Member Reviews

i loved the idea so much, that’s basically why i gave this book 2.5 starts.

i am a huge fan of reality show and i never knew i needed this storyline in books. the way this book had, gossips, second chances, love, hate, feelings.

i do think the book was okay, don’t get me wrong. but good book its not only plot but characters, their interactions and development, hooks, writing and world building.

i hated characters. some of them were bad, and the author made it very clear. like i actually hated them, what do you mean he was hers, she know him for 20hours. omg. on the other side, main characters… i didn’t like male characters. both of them. one was ready to get married to anyone and other had trauma, that wasn’t really that deep🤷🏼‍♀️ he wanted to have a trauma, and least it looked like it.

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If you enjoy reality dating shows then this book is for you. Molly decides to join a dating show when her boyfriend of one year dumps her to sign up as a way to promote this business. Thinking she has a proposal from him in the bag Molly couldn’t be more wrong when she arrives and comes face to face with a blast from the past. Really enjoyed the plot of this and the fact that it’s different to anything else I’ve read. A little slow in parts but certainly worth a read.

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‘Thank You, Next’ by Kathryn Freeman is a fun and romantic novel following Molly, a young woman who enters a reality TV dating show to win back her outgoing gym-loving ex-boyfriend Duncan, but ends up also encountering introverted, quietly handsome past flame Ben.

I really liked Molly as a character - her self esteem issues were incredibly relatable and well-explained, and I cheered at her character development as she learnt that she deserved true love. Duncan felt like a caricature, hilariously echoing many of the male reality TV stars who grace our screens, but brooding Ben had a lot of depth and was interesting. ‘HEA Towers’ - the set for the show - was immersive and I loved the dynamics between Ben and his sister Rachel, who also happened to be one of the showrunners.

I’d give this one 3.5 stars and recommend as a fun read for anyone who (like me) binge watches ‘Love Is Blind’ and loves a bit of steamy romance.

I received an advance Digital Review Copy of this book from the publisher Harper Collins, One More Chapter via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins for the ARC.

3.5 stars
First off..the third person narration didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would and as much as it bothered other people seemed to have been. BUTTTT I will say that it would have added another layer to the book if it was written from the characters perspectives.

I did enjoy the premise of the book. I love those trashy dating shows and it was entertaining to read a book that was centered around the dating show. It was a little rough at first but I found myself more drawn into the story and the characters as it went on. Duncan sucks and is like every guy or person that has stung someone along waiting for something else. It was sooo frustrating having him continue to string Molly along and it was so great having Ben give her the strength to see her self worth.

The book overall is entertaining and I think people would enjoy it if they enjoy dating shows :)

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I am not a huge reality tv show person so I wasn’t sure how I would like this one but it was very well done! There was a lot of heart and I enjoyed the characters a lot!

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Call me crazy but two nights ago i was looking for a book that’s easy to read and to get me hooked very fast
Was this book infuriating and the FMC made me smack her across the head with her own book???? Yes
Was i very entertained even if she drove me crazy with her back and forth??? Again yes
I knoe the heroine might be ✨slightly ✨ infuriating but i had the best of time with it 😝 i don’t know maybe i was in a good mood and that’s why i gave 4 stars but i don’t regret a single thing hehhe

Also the love island/love is blind vibe?? On point

Thank you Netgalley and HarperCollinsUk and one more chapter 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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the drama kept me hooked and made me finish this book in under 24 hours despite finding the romance and character development lacking i was still interested where the book was going and how the end was going to be shaped.

some of the reasoning behind why the characters are the way they are was very forced and at times the two main characters seemed like walk overs respectfully. they had zero bounderies and they kept going back and forth and were just walking hypocrites.

the relationship between the two mc’s was extremely physical and it felt like they had no grounds for the basis of an actual relationship personality and chemistry wise. im not a huge fan on books that really only talk about the physical aspects of the characters and ignore the main thing most people want to read about, (or maybe just me) the emotional relationship.

i felt like everything in their past was brought up and swept under the rug in the next chapter and all was forgiven which kind of just felt very unrealistic to me there wasn’t much in terms of high stakes in this book because it was obvious who she was going to pick in the end.

there was times where i felt the author forgot herself and changed the narrative of the characters. multiple times ben tells molly he wants her back and then it’s as if he has never said it or it has to be repeated time and time again. there was also a part where molly was asked when she wanted to join the show (around the 50% mark). to the read we were told she joined to have a second chance with duncan but then she tells another girl she wanted a chance to figure out if letting computers or experts was going to make her dating life easier. it was just messy.

“me being his brother” being said by his sister made no sense ive noticed too that instead of using the word “swap” the author writes “swop” i thought maybe it was a typo but it’s continuously used.

also you cannot rip up multiple different jackets to make a new one and then call it “vintage”.

thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Uk | One More Chapter for sending me this arc!

