Member Reviews

Any Human Power is a thought provoking book that really made me wonder about our world and how things written in this book can become our reality. It was unexpectedly emotional and I adored reading it. The narration here was simply amazing and I could easily follow along with my physical copy. I'd highly recommend the audio to anyone struggling to get into this book.

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Engaging, entertaining, and well narrated. A recommended purchase for collections where genrebent SF is popular.

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This wasn’t really for me and to be honest I found myself confused with all that was going on. The commentary on society and the political establishment was worthwhile and could have been both interesting and thought provoking on its own. However the whole business of Lan looking out for her family from the afterworld with the crows, salmon and lions ruined the narrative for me. I’m not ever sure she actually helped anyone.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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Any Human Power by Manda Scott and narrated by Clare Corbett is one of those audiobooks that you can listen to over and over. It is an audiobook that will have you sitting back and pondering, reflecting on the content, but most of all empathising with the exploration of humanity and being human

A stunning listen, beautifully narrated, outstanding prose

Thank you to Netgalley, Bolinda Audio, Manda Scott and Clare Corbett for this inspiring ALC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinons are my own

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This book had an intriguing premise that drew me in — a deceased grandmother who can still guide and help her family from beyond the grave? Count me in! Unfortunately, I felt confused while reading it more than I would prefer to admit, and I struggled to connect with both the plot and characters. Perhaps it was a case of the book trying to be too many things at once (political / social statement? magical realism? dystopian? World of Warcraft fanfic?), which left me feeling like I was still standing on the platform while the plot train barreled on without me. I do think there was a lot of potential here that many other readers will enjoy immensely, I just missed that opportunity to connect with it.

The audiobook performance was done well, with plenty of emotion and heart delivered along with it. A big thank you to NetGalley, Bolinda Audio, and Manda Scott for giving me the opportunity to review an advance copy for honest review.

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Part political thriller, part dystopian fantasy. Intriguing plot, fab characters, much longer than I typically like but didn’t feel like a slog! As the book developed, however, it moved away from magical realism and leant more and more into sci-fi/fantasy than I personally enjoy. SFF readers will love though, I think. It’s creative, thoughtful, moving. The story has such heart and hope. Criminally under-hyped!

The audio was brilliant also. Loved switching between that and the physical copy. Narrated beautifully with an emotive voice.

Reviewed on Waterstones,com as Bookseller Hannah at Hanley

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To say that this book turned out to be more than I expected is an understatement. I went into it thinking that its primary purpose was to explore what lies beyond the veil; the journey we take after death and the mythology that surrounds it. Then, somewhere around 25% in, it imploded into a ruthless, forensic exposé of the power of the internet and the people, governments, agencies and corporations that control it. THEN, it becomes all about the planet and the issues with modern politics This novel encompasses such a broad diversity of themes, from racism through misogyny to snuff porn, politics and ecology, technology and philosophy, that although it’s touted as an ‘Eco-thriller’, this feels like the biggest undersell, ever. This story is huge. It’s relevant, disturbing, informed and a massive wake-up call. It’s a conjuring of future possibilities and a stark warning of what could happen if we blindly carry on buying our heads in the sand. One of the most thought provoking books I’ve read in a long time. Five stars just doesn’t seem enough, frankly.
The audiobook was awesome and perfectly narrated by Clare Corbett. It published on 30 May.
Many thanks to Bolinda Audio and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to an arc.

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This was one of the most unique stories, with the best narration! I was intrigued from the start with the magical realism storyline. As the story progressed, the vibe changed and it felt more like a dystopian fantasy. It became more and more confusing for me as it progressed. I expected to connect with it more than I actually did but it was still well written and narrated.
*Thanks to Bolinda Audiobooks and NetGalley

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I love the narrator here. Her voice is absolutely captivating.
And I love this author. She is so brilliant.
However, this book just was not for me. I think I have some issues with World of Warcraft. My husband has been trying to get me to play for the last 15 years. I would really sit outside with my little chickens. I just did not feel this one in my soul. I do believe my husband would adore this book! It is not a bad book at all.

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Thank You for the chance to read and review this book.

I was intrigued by this book.

I must say it was a bit confusing for me.

I really tried to find a narrative that made sense and held my attention but somewhere it didn't work for me.

But books are personal choices and it is up to each reader to decide.

I wish Any Human Power by Manda Scott all the best.

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Manda Scott has long been high up on my list of new authors to try out and her Boudica series sits patiently on my shelves awaiting it's turn on my vast TBR list once I have caught up with some other ongoing series. So when an opportunity to try out a standalone audio book presented itself I jumped Any Human Power to the from of the queue.

