been more wrong! What follows is a flurry of further shocking revelations and a nerve-jangling race against time to find Naomi before it’s too late.

At the forefront is DI Helen Grace, a heroine of a character, brilliantly developed by Arlidge over time. Committed, principled, and with a maverick streak as wide as the English Channel, she’s immensely likeable. I hope we haven’t seen the last of her.

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Another outstanding crime thriller involving Helen Grace and her team. A missing teenager brought to Grace's attention by her distraught mother. As Grace investigates, she begins to believe that the kidnapper is one of the own. Surely someone who has portrayed themselves as a pillar of the community couldn't be responsible for what turns out to be a paedophile ring......

Highly recommend!

My thanks to NetGalley and Orion Publishing Group for giving me the opportunity to read an advanced digital copy in return for an honest review.

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This is the twelfth book in the Helen Grace series and I am not tiring of reading this series. I really enjoy delving back into Southampton Police Force and see what crimes Grace and her team have to deal with. The books can be read as a standalone. However, I'd suggest that you read them in order so that you can get to know Helen Grace and the other characters better.

M J Alridge's writing style is perfection. The book is sectioned of into "days" and the chapters are short. I love this as it's so easy to fly through. Hence how I started and finished this book in a day.

In Forget Me Not, Helen Grace is tasked in getting to the bottom of a gangland shooting. But, when a mother frantic with worry comes into the station reporting that her daughter is missing. Helen makes this case her priority, she has an inclining that there's more to the case. But, this means going against those higher in power to her.

Helen has always been a force to be reckoned with. Going with gut feeling. Not a stickler for following a brief to a tee. And thankfully here she doesn't change. But, boy was I getting wound up with her. There's something not right in the team and it's up to Grace to use her skills.

The story takes a dark turn as we follow the missing girls storyline. Arlidge uses all your senses to convey a feeling of claustrophobia and unease. Will she be saved?

Forget Me Not is a brilliantly paced thriller. Arlidge sows some seeds of doubt within the storyline. Who would you trust? And, I am now wondering will the thirteenth in this series be lucky or unlucky? What is next for Helen Grace?

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“Forget Me Not” is M.J. Arlidge’s brand new novel in his popular DI Helen Grace series. Anyone who has read books by this author will know just how thrilling he makes his stories and with often stomach turning scenes, he makes the perfect reading for me.
From the opening chapter on day one, I was instantly hooked and it was very difficult to put the book down with so much going on. Hitting on modern themes, with homelessness, misogyny, #MeToo and another much more distressing story, these were either handled with respect or with the empathy the victims deserved.
I wasn’t too sure about a couple of things within the station that occurred, with regard to how the suspect was investigated and it certainly became frustrating as Helen and Charlie found their hands legally tied. However, this police procedural was spot on and had a real life feel to the various ‘major incident squad’ personalities.
A very tense and nerve shredding thriller, with some very dark and heart wrenching scenes that some readers may find distressing - I myself must admit to having shivers of apprehension and to choking back the tears at certain times.
“Forget Me Not” is pace perfect that pulls you in and doesn't let go until the nail biting end and with a race against time to find Naomi, you will literally be screaming at the characters to hurry up and get moving!
I personally loved this book and will continue to read more by M.J. Arlidge, he’s a fantastic author with a brilliant imagination, who I highly recommend to readers of this genre.
#ForgetMeNot - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I get a real buzz from diving into a Helen Grace novel. It's like a comfort read ... if you can take comfort from murder, mayhem and all of the other nefarious deeds that M.J. Arlidge weaves into his books, that is. In fairness, there is a little 'comfort' to be taken from Forget Me Not, a book that is unapologetically current and relevant, and which highlights some of the many challenges faced by the Police authorities across the country. If anything, this is a regularly 'uncomfortable' read, and , whilst the worst of the offences take place off the page, the author is so skilled at creating tension and keeping you on the edge of your seat that the palpitations come anyway, and you are certain to feel those hackle rise at the injustices that occur.

This is, at its heart, the story of a missing person, Naomi, and the determination of our favoured Detective, Helen Grace, niot to let her become just another statistic. Now, against a backdrop of escalating gang violence, including a shooting which is the inciting incident that draws us into the story, another missing teenager really isn't worthy of much attention, at least according to the powers that be. But when Helen's spidey senses kick in, you'd be a fool to ignore them, and there is something in the plea of Naomi's mother that really catches her heart, and her mind. As readers, we are far more au fait with what is really going on, adding quite a lot to the tension that I felt building. Knowing more about the plight of Naomi really builds that feeling of jeopardy. It's a ticking clock kind of story, one where the longer it takes for the police to get to the truth, the higher the stakes are raised.

This really is a dark and depraved case but one which is sadly all too plausible. In saying that, as I have said previously, it is mostly played off the page, although there is no doubting what happens in spite of the omission. It's not the kind of case you want to be spelled out to you, the imagination, and implicit understanding being enough to turn your stomach and incite the anger. It felt a little more muted than previous books, with less of the break neck speed and explicit depiction of the crimes, but it didn't mean that I was any less engaged. The crimes in this book speak for themselves and the book is, in my opinion, better for it. It doesn't need a big stage number, a carefully choreographed tableau by some manic killer. The crimes are abhorrent in their own right, and the simplicity of execution adds the fear factor as you know it can, and does, happen all too often.

Even if the story feels a touch quieter somehow, there is nothing muted about Helen's tenacity, determination, or defiance, especially when faced with a new boss, and a relatively new team, who seem determined to go against her at every turn. There are times when even the ever faithful Charlie seems to doubt her, which is a new turn for this particular pairing - usually so strong in the face of adversity. M.J. Arlidge plays a very canny game here, showing how, even when both of the women have carved out a celebrated career, the misogyny and mistrust is never far away, and there are some particularly loathsome characters this time out who were hell bent on undermining both of them at every opportunity. It had me racing through the pages in a bid to ensure that they all got their comeuppance, as much as to ensure as happy an ending as this book was capable of delivering.