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' Just to be clear, I wont be doing this because you've asked me to, or to make him jealous.' hazel eyes glittered as they stared into hers. 'I'll be doing it because I want to' '

When molly's long term boyfriend unexpectedly breaks up with her so he can star in a reality TV show to meet 'The One' and hopefully promote his gym business is the process, she feels lost until the TV producer also reach out to her and ask if she also wants to be apart of it. Of course she says yes and is whisked away to the Happily ever after 5 star resort to spend 4 weeks on a show and hopefully win her ex back, the last thing she expects is to find not one, but two ex boyfriends as part of the show, and one of them broke her heart completely.
This book includes
- TV reality show
- second chance romance
- Love triangle
- tons of chemistry
- right person wrong time

First of all I would like to mention that I was super excited to receive this ARC, I have all of Kathryn Freemans romcom series and was reading her books way before I started reviewing on social media so I couldn't wait to dive into this book and I wasn't disappointed.
I really enjoyed this story, the plot was unique and was written so well that it really did feel like you were watching a bingeable reality show. The characters were fun, lovable and relatable and the chemistry between Molly and Ben was everything.
I found myself smiling and laughing throughout this book and really loved the romance but I think the highlight for me with this book was seeing Molly's characters grow so much, her confidence started to shine and the way she was able to start believing in herself by the end was truly heart-warming

Also the greenhouse scene *cough, cough* *fans-self*

I love Kathryn Freemans Rom com books, they are so easy going and give me lots of laughs plus when the characters in the book visit Clacton - on - Sea it was super easy to picture for me as I grew up about 20 minutes away which felt like a nice little personal bonus.
I highly recommend these books for a sweet romance and lots of laughs

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an eARC.

3.5 ⭐️’s.

I really enjoyed this one, maybe more than I should’ve. It was like one of those reality shows you can’t get enough off and others don’t understand why. It was a cute, wholesome story about second chance romance.

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This book releases this month and it was a fun summer read. Molly by chance gets invited to go on a reality tv dating show where she is not paired with her most recent ex (the reason she applied for the show in the first place), but instead paired with a former ex who broke her heart 2 years ago.


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3.5 Stars. It's a very cute twist on reality TV. Characters had good depth and chemistry. The plot was a little predictable, and I felt like some of the dialogue/inner monologue was repetitive (e.g., the characters kept processing the same things in the same way). As outlined in the summary, there are two MMCs, and I wish the story with one of them were more fully closed out feels like it just ended abruptly. Overall, enjoyed reading it. Thanks, NetGalley, for this eARC!

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Okay, I thought about DNFing this multiple times. Like a lot of times. I didn't think the back and forth between the guys was cute and I just thought Duncan was an ass and Ben just didn't know how to communicate.

Overall the book was interesting and I did finish it. I just maybe not recommend. It wasn't worth it.

I got an e-arc of this book on NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a fun read. I’m not a huge reality dating show fan, but occasionally I will get in the mood to binge a season of Love is Blind or the like. This seemed to follow a scenario that could easily pop up on one of these shows. The main character had to decide between two guys, and the reader gets to follow along to see if she makes the right choice. The conflict seemed to be drug out a bit, but overall it was a good read and I would give it a 4 out of 5.

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This book had me in a chokehold! It felt like I was watching the tv show in real life. I was so engrossed!! Molly and Ben are seriously the cutest! I struggled a little bit with reading it in parts it seemed repetitive. It was a fluffy read and very cute though.

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thank you thank you thank you to kathryn and the team of One More Chapter for this e-arc
Words can't express how much i adore this book
it's so cute and absolutely the best book for the summer
no thank you next for this one
it is here to stay

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I’m obsessed with all things reality TV, so I assumed this book would be a major hit for me. Unfortunately, that was not to be. I fully expect a lot of readers to love this, and I truly encourage you to give it a try! Freeman has created a lighthearted read that a lot of people will probably enjoy. Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for this one? I’m not sure, but I really had to push myself to continue once I hit about 30% of the way through.

For some reason, I think had I been watching this play out on an actual TV, I would’ve loved it a lot more. Would I have thought it was completely scripted? Absolutely, but there’s something about reality TV being extra cheesy that doesn’t play out as well for me on the page. I’m not saying I never love a light fluffy romance with a healthy dose of cheese on occasion. I have read and loved more than my fair share of that! This one just fell flat for me. I think that’s in large part because I found a lot of the characters to be immature, and Molly’s faith that she and Duncan were going to end up together even after he “temporarily” broke up with her to be on a dating show was beyond frustrating. My handwritten note for that chapter: “oh, honey.”

That being said, I do think Freeman is a talented author (far better than I could ever be!), and I would likely give her another try.

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Molly’s boyfriend Duncan dumps her to take part in her favourite dating show to boost his social media following but promises it’s all just going to be for show and that he loves her. The producers invite her to join the show and she expects to be matched up with him but ends up matched to her Ex Ben instead…..

This had a lot of potential and some funny moments but fell slightly short for me. I really liked Bens character but personally found Molly’s character frustrating most of the time to the point that it affected how much I enjoyed the book. I know some people will enjoy her character though. A good one for lovers of reality dating shows!

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aww this was super cute! i’m not the biggest fan of second chance romance, but a dating show was a clever format. i really loved both main characters and their banter. I need more from this author !

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I neglected 90% of my responsibilities and binged this in one day. Normally I’m not a fan of the miscommunication trope but it was so incredibly important to the relationship and character development. Im a sucker for reality daring shows and this hit all of the reasons I love them. Immediately went to find more of Kathryn’s books - her writing style clicked with me immediately. LOVED this!

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This was cute and I ADORE a good reality TV romance, but unfortunately Molly was incredibly frustrating to me, especially at the beginning. I loved Ben, though! I didn't enjoy Duncan and all of the baggage that he gave Molly, but it was cool to see her overcome her problems. And I loved the ending!!

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