Member Reviews

This had a very slow start for me and was very predictable, however I did enjoy it! Very cute short enough romance with very little spice. And of course a happy ending to top it all off!

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Thank you so much NetGalley for my ARC for this book. I really enjoyed this book and loved the romance tension between Molly and Ben, where I felt like I was also watching The One. It was funny, witty and an easy read that I couldn't put down. I've even got it on the 99p kindle deal this month so I can keep the book. I would absolutely love to get the physical copy down the line and would highly recommend

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Molly and Duncan have been an item for a while, and she’d rather hoped they were heading for marriage – instead, he puts their relationship on hold while he goes on “The One”, a TV dating show, hoping it’ll get his fitness business some exposure. For a while, she’s horrified – paired contestants sometimes agree to marry as the series closes. But the producers also sometimes include exes to spice things up a little, so when she’s invited to take part in the show too, she thinks it might be a good way of getting Duncan to the altar, and for them to have some fun along the way.

Ben becomes a participant for a rather different reason – he’s certainly not looking for love, but can’t say no to his sister who’s the show’s assistant producer. But the complications start when Ben and Molly meet at the first night drinks reception – he’s the former boyfriend who broke her heart, never having told her why their rather special relationship ended. And that’s not where they end, because Molly isn’t matched with Duncan, but with Ben – her “perfect match” – who she can hardly bring herself to talk to, especially when the cameras are intent on capturing every moment.

The whole dating show set up is wonderfully done – the flamboyant presenter, the often over-the-top or obnoxious other contestants wanting their moments in the spotlight, Ben’s sister having to do her job while knowing how difficult things are for him, and the cameras never far away. Duncan’s not a man with a great deal of depth (putting it mildly…), and Molly has to watch him getting closer to his match while enduring her difficult situation. But Ben is rather different – there were deep secrets he kept that caused their break up, a few major issues he needed to work through, and (never the great communicator) he’s able to share them as they spend more time together and slowly find that the spark they once had is still there. There are reasons why Molly reacted so badly when he dumped her too – and, at last, it seems they can finally be honest with each other.

And that spark between them? At first it smoulders, but the fire slowly ignites – Molly begins to see Duncan for what he really is, someone who’s always tried to change her into someone she isn’t, and can see that Ben might really have been the most perfect match all along. And that chemistry between them begins to build – it’s something the author always does so very well – building to a good number of very steamy moments that got me rather flushed and hot under the collar. So, when the game show comes to an end, and they have to decide whether to say “I do”, what will their answers be?

There are plenty of lighter moments along the way – all those activities and set-ups that make the dating show, along with the difficulties of concealing their developing relationship (with a few near misses they – just about – get away with…), which nicely balance the darker edges to Ben and Molly’s pasts. This book really was so much more than the sum of its parts – the love triangle, the enemies-to-lovers, the whole dating show format. Ben and Molly were two distinctly damaged individuals who slowly repaired each other, explored their feelings, gave a lot of thought to making each other happy – they certainly won my heart, and I so wanted them to find happiness. And I have to say that the ending was absolutely perfect – it really brought a tear to my eye – but I’m afraid you’re going to have to read the book to find out more!

All I will say is that this was a book I really loved. I should mention, I think, that the steaminess might just be a bit full-on for some readers – but there’s something about the way the author writes it that makes it entirely appropriate and totally acceptable, and a bit of a different experience that I rather enjoyed. And I’ve mentioned before that I’ve never been a fan of dating shows – my goodness, I had no idea what I was missing. A wonderful read, as always – and one I’d most certainly recommend to others.

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1.5 stars

I didn't like either man. Ben was hard for like 90% of this book. It's like a medical condition at this point he should def get that checked out. For someone who was all up in arms about him not communicating, Molly also didn't tell him until like however far into the book how and why she needed validation in a relationship. Yapping does NOT equal communication babe!! Duncan SUCKS but like Ben also wasn't my fav ya know. End of the book was super predictable and BORING. They had the same argument like every 3 pages, and it was so annoying I didn't even get to appreciate the lack of a stupid 3rd act conflict. It could've technically been worse I guess, so not 0 stars.

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Thank You, Next by Kathryn Freeman

Molly is dating Duncan, a fitness influencer, who dumps her to go on their favorite dating show, “The One.” Molly is contacted by the show and decides to go on as a contestant to try to win him back. Instead of being matched with him, she is matched with Ben, the one who got away, who dumped her out of the blue and shook her confidence. Can Molly and Ben repair what was broken? Or is Duncan “The One.”