Although I had first heard of Manda Scott for her historical fiction, I was very excited to see what she might do with something that would be considered contemporary dystopian / utopian urban fantasy.

I was not disappointed, never have I read anything so completely grounded in the absolutely right now, utterly thought provoking in terms of everything wrong with the way society and politics is today and yet hopeful and optimistic for positive changes. This book by coincidence releases right in time prior to a UK General election in July 2024 and could not be more relevant.

Manda Scott has sublime prose which is wonderfully descriptive yet completely accessible. Her ability to weave in the fantastical and present themes and ideas that compliment the narrative without being overbearing or preaching makes me draw comparisons to Ursula K Le guin and I can think of no higher praise than that! A story that centres around a time travelling afterlife crow avatar that influences World of Warcraft tournaments, family dramas and voting reform seems an utterly bizarre premise but Scott makes it a completely profound and uplifting experience.

As I have consumed this in audio book format I must take a moment to mention the incredible performance by Clare Corbett who elevated this story to another level, it is always great when a narrator really connects with the source material and is able to understand the tone and emotional weight of the scenes and events, all of the characters were distinctly portrayed and voiced brilliantly. I have not heard this audio book narrator before but would definitely consider anything else she does.

Overall, very impressive stuff and confirms that this is going to be an author that I will enjoy no matter what the genre or subject is, I can't wait to start Boudica or anything else that Manda Scott has previously published.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for providing an audio arc in exchange for an honest review. Any Human Power is available to purchase right now!

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If I could rate this higher, I would!!!

So on first seeing the 19+ hours I thought it would take me weeks to get through this audio however that was not the case I had listened to this in just 2 days because I simply couldn't put it down....

Firstly, the narration by Clare Corbett not entirely sure if I have encountered her before, but her voice was spectacular and en point for this book in particular. Every single character was brought to life and sounded so different that I could visualise each person with ease due to description and tones, pitch, and simply the delivery absolutely amazing. Also the cover is perfect catches the eye the most beautiful colour of teal, with crow front and centre sparks of gold which can be seen as cracks into our various timelines and / or our personal life journey where we allow healing to enter when we grieve the loss of a loved one.

For many this may seem very out there or fantasy when infact for me and my personal experiences this is in actual more factual alot closer to reality than fiction, not to say the characters and story itself isn't fiction however the underlying structure is so so very real!!!

I feel like I could write an essay so I will do my best to keep this short as possible I am in complete awe of this book, this has to be the best book I have read this year without a doubt and Ive read some very good books but this for me was not just fiction this is actually everything we are currently living through now. The author has managed to put into a novel the experiences of the spiritual world and higherself along with the current way of the world absolutely fantasticly I cannot express how well written this is there are simply no words but I will try.

From the beginning Lan (the grandmother of the family) is aware she is passing away she knows this going to be hard on her family particularly her grandson Finn so she trys to figure out a way to communicate before leaving this realm. While going through her life's journey she clearly has been a spiritual woman teaching her daughter and family the benefits of grounding, clearly has awareness of lucid dreaming, the wisdom of our ancestors, not to mention the warrior spirit to fight for what is right in the world for justice, for peace and unity most importantly for your family after all family is everything.

When Lan transitions from this realm she is acutely aware she can stay in the in-between where she can be with and communicate with her family, or go to the light cross over the bridge she makes her choice to stay she knows her purpose her family need her here.

Throughout this book Lan takes on different forms as each member of the family can sense her in different ways firstly her connection is with her daughter who is clearly older, longer physical connection, possibly little more open minded and aware definitely more ready to receive so Lan is able to enter her dreams and also then Maddie (Lans daughter) is able to feel her presence around her. For her grandson Finn he is the most difficult for Lan to make contact but eventually she does when she was alive they played warcraft together she sees this is their unique connection and so this is how to individually connect with him. The twons Niall and Kirsten both sense her in their own ways. Connor (grandfather) talks with ease in his dreams with Lan. As time goes on another child is born Kaitlyn, she has much spiritual power and is able to connect with Lan as Lan transforms into a crow Kaitlyn opens the window telepathicly communicating knowinf this is what she is to do allowong her into her room whilst this little crow taps away on her computer sending her a cohearant message.