Whether they did or not, you will only know if you read the book, and I would definitely recommend you do, especially if you are a Helen Grace fan. I'd be remiss in not applauding the author for creating such a brilliant character as Naomi. Her strength in the face of adversity, her defiance, and her kindness when all hope seems lost, really endeared her to me and it made me really care about her fate. She was no throw away character, and I was completely invested in what happened. Even if the story is a little less gruesome, or gratuitously so at least, than some of its predecessors, it still has the pace, the tension and the often heartbreaking moments that I have come to expect from this series. As for the finale ... well. That was a bit of a jaw dropper. I'm not going to say anything other than I hope we're not waiting long for a return visit to Southampton as I need to know what comes next!

Another cracking Helen Grace novel. More please.

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WOW, M.J Arlidge has done it again, another brilliant instalment in the DI Helen Grace series. I have loved this series from the start and have enjoyed getting to know the characters like they are friends.

The start of this one sees a young 15 year old girl who has got in with an older male druggie, as he dumps her in the middle of a shopping centre. She has no idea where to go and looks for a place to sleep the night. The second thread is a drive by shooting gang and drug related. DI Helen Grace is there at the time and desperately tries to save the young mans life.

Helen is back at the station when she sees a distraught mother at the desk begging for help to find her 15 year old daughter Naomi. Helen has been in the situation Naomi is in and is determined to find the young girl. But her boss wants all the team in the drive by shooting.

Helen has different ideas she is going to send some of ghe team out to try and find Naomi. Much to DS Jennings disgust. He doesn't want to do leg work he wants fame and rewards to him a missing teenager is nothing.

But what if more than one girl has gone missing in similar circumstances? What if the person responsible is closer to home than you think? Helen Grace is up against it here, she is pushing hard and if she is wrong it could cost her her job.

This is a book that grabs you from the first page and will have you completely hooked until the end. I whizzed through this unable to put it down, i was sat on the edge of my seat near the end wanting to scream at the book as the hunt for Naomi is so close. Great characters, great plot, engrossing, engaging read.

Thank you to #netgalley and the publishers for an eARC if this all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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It’s hard to believe this is the 12th outing for DI Helen Grace but she’s every bit as determined to find the bad guys in this case. A mother frets for her only daughter, who left home with a less than desirable boyfriend, and who is missing. Meanwhile, there’s a gang war in the city and it’s the priority… but not for Helen, who understands what it’s like to be on the streets and alone. But sometimes it’s not so difficult to find who is responsible for illegal deeds, in fact, it’s often closer to you than you’d imagine. You’ll want to read this in one, breathless go.

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Whilst this is the twelfth novel in the DI Helen Grace series, it reads easily as a standalone.

Helen and her team have a new case on their hands involving a killing in the drug world but Helen’s head is turned by a mother looking for her fifteen year old daughter. Going against her bosses instructions, Helen has most of her team searching for young Naomi. I was in awe of Helen as I knew she would be under some serious scrutiny from above if the missing girl turned out to be some sort of runaway and nothing more sinister involved.

The whole team are not convinced that she is doing the right thing either and it causes a lot of unrest throughout and the tension was electric. In some ways I could see both sides but something I have learned along this series is that Helen’s gut instinct is rarely wrong. There are a couple of scenarios where it will have you wondering what you would do in some of the characters shoes when it comes to certain protocol and whether you would keep schtum or go to someone above.

Naomi’s situation is frightening and heartbreaking in equal measure. It’s unclear to start with who is behind her disappearance but when it is clear, oh my goodness I was absolutely raging! More so as they think they are untouchable and I was getting every bit as frustrated as Helen was in trying to catch them. At some points I was nearly jumping up and down in my chair and wanting to shout at certain characters as they get so close to finding Naomi, it really is a nail-biting finale that I don’t think my heart has recovered from yet.

Forget Me Not is another superb story in the series that will have you gripping on for dear life. The author wastes no time in pulling you in and he doesn’t let you go, not for a minute. The pacing and tension just kept growing and has the reader eagerly turning each page with some pages causing your heart to drop and others sending your pulse rate soaring. A truly unforgettable crime thriller that packs more than a punch!

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Forget Me Not is the twelfth book in the DI Helen Grace series, but the series still feels as fresh as it did at the beginning. I love how Helen Grace goes against the grain to do what is right, follows her gut instinct, and encourages her colleagues to do the same, as it provides us with several exciting moments and so much tension. I love Helen Grace's relationship with DS Charlie Brooks, and this goes from strength to strength with each instalment. I also loved PC Beth Beamer, and although she's a relatively minor character, I hope we haven't seen the last of her as I would love to see her grow under Helen and Charlie's tutelage.

MJ Arlidge is a very exciting writer, and Forget Me Not is particularly fast paced. The chapters are short, and they usually end on cliffhangers so it is extremely difficult to stop reading! The investigation in which DI Helen Grace and her colleagues are involved is full of tension, red herrings and twists and turns and I really wanted to know what was happening.

Of all the novels in this series, Forget Me Not is the one which feels most current, and I love that MJ Arlidge has taken his inspiration for this novel from issues that are currently very much in the public eye. It was interesting to see how the established characters dealt with the challenges presented by these issues. The crimes in Forget Me Not are particularly heinous, and the author does not shy away from this. This means the novel can be quite difficult to read in places, but I felt it was necessary for maximum impact.

Forget Me Not ends on a cliffhanger and I am looking forward to seeing where it goes next.

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