Member Reviews

Trigger Warnings
This book contains:
• Death of loved ones
• Drug addiction
• Emotional impact of being abandoned and then adopted as a primary aged child.
Molly has felt a bit battered by life. Starting with her mum abandoning her as a child, and then struggling to find a guy who truly loves her for her. Throughout it all, she’s held onto her dreams of starting her own business and starting her own family that she can love wholeheartedly.
Ben and Duncan are our two love interests. While we start the book with Duncan and Molly together, he prioritises advertising his personal training business by appearing on a dating show over his relationship with Molly. But we quickly learn that Ben has previously dated Molly, is still in love with her but hurt her so badly it’s unlikely she could ever forgive him.
Molly’s boyfriend Duncan puts a pause on their relationship to appear on their favourite dating show, The One. He’s up front with her that he wants to promote his business so he can support her and their future family, but the show finds out that she’s his ex and invites her onto the show to add some drama.
What they weren’t banking on was needing to rope Ben into being the replacement for the guy they’d initially chosen for Molly. Or that it’d turn out he’d dating her a few years previously, and things did not end well.
Overall Thoughts
As a sometimes fan of dating shows, I was 100% behind the drama The One would be looking for by having Molly join Duncan on the show. The one thing that surprised me though was the amount of alcohol they were allowed to consume while “filming” and the lack of producer input to create more drama.
Maybe it’s because I’m from Australia, I know in Australia there’s a limit on how many drink you can consume while filming to prevent people essentially making a fool of themselves thanks to being intoxicated. And I know from interviews with reality show contestants that producers here prompt them to say and do things that will outrage another contestant.
So maybe it’s different in the UK, I don’t know. It was just a difference I noticed that kept popping into my head.
Otherwise, Molly’s confidence in herself, and what she wants from life is amazing. Even if some of it took a little bit of prompting and encouragement from Ben!
Ben on the other hand was challenging. Since we don’t find out why he dumped Molly so unceremoniously a few years prior until late in the book. You’re left wondering what the hell happened and why he’s being so damn stubborn!

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I absolutely loved this book and I was completely hooked from the beginning. I loved Molly and Ben as characters and I felt like I could connect to them both.

Molly joins the contestants of a reality TV dating show after Duncan, the guy she's been dating for the past year, signs up to the same show, and breaking up with her so he could "promote his fitness business." When he sees Molly at the shows meet and greet he tells her that he's going to give his match a go but he still wanted to marry Molly. But then Molly is matched with Ben, the guy who broke her heart three years ago.

Ben is still in love with Molly but he's carrying a lot of baggage from something that happened in his past. It was the reason he ended things with Molly three years prior but now he realises he can't let her slip through his fingers again.

Molly is torn between her feelings for Ben and the security Duncan can offer her. She believes she needs to get married, to have that legal proof that she won't be abandoned again but she can't stop the way Ben makes her feel.

At the start of the book, Molly is so desperate to have someone love her that she forgets that she needs to be one to create her own happiness. She'll never truly be happy in a relationship until she's happy in herself and Duncan is not the person who will help her who do that. He tears her down at every opportunity, trying to mould her into someone he wants her to be. But Ben sees Molly, and he does whatever he can to help her be her true self.

I thought the character growth for both Molly and Ben was great. They both come a long way in the 4 weeks the book is set over and they're such a sweet couple with unbelievable chemistry, it was hard not to want them together.

Thanks to NetGalley and One More Chapter for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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2.5 stars that I’ll round up to 3. I loved the premise unfortunately the execution didn’t work for me. I found Ben’s attitude to be off putting at times and Molly needed so much validation, which I could understand why but was exhausting to read. Unfortunately this didn’t work for me as much as I wanted it to. Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC!

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this book reminds me of the show ex on the beach which i had a very big obsession with, I enjoyed this even though it had love triangle vobes and i did devour it in one sitting. i love books that read like reality tv shows we all binge in secret

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Personally I do not watch much reality tv but I love a romance novel in these settings. It has all the fun tropes, the forced proximity and the idea that perhaps someone else on the show might swoop in and woo the love interests. Thank You, Next follows Molly who is broken up with by her boyfriend of a year Duncan, so he can go on the reality dating show they watched together and promote his online personal training business. Molly does the next logical thing and agrees to join the show as well when a producer calls her - it would only make sense that the producers would pair her with Duncan...right? Nope, Molly is surprised to encounter Ben, her ex from before Duncan, as her match for the show. Their attraction is still there but the communication issues seem to still persist as Ben wants nothing to do with the show.