There is a place called the void which is where you are able to see all the possibilities of what may happen best way to envisage this is like sliding doors if you make one decision things will turn out a certain way however this takes form in the spiritual the higher conciousness that enters this void and can be dangerous a place that Lan ventured to on a few occasions 1 with Kaitlyn in which I won't divulge the details. However the point of explaining this is for me the understanding is this expresses how we have varying timleines and the simple difference in 1 choice can litrally change the course of the world only you may not be aware of this so when you think you don't count in any way remember you do, we all are connected and interlinked and I think this book brings that message home. Everything has meaning, purpose, and consequences, all with free will.

The wisdom the Lan shares of anscestors is beautiful and for children to grow up aware that they will one day be those anscestors for future generations is someone who is raising a beautiful group of individuals in my view. Learning how to build sustainable farms, communities with love and unity is much more than many of us could ever dream of. However, this is the point that nothing is impossible. This book is so inspirational that you will feel it all to your core and understand what can be achieved with a great mindset and a good support network.

Regarding the other main plot of the book being the fact a 14 year girl uploads a tweet exposing exploitation of violent pornography after a personal tragedy prompts her to which leads to a whole story in itself including exposing corruption within high ranking policemen, high ranking house of commons in UK, MP's etc this goes so far the family need security from potential threats and constant media attention. All of which Lan is there to guide them through. This message shows bravery, courage and hope for future generations where 1 family all come together believing in justice and doing the right thing even though they are extremely aware they are dealing with top officials who at the drop of hat could have a detrimental impact on their lives, they do not stop. Why? Well, the cause is greater building communities that are not governed by corrupt violent pedophiles to begin with is of the utmost importance if this world is ever going to change. If not us, then who, if not now, then when? The youth of today are our future they have a voice and it counts and this family are standing together to ensure this message is heard loud and clear before the world is taken over and completely destroyed at the hands of those who go to Christmas government parties without a second thought to the unnecessary war, the everyday person struggling with cost of living, the person lying on the street from drug addiction, the person being violated by revenge porn whatever the case may be all of which are real current issues in our world today.

Lastly this book if not already obvious consists of grief, tragedy, corruption, crimes but the other perspective is more important is love, family, unity, courage, warrior spirit, belief, knowing, intelligence, understanding, growth, healing, forgiveness, and so so much more.

If I could make people read or listen to this book, I would because honestly, right now, it is absolutely pivotal and critical timing of its release in the times we are living in.
I will never ever forget this read.

Remember each and everyone of us have the opportunity to make a difference in this world no matter how big or small your voice counts, let's make it better for future generations, for the children of the future there is always hope. I BELIEVE 🙏🏼❤️✨️

With huge thanks and gratitude to Netgalley & Bolinda Audio for the opportunity to listen to this amazing, well written, well narrated book, Any Human Power by Manda Scott.


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I chose this from Manda Scott as I had loved A Treachery of Spies, this is rather different and fascinating, elements of which will be familiar to readers who have come across the writings of the likes of Carlos Castaneda. She threads myths, legends, stories, and speculates of political and radical change in the future. I both read and listened to this on audio, approximately 19 hours and 20 minutes long, ably narrated by Clare Corbett who kept my attention firmly on the unfolding storytelling and the ancient wisdom, power, dreams, hope and light it contains, particularly given our troubled contemporary world.

It all begins with the impending death of 66 year old Alanna 'Lan' Penhalighon from cancer, with her is the young distraught Finn and she can see at least one crow. There is nothing Lan can do to prevent dying, but she does not want to leave him without hope, her relationship with Finn so strong, partly due to their long history of seriously playing video war games with him as she was raising him. Lan is an unusual woman, who has developed her open minded family's practice of 'lucid dreaming', dreaming with deliberate intent, which she herself had learnt from Uuri. Lan is going to be desperately needed down the line.

We follow a path to the future, a future with obstacles coming from establishment sources. I am not sure this will be a read for everyone, but I do think it will appeal to dreamers, readers looking for something different, those weary and fearful of the state of our world today, as there is a thought provoking possibility of positivity and inspiration provided by Scott here. Many thanks to the publisher and Bolinda Audio for an ALC.

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What if your ancestors could help you navigate life by guiding you in your dreams? Help you avoid the mistakes of the past while choosing the correct paths for your future? Now, pair this with a family that is determined to see the political, economical, and social changes the world needs, and you have this novel.

The description of this book lacked the fact that there is a very heavy political aspect to this novel and story. Specifically, the second half of the book is almost entirely about how to change the current political process in the UK. I feel like I was at a disadvantage knowing very little about the UK democracy setup and election process. That being said I appreciate the writing and the importance of the novel and the changes the family wants to see happen. I also enjoyed the fantastical aspects of being able to communicate with other in our dreams. However, ultimately, I am not a fan of politics, and struggled to enjoy and understand this book completely.

