Member Reviews

[Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for this ARC. This is my honest opinion but just another opinion. You should read this book and judge it by yourself]

I’ve read all of Kathryn Freeeman books, it’s an autobuy for me. Her stories are light, funny and heartwarming, perfect for forgetting the world. But this one, although is all of the above, has been a little weak to me. The plot is catching and so are the MC but the development of their story has been too slow paced and sometimes a little irregular. I’ve been excited and bored at the same time!
Overall it’s an easy and charming book but not one of the best of Kathy Freeman.

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This unfortunately was just not for me at the time when I decided to read this.

The writing was good, but I am suffering from intense mood reading and could not get into this. I would be open to trying again as the author was descriptive and a good writer.

I did not post on Goodreads or Amazon as I don't believe it is fair to judge this book until I am fully in the mood for it.

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Cute romance with believable reality tv feel--it was much like my favorite shows! Fun and quirky, which made it easy to be along for the ride.

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Molly is the Queen of rejection but she wants to turn her luck around and find love finally. She decides to go on a reality show to find "The One" but the competition has a twist.

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Erm a book based off reality TV shows like married at first sight.
Yes please.
And this cover is just so cute and adorable.

The premise of this book sounds amazing.
Join reality TV show. And accidentally meet up with two of your exes. The one who left you broken and the one who fixed you (yet left you to appear on this show)

However this book was just not enjoyable, the storyline was repetitive, and annoying. She has abandonment issues. Ex number 1 has communication issues. Ex number 2 is a general Douche canoe.

These things just go round and round in circles. Without ever getting resolved.

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The idea was nice, the execution was sadly not the best. I really didn't like any of the characters and the pacing felt extremely off...

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I loved the characters. I loved the plot of being a romance reality show. I loved the plot twists. It wasn’t too long, it didn’t drag out, the downfall wasn’t overdone. Highly recommend!

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i loved the idea so much, that’s basically why i gave this book 3 stars.

i am a huge fan of reality show and i never knew i needed this storyline in books. the way this book had, gossips, second chances, love, hate, feelings.

i do think the book was okay, don’t get me wrong. but good book its not only plot but characters, their interactions and development, hooks, writing and world building.

i hated characters. some of them were bad, and the author made it very clear. like i actually hated them, what do you mean he was hers, she know him for 20hours. omg. on the other side, main characters… i didn’t like male characters. both of them. one was ready to get married to anyone and other had trauma, that wasn’t really that deep he wanted to have a trauma, and least it looked like it.

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Typical rom com, boy meets girl. Wasn't the best but its at least a 2/5. Dwfinatly 16+, the splash was abit meh at points but ok over all

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If you enjoy shows like married at first sight or love is blind this book is for you. This book was so much fun, I loved the competition aspect and the layered dynamic between Molly and the love interests. With a UK setting it made it differe t from other books I have read in a similar style and recognising some of the settings is always fun. I really enjoyed the ending (no spoilers) and how we got there.

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2.5 stars.

I really enjoyed the concept of this book, but the execution wasn't there for me. It was repetitive, slow, and the ending was a bit weird.

After about 25% of the way through I was so sick of the main characters that I had to really force myself to finish. The amount of whining and lack of communication had me STRUGGLING. The characters tried to have depth, but just floundered when it came to really connecting with the reader.

I was really rooting for this book, but unfortunately it was just not for me.

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thank u netgalley for this arc!

i was very excited for this book as i love reality tv inspired romances however this one kind of fell short for me. the main characters were quite frustrating at times and i feel like the miscommunication was just not my favorite thing that was done.

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Set on a reality dating show, there are lots of opportunities for humour in this romcom and a lovely varied cast of characters. At the centre we have Molly and Ben's stories, both on the show for reasons other than finding new love. You feel that Molly has a rather needy side to her. She seems desperate for marriage. As the book evolves, you come to understand her need for security.

This novel has Kathryn Freeman's hallmark writing- the creation of a strong male character whose thoughts you are privy to. He has a strong voice in the story and like Molly, events in his past have had a profound effect on his attitude to relationships. With inevitable chemistry between them, you can't help but wonder what Molly's decision will be because also on the show is her erstwhile boyfriend, Duncan. This is a light-hearted, fun read with romance and humour in equal parts.

In short: Sizzling chemistry

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The premise was a little silly but it was a lot of fun. It was a quick read too which was really nice. It’s the perfect book to read while on vacation or sitting by the pool on a Saturday.

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When Duncan ditched Molly to go on a dating show, she follows him to win him back.

I love the dating show trope, and this one was an okay read. The characters are largely unlikeable, but the idea and storyline are good.

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I did not expect to absolutely love this one. I loved the plot and the characters and I am always a fan of the second chance romance trope which this one did amazingly. I will be reading more from this author in the future.

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As a huge fan of reality dating shows, I completely loved this book. The cover, the story, the characters, I simply loved it all. I highly recommend.

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as a reality dating show STAN - i was so excited for this book! I love a reality dating show plot line and i feel like this one was done pretty well.

There was drama, instalove connections, tension, sneaky relationships - honestly everything you see on the shows - it was in this book.

My only issues were that i felt like it dragged a bit at parts and i wanted more character driven growth. It felt really just… random that he decided to marry her. I wanted to see more of the growth he had and i think maybe having the book in first person would have led for the reader to be able to gain that insight.

I think if you’re not a fan of reality dating shows, this book probably won’t be for you. It feels a bit extra, cringy & unbelievable at times but so do the
shows. I was shocked at who was married with a baby at the end (epilogue info) but that’s the shock / unbelievable factor of reality dating shows.

Overall, it was fun. I would definitely read more by this author and would recommend this book.

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This was a pretty cute read overall. It didn't really have any stand out moments or characters for me.

It was a quick and fun read but probably not memorable unfortunately.

Thank you to the author, OMC and Netgalley for the opportunity to review this title. I received an ARC but am leaving my review honestly and freely.

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This is a perfect summer read. It's both fun and fast, making it an easy pick for a beach day or a lazy afternoon in the sun (that's what I did). The book's pace kept me hooked from start to finish — I read it in two sittings.

I really enjoyed the overall plot. The dating show aspect was fun and new for me. I loved following Ben and Molly's dates and activities as they slowly got closer. Ben is undeniably charming. His POV was my favourite and his interactions with Molly are endearing. Molly came across as a bit delusional and, at times, not the sharpest tool. I get why but at the same time, did I still find her infuriating at times? Yes. Despite this, I enjoyed their romance and had a lot of fun giggling to myself.

However, the love triangle aspect of the plot didn’t quite hit the mark for me. I notoriously dislike them, as most people do. It felt more like a distraction than a necessary element. It added some drama and miscommunication, but that's about it.

The ending felt a bit rushed. While it wraps up the story in a satisfying way, it could have benefited from a bit more development.

Overall, if you're looking for a charming and quick romance read, this book is worth picking up.

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