Overall I really did enjoy Thank You, Next, it was a book I did not want to put down but I was getting so frustrated as their issues felt very repetitive. The love triangle never really felt like a love triangle given the dual POV and at no point did I think Molly would pick the other option. Honestly if it wasn't a romance I would have expected Molly to end up with neither man. Ben felt a little too #troubled at times and he is portrayed a serious adult but he cannot communicate anything. He yo-yos her around and tries to force Molly into situations she is very clearly upset by. I would have loved a bit more of a flashback so we can see how much they did previously work well together because these little snippets did not feel like enough. Also reality dating shows have drama - I felt like there should have been way more wow moments or tricky editing or cameras because it all felt very tame and like a reality show that does not have a wildly passionate fanbase.

Though given how addictive I found this book and my general enjoyment I gave this 3.5 stars.

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While I do enjoy a second chance romance, it has to be done well and this one was. I liked the characters and the plot and pacing we great.

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This is a fun, light second chance romance. It follows the story of Molly, who follows her boyfriend to a reality dating show. But also on the show is an ex-boyfriend. This leads to a rollercoaster of emotions, discovery, forgiveness and self-discovery.

I like the idea of the reality show and getting to know all of the characters-their quirks, qualities and personalities. I didn’t mind the third party narration.

There were humorous and comical moments which made for good reading. I love Ben and how he stood up for Molly every time.

It was too drawn out. Because of the reality show setting the author wanted every detail captured but this backfired as the plot could have benefited from fewer chapters and still made sense.

I didn’t like that it took a while for the characters’ backstory to be revealed.

If you love rom coms and reality shows then you will enjoy this.

I received an advanced copy and the review is mine and voluntary.

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When Molly thinks her boyfriend is about to propose, it comes as a surprise that he is about to dump her, so he can promote his business on a reality dating show - The One.

But when Molly is invited onto the show to shake things up, as his ex-girlfriend, it comes as a surprise when he is not the only ex of hers on the show.

But at the end of the show, who will Molly truly walk down the aisle with?

I loved this storyline and was cheering for Ben and Molly from the very start. This was an entertaining novel, with great realistic characters that all had unique personalities and showed real-life characteristics.

I loved Molly and how she worked through her personal trauma and found herself, I felt for the main character Ben who needed to heal and admit to his mistakes. This novel showed how communication is so important in relationships and how the breakdown can lead to misunderstandings and possible missed opportunities.

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This romance was so cute! If you are looking for a romance set in a dating show this book is for you! I would highly recommend this book!

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I really enjoyed this romance book set around a dating show. I worried that it would be annoying and slow but it had pace and the female main character didn't fall into any traps of going back to the man she originally went on the show for which was great.
Only downside is the name, not sure it suits the book.

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I have to own up and say that I don’t watch any of the current TV reality dating programmes and so Thank you, Next has introduced to me to the world of quick fix weddings, which seems a strange concept but the author brings this bizarre idea to life in an entertaining and sizzling rom-com.

Molly Harris is a sweet character who seems to have made some bad life choices, hooking up with the wrong men, so when the opportunity arises for her to go on a reality dating programme, she takes the chance to meet her future marriage partner. Her reasons for doing so are a big part of the story so I won’t spoil it by revealing who she meets there but it’s all done quite tongue in cheek which I rather enjoyed.

Thank you, Next is an entertaining read which I devoured in the space of one afternoon. It made me laugh out loud in places especially about the intricacies of being filmed whilst building a relationship on television, I can’t imagine why couples would open themselves up to so much public scrutiny. The author brings the characters to life in such a good way that you can well imagine them, some are definitely more likeable than others, of course, I had my favourites and hoped that every thing would work out for them and that, just like the focus of the dating programme, they would also get their happy ever after ending.

Thank you, Next is fun and flirty, with more than a hint a sizzling sexual tension, it’s perfect summer escapism.

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I try to pretend I'm not a fan of reality shows - but find myself getting sucked in the minute I start watching them which is why the concept of this book drew me in (it's not that bad if it's a book, right?) This book delivered on the reality show drama. However, I gave the book three stars because it was a bit too slow in the beginning for me. I also wasn't in love with the characters, some of them were a bit too much (maybe that was the point considering the concept) and I found myself irritated by them. That being said, the storyline made the book worth finishing, and I would recommend it to those friends who love the drama of a reality show.