The audio quality of this book was good, with talented narration. I will note though, there are some accents ;)

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DNF at 20%.

This just hasn't managed to catch my attention all the references to world of warcraft are kind of boring me. I would rather something set in that world than someone just talking about the game to me.

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A dying grandmother called Lan makes an unbreakable bond to her family on her deathbed. ‘I’ll be with always, even in the afterlife’
Ten years later and her family are caught in a media storm, after her granddaughter makes a controversial post. One that she hopes will change a world heading for the apocalypse.
From this post a revolution is formed and this little family in a remote area will have to take on the establishment and all their dirty tricks. All watched in the afterlife by Lan, but can she help, after all she is dead.
Through dreams Lan guides her family through tragedy, loss and hope, that there will be a better future for everyone before it’s too late.
It’s hard to put into words how brilliant this book is.
It is so beautifully written, it has so much emotion and power, I found myself immersed and overwhelmed with its beauty.
I’ve read or listened to every book by Manda Scott has ever written, and I have to say this is her best work to date, and that’s saying something with her impressive back catalogue.
She is an inspirational writer and I can’t recommend her enough.
If you are going to read or listen to one book this year, make it this one.
Thanks very much to Bolinda audiobooks for letting me listen to this early copy of this book, narrated wonderfully by the amazing Clare Corbett.

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Was also sent the paper version by the publisher. I thought from the blurb and cover that it would be similar to Vox or W by Christina Dalcher but it was very different. The writing style and pace of the book was great. The author is a skilled writer. Although it’s intriguing it’ also an easy read and I felt able to pace myself with it and go at the audio in sections. I enjoyed the character development and the premise (I think the blurb maybe needs a tiny bit more clarity as even though I’d read it I still felt like I was going in blind - I like to know exactly what I’m going to be reading before I start). A great story though and I will defo read more from this author. Also an eye catching cover. One of my fave books this month

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I was daunted by the 19 odd hours of listening time I’d need to dedicate to this book. I expected it’d take me a few days at least. Yet here I am the following day having done nothing but listen and feeling a bit sleep deprived 🥱🎧

This is a book like nothing I’ve read before, told from the pov of our dead protagonist Lan, who is stuck mainly as a crow in the in between, because she makes a promise to try to be there for her grandson.

Lan has taught her open minded family to dream lucidly, dream with intent and they’ll meet her there. She spends years learning to navigate the in between and learning to connect her threads. Until they all desperately need her. She cannot make changes but she can influence their direction. Lucid dreaming fascinates me, do you ever dream so vividly that you’re actually in a place and you know you were there? so while the book is in the sci fi fantasy genre, I believed it. I believe that magic.

The story for the living descendants of Lan was a bit of everything, I was unsure if I’d get my head around the politics, the coding, the gaming etc, but Manda Scott’s writing simplified it in a way that I had a full grasp of the goings on without feeling lectured. There were a lot of interesting crossovers in the timeline, I wonder did you see these in your dreams, Manda?

There are a million dystopian fantasy’s out there that are wholly believable, but this is different, it takes us from dystopia to utopia and it is so full of hope, for a dreamer like me who truly believes we can leave a better world for future generations if we can come together and overcome the bad (with a little dreamed guidance) it was truly inspiring.

Thought provoking, uplifting and truly something special. Dream deeply, rise up strong, change is coming 💭

The narration was performed by Clare Corbett, who handled the nuances of the story with ease, a brilliant performance.

Special thanks to Bolinda Audio for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook via NetGalley, all views are my own.

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This was advertised as a big, sweeping book that made grand, profound statements about the current state of the world. As far as I can tell, it's not that, but I also don't plan on sticking with it any longer in order to find out for sure.

First of all, if I wanted to know this much about World of Warcraft I would actually play the game. and anyone who has played it will probably find all the explanation of the game's minutiae maddening. Second, I get that Lan wants to keep tabs on her family from the afterlife but does that have to include spying on her grandson having sex with his girlfriend?? That was a really odd and unnecessary choice.

And finally, we get to the book's purported inciting incident, where Lan's granddaughter posts an allegedly earth-shaking, society-upending tweet... and the tweet is stating an opinion regarding consent and entertainment content that really seems completely normal and non-controversial, and in the real world would probably make the rounds before being more or less forgotten. as everyone moved on with their lives. A DNF as I just couldn't buy into what this book was selling as it's "deep and meaningful" message.

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