Member Reviews

At first I was unsure about this one. It seemed more a memoir of Edna's than anything else, and it is, but the farther into the book you get you realize what a gift this is. Edna is a deeply private person and was not known publicly until the release of this book. We get her full background, and with it, Ted's background from the time he spent with Edna's family. The path from when Edna was a student at the University of Washington during the time of the attacks to when she discovered Ted was arrested yet couldn't believe he was capable of committing the crimes to the moment she knew he was guilty is such a rollercoaster. It felt like a friend telling me her life story and the vivid descriptions of Seattle really made the story come to life. Highly recommended!

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Dark Tide: Growing Up With Ted Bundy is the first memoir penned by a Bundy blood relative, a cousin who spent much time with Ted while growing up. Both she and her brother considered that they knew him fairly well- until they realized they didn’t.

Edna Cowell Martin shares her experiences with the reader sincerely, and so we must expect that she puts a lot of herself, her feelings, her disbelief, into this memoir. The unique point of view met my expectations; however,those expecting a true crime focus on Ted Bundy’s actual murderous history may be disappointed.

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Definitely a book that intrigued me from the back cover and one I enjoyed reading. i love all things psychology and this book definitely hit all the angles. One that i will continue to think about long after having turned the last page.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and did not have to write a review. All opinions are solely mine.

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You have to be a lover of true crime for this one. The author is Ted Bundy’s cousin that was close with him when they were growing up and realized that he committed the murders when she was riding with him in the car one day…freaky. The book includes family pictures and pictures of letters to and from Ted Bundy to various family members from prison. If you’re looking for anything new about the murders this isn’t for you. It was so interesting reading a close family members perspective.

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How well do we know our very own family members? In the first memoir penned by a blood relation of Bundy, this account is far reaching, keenly observed and astute. The author delves into the dark recesses of her own experiences of a loved relative who she was initially firmly convinced was falsely accused of such heinous crimes. A chilling expose of the authors own journey to the truth.

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Ted’s arms were outstretched wide, a street corner messiah, and he was slowly turning in a circle. From his smiling lips, he chanted over and over, projecting for all to hear, “I’m Ted Bundy. I’m Ted Bundy. I’m Ted Bundy” - Edna Cowell Martin

Dark Tide: Growing Up With Ted Bundy is the first memoir penned by a Bundy blood relative and let's be honest 99.9% of people who will pick up this book to read, want to know about Ted Bundy from the different angle this book promises to give….

Sadly, IMO it fell short on that promise.

Not taking anything away from the author. I could not even begin to imagine what it would have been like to find out the boogie man that was making you double check your windows and doors were locked at night, the boogie man that made sure you always look over your shoulder, was your cousin.

However this memoir is mostly about the author’s life… 

The first 50% of the book while she was telling the reader all about her life she would slot in a sentence to remind everyone that Ted Bundy was her cousin. In a way, like she forgot that is what she promised to write about…

I really wanted to like this book, but honestly it was an almost DNF twice.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC of Dark Tide: Growing Up With Ted Bundy.

Edna Cowell Martin’s world was forever altered when her close cousin, Ted Bundy, became linked to the gruesome murders that plagued her hometown of Seattle. In this poignant memoir, Martin shares her journey of discovering the truth about a man she loved, admired, and thought she knew so well.

The narrative delves into the unbelievable and chilling episodes Martin experienced: confronting Ted, witnessing behavior she never suspected, and waking to the FBI at her door after his jailbreak. As someone who called him family, Martin offers a critical, new perspective on the infamous Ted Bundy.

Dark Tide raises thought-provoking questions: How well do we truly know those we trust most? Can love and loyalty blind us to the darkest secrets?

This book is a must-read for true crime enthusiasts, offering a unique viewpoint from a relative who grappled with the unimaginable truth. Martin’s storytelling is gripping and heart-wrenching, making Dark Tide a standout addition to the genre. 📖🌊

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Dark Tide, written by Edna Cowell Martin, is the first book written by a family member of Ted Bundy. Edna shares her experiences growing up with Ted Bundy visiting her family during vacations, and her experiences living in Seattle and spending time with him only to later find out that he was committing violent crimes against women during this time. The author shares her journey of coming to terms with her cousin and what he has done, as well as the relationship that they had.
I greatly enjoyed this book, and how the author shared her journey. I think she was careful in how she shared, in that sharing her experiences did not take away from the experiences or trauma of the victims of their families. I feel like I learned things that I have not previously read about in other books about these cases, and also appreciated the letters and photos included in this book. I definitely recommend this one! Thank you to NetGalley and to the author and publisher of this book for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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“Dark Tide” offers a gripping exploration into the mind of infamous serial killer Ted Bundy. Through a collection of letters exchanged with his family, readers gain unique insights that only close relatives can provide. Whether you’re curious about Bundy or a psychology student, this book is an excellent choice. 📖🔍

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To be honest, apart from knowing he was an infamous serial killer in the 1970s, I didn't know much about Ted Bundy prior to reading this book. A few chapters in, I headed over to Wikipedia to read more about him.