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Kathryn Freeman is one of my go to authors for a feel good, make me smile romcom. Thank You, Next is a feel good sweet romance that will give you all the good feels. I highly recommend it.

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Fun fact-I haven’t ever seen a reality dating show but I love to read about them! So, If you’re a reality tv dating show junkie, have I got a book for you! This is quick and fluffy, just like I imagine those shows to be. Grab your popcorn and settle in for an easy read that will get you swept up in their romance for a few hours.
Molly’s longtime partner dumps her when he is offered the chance to be on the next hot new reality dating show. Molly was of course heartbroken but then imagine her surprise when the producers come to her and offer her a spot on the show as a surprise to her ex. But when Molly gets there, expecting to be reunited with Duncan, she finds herself reevaluating their relationship when she meets back up with Ben, the one that got away, and realizes what a relationship really should be like.
This story was fairly lighthearted given the past these characters all had, but I wish that there was more in the way of character development. But then again, it’s the nature of the beast of these types of shows I guess, you don’t get a lot of depth. It’s a love triangle that doesn’t get overly contentious or over the top dramatic.
Read this if you enjoy reality tv, second chance romance, love triangles.
Thanks to one More Chapter and NetGalley for this eArc in exchange for my review.

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This was a fairly light reality dating show romance. Unlike typical reality dating romances, this was a second-chance, where the FMC has two of her exes along side her as contestants.

The main MC spent the entire book groveling. We love a man who grovels and knows when to apologize because he’s wrong, but it quickly became super repetitive. I felt like the whole book could have been about half the length.

Both main characters also leaned into toxic gender stereotypes. He conceded a massage, but put his foot down at a pedicure. She wanted to get married, he didn’t. She wanted communication, he was the silent type. I didn’t find their coupling to be realistic, and this seems like a relationship built on physical attraction, rather than anything else.

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Thank You, Next by Kathryn Freeman

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


In this game of hearts, the stakes have never been higher…Molly Harris is used to being left. Parents, boyfriends – she’s the queen of rejection. Her latest boyfriend, gym-fanatic Duncan, dumps her to go on reality dating show The One which sets up hot singletons to date for four weeks before meeting at the altar to say, ‘I do’.

But Duncan was the one who picked Molly up and put her back together the last time her heart got broken, so, determined not to let ‘The One’ get away, she follows Duncan onto the show. If she can prove that they’re meant to be, she might just get the happily ever after of her dreams…

But on the first day of filming, another reminder of her painful history walks into Happily Ever After Ben Knight, her it’s-not-you-it’s-me heartbreaker. The one she loved before Duncan.

In four weeks’ time, who will she meet at the altar? Duncan, the first person who ever made her feel loved, or Ben, the first person who made her feel?

My Opinion

What an interesting idea for a book!

This was such an easy book to read. Thank You, Next gets off to a slow start, but I was definitely hooked. Through the writing it is easy to feel the chemistry - it was also easy to dislike Duncan. This second chance romance made for an easy escape from reality. If you enjoy watching reality TV shows that involve dating then this is the book for you.

Rating 4/5

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I’ve enjoyed books by this author in the past, so definitely was interested in reading this one. And when I picked it up, I was so glad I was able to fit it into my review schedule because I devoured it in about two sittings! Yes I got very frustrated with Molly not seeing that Duncan wasn’t really the right one. However he did such a good job of playing on her weaknesses and knowing what to say to get her to think and remember how good things had seemed between them. At least before he dumped her to go on the reality show.

Then there was Ben, the grumpy of all grumpy-sunshine stories. Ben was a good guy. But boy did he have so much to work on. It was obvious he really liked Molly, and he was trying to get her back. His holdups though kept things from going smoothly. However I liked the way their friendship/relationship grew and got stronger the more time they spent together. How they worked through things, fought, made up, and brought out the good in each other.

I’m not the type of person who likes to watch dating shows. But for some reason I enjoy reading about them in romance stories! And this story was perfect for me. The way the show was set up was a lot of fun. This did have a bit of a jargon issue for me at times with obviously British jargon. I did have to look one word up, even if I kind of figured it out based on context clues, “bagsy”. Kind of means what I’d think of as calling dibs on something basically.