Loved the characters of Molly and Ben! I was rooting for each of them from the beginning. It’s interesting that they had the same problem, neither knew how awesome they were, their self-esteem being shattered by exes. I appreciated Molly holding ben to task when he broke promises to communicate. Loved how Ben supported Molly and pushed her to take a chance on herself and start dreaming again! I appreciated that this book treated Molly and Ben like adults, with adult reactions to conflict. I liked the evolution of both characters. I really liked Rachel, Ben’s sister, and the support she gave him. I appreciated the thoughtful way addiction and the repercussions of loving someone who struggles with addiction was portrayed.

The show “The One”, was pretty unrealistic. I can’t believe contestants could get away with so much of their experiences not being filmed. Duncan was THE WORST and I knew it from jump- it irked me that Molly didn’t.

I have read a bunch of reality dating show books and this was another cute one. A great beach read with likeable characters and the right amount of spice. 4 stars. Thanks to Net Galley, One More Chapter, and Harper Collins for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Molly is a lover of reality dating shows, and after a lifetime of rejections think she has found her person in fitness enthusiast Duncan. That is until her breaks up with her to go on a dating show to get exposure for is personal training business. He says this break is only while he is on the show and he is coming back to her after.

So when Molly is asked to also be on the show she jumps at the chance, hoping to be paired with Duncan. Unfortunately she gets pair with Ben, who happens to be an ex who left her devastated after the most intense 2 months of dating. Will she be able to find a way to be with Duncan and get the happily ever after they planned, or will being around Ben again allow them a second chance.

I love reality dating show and the premise of this book sounded like so much fun. Unfortunately it all felt really flat for me. The characters, the chemistry, the dialogue, the writing, nothing felt well done. A lot of the conversations felt repetitive, the characters did not feel like adults, their growth and chemistry did not feel genuine, it needed some more editing.

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I was unsure of the reality tv show aspect and how she only went on the show to get her ex back but it ended up being a great book. I really enjoyed it alot

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Thank you to @rachelsrandomresources for my copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was a bit skeptical about this one, sounded like a great read but the show was a bit on the cringe side. However, the main character Molly is lovely but a bit naive at times. She’s with Duncan who is only in it for himself, who then dumps her to go on their favourite tv show to “promote” his business and himself - yeah, right!

Once in the house though, another ex - the one that broke her heart - appears as one of the other contestants, making her doubt everything and feel confused. She knows that she wants to marry Duncan, but her heart is drawing her to Ben.

I really enjoyed this one, but did feel that Molly was a bit of a twit at times jumping to conclusions and seeing the bad instead of just taking a step back and going with the flow. Once she does, her adventure truly begins. Some fab characters and great writing in this one, have decided I need to read more by this author now!

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Thank you Netgalley for the chance to review this! I would give this a solid 2.5 / 5 stars, rounded up to 3
I loved the premise of this: a woman's boyfriend breaks up with her to get on a reality show, she manages to get on the same show, and a tumultuous ex is also on the show. The premise: your partner on the show is "The One" for you and you get married at the end!
As someone who ADORES the bachelor and has really loved Freeman's other works, I thought this would be perfection. But oh man...a lot of this really dragged.
I think Molly, the female lead, was just way too wishy-washy. She struggled heavily over the reason her and Ben originally broke up (the tumultuous ex), she couldn't move on from the current boyfriend Duncan although you were definitely made to feel like he sucked, and she bounced back and forth about communication, sex, and marriage. I just wanted to lock all these characters in a room and force them to talk. I also thought the reality show wasn't really fleshed out: it could have been used so much more to really drive some plot forward movement, but I just couldnt connect.
I do like the writing on a line level, there are some parts that are truly funny, and Ben's backstory is pretty moving. But I just didn't enjoy this much.

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3.75 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and One More Chapter for the early e-arc of this book. This was like watching a reality dating show and I loved it so much. I loved the forced proximity of the two characters.

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This was a cute read! As a fan of Love Island I enjoyed the dating show set up and the chaos that unfolded because of it. The romance between Molly and Ben was sweet and enjoyable to read

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Thank you to HarperCollins UK for providing me with an ARC of this book.

This novel follows single divorce attorney Alex Turner and gifted chef Will Harkness. When Alex stumbles upon her latest ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend picking out a wedding dress, she embarks on a quest to understand why her exes move on to serious relationships immediately after breaking up with her. Will, her long-time friend and sometimes adversary, decides to join Alex and her two friends, Lana and Jane, on this eye-opening journey.

This book was fun with a great plot concept and it was a quick read for the start of summer. I loved the characters in this story, our main romantic couple and all the side characters were masterfully crafted and stood out among the text. However, I was hoping for some more depth to each interaction between Alex an her exes, leaving me wanting a little more.

