Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and Kathryn Freeman for this ARC! I am absolutely loving this book! The romantic tension between the two main characters is incredible🤩 cannot wait to finish it!

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Reality show, love triangle (sort of), second chance romance

The chemistry between Molly and Ben is great right off the first champagne toss. I was hooked and entertained from the first chapter and it kept entertaining me all the way through! Ben is a great book boyfriend! The dating show aspect was fun and not overdone. There was a little spice, but not a ton. It was a fun read that kept me up way past my bedtime and I didn't want to put it down!


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Overall an easy side-pool reading that I think will appeal to the fans of reality TV show. However I'm not one but still enjoy the settings.
I read the book really fast, one because I wanted to know what happened and second because I felt a great affinity with Ben Knight.

I think the book had great potential but it fell short as a few scenes were a little too basic, the emotions of most characters a little too shallow and the plot a little too predictable. Given the settings and the many peripheral characters, I think a simpler enemy to lovers trope would have worked better than also having a love triangle with ex-Duncan that felt at bit forced and orchestrated.

Overall a fun read!

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Thank you Netgalley and One More Chapter for letting me read this eARC.

Thank You Next is a cosy rom-com that gave me all the feels. I loved this novel so much, Molly is the best main character and she's relatable too.
I loved the premise of the novel too, I've not read any dating game show rom coms before but I love MAFS, having it as a plotline was a fantastic idea and one that played out perfectly.
The characters were all great, I loved Ben and his brooding, Duncan wasn't too bad either. I loved everyone's interactions with Molly. The writing in this novel was great, it had me hooked and I was engaged throughout.
I highly recommend to everyone. I'd certainly be on the look out for more by Kathryn Freeman

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I absolutely adored this book! I flew through the pages and truly couldn't put it down. I loved the reality show vibes, fell in love with the characters, loved the love!! 5 stars!

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This book is so freakin’ adorable! Set in the world of reality dating, Molly’s boyfriend, Duncan, dumps her to improve his social media following (for his business) by appearing on a dating show. Molly follows him on the show, hoping to end their reality tv journey in marriage, however things do not go as planned. Surprisingly, another ex-boyfriend of hers, Ben, also has gotten roped into the show by his sister. Even though Ben has no interest in being on the show, his presence is enough to make Molly mad. However, as they make their way through the world of reality tv, Ben and Molly are forced to confront their past as Molly also grapples with wanting a future with Duncan. Molly has so many decisions to make, but in choosing a man, she also learns how to choose herself. This romance is certainly a love triangle with other contestants also wanting to be involved. The chemistry is potent and sparks fly in this romance. I had so much fun reading it and following along the journey, that luckily wasn’t released in once-a-week episodes. While it does get repetitive at times, this book is the perfect relaxing read that gets deep with who the characters are and who they want to become. 4⭐️, 2🌶

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A spicy second-chance romance with contestants on a TV reality dating show. Raced through it in one afternoon, as will fans who adore sweet easy-to-read romantic tales. Great fun!

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Another sweet and spicy quick read from Kathryn Freeman!

Molly and Ben’s story was repetitive at times but so fun to follow! Reality dating shows, a love triangle, and second chance romance - what’s not to like! More than that, the way that Ben and Molly showed their feelings (even when too scared to say them) and the passion between them was so sweet to read. I couldn’t put this down, as is the case with any Kathryn Freeman story I read!

Thank you NetGalley, Harper Collins UK, One More Time and Kathryn for the ARC!

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I was initially drawn in by the cute cover; it's the perfect cover for a contemporary romance. I also was very intrigued by the blurb, because I'm a huge reality show fan and love that this featured a dating show as the premise and set up for this book. It features more of a love triangle which I normally am not a fan of, but it worked in this book and made things a bit more interesting. I'm also not a huge fan of third person POV but really enjoyed this book! However, something I didn't like was how immature and childish it seemed the characters were. It made it hard for me to like them. It also seemed to get quite repetitive after awhile and made it difficult to continue. While I enjoyed the book for what it is, I do think it had potential that wasn't lived up too and I just wanted more from it.