Dark Tide: Growing Up with Ted Bundy is the first memoir published by a direct family member of Ted Bundy. After reading about Bundy on Wikipedia, I don't feel this memoir gave me more insight into the motivations behind this serial killer’s misdeeds as, admittedly, Edna herself couldn't provide any answers as to what drove him to commit those heinous crimes.

However, this book gives a deeper understanding into what it was like being related to one of the most notorious serial murderers in American history, and how it impacted the lives of Edna, her family and their close friends. It chronicles how they had to come to terms forming a connection between a well-loved and adored family member, and someone who horrifically ended the lives of countless women.

Through letters, photos, and memories shared by Ted Bundy's cousin in this memoir, the reader gets a more in-depth look at how his crimes also scarred those who were closest to him. I found the visuals of the handwritten letters between Ted and Edna, letters written by his mother, and photos of a younger Ted Bundy, compelling.

Personally, I feel that if you want to read a book describing the crimes and court cases of Ted Bundy, you'll find other literature detailing that to a greater extent. But this is definitely a page-turner that snagged my interest a few chapters in, getting a few intimate glimpses into seeing what life was like with him from a family member's perspective.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Post Hill Press / Permuted Press for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was an interesting book. I have read lots of true crime, and the focus is usually on the murders themselves and what happened. This book gives a different perspective. If you are looking for details about Ted Bundy's murders and the blood and gore that other books offer this is not for you. Edna has her own story to tell, that is one of how a serial killers actions and infamy affects not just the family and friends of the victim but also the family of the killer. It is interesting to hear some details about what it was like socialising and having Ted Bundy in the family, and also how Edna has come to terms with her cousin being a guy she used to hang around with and one of the most infamous killers in US history.

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Edna Cowell's life was happy & fairly idyllic at first. Growing up with her parents & a brother, Edna was also close with her cousin Ted Bundy. Intelligent & charismatic, Ted was more of a second sibling than a cousin to Edna, which is why when he was arrested for several murders, Edna struggled to believe it was true. It was surely a mistake that would be rectified. Over time, Edna came to realise that the man she thought she knew was only one part of the person & that he had a dark side. This is a memoir which asks: can we ever truly know another person?

This is a really fascinating read but if you want to know about the actual murders, this is not the book for that. There are a lot of books out there on Ted Bundy but this one really gives a different perspective. It must be so difficult to wrap your head around the fact that someone you grew up with, were close to, turns out to have committed heinous crimes whilst continuing to behave absolutely normal to you. That moment in the car with just the two of them when Edna realises that Ted is guilty after all & slowly turns to look at him & he is just smiling at her - truly chilling!

Written in an interesting yet informal voice, I felt as if I were having a chat with the author & became really invested in her story. I absolutely recommend this book.

My thanks to NetGalley & publishers, Post Hill Press/Permuted Press, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

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I think "Dark Tide: Growing Up With Ted Bundy" is a must-read for any true crime fan, or anybody who followed Ted Bundy's case. This is the first book written by a blood relative of Bundy's. Edna Cowell Martin is Ted's first cousin, and Ted and his mom lived with Edna's family for a short while during Ted's childhood. Without giving too much away, Edna recalls how Ted Bundy was as a child and how she came to know he was evil.

Edna shares private letters between Ted and her, as well as letters between other family members who discuss Ted. Dark Tide gives a unique perspective, without glorifying the criminal, from somebody who actually knew Ted Bundy from childhood through adulthood, and shows the emotions felt through a family member's eyes. As a true crime fan who has watched and read several Ted Bundy documentaries and books, I enjoyed Edna's perspective.

Thank you to the publisher Post Hill Press, Permuted Press and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review "Dark Tide" before it's publication date.

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Although the Ted Bundy murders began in Washington State 50 years ago, the horror lives in the memories of so many people. And now we finally have a close family account of Ted Bundy - from his younger cousin. It's so sad, terrifying and I'm glad Edna has finally told her story.

Edna does a great job of sharing her life in the Seattle area in the 1960s and 1970s. Of the close community she found on Puget Sound at Far-A-Way where she met her future husband, horse-back riding and digging for clams on the beach, her happy family life, and her beloved cousin Ted who was more like a brother. How he visited her small college apartment usually bringing food and wine and good conversation. That time he asked Edna's brother and boyfriend to show him the bars near the campus where students congregated. And the night he got stoned and danced "spasmodic and agitated" on the coffee table. Yet, these were just small things that were minor blips on a lifetime of friendship and love.