This story had romance, banter, steamy times, and a wonderful HEA that had me swooning. But it also kept me guessing or wondering how things would come about, as Ben kept saying he couldn’t do marriage, and Duncan kept stringing Molly along. As I said, I am soooooooo glad I fit this one in! I’ll be making sure I do my best to continue fitting books by this author into my schedule in the future!

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What would you do if you followed one ex onto a reality dating show and ran straight into another ex? I can safely say I’d be out of there fast but not Molly. She won’t let a dating show or the man who broke her heart get between her and Duncan, the man only a month ago she was discussing marriage with. However, paired with Ben, the man who dumped her out of the blue a few years earlier after a short and passionate romance, things aren’t going to plan. Old hurts resurface, and trust is non-existent, but they’re forced together and Molly will persevere to reach her happily ever after with the man who helped make her whole again.

It was fun to see these two reunited and to find out more about Molly and Ben’s history, and (more seriously) his past. Can you meet the right person at the wrong time? Molly isn’t so convinced but maybe if Ben can open up to her, she might just see that there’s a chance for them now. Sadly, I didn’t like Ben though. His character seems to only ever really be thinking about how wrong he is for Molly, but how much he likes her, and how he doesn’t deserve her, all on an endless loop. Along with not wanting to be on the show, which he only joined as a favour to his sister, he seems to hate everything. There’s talk of how much fun Molly and Ben had in the past but I’m struggling to see any of that in the present - beyond that they both like beer and wings. Every activity they do he complains about and will often only do things to make Molly happen. Who is Ben?? What does he like? I need more from him to ship these two together and so whilst overall I liked the book, because I was interested in seeing the drama play out and enjoyed seeing Molly find her feet and be her own person, it definitely wasn’t my favourite Kathryn Freeman story!

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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Kathryn Freeman's *Thank You, Next* is a delightful blend of romance, heartache, and self-discovery. Molly Harris, a character who has faced more than her fair share of rejections, embarks on a daring adventure to win back her gym-fanatic ex, Duncan, by following him onto a reality dating show. Freeman crafts a compelling narrative that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages to see who Molly will meet at the altar.

Molly's journey on the reality show, "The One," is both heartwarming and fraught with emotional tension. Duncan, who once picked up the pieces of Molly's broken heart, now becomes the object of her quest for a happy ending. Yet, the twist comes when Ben Knight, Molly's former love who epitomizes the phrase "it's not you, it's me," enters the scene. The reappearance of Ben, the man who first made her truly feel, adds layers of complexity and depth to the story.

Freeman's writing is a perfect mix of humor, warmth, and spice. The characters are vividly drawn and relatable, each with their unique quirks and charms. The simmering tension between Molly, Duncan, and Ben keeps the plot engaging, while the unfolding romance is both sweet and tantalizing.

What makes *Thank You, Next* stand out is its exploration of self-worth and the courage to pursue what truly makes one happy. Molly's growth throughout the story is inspiring, and her journey of self-discovery is beautifully intertwined with the romantic elements.

Readers will find themselves rooting for Molly, laughing at the comedic moments, and savoring the heartfelt scenes. *Thank You, Next* is a true gem for fans of romantic comedies and anyone who enjoys a well-crafted love story that keeps you guessing until the very end.

Freeman has once again delivered a book that is not only a joy to read but also a testament to the power of love and resilience. I highly recommend *Thank You, Next* to anyone looking for a charming and emotionally satisfying read. I'm eagerly awaiting her next release!

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I am such a huge fan of Kathryn Freeman – her writing style is just incredible, and I have loved every book that I have read so far. In this story, we follow the journey of Molly, whose boyfriend, Duncan, decides to join a reality TV dating show. Duncan figures having a girlfriend at home won’t look great, especially since the show pairs him up with another woman, which could end with a wedding. Just when Molly thinks things can’t get any crazier, the show contacts her, inviting her to join too! Could this be the spark her relationship with Duncan needs?

But when Molly arrives, she discovers another twist—her ex, Ben, is also in the competition! Ben is the one before Duncan, and to Molly he also is ‘the one’ Who will Molly choose – Duncan or Ben? Which one of the two really has stolen her heart?

Thank You, Next is another fab read from one of my favourite authors. Kathryn loves to take her readers on a real emotional journey throughout all her books – we laugh at and with the characters, we cry at some of their very difficult circumstances, and this story is no different. A wonderful read, as always, and the perfect beach read this summer time.

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