Thank you to NetGalley, Kathryn Freeman, and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter | One More Chapter for the eARC of this book.

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Review to come…

What an adorable cover ❤️
The description is very intriguing.
This is a new author for me.

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC.

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Somewhere between a 3 and a 4 stars. I was initially drawn to this book because i’m a reality star junkie. This concept for this book is so good. It reminds me a lot of Love is Blind. This was a quick and entertaining read much like my favorite reality shows.

Much like my favorite reality shows not being the most quality tv, the same can be said about this read. Third person is always really hard for me. I did not love how one dimensional the side characters were and how one dimensional Duncan was as the villain. I get that its a romance novel so it doesn’t need to always be that fleshed out and deep, but the main characters dealt with huge life issues outside of their relationship so to me the rest of the cast should have been more fleshed out to to make it a more well-rounded experience reading. More friendships between the cast members would have been great. That’s one of my favorite parts of Love Island and Love is Blind is the non-romantic friendships that happen and could have added to the story. This story is also heavily influenced by the miscommunication trope. So if you don’t like miscommunication, then you will not enjoy this read. The main characters also just got on my nerves. They were both very petulant in their interactions and both felt unhealthy. Then again, a lot of people on these shows aren’t the healthiest.

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I so thoroughly enjoyed this book. I loved the plot and I loved the characters! When coworker have asked what I am reading and I've told them the general plot of the book, they all said that it is a cool premise and they are all looking forward to reading this book when it comes out. I have not read a 3rd person POV book in a long time, but this was excellently executed. You are able to tell when there is a perspective shift and you know what's going on in that person's mind even if there there isn't an internal monologue going on. Molly and Ben's relationship is very realistic. Even with the TV show aspect, the feelings, the conversations, the dilemmas are all realistic and things that I could see myself doing and saying in real life. Also, I am American and reading all of the slang was cool. Overall it is a 5/5 and I was not disappointed at all.

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A romance set in a Love is Blind-style dating show, except the couple can see each other.
The premise is: Molly's boyfriend is taking part in said dating show for self-promotion purposes and thus breaks up with her, so she thinks, why not also join the show to snare him into marriage? But! Seriously hot ex who broke her heart is also part of the show.

This is the sort of read which works better if you don't interrogate the character motivations too much, but I will say that the first half was really fluffy and compulsively readable and just a lot of fun. Unfortunately the second half was all about who would marry whom and the same conflict is repeated / not quite addressed / repeated again / not yet addressed far too much.

* Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for providing this book

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Third Person POV -- eh. not a huge fan, however this may be one of the ONLY books from 3rd person POV that I enjoyed. I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys lighthearted modern romances with a healthy dose of spice. It's perfect for readers looking for a fun, engaging read that will keep them guessing until the very end.

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Thank you to Netgalley along with the author Kathryn Freeman for letting me read & review this advanced book copy. This was a three star fun contemporary romance read. This book had great tropes, such as Reality TV, Slow Burn, Second Chance Romance, Grumpy/Sunshine. I loved the history between the two main characters and how they interact in today's date.

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I was excited to start reading this and was decently hooked for a bit. Until it just fell apart for me. The characters seemed quite juvenile - except perhaps Ben - but I suppose that could reflect the kinds of people who turn up on these shows? But I just couldn't stand reading the words and dialogue.

And the story just ugh. I'm so so sorry to say I had higher hopes. But, I do think people who normally watch these shows may enjoy this! (Which is funny bc the author says she wasn't really familiar with these shows until she started writing??)

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DNF - I made it 20% into this and I did not like a single character, nor the writing style.

Molly is a Pick-Me Girl who doesn’t understand that her boyfriend/suddenly ex(?) Duncan is a pile of trash and has controlled her and changed her entire life to fit his wants and needs. The fact that he phrases the dumping of her as “for his career” was such a red flag - not to mention that he controlled her diet!!!! Ben, the other love interest, is a cranky grump grump who has issues that I’m sure will get explained, but I’m not going to stick around through all the writing telling me instead of showing to find out.