The growing horror as Edna and her family learn about Ted is heartbreaking and palpable. "How does a mind process something like this, reassigning an adored cousin to one of the most well-known serial killers of the twentieth century?" Edna - or anyone placed in the same horrible situation - wants to believe that yes, the signs were there, they were just missed. But Edna shares another truth:

"Because the other answer is, I suspect, the one people are begging me to refute when they ask the question. It's the possibility no one wants, including myself. No. There were no signs. Nothing out of the ordinary. If that's true, it means Ted could be anyone. even those we'd never suspect. That means it's possible to have everyone fooled. No one wants that."

I strongly recommend Dark Tide . 5 stars and a Recommended Read.

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I have read and watched a lot about Ted Bundy in the past so I was really intrigued to read a different perspective of his story. / life / crimes.

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I wanted to love this book ... because who isn't fascinated by Ted Bundy? I've read most of the other books written about him, so I know the crimes that he committed and his "story". This was an interesting perspective. Edna is Ted's cousin, who spent a fair amount of time with him growing up. She paints a picture of an innocent man and seems to naively stand by him, at first convinced of his innocence and then by writing him letters to confess and agreeing to come meet him and listen to his confessions. I'm not sure how one person could be so naive?

There was a bit too much detail about Edna's life. Sorry, but we're all here for Ted Bundy. It is what it is ...

This review was also published on Goodreads.

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Growing up, Edna adored her close cousin Ted Bundy. Ted was five years older than Edna and I was connected to the family. Ted, Edna, and other family members would connect through the years, including college when Ted and Edna were at university of Washington. However, Ted was hiding a dark secret, one that would send the family into a state of disbelief.

This book is a sort of autobiography of Edna‘s life seen through the lens of her relationship with her cousin Ted. There are letters both two and from Ted Bundy and family photos. It’s a pretty interesting book to learn about Ted through the lens of his family.

Thank you to Post Hill Press/Permuted Press for providing an advance reader copy via NetGalley.

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As a huge fan of true crime, Dark Tide immediately intrigued me. Having read extensively about murder, true crime, and serial killers, I found this book refreshingly different. Typically, books on serial killers delve into the details of their lives and crimes, but seldom focus on their families or loved ones. While there are countless books on the market detailing the horrific actions of Ted Bundy, this book offers a unique perspective by focusing on Edna and her life.

Dark Tide provides an intimate look into Edna's experiences and the challenges she faced being related to one of history's most notorious serial killers. Not only that we see the aftermath and how being related to a serial killer, such as Ted Bundy can affect a person for decades to come.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Edna’s life and appreciated this different viewpoint. The inclusion of personal pictures and letters added a heartfelt touch, giving the book a personal edge that sets it apart from other true crime narratives.

Thank you to the publisher Post Hill Press / Permuted Press for providing an advance reader copy via NetGalley

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This book offers valuable information on Bundy, confirming some things that were suspected about him. The author's ambivalence about associating herself as Bundy's cousin is evident, although some of her anecdotes suggest she's trying to stretch her story to make it fill a book. Bundy's letters to her and his behavior around her and her friends offer compelling insights. However, the final chapter about her daughter, which includes an incident that undermines her moral lectures to Bundy, diminishes the impact of the overall narrative. A better sense of structure with a solid ending would have benefited this book. It seems to just trail off.

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I have read all the books about Ted Bundy but I really enjoyed this one. Dark Tide is about Ted's growing up and living with his cousin, Edna Cowell. She remembers having fun with him while living in Puget Sound, near Seattle Washington. She only recalls a couple of times that she saw Ted's dark side. One while he was dancing with a friend of Edna's she saw his pupil's turning black as he was smiling down looking at who he was dancing with. She also witnessed his smoking of pot which turned him into a wild, crazy person dancing on a coffee table. These times were scary and not typical of her cousin. Her father even wrote to the prosecutor to be kind to him while he was incarcerated. The family believed that he was being wrongly prosecuted until the police showed them proof that he murdered so many of the women. He even hid their bodies where he and his cousin John, Edna's brother, went hiking in the mountains. Edna wrote many letters to Bundy asking him to tell the police all that he knew. She shared the letters and pictures of Bundy in the book. Bundy told her not to believe all they told her but never confessed to what he did. He escaped a few times and eventually ended up in Florida where he was finally executed on January 24, 1989. They kept the secret that they were related to Bundy for 50 years but finally they started to admit that they were related. Edna decided to finally tell her story and wrote Dark Tide. If you like true crime then you will love this book. It goes to show that you never get to know a person even after growing up with them. Even their daughter, Anna, lives with the knowledge that she has a serial killer as a relative. Highly recommended!

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