Despite some pacing issues and far too many inner monologues for my liking, "Thank You, Next" is a charming read. The second-chance romance between Alex and Will is sweet, even if you might want more glimpses into their future and less reflection on their past.

While the novel had the potential to be a favourite, it just didn't stand out to me. If you're into introspective romantic comedies with well-developed characters and a dash of humour, "Thank You, Next" might be your next great read.

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I received this book from NetGalley but for some reason I couldn’t actually download the book :(

I will be reading it once a it releases and reviewing then.

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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This was a pretty quick read, great choice for a summertime release; if you like reality shows (i.e. the bachelor/ette style), then you will enjoy this book. It felt like you were binging a tv show, just the book version. There is a good amount of drama and spice, which keeps things interesting. The author had a fun writing style that kept you engaged throughout. I am looking forward to reading other Kathryn Freeman books.

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter publishing for sending an eARC of this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Call me crazy but I loved this book. Second chance romance. Smutty dating show premise. Exes. Drama. What's not to love?

Follow Molly and Ben as their story unravels in front of the camera. If you love a good romance themed reality show you'll love this summer hit!

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Genre ~ contemporary romance
Setting ~ England
Publication date ~ June 30, 2024
Est Page Count ~ 371 (37 chapters +e)
POV ~ dual 3rd
Featuring ~ reality dating show, forced proximity, lack of communication, second chance, minimal steamage

Author Content Warning: Some sex scenes, heroine adopted after being abandoned by mother as a seven year old. Hero’s first love addicted to drugs, depressed, died of drug overdose or potential suicide.

Molly & Ben
Molly and Duncan have been dating for a year. He’s asked to go on the dating show The One and he agrees in order to promote his fitness business. He breaks up with Molly before he leaves, but promises she’s the one he wants to be with and marry one day. The producers get wind that Molly is his ex so she’s invited on the show, too, in order to beef up the drama. Molly gets to the show and lo and behold her ex before Duncan, the one that broke her heart, is a contestant too, Ben. He's anti-commitment and not thrilled to be there. Can you say disaster waiting to happen?

I am not a reality dating show watcher, but it pretty much seemed to be what I expected one to be. It’s full of drama, gossip, drinking, and fun dates. Pretty much all of the characters frustrated me a time or sixteen. Ben’s reasoning for giving her the boot back in the day was perfectly valid, however I just wish he had better communication skills. But at least he never denied he sucks at it. Perhaps if we had a couple of chapters when they were together back in the day we could have gotten a better feel of their relationship instead of just being told about it.

It is obvious who is going to end up together, but I just didn’t care for the stringing us along with the back and forth of ~ is it going to be Ben or Duncan, which was repetitive. It wasn’t a love triangle per say, since they’re not attached, attached, but it kind of gives off the vibe of one. The ending didn't feel authentic to me either.

Overall, there were some fun moments and I really love the cover. I do think this would appeal to those that do enjoy watching these types of shows, or those that like drama filled fiction.

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Thank You, Next is a fairly cute and easy read. It deals with some heavier topics, but overall it really did seem like you were getting to watch the contestants on a dating show with a little bit more of the background.

My one issue was that although we got to know the big things affecting Molly and Ben, we got to know some of the small things but overall I didn’t know too much about them. They did a great job showing the growth between them, but there was not a ton of information about the characters themselves.

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I absolutely loved reading this book. I hadn't read anything by the author before, but I will be after this.

I liked that it immediately got into the story. I read 48% in one sitting, it just completely yanked me in. I sort of disliked Duncan, but it was interesting how Molly's relationships evolved as she learned more about herself. I definitely felt like the characters were real and relatable and that made the experience better for sure.

I'm in love with Molly and Ben and I happily rated this book 4⭐!

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I am really bummed I didn't like this one. I have been loving the reality TV show romances lately, and while I loved the concept of the reality show in this book, the characters were so underdeveloped that it didn't matter to me.

The writing just wasn't strong with this one. One of the main characters, Ben, went back and forth so many times with how "ready" he was to be in a committed relationship. Same with Molly. Here's an example: Molly thought, "He’d not intended to hurt her, she could see that now, and she’d not exactly handled things well from her side either, twisting everything he’d said until she’d convinced herself he’d not cared at all. He had, just nowhere near as much as she’d cared for him," but then two pages later, she had almost the exact same realization after she snapped at him for not wanting to be with her. The storyline was just a little too repetitive.

I have seen other readers enjoy this one, however. If you enjoy reality TV, love triangles, and interesting side characters (I did like the character of Ben's sister!), I suggest giving this one a try!

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