When it comes to a love-triangle, there needs to be two viable options for the heroine to pick from, and it was so very very clear that Duncan was Not It, meaning all scenes/interactions with him were not worth the reader’s time. Of the three MCs, Ben was at least intriguing enough, I’ll give him that. But again, all the telling instead of showing could mean he has some tragic backstory that would hit really hard, but readers (or at least THIS reader) will not feel that emotional punch as it is explained to them like a university lecture.

Also, this is a minor gripe, but the cover shows the hero as being a blonde and Ben is said to be “Tall, Dark, and Handsome” so if the cover is meant to portray Duncan - who is not the hero of this book - it’s a missed step.

I do think other readers will enjoy the story for what it is - a light romance with some reality tv lightly mixed in. Personally, I wanted more from what was promised to be a messy second-chance romance situation where thanks to the cameras, all of the world would be able to witness the mess.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Molly Harris is all too familiar with feeling abandoned. Rejection has been a constant in her life, whether it comes from her parents or romantic partners. Her latest boyfriend, Duncan, a fitness fanatic, leaves her to pursue love on the reality dating show "The One." This unique show pairs singles together for a four-week dating experience, ending with a wedding ceremony.

Even though Duncan once helped to heal her broken heart, Molly refuses to let him go without a fight. She makes a daring choice to join the cast of "The One," determined to show him they are meant to be and to secure the happy ending she desires.

But as filming begins, an unwelcome figure from her past reappears: Ben Knight, the man who broke her heart with the infamous "it's not you, it's me" line. His return threatens to overshadow Molly's dreams of a fairy tale ending with Duncan.

“Thank You, Next” captivates with its engaging concept, blending humor and charm against the backdrop of a reality dating show. Molly's bold move to rekindle her relationship with Duncan adds excitement and anticipation, as the story unfolds with endearing characters who navigate their past traumas on the path to love.

The characters radiate warmth, and the steamy scenes add a refreshing twist, keeping the narrative from becoming predictable. Molly and Ben's undeniable chemistry hints at an inevitable connection, while Duncan's unintentional drama injects an element of surprise, keeping readers hooked.

This book is perfect for anyone looking for a fun, contemporary romance with a bit of spice to keep things lively.

A big thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, and the author, Kathryn Freeman, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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🌈 Reality TV
🌈 Second Chance Romance
🌈Slow Burn
🌈 Grumpy/Sunshine vibes

🌶🌶🌶 out of 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 Spice level

This delightful romcom tells the story of Molly, a woman with a lot of love to give, who just wants a little security and a man that will marry her. Molly thinks marriage is going to complete her happiness. So when Duncan, her boyfriend, decides to go on a Reality TV show and dumps her, she follows him on there hoping to convince him that she's the one for him.

On the show she meets up with Ben, the guy she had a whirlwind romance in the past, that broke her heart and left her self-confidence in tatters. But, when she reconnects with Ben it feels like he wants a second chance with her. Girl's got some choices to make.

I've got to say, even though Molly seemed a little naive at times, I was rooting for her. Once I got to know Ben's back story a little, I definitely sympathised with him too.

The tension builds between these two and, even though things start out rocky, they definitely get better and their chemistry just leaps off the page.

This was a really funny, light-hearted, quick read. The story centered mainly around Molly and Ben with the other characters just there and help the plot along. But I don't think this detracted from the storyline, as I was really invested in what would happen with these two.

It's a happy ending and many will be satisfied with the choice these two make at the end, but I have to say, while it made sense for the story, I wasn't entirely on board.

Also, not sure that the title really applies to the story.

These are minor things though - this was a really fun read and I enjoyed it.

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own..

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I requested the ARC when I saw it was a reality TV show romance because I love watching them in IRL & that aspect did make it fun. I read the first half so quick and was really into it but then it just felt so repetitive.. The same comments kept being made, the same convos kept happening, and the same internal dialogue was going on the whole book showing no growth in the main character. 🫠 it’s a cute, quick read if you’re looking for something simple 🤷🏽‍♀️

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